A Dividing Nation Powerpoint - AlphonsusWiki

Chapter 20 and 21: A Dividing
Nation Powerpoint
By: Sixth Grade
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
By: Caroline Farrell
Definition: a law passed by Congress in 1787 that specified how western
lands would be governed
the law divided Northwest into smaller territories, with each one governed
with a territorial governor
it stated that once there was 5,000 free males, the territory could elect its
own legislature (law making body)
once the population reached 60,000, they can apply to Congress to
become a state
it also banned slavery north of the Ohio River: the result was that Ohio,
Indiana, and Illinois were free and Kentucky, Tennessee, Louisiana, and
Mississippi were slave states
In 1819, Alabama became a slave state because it was south of the Ohio
River and it made the number of slave and free states equal
But Missouri lead to another matter . . .
By: Nola Pirhofer
The Tallmadge Amendment
In the North the Tallmadge Amendment made strong feelings against
Many towns sent petitions to Congress saying that slavery is immoral
and unconstitutional.
The Amendment was to make Territory of Missouri to be become a
Union State.
And one New Hampshire representative Arthur Livermore spoke to
many Northerners by saying that " An opportunity is now presented...to
prevent the growth of a sin which sits heavy on the soul of every one
of us. By embracing this opportunity, we may retrieve the national
character, and, in some degree our own."
The House voted to approve the Amendment, but in the Senate, the
Southers were able to defeat it. The two houses were now arguing
over the issue of slavery in Missouri.
This would remain so as the 1819 session of Congress drew to a
The Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise was …
Nat Turner
By: Mike
Nat Turner led a slave rebellion that resulted in…
Nat Turner took the Solar eclipse that had happened
in February 1831 as a sign to start a very violent
Nat was born into slavery
Nat was born on October 2, 1800
Nat died on November 11, 1831
Wilmot Proviso
by Sara
In 1846, President James Polk asked for funds for the war with Mexico
The Wilmot Proviso stated that…..
The Wilmot Proviso was created by Pennsylvanian representative, David
Many ___________Congresspeople opposed this idea mainly because
_____________wanted to expand the cotton industry west.
Those Congresspeople believed the Congress didn't have the right to
decide where ____________________
The Wilmot Proviso passed the House, but was vetoed by the Senate
By: Kole
In 1849 , California tried to become part of the Union, before, it was
controlled by Mexico.
The Missouri compromise stretched all the way to the pacific so California
should __________
The North said…..
But the Conederate states said…..
North and South became locked in an argument….
The Compromise of 1850
By Gabby Tallud
Henry Clay, the creator of the Missouri Compromise had planned an idea
to end the deadlock of California, but he needed to go across Congress, so
he asked Senator Daniel Webster for some support.
The Compromise pleased everyone:
Since humans would no longer be bought, Clay and Webster agreed that
the compromise would win support from the abolitionists without
threatening the slaveholders' rights.
Despite Webster support,
Congress debated the Compromise
of 1850 for nine months!
In September of 1850, the finally
accepted Clay's plan and the
Americans were happy but some
Southerners remained wary.
The Fugitive Slave Act
By: Samantha Sayre
Under Act...
- Anyone arrested had little rights.
- Anyone who helped a slave escape or refused slave
catchers would be put in jail.
Resulted in...
- Slave Hunters
North: Did not want to enforce the law and
South: Did not think slaves would be captured.
-Slaves Hunters driven out of town.
-Slaveholders were mad at the North because they did not
Uncle Tom's Cabin
By: Max Berry
The novel Uncle Tom's Cabin was written by Harriet Beecher.
The novel was about a Saintly slave known as Uncle Sam how was beaten to death by his evil
Master named Simon Legree.
Uncle Sam's last words to his Master were "Ye poor miserable critter! There ain't no more ye can
do. I forgive ye, with all my soul!"
The novel was published in 1852.
Kansas- Nebraska Act
By: Luke Siwik
Senator Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois introduced a bill in
Congress that would get a railroad built in California, which
would likely happen if Congress organized the Great Plains in
the Nebraska territory.
He had to make a few changes because of Congress.
Final version of the bill was known as the Kansas-Nebraska
act, it created Kansas/ Nebraska territory and is left it up to the
settlers to vote to have slavery. It also abolished Missouri
Northerners were haunted by visions of slavery, so Douglas told
that the climates of Kansas and Nebraska were not suited for slave
When Northerners studied maps, they were not so sure.
Ostend Manifesto
By: Luke Hunneke
Ostend Manifesto is a document that was sent to the
secretary of state
President Franklin Pierce had been trying to get the island
Cuba from Spain
This document said that the US would take Cuba by force
if Spain did not agree to give them Cuba
When the public heard about the message, Northerners
were angry because he wanted to add another slave state
Bloodshed in Kansas
By: Megan O'Neil
The same year the Kansas Nebraska act was passed (in 1854), Settlers
rushed to Kansas
The Government soon had the two competitive bodies: for and against
After two years of opposing government bodies, proslavery settlers called
"border ruffians" from Missouri came in and invaded Lawrence, Kansas
o They looted several homes, burned a hotel, and threw two printing
presses for and abolitionist newspaper into a river
The invasion made the outraged people of the North raised money to
replace the printing presses and
called for more antislavery
settlers came to Kansas
One abolitionist named
John Brown got 5 people to
go with him and killed 5 people
who supported slavery
Senator Charles Sumner
By: Conrad Herold
Charles Sumner was disturbed by the violence in Kansas because he felt against Kansas
becoming a slave state
He gave a passionate speech about the situation using harsh words and blaming several people.
The northern politicians and their people were satisfied when they first read it, but the southerners
felt a little different
They were offended and a man named Preston Brooks decided to pumple Douglas into a pole...
Literally. The guy took his cane and hit the senator in the head till he collapsed with blood
emptying from his head
This incident really separated the north and south even more and they were one step closer to
As for Brooks, he was sent new canes in place for the broken one that he clobbered Douglas with.
And as for Douglas... He really shouldn't move his mouth again if he wants to avoid round 2
The Dred Scott Case
By: Nina Siwik
Dred Scott Case: explaining what court case was about
o Different from Dred Scott Decision
Dred Scott: former slave who went to Wisconsin (free state)
Argued he should be free because of his stay in a free state
Questions in case:
o Was Dred Scott a citizen who had the right to bring a case before a
federal court?
o Did his time in Wisconsin make him a free man?
Justice Roger Taney: judge hoped case would abolish ALL slaverybrought forth more questions
o Did Congress have the power to make any laws including slavery in
the territories?
o Is the Missouri Compromise a constitutional use of that power?
Roger Taney always disliked slavery
o Hoped it would be "wiped away" (as in a quote he said)
o Freed his own slaves
Dred Scott Decision
By: Katherine Higgins
Chief Justice Roger Taney declared that Dred
Scott had no right to sue for his freedom because he
was not a citizen.
He could never become a citizen because he was
African American.
Even though he had lived in Wisconsin, where slavery
had been banned, he was not free because the
Missouri Compromise was ruled unconstitutional.
The Missouri Compromise was ruled unconstitutional
because Taney argued that by banning slavery in a
territory, property was being taken from slave owners,
which is against the 5th amendment.
The Dred Scott Decision delighted Southerners and
Lincoln Vs. Douglas By: Ryan Pilcher
Lincoln and Douglas were running for Illinois
Douglas thought that the U.S. could go half slave
and half free while Lincoln was against slavery
Lincoln challenged Douglas to debate over slavery
Douglas said that the Dred Scott decision solved
Lincoln said that slavery was moral and was not
Lincoln ended up losing the election
Debates make Lincoln a national figure
The Election of 1860
by: Keila D'Alia
The 1860 Election was very confusing:
-Republicans stood behind Abraham Lincoln.
-Democrats were split between Northern and Southern
-Southern Democrats wanted Stephen Douglas for
president, Northern Democrats nominated John C.
-The Constitutional Union Party nominated John Bell
for President.
Abraham Lincoln was elected President with 40% of the
votes. (The election was split three ways.)
The Southerners thought that now, they were a
John Brown's Raid
By Ronan Prugh
John Brown (North) led a group of 21 men from Maryland to Virginia to
capture weapons stored at the arsenal at Harpers Ferry
He was trying to destroy the slave system in the South.
Brown wanted to attack slaveholders with the weapons
He wasn't able to capture the whole city because of a train that warned the
federal army.
In the North, John Brown was known as a martyr and a hero instead of a
crazed lunatic.
Succession by John R.
President elect Abraham Lincoln said that he would
keep slavery in the South but would not allow it to
spread into other territories.
In 1860
In 1861
Citation Page
Picture on Missouri Compromise https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source
Picture on 1860 Election Page: civilwarinvirginia.wordpress.com
Google Images- Dred Scott photo
http://www.watchmojo.com/tv/Grab/Howcast/4197655/ -Picture for my
awesome background (Ryan Pilcher!)
John Brown's raid