JOB AID DEVELOPING GENUINE CONNECTIONS Use this job aid to help you foster authentic and meaningful connections that promote trust, collaboration, and mutual understanding. Building genuine connections with others is essential for effective communication, meaningful relationships, and successful collaborations. These connections go beyond surface-level interactions and create a sense of authenticity, trust, and mutual understanding. Whether in personal or professional settings, the ability to connect with others on a genuine level can greatly impact your ability to influence, inspire, and collaborate. To develop genuine connections, it is important that you embody certain principles and behaviors. PRINCIPLE BEHAVIORS BELIEVE IN WHAT YOU SAY BE PHYSICALLY AND EMOTIONALLY ACCESSIBLE BE HONEST AND HONOR YOUR COMMITMENTS REMAIN POISED AND CONTROLLED DURING CRISES Identify your core beliefs and values before engaging in discussions Display authenticity and conviction in your beliefs to establish a genuine connection with others Focus solely on the person or people you're interacting with to establish an emotional connection Listen actively and carefully, paying attention to not only the words, but also how they're expressed Pick up on values and unspoken concerns to deepen understanding Connect with warmth, approachability, and genuine interest Value and acknowledge the perspectives and contributions of others Maintain honesty as a fundamental aspect of communication to build trust in a relationship Stay true to your word and follow through on your commitments Demonstrate composure and poise during challenging situations Work with quiet confidence and display your ability to manage adversity REMEMBER Active listening and empathy are essential for building strong relationships Honesty and trustworthiness form the foundation of genuine connections JOB AID / DEVELOPING GENUINE CONNECTIONS 2