Cultural Values in Conflict: 1. What did the 18th Amendment change about America? 2. What reasons did reformers give for wanting the 18th Amendment? 3. Although, the Volstead Act tried to help with enforcement, Prohibition was hardly a success. Explain how Prohibition led to a growth in lawlessness and organized crime? 4. What are speakeasies? Bootleggers? 5. Why do you think it changed? The Scopes “Monkey Trial” of 1925 (438-439 & 185) 6. What was the Scopes Trial about? 7. Who were the lawyers for the trial? 8. What was the conflict between fundamentalists and those who accepted evolution? 9. What was the result of the trial? The Quota System (415 & 186) 10. Why did the United States limit immigration in the early 1920’s? 11. What was the Emergency Quota Act? What did it do? 12. Who did the Quota Act discriminate against? 13. Who were Sacco and Venzetti? The 19th Amendment 1. What was the goal of the female suffragists? 2. What were their strategies for obtaining this goal? 3. When and how did they realize their goal? Women in the 1920s 1. What was a Flapper? 2. What are some ways women rebelled against traditional expectations of behavior?