DDTCN - BIGSPD - British and Irish Group for the Study of

Day Democratic Therapeutic Community Network
(DDTCN) – ‘The Network’
Three, one-day-per week Democratic Therapeutic Communities (DTC’s) –
satellite services established in Webb House era – planning meetings set up for
staff & service user consultants. Set up evaluated by Dr. Barbara Rawlings
Four DTC services involved in HaCCRU evaluation:
‘Evaluation of Day Services run by agency partnerships and Therapeutic
Community Service North (TCSN) – Barr, et al - 2008
DDTC Network established - during the TCSN era, following closure of Webb
House in 2004
‘Day Therapeutic Community services for people with personality disorder: a new
approach’ – Gopfert &Hellin, et al. – 2006
Network has grown & developed substantially since
service user consultants & staff from 10 current DTC’s with 1 joining and 2 more
in planning phase:
Rotunda – Liverpool (est. 2002)
Diverse Pathways – Leeds (est. 2003 - CoC accredited)
Fifteen – Manchester (est. 2005)
TaSTE – Tameside and Stockport Therapeutic Environment (est. 2007)
The Orb – Oldham, Rochdale & Bury (est. 2008)
2 B – Burnley (est. 2008)
Waterside – Birkenhead (est. 2008)
Taith – Wrexham (est. 2009)
Jigsaw – Chorley (est. 2010)
TES TC – Trafford (est. 2011)
Denton House TC – Northwich (est. 2012) - a new DTC service just started – in process
of joining DDTCN
► Blackpool? A 3rd Lancashire Care DTC is being planned
► Chester ?
► PiE (Personality in Education) – Manchester University
► 174 – Bolton
Function: “Not to re-invent the wheel”
Meets quarterly – hosted in rotation
Learn from each other & appreciate differences
Share experiences & resources
Develop services
Determine, monitor and maintain standards
Support forum for service user consultants and staff
Identify unmet training needs and provide in-house training
Developing a peer review system
Identify and develop future evaluation of services
► Inter-service
DDTCN planning for annual visits between services to monitor
standards and offer constructive comments – representative group of
service users, service user consultants & staff
► Annual
Training Event
2011 – Unstructured time
2012 – The role of the service user consultant
► The
future ?
Barr, W. Hodge, S. and Kirkcaldy, A. (2008) – Evaluation of Day Services run by agency
partnerships and Therapeutic Community Service North (TCSN) - HaCCRU
Gopfert, M. & Hellin, K. et al. (2006) - A weekly day therapeutic community service for
people with personality disorder: an innovative model. Psychiatric Bulletin
Pearce, S. & Haigh, R. (2008) – Mini Therapeutic Communities – A New Development in
the United Kingdom, therapeutic communities, 29, 2.
Rawlings, B. (2004) Setting Up New Services: how service users were involved in
planning therapeutic community day programmes, Therapeutic Communities, 24 (1), pp.
Rawlings, B. (2004) Interagency Collaboration: working in partnership to plan
therapeutic community day services for personality disorder - unpublished
An electronic copy of Dr. Barbara Rawlings unpublished paper can be obtained by
contacting her on: barbara.rawlings@talk21.com