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Telling Time in English Worksheet

A. Match the time expressions to the correct number of minutes 'before' or 'after' the hour.
1. Ten to ______
2. Half past ______
3. Quarter past ______
4. Quarter to ______
5. Twenty-five past ______
6. Five to ______
a. 5 minutes before the hour
b. 25 minutes after the hour
c. 15 minutes before the hour
d. 30 minutes after the hour
e. 15 minutes after the hour
f. 10 minutes before the hour
B. Write the time in numbers.
1. It’s twelve thirty. ______
2. It’s two fifteen. ______
3. It’s nine forty-five. ______
4. It’s eight twenty-five. ______
5. It’s quarter past four. ______
6. It’s twenty past three. ______
7. It’s five to eight. ______
8. It’s ten past six. ______
9. It’s half past ten. ______
10. It’s quarter to eleven. ______
11. It’s five to seven. ______
12. It’s twenty-five to eight. ______
C. Match the clocks to the times.
1. ……..
2. ………
3. ………
4. …………
5. ………
6. ……..
7. ………
8. ………
9. …………
10. ………
a. It’s five past
b. It’s quarter to
c. It’s twenty past
d. It’s twenty-five
past six.
e. It’s ten past
f. It’s ten to two.
g. It’s quarter past
h. It’s twenty-five
to three.
i. It’s half past ten. j. It’s quarter past
D. Draw the times in words using past and to
1. It’s five fifteen 2. It’s three forty-five 3. It’s eight twenty 4. It’s five to five
5. It’s twentyfive past eleven
6. It’s seven thirty 7. It’s quarter to ten 8. It’s ten to three 9. It’s twelve fifty 10. It’s half past
E. Write the times in words using past and to
F. Now, match the times with the 24-hour clocks
1. 18:00 ………. 2. 19:30 ………. 3. 22:00 …….
4. 17:00 ………
5. 23:50 ………. 6. 21:45 ………. 7. 00:00 ……
8. 13:30 ……….
9. 20:15 ……… 10. 14:00 …….. 11. 15:00 ……. 12. 16:00 ………
a. It’s one o’clock b. It’s four o’clock c. It’s seven thirty
d. It’s ten o’clock
e. It’s two o’clock f. It’s five o’clock
g. It’s eight fifteen
h. It’s eleven fifty
i. It’s three o’clock j. It’s six o’clock
k. It’s nine forty-five l. It’s twelve o’clock
Entre 1 et 30 minutes : on utilise PAST
Entre 31 et 59 minutes : on utilise TO
Contrairement au français, on donne les minutes avant les heures avec past et to.
La durée
Une heure (60 mns): an hour
Une demi-heure: half an hour
Une heure et demie: an hour and a half
Deux heures: two hours
Write the months of the year in order
┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐
│May│ │Jan│ │Sep│ │Jul│ │Dec│ │Mar│
└───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘
┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐
│Feb│ │Oct│ │Jun│ │Apr│ │Aug│ │Nov│
└───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘
1. January