
A multi-faceted sacred art exhibition
May 3-5, 2013
Media Kit | V3 | Updated 11/06/12
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About Art for God’s Sake
Guests of Honor
Poster Contest + Call to Artists
Event Schedule
Sponsorships + Advertisements
Media Gallery
Contact Information
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Featured Artists
Background Information
Anthony John Bellomo
About AFGS
William Butler
Mission Statement + Goal
Kathleen Bordo Crombie
Guests of Honor
Sergio De Giusti
– Honorary Chairperson Archbishop Allen Vigneron
Carol Kabrin
– Honorary Committee
Dominic Pangborn
• Chairperson Archbishop Allen Vigneron
Suzanne M. Young
• Vic Faust
AFGS Volunteers |Committee
• John + Kristan Hale
Poster Contest
• Elizabeth Lev
Call to Artists
• Michael J. Malinowski
Event Schedule
• L. Brooks Patterson
• Antonio + Suzanne Rea
Sponsorships + Advertisements
• John Sauvé
Media Gallery | AFGS News | Event
Promos | Photos
• Monsignor Anthony Tocco
Contact Information
• Teresa Tomeo
• Robert Wilbert
– Juror
• Barbara Heller
Clicking on this symbol throughout this
Clergy + Religious Artists
document while in presentation view will
Father J.J. Mech
redirect you to this “Quick Links” page
Father Craig Giera
Father Bob McCabe
Brother Michael Gaffney
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637 5587 | MY STREET 12345,
| ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com
| P: 248.906.2347
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About Art for God’s Sake
Art for God’s Sake (AFGS) is a juried, professional art show that highlights sacred
themes. The three-day, multi-faceted exhibition includes an elegant opening-night
gala, interactive art demos, and educational opportunities. It also showcases the
non-juried artwork of well-known artists and local clergy
The inspiring art celebration, a rarity in the Archdiocese of Detroit, will be presented
May 3-5, 2013 on the campus of St. Anastasia Roman Catholic Church in Troy,
Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Fr. J.J. Mech, Pastor at St. Anastasia Roman Catholic
Church in Troy, MI, created Art for God’s Sake with the basic goal of bringing any and
all people together, and with art, presenting an opportunity to pray and to get to
know the Lord. His hope is to bring this art show to the community and to allow us
to immerse ourselves in the many ways that God can reach out to us through art. Fr.
Mech believes that Art For God’s Sake is an uplifting declaration and reminder that
even when times are troubled, the Catholic Church protects and honors the
masterful beauty expressed to us by talented artists who are blessed with a measure
of the Lord’s creativity
Prior to earning his degree in Interdisciplinary Studies and his Master of Divinity at
Sacred Heart Seminary, Fr. Mech attended Michigan State University where he
enrolled in an art history course providing him with his first opportunity to examine
art. He noticed that the Church inspired the majority of the art studied
Fr. Mech and the AFGS committee would like attendees to be inspired with the
transcendent beauty of the art and to walk away feeling uplifted and with a different
understanding of the Lord
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2013 Event
• When | Friday, May 3, 2013
thru Sunday, May 5, 2013
• Where | Campus of St.
Anastasia Roman Catholic
Church, Troy, Michigan
• A portion of 2013 proceeds
will benefit The Patrons of
the Arts initiatives to
preserve the vast and unique
collection of art contained in
the Vatican Museums
• Exhibit Director | Fr. J.J.
• Exhibit Chair | Christine
www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
About Art for God’s Sake
Art for God’s Sake also strives to support artists. A poster contest, high school art
show, and juried art show will give artists the opportunity to become eligible for
The AFGS poster contest will afford the winner an opportunity for his or her artwork
to be used in advertising and promoting the event, an addition to one’s portfolio,
and also a $100 prize
During this challenging economy, arts programs often get cut. The committee is
tying in with local schools to involve student artists in its high school art show. The
purpose of AFGS is not only to display art, but for it to be utilized as a catechetical
Work from jury-selected clergy artists and other artists will also be publicized in a
catalog that will be distributed to AFGS attendees
Art for God’s Sake is just that. It is art for the sake of God; it can draw us to know
Him more fully. Scripture is beautiful poetry and the Holy Spirit can significantly
move us. It is an opportunity to celebrate our history and be lifted up. Fr. Mech
would like the community to be drawn in, to be inspired and really understand the
art, and thus gain a better understanding of who created us
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Supporting Artists
• 2013 Poster Contest
• Prize - $100
• Deadline – January 18,
• 2013 High School Art Show
• 1 st Place - $100
• 2 nd Place - $50
• 3 rd Place - $25
• 2013 Juried Art Show Prizes
• 1 st Place - $2,500
• 2 nd Place - $1,500
• 3 rd Place - $1,000
For more about AFGS, please listen to Fr. J.J.’s inspiring interview about the launch
of AFGS 2011 with Teresa Tomeo on EWTN Radio (Internet connection required)
• http://avemariaradio.net/archiveListen.php?file=cc_20101102_1
www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Our Mission + Goal
Our Mission
To expose our community to the transcendent beauty
of art while inviting artists to share their talents, so
“the knowledge of God can be better revealed and the
preaching of the Gospel can become clearer to the
human mind” 1
1 SECOND VATICAN ECUMENICAL COUNCIL, Pastoral Constitution on the
Church in the Modern World Gaudium et Spes, 22.
Our Goal
Our goal is to educate and inspire the community with
sacred art, allowing people to spiritually connect and
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• Art for God’s Sake is a
combined effort of faithful
people who believe in its
mission. These dedicated
people include participating
artists, devoted volunteers,
generous attendees,
individual donors, and various
business owners and their
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AFGS provides artists with a rare and unique platform
through which they can showcase their sacred artwork
and through their medium express their faith
Some feedback from AFGS artists:
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“It was an honor to be one of the juried artists. Great show.
Hope to do it again next year!” (AFGS Facebook follower)
“I would love to participate next year!” (AFGS Facebook
“It was a wonderful show and I was thrilled to be part of it as a
juried artist. Hope you will do it again.” (AFGS Facebook
“I was honored to be among such wonderful, and creative
talent...Congrats to all the artists!!! I hope to meet you some
day!” (AFGS Facebook follower)
“…a few photos I captured while at the event. It was an
amazing grouping of artwork - most impressive! Thank you for
all of your efforts.” (AFGS Facebook follower)
“I did participate. I will next time too. Loved it!” (AFGS Twitter
www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Our 2013 motif is the sunflower. We relate to St.
John’s work, Iliotropion, which is the Greek
word for helianthus (sunflower)
For St. John, the sunflower was analogous to the
agreement of the human will with the will of
God. Daily, the sunflower turns its face from
one side to the other, following the movement
of the sun, much like our turning to God
Iliotropion, in fact, looks at the Divine and
human wills: "The only true means for attaining
our happiness in this life and in the next is the
constant turning of our attention within
ourselves, to our own conscience, to our
thoughts, words, and deeds, so as to raise them
to passionlessness: this will reveal to us our
mistakes in life and indicate the only path to
salvation. This path is the entire devotion of our
whole being, of our whole self with all the
circumstances of our life, to the will of God. As
a symbol of this our turning to God we may
take the growth of the sunflower; let it be ever
before our eyes”
Source: http://saintjohnwonderworker.org/tobolsk.htm
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Guests of Honor
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Honorary Chairperson |
Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron
His Excellency Most Reverend, Allen H. Vigneron,
Archbishop of Detroit, is the Honorary Chairperson
of Art for God’s Sake
He was present at AFGS 2011 and is supportive of
the faith’s rich tradition of sacred art
“The arts in all their forms can serve to elevate our
souls, to inspire us, and to beautify our world. Even
more importantly, the arts so often are able to
serve as powerful signs of God’s infinite truth,
goodness, and beauty. The arts can evoke emotion,
prompt reflection and meditation, and help us to
engage in a more perfect worship of Our Lord, who
created us mind, body, and soul”
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Guests of Honor
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Honorary Committee Chairperson
Most Reverend Allen Vigneron
Archbishop Allen Vigneron was born in Mount
Clemens and raised in Fair Haven
He is the first native son appointed to be Archbishop
of Detroit
Installed as Archbishop of Detroit in January 2009
Archbishop Vigneron has focused on the revitalization
of the local Church
He has overseen a restructuring of the Archdiocesan
curia; implemented a second phase of Together in
Faith parish-centered strategic planning; and has
implemented a five-year capital initiative, Changing
Lives Together, which involves all parishes within the
As a spiritual leader, Archbishop Vigneron has
encouraged the Archdiocese in embracing new
devotions; strengthened ties with other Christian and
religious leaders in the area; and has been a vocal and
present leader on the issues of the right to life and
religious freedom
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Honorary Committee |Vic Faust
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Vic Faust is co-anchor of Action News This Morning and Action News
at Noon. He previously anchored the 6 p.m. and 11 p.m.
sportscasts on Action News Weekend and hosted the 30 minute
Sunday Sports Update
Prior to joining channel 7 in 2004, Vic worked at KQTV in St. Joseph,
MO, KMIZ in Columbia, MO and KOKI in Tulsa, OK as a Sports
Director/Anchor. He began his broadcasting career as a colorcommentator on the Missouri Tiger Radio Network, following a 4year football career as a Tiger
When asked what it takes to be successful, Vic says, "Act with
integrity, be honest, keep your faith and bring your best every day”
When Vic isn't chasing down a story for Channel 7, he enjoys
working out and spending as much time as possible with his family.
He is married with three children
www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Honorary Committee | John + Kristan Hale
Kristan Hale, has been active in the community and arts since
attending Divine Child High School. She graduated with a
teaching certificate from Western Michigan University and
earned her Masters Degree in Reading Recovery from Eastern
Michigan University. Kristan is a former Dearborn Public
Schools teacher of 10 years and worked as an historical
interpreter at Greenfield Village. She is an active member of a
number of organizations including Legatus, Detroit Chapter
Mr. John Hale graduated from the University of Michigan and
obtained his law degree from the University of Detroit
Mercy. He worked as a clerk for Chief Justice Riley on the
Michigan Supreme Court, was an associate at Bodman,
Longley, & Dahling, LLP, and later worked as in-house counsel
at Ford Motor Company
In 2000, John left the practice of law to join Corporate Travel,
a family business, where he currently serves as President and
co-owner. Mr. Hale is also a member of the Sovereign Military
Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of
Malta - American Association, the Equestrian Order of the
Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, the Board of the Detroit Chapter
of Legatus, the Cardinal’s Club, and the Board of Regents for
Ave Maria University
John and Kristan Hale reside in Dearborn,
Michigan where they maintain a tremendous
interest in the arts, particularly the sacred arts.
They are the co-chairs of the Michigan Chapter
of The Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican
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Honorary Committee |Elizabeth Lev
Dr. Elizabeth Lev is an American-born art historian who lives and works
in Rome. She describes herself as “a joyful member of the Rome faculty”
at Duquesne University’s Italian Campus program, where she has taught
art history since nearly the very beginning of the program’s existence
Among a small number of Americans who has passed the stringent
licensing exam for guides in Italy, her services as a guide are in high
demand and she has been privileged to accompany many distinguished
visitors, including former First Lady Laura Bush, through the Vatican
Museums and to other sites of interest in Rome and beyond
She appeared in the History Channel’s program “Angels and Demons
Decoded” and served as the host of “Catholic Canvas,” a 10-part
television series on the art of the Vatican Museums that aired on EWTN.
She has written numerous articles for Inside the Vatican, Sacerdos and
First Things magazine, and also writes a regular column with Zenit News
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In addition to all this, Elizabeth has found time to recently complete her
first biography, The Tigress of Forli: The Remarkable Story of Caterina
Riario Sforza
www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Honorary Committee |Michael J.
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As state deputy of the Michigan Knights of
Columbus, Michael J. Malinowski is the
chief executive officer and chairman of the
board of the 70,000-member Michigan
State Council of the Knights of Columbus
He was elected state deputy in 2012 after
earlier serving two years each as state
secretary, state treasurer, state advocate,
and state warden
The Knights of Columbus are Catholic gentlemen
committed to the exemplification of charity, unity,
fraternity, patriotism, and defense of the
The Order is consecrated to the Blessed Virgin
Mary and is unequivocal in its loyalty to the Pope,
the Vicar of Christ on earth. It is firmly committed
to the protection of human life, from conception to
natural death, and to the preservation and defense
of the family
Brother Knights work to fulfill the central mission of
the Order: striving in charitable works; serving the
Church and unified in following its teachings;
supporting brother Knights in their temporal and
spiritual needs; acting for the good of their country;
and giving aid to widows, orphans, the sick and the
www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Honorary Committee |L. Brooks Patterson
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L. Brooks Patterson is in his fifth term as Oakland County Executive.
Under his leadership, Oakland County has won the respect of Wall
Street, retaining the coveted AAA bond rating with a stable outlook.
Oakland County became the first in the nation to pass a balanced
three-year budget in line-item detail. Patterson shares the formula
of Oakland County’s success in these trying economic times with
local government leaders at annual budget symposiums
Patterson continues to transform Oakland County from a
manufacturing economy to a knowledge based-economy through his
Emerging Sectors and Medical Main Street programs, Automation
Alley and the recently-established Economic Growth Alliance
He strives to improve the quality of life in Oakland County from
challenging Oakland schools to teach Mandarin Chinese, to
encouraging kids to get active in his Count Your Steps program to
creating family-friendly events such as the Fire and Ice Festival in
Rochester and Arts, Beats & Eats in Royal Oak. Patterson presides
over 4,000 employees who commit to making Oakland County a
great place to live, work, play, and raise a family
www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Honorary Committee |Antonio + Suzanne Rea
Tony earned a degree in architectural
engineering from Lawrence Institute of
Technology and opened his own business
in 1972. He is president of A. Rea
Construction, Inc. and Fairmount
Properties, a commercial real estate firm.
He is also chairman of Thrifty Florist, Inc., a
retail florist chain; his eldest son, Chris, is
chief executive. He is a trustee or board
member of Legatus, the Papal Foundation,
and parents
the John Paul
II Cultural
and is
Antonio and Suzanne Rea of Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, are the
of five
on the board of regents at Ave Maria
of whom have graduated from NotreUniversity
Dame. in Naples, Florida
The Rea Endowment has enabled the acquisition of postmedieval materials from the Cinquecento to the contemporary
Suzanne graduated from the University of
era; materials in Renaissance Italian studies, including histories of
Cincinnati with degrees in fine arts, history,
Rome, Florence, Venice, and Milan; the writings of worldand education. She is committed to church,
renowned thinkers such as Leonardo Bruni and Leonardo da
school, cultural, and charitable
Vinci; the poetry of Petrarcha; the love sonnets of the Dolce stil
associations. Of particular importance to
nuovo; and contemporary Italian literature, film, and music. It
Suzanne is the Patron of the Arts in the
also gives Notre Dame the means to acquire materials in Italian
Vatican Museums, dedicated to the
art history, particularly as it is embodied in the religious works of
preservation and restoration of all of the
art and architecture patronized by the Roman Catholic Church
artwork at the Vatican
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Honorary Committee |John Sauvé
Sauvé prompted the creation of the Brighton Mayor’s Commission
on Art in Public Places in Brighton, Michigan, and served as its
chairperson. Under Sauvé’s guidance, the Commission developed
the Brighton Biennial Sculpture Exhibit, which installed 28 pieces of
large-scale public art in the City of Brighton
His other accomplishments include:
Photo via iamthegreatestbh.com
John Sauvé served as Executive Assistant to the
founding Director of the Michigan Council for
Arts, E. Ray Scott, with responsibility for the
Michigan Commission on Art in Public Places
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Curating the City of Birmingham Cityscapes Sculpture Exhibit
Conceiving the development of the Green Oak Village Place Sculpture Park
2008: The American Institute of Architects recognized his Design of the Green Oak
Village Place Sculpture Park with the Merit Award
Served as curator of the Blue Water International Sculpture Exhibit between Canada
and the United States
Presently overseeing the sculpture installation in the Stone Ridge Sculpture Park just
outside Manhattan in Upstate New York, the Lyon Sculpture Park in New Hudson and
the Detroit Riverfront Sculpture Park
2010: Sauvé’s artwork was commissioned by the Marc Ecko Foundation to be the first
public sculpture exhibit installed on New York City’s Highline
2011: As part of the Art Chicago Sculpture Exhibit, Sauvé’s sculpture was located in
front of the Merchandise Mart in Downtown Chicago
Installation of the first sculpture on the Detroit Riverfront in over 20 years
Serving arts and cultural organizations, including the Birmingham Public Art Board,
Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, Michigan Commission on Art in Public
Places, and Concerned Citizens for the Arts
John Sauvé holds a Master of Arts Administration from Michigan State University and a
Bachelor in Marketing and Art History also from Michigan State University
John has been making sculptures for over thirty years out of his studio in Brighton,
Michigan. In addition to making large scale sculpture, John enjoys doing smaller scale
work for gallery exhibitions. He has numerous group exhibitions and many awards to
his credit
www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Honorary Committee |Monsignor Anthony
Reverend Monsignor Anthony Tocco is a native
Detroiter, the twelfth of thirteen children. He was
ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Detroit on
June 5, 1965; his first assignment was as
Assistant Pastor of St. Veronica’s parish, East
Detroit; he then moved on to St. Margaret of
Scotland Parish in St. Clair Shores, and is now
pastor of St. Hugo of the Hills Parish, Bloomfield
Hills. He was elevated to the Honorary Prelature
of Monsignor on May 14, 1990 by the Holy
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He holds an MA in guidance and counseling from the
University of Detroit and an MDiv from St. John’s Provincial
Seminary. Monsignor has been a vicariate vicar,
Archdiocesan Presbyteral Council and College of Consultor
member, and trustee of Madonna University. He is a member
of the Foundation Committee for St. Vincent de Paul Society
with a particular emphasis on improvement to Camp
Ozanam. Monsignor Tocco was a member of the Board of
Directors of Marian High School and the Board of Trustees of
Madonna University. He has been a co-chair of the SOCK
event for several years, having been personally committed to
the work of the Capuchin Soup Kitchen since ordination
Reverend Monsignor Tocco is the founding father of the
Great Lakes Chamber Music Festival sponsored by St. Hugo,
Kirk in the Hills Presbyterian Church and Temple Beth-El, all
in Bloomfield Hills
In 1987, Monsignor Tony was appointed by Cardinal Edmund
Szoka to act as Site Director for the visit of the Holy Father
Monsignor Tony, a member of the College of Consultors of
the Archdiocese of Detroit, was asked by Cardinal Adam
Maida to take charge of the restoration/renovation of the
Blessed Sacrament Cathedral
www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Honorary Committee |Teresa Tomeo
Teresa Tomeo is a veteran broadcast-journalist with more than 20 years
of experience as a radio and TV news reporter and anchorwoman mainly
in the Detroit area
Teresa first served as an award-winning radio reporter and radio news
anchor receiving recognition for her work from the Associated Press, The
Detroit Press Club, and the American Women in Radio and TV. She has
worked as a reporter/anchor for WKBD-TV 50 and at Detroit’s ABC
affiliate, WXYZ-TV Channel 7, covering some of the most significant
stories of the ‘90s, including the Oklahoma City Bombing and the 1995
visit to the United States by Pope John Paul II
In 2000, Teresa decided to leave the secular media to help families and
other concerned citizens engage the culture
She is now an author, a syndicated Catholic talk show host on her own
program, Catholic Connection, on Ave Maria Radio, a professional
speaker, and a media consultant. Most recently, she was invited to Rome
to be one of only 260 international delegates to participate in the 20th
anniversary of Mulieris Dignitatum, a “Congress on Women”
Teresa emceed AFGS 2011 and returns to AFGS as part of our 2013
Honorary Committee
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Honorary Committee |Robert Wilbert
His philosophy and methodology have
deeply interconnected the artists in our
cultural community
Mr. Wilbert’s art has been exhibited at The
Metropolitan Museum of New York, The
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, and The
Detroit Institute of Arts
Mr. Wilbert was the main juror for Art For
God’s Sake 2011
The art of Mr. Wilbert continues to show at
the Detroit Institute of Arts today
He was born in Chicago, Illinois
Robert Wilbert now teaches painting at The
Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center
In his 40-year tenure in painting instruction
at Wayne State University, he became a
widely admired and beloved mentor
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Guests of Honor
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Juror | Barbara Heller
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Barbara Heller is the Chief Conservator at the Detroit Institute of Arts
At the November 1989 annual meeting of the Michigan Museums Association, Barbara
presented a session on Disaster Planning and Mitigation sponsored by the Michigan Alliance
The session was important not just to museums but to all institutions and organizations that
house irreplaceable resources
– http://www.dia.org/art/disaster-and-conservation-resources.aspx
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Clergy + Religious Artists|Fr. J.J. Mech
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Fr. Mech transferred to Sacred Heart Major Seminary
and continued to pursue this passion by working with
watercolors and eventually being hired by area
churches to design and create their Paschal
Candles. He also created the Seminary’s welcome
banner for Pope John Paul II’s visit to Detroit
Fr. Mech was inspired by the abundance of Pewabic
Tile on campus. His own low-relief tile work includes a
fiftieth anniversary limited edition piece for Our Lady
of Loretto, where he also created the stone-and-wood
presider’s chair and the tiles for the side-altar shrine
to the Blessed Virgin
Fr. J.J. Mech grew up in Dearborn Heights, MI. He
attended Catholic schools for 12 years before going
to Michigan State University. There, he had the
transforming experience of taking an art history
class, where he was introduced to a grand love of
art, as if “God had turned on a light switch”
Fr. Mech brings this art show to the community to help
us fully celebrate our continually developing identity
as a parish, and to allow us to immerse ourselves in
the many ways that God can reach out to us through
art. The pastor believes that Art For God’s Sake is an
uplifting declaration and reminder that even when
times are troubled, the Catholic church has always
protected and honored the masterful beauty
translated to us by the expressive talents of those who
are given a measure of the Lord’s creativity
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Clergy + Religious Artists|Fr. Craig Giera
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Fr. Craig Giera received a Bachelors in Fine Arts at Wayne
State University with a double concentration in painting and
Fr. Giera: “Before hearing ‘the call,’ I lived my life as an
artist. I always tried to further my creativity and develop my
technical ability in whatever media I used. I entered school
and received a Bachelors in Fine Arts at Wayne State
University with a double concentration in painting and
sculpture. Once school was over, I had some success
displaying and selling my art at different venues. After
working for a number of years in a gallery, I began a new
body of work in order to apply to graduate school. In the
paint and solitude I heard God and found myself. Art was
the forum where I was able to discern my vocation and
where my prayer became alive. I was ordained a Catholic
Priest on May 22, 2010 and I am currently the Associate
Pastor at St. Fabian Parish and St. Colman Parish in
Farmington Hills, MI”
www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Clergy + Religious Artists|Fr. Bob McCabe
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“My fondest memories from my high school
years were those spent taking pictures and
working in the photo lab (dark room). It was
the first time I really excelled in any particular
area. The creative process captured my
imagination. During my college years at Mercy
College, I took many photography
courses. Although photography has always
been a great passion of mine, I didn’t pursue
photography as my livelihood
My main interest in photography is taking
pictures of people. Many of them are informal
portraits; others examine the human condition,
focusing on the needs of those who are poor and
struggling. Some of these photographs appeared
in the December 2009 issue of the Hour Detroit
I was ordained to the priesthood for the
Archdiocese of Detroit in 1995. I am currently
serving as the pastor of St. Pius X parish in
Southgate, Michigan
As a priest, it is very important to have a creative
outlet. Photography affords me a beautiful
opportunity to see God working in the creative
process. When I take pictures, I never know what
the end result will be. God coordinates so much
of what takes place. The who, what, where, and
how a picture will be taken normally is unknown
to me when I set out to take pictures
I once asked a friend, who was returning from
fishing, if he had a good day. He said, ‘Bob, every
day fishing is a good day.’ I feel the same way
whenever I return from having taken pictures”
www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Clergy + Religious Artists|Br. Michael Gaffney
Brother Michael Gaffney is a Capuchin
Franciscan living in Detroit, Michigan and
originally from North Dakota and Minnesota.
He entered the Capuchin Order after High
He worked at the St. Lawrence High School
Seminary in Wisconsin as a printer mainly of
work involving fundraising for the school. It
was there that he had the opportunity to
expand his love for the Arts
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Br. Gaffney then moved to Detroit where his work is to handle
the creative side of fundraising for the Capuchin Soup Kitchen,
Missions, Father Solanus Casey Center and the needs of the
Capuchins’ Province. He attended the Center for Creative
Studies and has created a variety of artwork for the Province
and for various ministries and individuals
His forms of work include: Graphic Design, Illustrations,
Photography, Sculpture, Sketching, Drawing, Painting, Pen &
Ink-Pointillism, Iconography, Large Street Banners and Signs,
Logo Designs and various other means of art
One of his largest creations has been for the Capuchin
Cemetery in Wisconsin as well as for the Capuchin Province of
St. Mary in Yonkers, New York of a life size Bronze Sculpture
called, “The Embrace of Sister Death.” Recently he did the
painting of the meeting between St. Andre Bessett and Father
Solanus which was featured in the Michigan Catholic and
hangs in the Chapel of St. Bonaventure Monastery and the
Bronze Statue of St. Anthony for Our Lady of Good Counsel in
Plymouth, Michigan
Several of his bronze reliefs of Francis and Clare displayed in
the Capuchin College in Rome, the Capuchin Friary in Assisi,
and the Capuchin Friary in Peru. Br. Gaffney is grateful for all
that he’s been able to create and to share
www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Featured Artist|Anthony John Bellomo
A.J. Bellomo is a sculptor, designer, and former art
educator. His works have ranged from commercial
construction and community space design/landscape,
to residential building/renovation and private
gardens. From religious art to signage with sensitivity
and warmth, wood carvings have dominated his
Bellomo describes himself as “an artist with many
hats” who offers himself to people and their
community as an empty vessel when invited to do
so. He takes their “communion of dreams, prayers,
and stories” spills them out, and makes art
Bellomo’s boyhood dream was to build churches. He
also loved woodcarvings. After receiving a degree in
education from Wayne State University and becoming
a member of The National Teachers Association, he
began teaching art in 1970. He later became a
licensed residential builder in Michigan and began
doing residential renovations, developing shopping
centers, and creating daycare environments. In all his
projects, Tony does research into the owners’
personalities, needs, and desires so that his work
tends to improve lives in addition to structures. He
hopes that people interact with the spaces he builds
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As a member of the Society for the Arts in Health
Care, Tony enjoys helping those who need some extra
special care. This coalition of artists and medical
professionals are documenting empirical data on art
experiences in a health care setting and the positive
effects art has on all involved
Tony has been part of building Cathedrals and
Temples, Mosques and Synagogues all his life. Holy
places all: homes, schools, gardens, hospitals, malls
and even a tree house. By listening to others and
helping them put a shape to their dreams, he has
realized his own
www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Featured Artist|William Butler
William Butler is an established, nationally known artist. He
creates inspirational Studio, Live, and Commissioned works of art;
his paintings have been purchased from coast to coast.
William strives to use his talents for God’s glory, bringing more
than twenty years of experience as an artist and a graphic
designer to each painting
William, his wife Ronja, and their boys recently moved from Des
Moines, Iowa, to Camden, New Jersey, to open William’s gallery &
studio and to expand their business: Thomas Lift, a socially
conscious company creating inspired art, design – and soon
clothing – as a brand of love and justice. Camden is a city riddled
with crime and poverty; however, the Butler family desires to help
bring restoration to its people
The Butlers were blessed to participate in Art for God’s Sake in
2011 and look forward to presenting a live-art experience in 2013
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Featured Artist|Kathleen Bordo Crombie
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Kathleen Bordo Crombie is a nationally recognized contemporary basket artist
with gallery representation and pieces in several private collections and has
exhibited her work at the Sybaris Gallery, Craft Alliance, Appalachian Center for
Craft, and the Works Gallery amongst others
She taught contemporary basketry workshops at multiple national venues
including the Detroit Institute of Arts, the Center for Creative Studies, the Textile
Arts Center, Pittsburgh Center for the Arts and the Telluride Basketry
Symposium. In 1994 she presented “In the Making: A Look at Contemporary
Basketry” as a guest lecturer during the “Warped Notions: Traditional and
Contemporary Basket Forms” exhibition at the Detroit Institute of Arts
Since 2005, and being influenced by Pope John Paul II’s “Letter to Artists”,
Crombie’s artistic interest moved from contemporary basketry to traditional
iconography. Having studied iconography with Peter Pearson at St. Michael Sacred
Art Institute at Enders Island, CT, Dmitri Andrejev of the Prosopon School of
Iconology at Conception Abbey at Conception, MO, and with Fr. Damian Higgins
from Mount Tabor Monastery in California, she enjoys the flexibility of working
with either acrylic or egg tempera paints
The six-foot high cut-out icon of the “Corpus of Christ,” was originally created for
the Archdiocese of Detroit’s Women’s Conference in 2006 and 2007 and is
currently installed for public veneration in the Eucharistic Chapel of Our Lady of
Good Counsel in Plymouth, MI. “Our Lady of Philermos” icon was commissioned
by the Order of Malta, American Association – Michigan Chapter and is displayed
for public veneration at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Detroit,
MI. Other selected and commissioned icons in private collections include St.
Gemma of Galgani, St. Patrick of Ireland, St. Teresa of Avila, and St. John the
Evangelist. A life-size icon of The Divine Mercy, commissioned by the Servants of
Jesus of the Divine Mercy for the Divine Mercy Center in Eastpointe, MI will be
solemnly blessed and installed for public veneration on the Feast of Our Lady of
Sorrows on September 15, 2010
www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Featured Artist|Sergio De Giusti
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Sergio De Giusti was born in Maniago, Italy. He is a
sculptor who received his BFA and MFA from Wayne
State University
His commissioned works include:
– Twenty panels for the State of Michigan Library
and Archives Building in Lansing
– Four bronze panels on the life of Dr. Martin Luther
King for Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti
– In Detroit, in The Italian Consulate offices, The
Rick Finley USDEA Building, Wayne State
University, and The Blue Cross & Blue Shield of
Michigan building. Most recently, De Giusti
finished 29 bronze reliefs for The Labor Legacy
Monument in Hart Plaza
– The Detroit Institute of Art
– The Newark Museum
– The Tampa Museum
– The Minnesota Museum of Art
– The Smithsonian
– The British Museum, London
– The Council of Cultural Affairs, Stockholm
– The Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest
– The Institute of Culture, Zacatecas, Mexico
www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Featured Artist|Carole Kabrin
Carole Kabrin is an Emmy-award winning artist, a native of
For over 35 years, Ms. Kabrin has covered famous trials and
hearings for local and network television news as an artist
reporter. The Supreme Court of the United States in
Washington D.C. was her main assignment for over 12 years, on
exclusive retainer, with ABC network news
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Her clients include: ABC Network, CBS Network, NBC
Network, CNN, FOX Network News, ESPN, The
Associated Press, The Detroit Free Press, The Detroit
News, Monthly Detroit Magazine, and all of the local
television news stations in the Detroit area
She completed an internship with Walt Disney Studios in
feature animation. Ms. Kabrin’s work has appeared in
several documentaries, most notably Michael Moore’s
“Bowling for Columbine” and a documentary on the
Slutti trial with Court TV
Over a dozen Kabrin originals are on view at the U.S.
District Court House in Detroit. Ms. Kabrin’s work is in
two collections at the University of Michigan, one of
which is adorning the walls of the student lounge at the
University of Michigan’s Law School. Most recently, Ms.
Kabrin had a one-woman show at the Birmingham
Community House in Birmingham, Michigan. Yearly, Ms.
Kabrin participates in the Pioneer Building Annual Open
House, which is a part of the Art Detroit tour. Ms.
Kabrin’s work is in the collection of hundreds of
attorneys and judges nationwide
Ms. Kabrin is an adjunct instructor, teaching Drawing the
Human Figure and Creative Vis, at the College For
Creative Studies, in Detroit. She holds a Bachelor’s and a
Master’s Degree in Fine Art from Wayne State University
www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Featured Artist|Dominic Pangborn
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Pangborn received his formal education at the prestigious
Chicago Academy of Fine Arts, an elite institution that also
trained Walt Disney and other luminaries. He started his art
career in Chicago before moving to Detroit. Always striving to
develop his talents, Pangborn continued his studies at: The
Illustrators’ Workshop in Tarrytown, New York; Syracuse
University; and the executive program at Darden School of
Business at the University of Virginia. Pangborn was also a
professor at the College for Creative Studies and has received an
Honorary Doctorate from Marygrove College in Detroit
Pangborn’s multi-dimensional career spans graphic design and
fashion design as well as fine art. Pangborn’s critically acclaimed
art has appeared in galleries around the world, and is
incorporated into fashion, home decor, and other media
A fervent believer in giving back to the community, Dominic
Pangborn served on a variety of boards for charities and not-forprofit organizations. As a Korean adoptee brought to America, he
reflects on the opportunities presented to him and in turn gives
passionately of his time, talent, and heart
www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Featured Artist|Suzanne M. Young
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Suzanne M. Young was born in Detroit, Michigan. She began her
education with a scholarship to the prestigious Pratt School of Art
& Design in New York. She received a B.A. in Education from Mercy
College and her Masters of Fine Arts Degree in Sculpture from
Eastern Michigan University
During her early years of creating sculpture, Young felt God calling
her to give Him more honor and glory. Soon, creating secular art
felt meaningless to Young, so she began sculpting religious art full
time. As soon as Young responded to God’s call, her career
skyrocketed; she now has artwork displayed in churches, hospitals,
and schools throughout the country
A few examples include:
Life-sized Mary at Pax Christi Catholic Church, Rochester, MN
Risen Christ at a hospital chapel in Kenosha, WI
Risen Christ at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Grosse Ile, MI
Life-sized Crucified Christ at St. Andrew Church, Rochester, MI
Life-sized St. Vincent de Paul at Providence Hospital, Farmington Hills, MI
Healthcare Themes at Genesys Medical Center in Flint, MI
Christ with the Elderly at Little Sisters of the Poor Home, Mobile, AL
Life-sized Risen Christ at Our Lady of Providence Center, Plymouth, MI
Last Supper at St. Michael the Archangel Church in Aurora, CO
www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
AFGS Volunteers | Committee
Exhibit Director
Exhibit Chair
Chair, Concessions | School Art
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Chair, Opening Night
Finance + Facilities Manager
Special Projects
Chair, Saturday | Website
Secretary | Archivist
Media Specialist
www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Poster Contest
2011 winning poster design
By Calvin Rye
2013 winning poster design
by Jaclyn Caris
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Our poster contest was
open to artists of all ages
The creator of the
selected design receives
a $100 prize
The winning design was
used in posters used to
promote the Art for
God’s Sake 2013
throughout the Metro
Detroit area and will be
on display for all event
attendees to see during
the event
Deadline to register and
submit artwork was
January 18, 2013
Guidelines and details:
www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Poster Contest
All 2011 poster
contest entries
were displayed
during the event
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Call to Artists
Art for God’s Sake invites artists to submit their artwork for its juried sacred art show scheduled to take place
at St. Anastasia Church in Troy, MI on May 3-5, 2013
– AFGS is open to all artists and all media. Selection of art will be done by our jurors with respect to our
Mission Statement and the inspirational, spiritual, and religious aspect of the work(s) submitted. A brief
description of your work will be requested. Each submitted work must be original, and new to this
exhibit (not shown at AFGS 2011)
$5,000 in prizes will be awarded
– 1st Place – $2,500
– 2nd Place – $1,500
– 3rd Place – $1,000
Exhibition Timeline
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Now – 2/28/13 :: Entry submission
3/1/13 – 3/31/13 :: Artwork reviewed by our selection committee
4/1/13 :: Artist notification
4/29/13 :: Artwork must be received by 4/29/13. See shipping notes on website
4/30/13 :: Artwork installation
5/3/13 – 5/5/13 :: Gallery open
5/6/13 – 5/10/13 :: Artwork removal; must be picked up by 5/10/13
Professional lighting and space to display artwork in an elegant setting will be provided
Complete rules: http://www.artfgs.com/call-to-artists
www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Call to Artists | 2011 Results + Data
AFGS 2011
•Included 18 featured artists and 127 juried artists
•Each artist presented one to three pieces of artwork for the
•The juried artists presented a total of 295 pieces
•1st place ($2,500)
•Mary Chriss | Watching for Us | Contemporary Icon
•2nd place ($,1500)
•Robert Eustace | Passion 3 | Mixed Media
•3rd place ($500)
•Timothy Schmalz | Lest We Forget | Sculpture
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2011 1st Place Winner
Watching for Us (Contemporary Icon)
By Mary Chriss
www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Schedule|Friday Opening Night | May 3, 2013
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Schedule|Saturday Daytime | May 4, 2013
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Schedule|Saturday Evening | May 4, 2013
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Schedule|Sunday |May 5, 2013
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Based on AFGS 2011 | Photos courtesy of HOUR Detroit Magazine
Over 1,200 people attended AFGS 2011 What AFGS attendees are saying:
Attendees included:
•Influential people from the Detroit area
•Art aficionados
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“You don’t want to miss this! I can’t encourage people enough to come to
this amazing art show! I went to the first exhibit two years ago, on the last
day, in the last hours and it was just jaw-dropping, inspiring, and just moved
me beyond words. I kept wishing I had gone sooner so I could tell everyone to
come. Now it is returning and I have that opportunity. COME!!! You’ll feel like
you stepped into the DIA…of God’s masterpieces.”
“It was amazing – our family is so looking forward to spending more time
exploring this amazing exhibit.”
www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Sponsorships + Advertisements
Support of a good cause provides an opportunity to show potential customers that you are
involved and active in the community in which you do business. Additionally, customers will
patronize businesses that they know care and support causes that are important to them.
•Promote your business to a wide audience from across the
Metro Detroit area
•Receive product placement in front of a captive audience for
up to three days
•Receive online promotions via social media
•Involve your business with an event that will have over
1,000 in attendance - a cost-effective way for your business
to gain consideration and awareness
•Partner with AFGS via giveaways. In 2011, over 22,000
people participated in our online statue giveaway
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•Please note: Sponsorship components vary by package
•Event signage
•Product placement at event
•Advertisement in commemorative program
•Sponsorship logo on ArtFGS.com
•Tie-ins with AFGS social media
www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
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– Six (6) VIP tickets to
Friday Opening Night
– Ten (10) tickets to
Saturday Evening
– Promotion on our
website, local
publications, fullpage ad in our
program and
prominent signage at
the event
– Four (4) VIP tickets to
Friday Opening Night
– Six (6) tickets to
Saturday Evening
– Promotion on our
website, ½ page ad in
our commemorative
program and signage
at the event
Guardian Angel
– Two (2) VIP tickets to
Friday Opening Night
– Four (4) tickets to
Saturday Evenings
– Promotion via our
website, ¼ page ad in
our commemorative
program and signage
at the event
www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
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Examples of this include:
products, services,
volunteers, etc.
Promotional consideration
at event will be
commensurate with the
value of your in-kind
Examples of this include:
sponsoring an artist’s
exhibit, sponsoring an
exhibit room or an activity
at the 3-day event
Promotional consideration
at the event will be
commensurate with the
value of your sponsorship
www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Advertisements | Commemorative Program
Outside Back Cover
7 ¾” wide by 4¾” high
Inside Front Cover
Full-color ad
Link to your business’s
website on Art for God’s
Sake website
Half Page
7 ¾” wide by 9¾” high
Link to your business’s
website on Art for God’s
Sake website
Quarter Page
3¾” wide by 4¾” high
Full Page
7 ¾” wide by 9¾” high
Business Card or
Donor Roster
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Business Card
– $100
Donor Roster
– $50
www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Media Gallery
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Media Gallery | Event Promos
AFGS 2011 was promoted online and offline. AFGS 2013 promotions to include radio, print,
and online advertising, as well as social media.
•Cross-promotion between AFGS and official media partner,
Ave Maria Radio, helped increase awareness of the 2011 event
via on-air interviews
•Cross promotion between AFGS and local businesses /
•Cross promotion between AFGS and artists
•Promotion + accolades from AFGS fans and other supporters
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Media Gallery | Event Promos
•Cross-promotion between AFGS and official media partner, Ave Maria Radio, provided targeted reach and
helped increase awareness of the 2011 event via on-air interviews; additional coverage on WDET radio
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Media Gallery | Event Promos
•Cross-promotion between AFGS and official media partner, Ave Maria Radio, provided targeted reach and
helped increase awareness of the 2011 event via on-air interviews; additional coverage on WDET radio
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Media Gallery | Event Promos
•Cross promotion between AFGS and local businesses / supporters help increase traffic to each others’ social
sites and websites, likely increasing brand awareness for both parties
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Media Gallery | Event Promos
•Cross promotion between AFGS and artists – we support each other!
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Media Gallery | Event Promos
•Promotion + accolades from AFGS fans and other supporters
Many artists also blogged
about the event and the
event was posted in local
event listings online
(MSN.com and Yahoo!)
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Media Gallery | Event Promos
•Additional media coverage on:
•John Sauvé’s Art & Design Show
•HOUR Detroit Magazine
•Metro Detroit + Ann Arbor Church bulletins
•CIVA (Christians in the Visual Arts)
•The Michigan Catholic
•Oakland Press
•Troy Times
•Michigan Catholic Credit Union
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Media Gallery | Photos
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Media Gallery | Photos
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Media Gallery | Photos
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Media Gallery | Photos
Photos courtesy of HOUR Detroit Magazine, 2011
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Media Gallery | Photos
Photos courtesy of HOUR Detroit Magazine, 2011
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Media Gallery | Photos
Photos courtesy of HOUR Detroit Magazine, 2011
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Media Gallery | Photos
Photos courtesy of HOUR Detroit Magazine, 2011
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2011 Recap
•Over 1,200 attendees
•A portion of proceeds were donated to St.
Aloysius’ Canticle Café, a warming center for the
•Music was composed by Daniel Knaggs,
specifically for Art for God’s Sake. Knaggs took
first place in the Musica Sacra 2011 7th
International Composers Competition, which is
under honorary patronage of the Vatican's
Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music
•The show included 18 featured artists and 127
juried artists. The juried artists presented a total
of 295 pieces
•There were over 22,000 votes made as part of
our online statue giveaway, in partnership with
Mt. Elliott Cemetery Association
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347
Contact Art for God’s Sake
Website :
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Thank You!
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www.ArtFGS.com | ArtForGodsSake@gmail.com | P: 248.906.2347