Medical Terminology Express A Short-Course Approach by Body System 3rd Edition Barbara A. Gylys Test bank Test Bank (All Chapters , 100% Verified and Original Resource) High-Quality Format | A+ Grade | Perfect for Educators & Students Purchase Now to Unlock Your Academic Success! Chapter 10 Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. In the term hyperglycemia, the root glyc refers to: a. calcium b. sugar, sweetness c. gland d. toxicity e. protein ____ 2. Which hormone is produced by the testes? a. testosterone b. progesterone c. oxytocin d. thyroxine e. estrogen ____ 3. What organ is associated with an insulinoma? a. spinal cord b. brain c. thymus d. pancreas e. thyroid ____ 4. The blood test that measures levels of thyroid hormones is: a. TFT b. GTT c. RAIU d. THT e. HRT ____ 5. In the term androgen, andr/o means: a. steroid b. male c. hormone d. corticosteroid e. female ____ 6. Which term means disease of the adrenal glands? a. adrenomegaly b. adrenogenous c. adrenopathy d. adrenotoxic e. adrenolytic ____ 7. Thyroid hormone deficiency is known as: a. b. c. d. e. hypothyroidism hyperthyroidism thyromegaly Graves disease goiter ____ 8. Exophthalmos can occur as a result of: a. diabetes b. pituitary disease c. thyroid disease d. Addison disease e. Cushing syndrome ____ 9. Hormone deficiencies are corrected with: a. RAIU b. DM c. HTT d. HRT e. HT ____ 10. Which term is associated with an enlargement of the thyroid gland? a. hypergonadism b. euthyroid c. goiter d. tetany e. hypophyseal enlargement ____ 11. The form of hypothyroidism that develops in infants is called: a. adenoma b. neoplasm c. goiter d. cretinism e. Addison disease ____ 12. Excessive production of cortisol by the adrenal cortex may result in: a. Cushing syndrome b. Graves disease c. myxedema d. cretinism e. thyrotropin ____ 13. Insulin injections are prescribed for treatment of: a. hyperinsulinism b. pancreatitis c. hypoglycemia d. type 1 diabetes e. pheochromocytoma ____ 14. The state of equilibrium in the internal environment of the body is called: a. b. c. d. e. cretinism glycogenesis metabolism thyrostasis homeostasis ____ 15. Which term means abnormal condition of a pancreatic stone? a. pancreatitis b. pancreatopathy c. pancreatomegaly d. pancreatoma e. pancreatolithiasis ____ 16. What gland is affected with panhypopituitarism? a. thymus b. pituitary c. parathyroid d. adrenal e. pancreas ____ 17. What laboratory test measures blood sugar levels after the administration of glucose? a. TFT b. HRT c. GTT d. GH e. FBS ____ 18. The total calcium blood test is used to detect disorders of the: a. bones b. thyroid c. pancreas d. liver e. bladder ____ 19. Hyperglycemia can be corrected with: a. thyroxine b. adrenaline c. calcium d. glucose e. insulin ____ 20. Hyposecretion of the thyroid gland in adults causes: a. Cushing disease b. Parkinson disease c. myxedema d. giantism e. hirsutism ____ 21. Gigantism and dwarfism result from improper functioning of hormones from the: a. b. c. d. e. pituitary gland adrenal glands thyroid gland pancreatic gland thymus gland ____ 22. What is an incision of the thyroid gland called? a. thyrostomy b. thyrotomy c. thyropathy d. thyromegaly e. thyroidectomy ____ 23. What is excision of the thyroid gland called? a. thyromegaly b. thyroidectomy c. thyroidotomy d. thymectomy e. thymoma ____ 24. In the term endocrine, -crine means: a. stimulate b. thirst c. hidden d. secrete e. hormone ____ 25. Insulin is produced by the: a. thyroid gland b. pineal gland c. pancreas d. kidneys e. pituitary gland ____ 26. The adrenal gland tumor that causes excessive release of epinephrine and adrenaline, resulting in severe hypertension, is called: a. adenoma b. pancreatoma c. thymoma d. pheochromocytoma e. myeloma ____ 27. What condition is most commonly caused by alcoholism and biliary tract disease? a. Addison disease b. myxedema c. pheochromocytoma d. cretinism e. pancreatitis ____ 28. Excessive thirst is called: a. polydipsia b. polyphagia c. polyuria d. polyhydruria e. polyphasia ____ 29. Exophthalmos is a disorder caused by hypersecretion from the: a. parathyroid gland b. thyroid gland c. pancreas d. gonads e. pancreas ____ 30. Which of the following disorders is treated by an endocrinologist? a. pregnancies b. mental disorders c. skin rashes d. overproduction and underproduction of hormones e. spinal fractures ____ 31. Which of the following describes an excessive growth of body hair, especially in women? a. virilism b. hirsutism c. diuresis d. cretinism e. tetany ____ 32. Which of the following diseases is treated by an endocrinologist? a. cerebral palsy b. stroke c. diabetes d. meningitis e. myeloma ____ 33. A disorder caused by hyperthyroidism is: a. adenoma b. neoplasm c. goiter d. cretinism e. Addison disease ____ 34. Which procedure involves excision of the pituitary gland through the nasal cavity via the sphenoid sinus without disturbing brain tissue? a. rhinotomy b. transsphenoidal hypophysectomy c. encephalectomy d. cephalotomy e. exophthalmometry ____ 35. Which abbreviation is associated with administration of iodine? a. NPH b. TFT c. PTH d. RAI e. FSH Matching Match the word elements with their meanings. a. aden/o k. parathyroid/o b. adrenal/o l. pituitar/o c. calc/o m. thym/o d. cephal/o n. thyroid/o e. chrom/o o. toxic/o f. gluc/o p. -crine g. home/o q. -ism h. my/o r. -oma i. insulin/o s. hyperj. pancreat/o t. poly____ 36. gland ____ 37. calcium ____ 38. pituitary gland ____ 39. same, like ____ 40. insulin ____ 41. sugar, sweetness ____ 42. pancreas ____ 43. parathyroid glands ____ 44. thymus gland ____ 45. thyroid gland ____ 46. poison ____ 47. adrenal glands ____ 48. many, much ____ 49. to secrete ____ 50. color ____ 51. condition ____ 52. head ____ 53. excessive, above normal ____ 54. tumor ____ 55. muscle Match the medical words with their definitions. a. Addison disease k. insulinoma b. cretinism l. myxedema c. Cushing syndrome m. panhypopituitarism d. diabetes mellitus n. pheochromocytoma e. exophthalmos o. polydipsia f. goiter p. RAIU g. Graves disease q. TFT h. GTT r. thyroiditis i. HRT s. total calcium j. insulin t. toxemia ____ 56. abnormal protrusion of eyeballs that may be due to thyrotoxicosis, tumor, or aneurysm ____ 57. hyperthyroidism that involves growth of the thyroid gland associated with hypersecretion of thyroxine ____ 58. advanced hypothyroidism in adults, causing edema and increased blood pressure ____ 59. excessive thirst, which is characteristic of diabetic patients ____ 60. cluster of symptoms caused by excessive amounts of cortisol or adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) ____ 61. blood test that measures thyroid hormone levels to evaluate thyroid gland function ____ 62. enlargement of the thyroid gland ____ 63. tumor of the pancreas ____ 64. inflammation of the thyroid gland ____ 65. group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia ____ 66. rare adrenal tumor that causes excessive release of epinephrine or norepinephrine and induces high blood pressure ____ 67. hormone replacement used for diabetes mellitus ____ 68. blood test to detect parathyroid and bone disorders ____ 69. uncommon chronic disorder caused by deficiency of cortical hormones that results when the adrenal cortex is damaged or atrophied ____ 70. imaging procedure that measures levels of radioactivity in the thyroid gland after administration of radioactive iodine ____ 71. congenital condition characterized by severe hypothyroidism; commonly associated with other endocrine disorders ____ 72. oral administration or injection of synthetic hormones to correct a hormone deficiency ____ 73. total pituitary impairment that brings about progressive and general loss of hormone activity ____ 74. administration of glucose after a 12-hour fast to measure glucose levels at regular intervals ____ 75. poisonous substances in the blood Completion Complete each statement. 76. Use thyroid to build a word that means incision of the thyroid gland: __________ 77. Use pancreat to build a word that means disease of the pancreas: __________. 78. Use adren/o to build a word that means disease of the adrenal glands: __________. 79. Use hyper- to build a word that means excessive calcium in the blood: __________. 80. Use -crine to build a word that means to secrete within: __________. 81. Build a surgical term that means excision of the thymus: __________. 82. Use poly- to build a word that means much (excessive) thirst: __________. 83. Use -iasis to build a word that means abnormal condition of a pancreatic stone: __________. 84. Use thyr/o to build a word that means enlargement of the thyroid gland: __________. 85. Use -ism to build a word that means condition of hairy (hairiness): __________. 86. Build a word that means excision or removal of a lobe: __________. 87. Build a medical word that means excision of the parathyroid gland: __________. 88. Build a word that means tumor of the thymus gland: __________. 89. Build a word that means incision of the pancreas: ___________. 90. Build a word that means specialist in the study of poison(s): __________. Chapter 10 Answer Section MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. ANS: B ANS: A ANS: D ANS: A ANS: B ANS: C ANS: A ANS: C ANS: D ANS: C ANS: D ANS: A ANS: D ANS: E ANS: E ANS: B ANS: C ANS: A ANS: E ANS: C ANS: A ANS: B ANS: B ANS: D ANS: C ANS: D ANS: E ANS: A ANS: B ANS: D ANS: B ANS: C ANS: C ANS: B ANS: D MATCHING 36. ANS: A 37. ANS: C 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. ANS: L ANS: G ANS: I ANS: F ANS: J ANS: K ANS: M ANS: N ANS: O ANS: B ANS: T ANS: P ANS: E ANS: Q ANS: D ANS: S ANS: R ANS: H ANS: E ANS: G ANS: L ANS: O ANS: C ANS: Q ANS: F ANS: K ANS: R ANS: D ANS: N ANS: J ANS: S ANS: A ANS: P ANS: B ANS: I ANS: M ANS: H ANS: T COMPLETION 76. ANS: thyroidotomy 77. ANS: pancreatopathy 78. ANS: adrenopathy 79. ANS: hypercalcemia 80. ANS: endocrine 81. ANS: thymectomy 82. ANS: polydipsia 83. ANS: pancreatolithiasis 84. ANS: thyromegaly 85. ANS: hirsutism 86. ANS: lobectomy 87. ANS: parathyroidectomy 88. ANS: thymoma 89. ANS: pancreatotomy 90. ANS: toxicologist