Chocolate Touch Chapter 6 Novel Study Chapter 6 Vocabulary Novel Study Words to Know scorned reproachfully hooted disbelief protested regretted glee preferred scorned hooted protested glee reproachfully disbelief regretted preferred hooted To cry out or scream scorned hooted protested glee reproachfully disbelief regretted preferred preferred To like better than other choices scorned hooted protested glee reproachfully disbelief regretted preferred scorned Strong dislike scorned hooted protested glee reproachfully disbelief regretted preferred reproachful To Act embarrassed scorned hooted protested glee reproachfully disbelief regretted preferred disbelief Doubt or unsure scorned hooted protested glee reproachfully disbelief regretted preferred glee With great joy scorned hooted protested glee reproachfully disbelief regretted preferred protested To disagree scorned hooted protested glee reproachfully disbelief regretted preferred regretted Feeling sad about your actions Which means the same thing as the underlined word? • The child felt scorned after being scolded. Strong dislike cried Which means the same thing as the underlined word? • The boy hooted because he couldn’t find his planner. Got mad Cried out Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The boy protested against the new law. agreed disagree Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The family was full of glee at Christmas time. joy presents Which means the same thing as the underlined word? He looked at us reproachfully because we laughed when he fell down. embarrased With hate Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The man looked in disbelief at his winning lotto ticket. doubting excited Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The girl regretted not getting a dog. sad Was glad Which means the same thing as the underlined word? I prefer to coke over pepsi. drink Like it better You’ve got it!