School Teacher Date & Time DETAILED LESSON PLAN MAPEH – GRADE 10 San Policarpo National High School Grade Level Ian B. Indangan Learning Area –7:30-8:30 AM - Constantine Quarter - 8:30-9:30 AM - Catherine - 2:00-3:00 PM - Napoleon 10 MAPEH 3rd February 19, 2024 I. OBJECTIVES A. Content Standards B. Performance Standards C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives. II. Content/Topic III. Learning Resources A. Reference 1. Teacher’s Guide 2. Learner’s Material 3. Additional Materials IV. Procedure The learner uses art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills The learner creates artworks using available media and natural resources on local topics, issues, and concerns such as environmental advocacies ecotourism, and economic and livelihood projects. At the end of the lesson, the learner will be able to: 1. Identify representative artists as well as distinct characteristics of media-based arts and design in the Philippines (A10EL-IIIa-2) 2. Apply different media techniques and processes to communicate ideas, experiences, and stories (A10PR-IIIc-e-3); and 3. Realize that Filipino ingenuity is distinct, exceptional, and on a par with global standards. Media-based Arts & Design in the Philippines (Print Media) Grade 10 Arts Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCS) 3rd Quarter, Pg. 310 HORIZONS (Music & Arts Appreciation for Young Filipinos) LED TV, laptop, slide deck presentation Teacher’s Activity Preliminary Activities (1 min) A. Review/Motiv ation/ Preparatory Activity Prayer “Good morning class” Checking of Attendance Classroom Rule Welcome to our MAPEH class which we will be focusing on arts. Who can recall what was the topic we discussed last meeting? Student’s Activity Interfaith prayer Good morning, sir! Our topic last meeting is about Media-based art and design in the Philippines which focuses on Animation Very good! It’s about Animation Does anyone remember what is Animation? Animation is the process of turning twodimensional (2D) and three dimensional (3D) still images into moving images. Is animation considered art? (Student will answer) Very good! Animation serves many significant purposes, as a form of art, education, and entertainment. Now to proceed, I have prepared here a quick activity. ACTIVITY 1: “Guess it” The teacher will present pictures to the class and ask the students to raise their hands if the pictures are familiar to them. Are you ready? Yes, sir! (The teacher will flash the pictures) 1. What is this? What is the purpose of newspapers? Newspaper, sir! (Student answer may vary) to convey, as efficiently as possible, current information, or "news", to a particular audience 2. What is this? That’s right! It’s a comics or manga What is the purpose of comics or manga? Manga can be for entertainment or education. It’s comics or manga, sir! (Student answer may vary) 3. What is this? Books, sir! Correct! Books or book design and illustration. What’s the purpose of it? The cover attracts the reader's attention, but the layout is what keeps them engaged while reading. 4. How about this? What is the purpose of posters? Poster, sir! (Student answer may vary) to capture a moving audience with a message. When designing a poster, plan its design carefully. B. Establishing a Purpose of the Lesson To sum up all the pictures presented, what will be our topic for today? It’s all about Print Media, sir Correct! We we’re going to discuss Print Media. Particularly, Advertising, Book Illustration, Digital Media Alright, in order for us to be guided as we dig deeper into the topic, I have here the following Refer to your objectives: objectives. (Teacher posts the objective and will ask a 1. Identify representative artists as well as student to read each of the objectives.) distinct characteristics of media-based arts At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to: Since we are done with photography, film, C. Presentation and animation, let us now proceed to Print of the New Media. Lesson Does anyone of you has an idea about print media? and design in the Philippines. 2. Apply different media techniques and processes to communicate ideas, experiences, and stories 3. Realize that Filipino ingenuity is distinct, exceptional, and on a par with global standards. (Students raise their hands) (Student’s answers may vary) Very good! Thank you! a. Setting of Standards I want to remind you again that if you want to answer, you need to raise your hand. Yes, sir! Understand? D. Abstraction/ Developing mastery (The teacher will use a slide deck presentation in discussing the topic.) Please read the meaning of Print Media. Anyone else would like to add other forms of printed media? Is one of the oldest basic forms of communication. It includes newspapers, posters, brochures, banners, magazines and other forms of printed materials. (Student will answer) Of course, all of these now have their digital counterparts that may be accessed and read on the internet. What’s the difference between print media and digital media? (Student vary) answer may Print media is physical format, tangible and lasting while digital media is digital format, dynamic and cost-effective One major field that still relies heavily on print media is Advertising. Will you please read about advertising The activity or profession of producing advertisements for commercial products or services. It is also an industry used to call the attention of the public to something, typically a product or service. These appears in newspapers, brochures, posters, banners, magazines. (The teacher will let everyone read the Comic book) Everyone, kindly read the Comic Books or a magazine that presents komiks. a serialized story in the form of a comic strip, typically featuring the adventures of a superhero. Tony Velasquez, recognized as the “Father of Filipino Comics” in 1920s. He created Mga Kabalbalan ni Kenkoy (The Misadventures of Kenkoy) Everyone, please read information about comics the additional Local comics were clearly influenced by popular U.S. comics with superheroes as the main characters- resulting in local counterparts such as Darna and Captain Barbell Created by Mars Ravelo, Filipino comic book cartoonist and graphic novelist. Are you all familiar with these comics? Yes sir! Trese, Created by Budgette Tan and Kajo Baldisimo From 1960s to the 1980s, Filipino artist was recruited to work for foreign comics publishers - among them the highly popular DC comics. Book Design and Illustration Yet another extremely rich promising area for young Filipino artists is the yield of book design and illustration. Please read the next slide. Philippine book publishers such as Bookmark, Anvil Publishing, Adarna Books, and Tahanan books for young readers (Ilaw ng tahanan publishing) local book designers and illustrator have been given the professional stature they deserve and the creative freedom they need to truly showcase their talents. Digital Media All artistic skills and techniques that go into producing books like those just presented, of course have their counterpart in the evergrowing world of digital media. Again, what is the difference between Print Media and Digital Media? Print media is physical format, tangible and lasting while digital media is digital format, dynamic and costeffective Forms of digital media 1. Ebooks 2. Social Media 3. Wattpad 4. Mobile Apps 5. Websites Did you understand, class? E. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living Yes, Sir! Again, what is print media? Very good! now we will be going to have an activity. ACTIVITY 2 (The teacher will give clear instructions) Direction: Find a pair. Each pair will pick between the two Print Media, Either Comic or Poster. You need to make an advertisement by making a comic strip or a poster. In comic, I have here a format and you will draw characters in each frame. Write the speech in each speech balloon. In poster, I will give you blank paper and you will draw or create something related to your theme. You will be given 20 minutes to work on your tasks. You may start now Rubric: Is one of the oldest basic forms of communication. It includes newspapers, posters, brochures, banners, magazines and other forms of printed materials. Students will present their work. F. Generalization (2mins) G. Evaluating Learning (5mins) The teacher will ask the following questions: 1. Do you consider comics illustration a modern form of art? Why or why not? 2. How important is the print media our daily life? TEST 1 identification Directions: Get ¼ sheet of paper. Write the correct answer on your paper 1. recognized as the “Father of Filipino Comics” in 1920s. He created Mga Kabalbalan ni Kenkoy 2. Filipino comic book cartoonist and graphic novelist. Creator of Darna and Captain Barbel 3. The activity or profession of producing advertisements for commercial products or services. 4-5. Difference between Print Media and Digital Media Answer key: 1. Tony Velasquez 2. Mars Ravelo 3. Advertising 4-5. Print media is physical format, tangible and lasting while digital media is digital format, dynamic and cost-effective V. Assignment On your Mapeh notebook, Research about Innovation Product and Industrial Design and write its meaning. Prepared by: Ian B. Indangan Practice Teacher (Students are presenting) (Student’s answer may vary) (Student’s answer may vary) Checked by: JOHN JAYSON S. CHAN Cooperating Teacher Approved: BELINDA S. PRUDENTE MT-1, MAPEH Noted: ROMEO D. CASTANTE School-Principal III