By “Muhammad Shwan” (23252) Section 4 W100 Spring 2024 “How Education Makes Us More Advanced” 1)Education and thinking: The role of knowledge. We can navigate life and make a positive contribution to society with the information and fundamental skills that education provides. 2)Critical thinking and its importance in education: Some reflections Critical thinking abilities are developed via education, which helps us evaluate data, decide wisely, and solve issues successfully. 3. How knowledge is power: Education and the sense of control Education empowers individuals by giving people the chance to express themselves, grow personally, and follow their passions and objectives, education empowers people. 4. Treatments to increase social awareness and social skills Education increases social awareness by enabling us to comprehend various viewpoints, cultural norms, and society challenges. It also fosters inclusivity and empathy. 5. Education and economic growth Better career chances and economic opportunities are made possible by education, which raises living standards and promotes financial security 6. Multiple identities and education for active citizenship With an understanding of their rights and obligations, educated citizens become more involved and active members of their communities and society at large.These are simply a handful of the ways that education advances human growth in general. Education is a genuinely transformative force that fortifies civilizations and gives people more power. References: Alistair Ross” Multiple identities and education for active citizenship” 2010 Eric A Hanushek “Education and economic growth “ 2009 mann%202010%20IntEncEduc%202.pdf Glaser, R. (1984). Education and thinking: The role of knowledge. American Psychologist, 39(2), 93–104. Rastros Rostros “Critical thinking and its importance in education: Some reflections” 2017 Suzannah J Ferraioli “Treatments to increase social awareness and social skills “ 2010 Scott Schieman “How knowledge is power: Education and the sense of control” 2008