CHECKLIST Student name and surname Boipelo Theledi : __________________________________ Student number 69122865 : __________________________________ Is there a student name and number on this YES (put your initials here) BP cover page/ checklist? YES (put your BP initials here) Is this your original work? Have you included the plagiarism declaration YES (put your initials here) BP we have provided you with? Did you answer ONE of the two questions? YES (put your initialsBP here) Are you submitting the correct portfolio and YES (put your initials here) BP the correct file? (Please double check your submission after you have uploaded) Did you include an introduction, paragraphs and a conclusion? body YES (put your initials here) BP Did you include ALL THREE citations we have YES (put your initials here) BP provided you with? Have you appropriately referenced the YES (put your initials here) BP citations you have used in your essays in Harvard referencing style? Format if typed: Arial font Font size 12 One and a half (1.5) line spacing. YES (put your initials here) BP Format if hand-written and scanned: Blue/black ink Neat and legible All pages scanned in 1 file in the correct order Did you edit your work several times? YES (put yourBP initials here) Did you convert your document to a PDF file? YES (put your BP initials here) Did you remove any password protection? YES (put your initials BP here) 2 PLAGIARISM DECLARATION: 69122865 Boipelo Theledi Name and student number: ……………………………………………… I declare that this ENG1503 examination is my own original work. Where secondary material has been used (either from a printed source or from the Internet), this has been carefully acknowledged and referenced in accordance with departmental requirements. I understand what plagiarism is and I am aware of the pertinent policies in this regard. I have not allowed anyone else to borrow or copy my work. B.THELEDI Signature: ……………………………………………… 14-05-2024 Date: …………………………………………………… 3 QUESTION 2 Youth unemployment remains a significant global issue with far-reaching socioeconomic consequences. It is defined as the condition where individuals aged between 15 and 24 are actively searching for employment but remain without work. This essay seeks to explore the causes and consequences of youth unemployment, by providing light on the underlying factors that contribute to this phenomenon and the extensive effects it has on young people and society at large. Different economic, social, and structural reasons have contributed to youth unemployment over the past years. These include global economic fluctuation, insufficient economic growth impacts everyone in the economy, particularly youth. Inadequate employment creation, when economy cannot create new jobs, youth will be the most effected group (Ayan, 2016, p.264). Skills Mismatch, technological advancement may render certain skills requiring new competencies that many young people may lack and insufficient educational institutions that fail to provide young people with the skills required for today's professions. Successful transition from school to work often cannot be achieved by the young today. Lots of training program are not suitable for today’s business life (Ayan, 2016, p.265) The effects of youth unemployment go beyond economic hardships. When young people struggle to acquire stable jobs, the consequences go beyond economic issues and affect different parts of their lives. The effects may include psychological suffering. Being unemployed at the beginning of working life causes different mental disorders (Ayan, 2016, p.265). Youth unemployment can have a negative impact on mental and physical wellbeing. Struggling to find work can cause anxiety, depression and one may feel worthless. Increased crime rate. There is also a substantial body of evidence which links youth unemployment (and non-employment) to crime (O’Higgings, 2017, p.1). Youth unemployment provides a substantial risk of financial strain among young people, which may result to some engaging in criminal activities to meet their basic financial demands. Personal development, Employers prefer the required knowledge, skills, and attitudes (Husin & Suppiah et al.,2021, p4.). Unemployment during a vital developmental stage for youth can stymie personal growth and skill development. Without opportunities to get work experience or develop job-related skills, young people may struggle to establish a solid basis for their future. Three strategies that can help curb the problem of unemployment. There should be investments in education and skill development which will provide individuals with the capabilities required for today's and tomorrow's job markets. Supporting entrepreneurship and small business can generate new job opportunities and boost economic growth. And lastly, government may encourage economic growth and create job opportunities for the citizens by facilitating and enc investment persuading international corporations to establish operations locally. In conclusion, youth unemployment has broad effects that affect entire communities and societies. Addressing this issue necessitates comprehensive solutions that address both the economic and social elements of unemployment, such as specific programs that improve young employment, investments in education and skills training, and equitable economic development. Understanding the implications of youth unemployment and adopting appropriate policies and programs can help to lessen its negative consequences and enable young people to reach their full potential in the workplace. References Ayhan, F. (2016). (PDF) Youth unemployment as a growing global threat. [online] ResearchGate. yment_as_a_growing_global_threat’ Husin, N.A, Kumar, G., Rasli, S. and Suppiah, G. (2021). UNEMPLOYMENT CRISIS AMONG FRESH GRADUATES. [online] ResearchGate. MONG_FRESH_GRADUATES. O’Higgins, N. (2017). (PDF) Youth Unemployment. [online] ResearchGate.