A FREE Resource Created by Joey Udovich My future’s So Bright I GOTTA Wear Shades! Hi there! I am Joey Udovich – a wife, mother, curriculum designer, educational blogger, and the owner of Create Teach Share LLC. I taught in both primary and upper elementary classrooms for 12 years. Now, I have the honor of creating high quality educational resources for classrooms just like yours! I truly do appreciate your support and hope that it helps your students as they learn this year. If you have any questions or concerns, simply email me at hello@joeyudovich.com. I am always happy to help! DOWNLOAD FOR Are you looking for a way to get your students to enjoy writing? Try these fun writing activities that include stepby-step instructions and captivating illustrations. They will be asking YOU if they can write! CLICK HERE! free! CLICK TO FOLLOW! for EXCLUSIVE savings! All new resources are 50% off for the first 24 hours! Clip Art & Font JOIN ME! © Joey Udovich TERMS OF USE By purchasing this resource, you are purchasing one classroom or personal use license. Please do not post this resource online. If you would like to share it with colleagues, please purchase additional licenses at a discount. Thank you for respecting my work! YOU MAY YOU MAY NOT ✓ Use this resource, whether free or purchased by you, for the benefit of students in your own classroom or for your own personal use; ✓ Reference this product in blog posts, at seminars, professional development workshops, or other venues, PROVIDED that you give credit to Joey Udovich (Create Teach Share LLC) as the author, and a link to the Teachers Pay Teachers store owned by Joey Udovich is included in your post or presentation; ✓ Share this file privately as a Google Drive link or through Google Classroom with your students as long as the link is not publicly posted online. ✓ Distribute, display, or duplicate this resource, whether free or purchased, to any other person except students in your own classroom; ✓ Claim these works as your own, alter the works in any way, or remove or attempt to remove, the copyright; ✓ Sell, assign, lease, license, or otherwise profit from any use of the works; ✓ Combine any of the works into another unit for distribution of any kind whether those units be available for purchase or for free; ✓ Post the work for sale, or for free, elsewhere on the internet (this includes any search engine or file sharing service where these items can be picked up in a Google search and downloaded); ✓ Obtain this product through any channels other than the Teachers Pay Teachers store owned by Joey Udovich. NEED HELP? If you need help implementing this resource in your classroom, or are having a technical issue, please email me at: hello@joeyudovich.com Copyright © Joey Udovich (Create Teach Share LLC). All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Copying any part of this product and placing it on the Internet in any form (even a personal/classroom website) is strictly forbidden. These items can be picked up in a Google search and then shared worldwide for free. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this PDF are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license. a quick note Thank you for downloading this freebie! It has been used by thousands of teachers and has become a yearly staple for many. You can use this resource in various ways. Two of the most popular uses are… ⭐ …at the beginning of the school year. Students can draw and write about what they feel their future holds for them. It could be the future of their school year or what occupations they feel they will have when they grow up. ⭐ …at the end of the school year. Students can draw and write about what they will be doing during the summer. Have fun with it! These make wonderful hallway displays, especially during Open House or Meet the Teacher night. © Joey Udovich MATERIALS NEEDED « White construction paper or white cardstock « Crayons, markers, or colored pencils « Scissors « Templates for sunglasses and lenses © Joey Udovich inspiration! © Joey Udovich © Joey Udovich Teacher Preparation & Notes Choose a Template & Read the Directions Template ONE Template TWO Template THREE © Joey Udovich : Print and cut. Students can color the frames and draw and/or write their future inside the lenses. Print the frames on colored cardstock and the lenses on white cardstock. Cut them out and decorate the lenses with students’ future plans. Glue the lens on top of the frames. Directions: Cut out the sunglasses. Decorate the frames and draw what you see yourself doing in the future inside each lens. © Joey Udovich frame template #1 Directions: Cut out the sunglasses. Decorate the frames and write about what you see yourself doing in the future inside each lens. © Joey Udovich frame template #2 Assembly Instructions 1. Trace the sunglass so that they are hanging off onto a portrait piece of white card stock or construction paper. Use the image to the left to help you determine where your sunglasses will be placed. You want them to hang off the page a little so that they appear oversized. Tip: TRACE the part of the sunglasses that are on the page. This will help you when deciding on where to put your nose, face, hair, and other features. 2. Draw a light oval with a pencil. This will be the outline of your face. 3. Complete your drawing by adding the details to your drawing! You will want to add your nose, hair, neck, and your shoulders. Get creative and add jewelry and hair accessories! 4. Add color! Be sure to color everything…even the background! It will make a big impact. See the sample drawings to get a little inspiration. © Joey Udovich Directions: Cut out the frame. Decorate the frames. Keep in mind that your lenses will be cut and glued on top of this, so do not color where the lenses will be placed. Glue a lens here. Do not design this space. © Joey Udovich Glue a lens here. Do not design this space. frame template #3 (option 1) Directions: Cut out the frame. Decorate the frames. Keep in mind that your lenses will be cut and glued on top of this, so do not color where the lenses will be placed. Glue a lens here. Do not design this space. © Joey Udovich Glue a lens here. Do not design this space. frame template #3 (option 2) © Joey Udovich LENS templates #3 Directions: Draw your future in the lenses. Cut them out and glue them on top the frames. Directions: Draw your future in the lenses. Cut them out and glue them on top the frames.