JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD Translated and Published by Japanese Standards Association JIS G 3125 :2010 (JISF) Superior atmospheric corrosion resisting rolled steels ICS 77.140.10 Reference number: JIS G 3125 : 2010 (E) PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 9S G 3125 : 2010 Date of Establishment: 1971-06-01 Date of Revision: 2010-10-20 Date of Public Notice in Official Gazette: 2010-10-20 Investigated by: Japanese Industrial Standards Committee Standards Board Technical Committee on Iron and Steel JIS G 3125: 2010, First English edition published in 2011-04 Translated and published by: Japanese Standards Association 4-1-24, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-8440 JAPAN In the event of any doubts arising as to the contents, the original JIS is to be the final authority. © JSA 2011 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. Printed in Japan AT PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT G 3125 : 2010 Contents Page Introduction·········································· ...................................................... ·························1 1 Scope················································· ...................................................... ···················1 2 Normative references ...................................................... ········································1 3 Grade, symbol and applicable thickness ...................................................... ········2 4 Chemical composition ...................................................... ·······································2 5 5.1 5.2 Mechanical properties····························································································· 2 Tensile test characteristics .................................................................................... 2 Bendability ............................................................................................................... 3 6 Shape, dimensions, mass and their tolerances ···················································3 7 Oiling················································ ...................................................... ···················4 8 Appearance··············································································································· 4 9 9.1 9.2 Tests ............................................................................................................ ··············4 Chemical analysis ...................................................... ··············································4 Mechanical test ...................................................... ··················································4 10 Inspection and re-inspection ...................................................... ····························6 10.1 Inspection············································ ...................................................... ················6 10.2 Re-inspection ............................................................................................................ 6 11 Marking ..................................................................................................... ················6 12 Report ............................................................................................................ ············7 Annex JA (informative) Comparison table between JIS and corresponding International Standard ...................................................... ···8 (i) PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT G 3125 : 2010 Foreword This translation has been made based on the original Japanese Industrial Standard revised by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, through deliberations at the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee as the result of proposal for revision of Japanese Industrial Standard submitted by The Japan Iron and Steel Federation (JISF) with the draft being attached, based on the provision of Article 12 Clause 1 of the Industrial Standardization Law applicable to the case of revision by the provision of Article 14. Consequently JIS G 3125: 2004 has been replaced with this Standard. However, JIS G 3125: 2004 may be applied in the JIS mark certification based on the relevant provisions of Article 19 Clause 1, etc. of the Industrial Standardization Law until 19th October, 2011. This JIS document is protected by the Copyright Law. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some parts of this Standard may conflict with a patent right, application for a patent after opening to the public, utility model right or application for registration of utility model after opening to the public which have technical properties. The relevant Minister and the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee are not responsible for identifying the patent right, application for a patent after opening to the public, utility model right or application for registration of utility model after opening to the public which have the said technical properties. (ii) PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD JIS G 3125 : 2010 Superior atmospheric corrosion resisting rolled steels In troduction This Japanese Industrial Standard has been prepared based on the third edition of ISO 5952 published in 2005 with some modifications of the technical contents. The portions with continuous sidelines or dotted underlines are the matters in which the contents of the corresponding International Standard have been modified. A list of modifications with explanations is given in Annex JA. 1 Scope This Standard specifies the ----------------------rolled steels (hereafter referred to as "steels") having high atmospheric corrosion resistance, to be used for vehicles, buildings, steel towers and other structures. NOTE 1 The term "atmospheric corrosion resistance" means the property to withstand the corrosion in the atmosphere. NOTE 2 The International Standard corresponding to this Standard and the symbol of degree of correspondence are as follows: ISO 5952: 2005 Continuously hot-rolled steel sheet of structural quality with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance (MOD) In addition, symbols which denote the degree of correspondence in the contents between the relevant International Standard and JIS are IDT (identical), MOD (modified.)", and NEQ (not equivalent) according to ISO/lEe Guide 21-1. 2 Norma ti ve references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Standard. The most recent editions of the standards (including amendments) indicated below shall be applied. :!_~~__ g_~~_?_~ ___ §~~_~c:J~_r:1_t~~~__~~~1y_?_c!_f?_':__ ~~C!t_C!7J_~?~~~~_~r~~~~_~_pr:~1~~~~ JIS G 0404 Steel and steel products-General technical delivery requirements ___ :!_~~__ g_~~_~_~ ___ §~~~_~_0!!_c!_~~f!~_Zl!~C!c!l!_~t_~_="f_?_~0t~C!'!_~_~c:J_Pr:~1!~!0t_~C!'!_~(_~~_r!!l!!~~_C!:':_c!_~~~_~ :!_~~__ g_~~_~_~ §~~f!? __0_~c:J__ ~_~f!~_ZI!!C!r}_l!q_~~~~!!_~P~_~t_~C!'! __c!C!q_~1!1:_~!!_~~ 1!_(~_~~~_/?! __~~_~_h:_~'!:_(~_0_{ __~~_~t~:':~_ JIS G 3141 Cold-reduced carbon steel sheet and strip :!_~~__ g_~_~_~_? ___ !?J~~_~~_~C!~~,__ 1!1:_0_~~_~!!_c!l!~~~~~~~~!~_~~!~~_~~C!'!:_~_C![_'!C!~_~C!?r~r}__~t_~~!__~f!~_~~C!:':~ :!_~~__ g_~_~_~_~ ___ !?J~f!~~~C!'!:~: __~~~~__~'!r}_p~_':_~~~~_~~!~_~~!~_0_~~~!!_~__?{'!:_?t_':_?_Z?~c:J __~t_~~!_P{0t_~~'_ ~~~f!~~_~_~c:J __~_~':_~1!~ JIS Z 2201 Test pieces for tensile test for metallic materials ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 2 G 3125: 2010 ~_~~__ ~ __?_?~~ ____ !Y!f!~!!_?_~_~r~_~'!:_~!_~f!_~_~~~_f~~_'!':_~_~f!?!_~~_'!':_~~f!~~~!_~_ Metallic materials-Bend test JIS Z 2248 3 Grade, symbol and applicable thickness Steels shall be classified into two grades, and their grade symbols and applicable thicknesses shall be as shown in table 1. Table 1 Grade, symbol and applicable thickness Unit: mm Grade symbol Steels Applicable thickness SPA-H Hot-rolled steel sheet, strip and section 16 or under SPA-C Cold-rolled steel sheet and strip 0.6 or over up to and incl. 2.3 4 Chemical composition Steels shall be tested in accordance with 9.1 and the resultant heat analysis values shall satisfy the requirements in table 2. However, if required, alloy elements other than given in table 2 may be added. Table 2 Chemical composition Unit: % Grade symbols SPA-H SPA-C Note a) C Si Mn a ) P S Cu Cr Ni 0.12 max. 0.20 to 0.75 0.60 max. 0.070 to 0.150 0.035 max. 0.25 to 0.55 0.30 to 1.25 0.65 max. The upper limit of Mn may be 1.0 % max. by agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer. For sections, the upper limit of Mn may be agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer. 5 Mechanical properties 5.1 Tensile test characteristics Steels shall be tested in accordance with 9.2 and the tensile test characteristics of the steel shall comply with table 3. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 3 G 3125: 2010 Table 3 Grade symbols Tensile test characteristics Division Yield point or proof stress Tensile strength Tensile test piece Elongation N/mm 2 N/mm 2 Steel sheet and strip 6.0 mm or under in thickness 355 min. 490 min. a) No.5 22 Sections, steel sheet and strip over 6.0 mm in thickness 355 min. 490 min. No.1A 15 - 315 min. 450 min. No.5 26 % SPA-H SPA-C 2 NOTE: 1 N/mm = 1 MPa Note a) For SPA-H steel sheet and strip of less than 3 mm thickness, 510 N/mm 2 or over may be applied by agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer. 5.2 Bendabili ty For bendability, the steel shall be tested according to 9.2 under the bend test conditions in table 4, and no cracks shall be observed on the outside of the test piece. NOTE: For details of the bend test, refer to 9.2.3. Table 4 Grade symbols Bendability Division Bendability Bend angle Inside radius or internal spacing a) Steel sheet and strip 6.0 mm or under in thickness 180 0 0.5 b) x thickness Sections, steel sheet and strip over 6.0 mm in thickness 180 0 1.5 x thickness - 180 0 1 x thickness Test piece No.1 SPA-H SPA-C In accordance with 9.2.3 b) 1) Notes a) The internal spacing shall apply to SPA-C. This value is the upper limit value, and so the test piece shall be bent so as not to exceed this value. b) For SPA-H steel sheet and strip of 6.0 mm or under in thickness, the inside radius may be 1.0 times the thickness upon agreement between the purchaser and the man ufacturer. 6 Shape, dimensions, mass and their tolerances The shape, dimensions, mass and their tolerances of the steels shall comply with JIS G 3192, JIS G 3193 or JIS G 3141. However, tolerance A shall be applied to the length of the steel sheet and strip of SPA-H and to the width of cut edge steel, and to the thickness, width, length and flatness of SPA-C, unless otherwise specified. The flatness of SPA-C shall be flatness A unless otherwise specified. In addition, the squareness of the steel sheet of SPA-H and SPA-C shall be in accordance with the following method which uses diagonal lines. However, in case of any doubt arising, the method given in JIS G 3193 or JIS G 3141 shall be applied. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 4 G 3125: 2010 Obtain 1/2 of the absolute value of the difference (IX1 -X2 1/2) between lengths of two diagonal lines (Xl and X2 of figure 1), and this value shall not exceed 0.7% of the actual width W of the sheet. L (Length) W (Actual width) Figure 1 7 Squareness of steel sheet (method using diagonal lines) Oiling Oiling shall be as follows unless otherwise specified: a) Steel sheet and strip of SPA-H of which the scale generated by rolling has been removed, and steel sheet and strip of SPA-C shall be oiled. b) As-rolled steel sheet, strip and sections of SPA-H shall not be oiled. 8------------------------------Appearance Appearance of steels shall comply with JIS G 3192, JIS G 3193 or JIS G 3141. 9 Tests 9.1 Chemical analysis The chemical analysis shall be as follows: a) The general matters of the analysis and the sampling method shall be in accordance with clause 8 of JIS G 0404. b) The method of analysis shall be in accordance with JIS G 0320. 9.2 Mechanical test 9.2.1 General matters of mechanical test The general matters of mechanical test shall be in accordance with clause 7 and clause 9 of JIS G 0404. In this case, the method of sampling position shall be Type A of 7.6 of JIS G 0404, and the number of test pieces shall be as follows: Number of test pieces for tensile and bend tests a) 1) Hot-rolled steel sheet One test piece shall be taken from each lot of steel sheets of the same heat with the maximum thickness not more than two times the minimum thickness. However, if the lot exceeds 50 t in mass, two test pieces shall be taken. 2) Hot-rolled steel strip and cut plates from strip One test piece shall be taken from each lot of the same heat and the same thickness. However, if the lot exceeds 50 t in mass, two test pieces shall be taken. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 5 G 3125: 2010 3) Hot-rolled sections One test piece shall be taken from each lot of the same heat and the same shape with the maximum thickness not more than two times the minimum thickness. However, if the lot exceeds 50 t in mass, two test pieces shall be taken. 4) Cold-rolled steel sheet and strip One test piece shall be taken from each lot of the same heat, the same thickness, the same rolling and the same heat treatment conditions. However, if the lot exceeds 50 t in mass, two test pieces shall be taken. Sampling position of tensile and bend test pieces Annex A of JIS G 0416. b) Perform according to 9.2.2 Tensile test pieces and test method The tensile test shall be as follows: a) Test pieces to be used shall be in accordance with No. 1A or No.5 test piece of JIS Z 2201. b) The test method shall be in accordance with JIS Z 2241. ~_._~~~ ____~_~~_~ __~_~_~_~_J~!_~~~ __ ~~~__ ~_~_~~__ ~_~~_~~_~_ The bend test shall be as follows: ~~~_~~_~_~_~<?_~_~_~_J?:~~~g~~~r_~~~__~_~__ ?_~~~~~~_~}? __~~~_~~~_~~_~~_~J?~~~~_~_~_~~Y_~_~_~~Z_J?:~~_~_~__~Y_~~~ l?_~~_~~_~~_~t·_ Note 1) The test may be omitted by the judgment of the manufacturer, but the --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------bendability requirements should still be satisfied. In the case of SPA-H a) 1) Test piece to be used shall be in accordance with No.1 test piece in JIS Z 2248. 2) The test method shall be in accordance with JIS Z 2248. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the case of SPA-C b) _~)_____ r~_~~_l?_i_~_~~ __~~_~_~ __~~_~_~_~~_~_~~_~_~ __ ~_?__ ~??:_~_<?__ ?~_!?_~_~_1?:_~~~_~~_'__ ~~~__ ~~~~ __~~_~J?J~~<?l~~_~~ ~~~_~_~_1?:~~}~~_~~_~~_~_!_~__ ~~~~_~ __~~~~~_~~~ __~_~~~_~:_ 2) 0 For bending the test piece, use a manual vice to bend the test piece through 180 in the longitudinal direction under the conditions in table 4 as shown in figure 2. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;r!_<?~_~:'!_~_~? __~rJ?_~_1?:~~_J?:~_~y__~~~!l_~__ ?r_~__y~~~_~_~ __1?:~~__r~~~_~~_~~~_~~_,__ ~_~~_~~~_~_??:~Y_J?_~__ ~_<?_1?:~ ducted by other appropriate methods. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 6 G 3125: 2010 Figure 2 Direction of bending test 10 Inspection and re-inspection 10.1 Inspection The inspection shall be as follows: a) Chemical composition shall conform to clause 4. b) Mechanical properties shall conform to clause 5. c) Shape, dimensions and mass shall conform to clause 6. d) Appearance shall conform to clause 8. e) If tensile test piece of the specified dimensions can not be obtained, the test procedure, specification value, or other matters shall be as agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer. 10.2 Re-inspection The steels having failed in the mechanical test may be retested according to 9.8 of JIS G 0404 for further judgment of acceptance. 11 Marking The steels which have passed the inspection shall be clearly marked with the following items on each product or bundle in a suitable manner. The items below, however, may be partially omitted with the agreement between purchaser and manufacturer. a) Grade symbol b) Heat number or inspection number c) Dimensions d) Manufacturer's name or its abbreviation e) Quality or mass of each bundle in the case of steel sheet or strip PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 7 G 3125: 2010 12 Report The report shall comply with clause 13 of JIS G 0404. Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser at the order, the report shall be in accordance with symbol 2.3 or symbol 3.1.B specified in table 1 of JIS G 0415. If any alloy element other than specified in table 2 was added, the inspection document shall state the content of the added element. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT OCXl Annex JA (informative) W Comparison table between JIS and corresponding International Standard I---l ~ 01 ~ JIS G 3125: 2010 Superior atmospheric corrosion resisting rolled steels ISO 5952: 2005 Continuously hot-rolled steel sheet of structural quality with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance (I) Requirements in JIS (III) Requirements in International Standard (IV) Classification and details of technical deviation between JIS and the International Standard by clause Clause No. Content Classification by clause Detail of technical deviation Addition JIS specifies sections, steel sheet and strip, whereas ISO does not specify sections. Deviation is due to difference of structure between JIS and ISO. No change is made at this time regarding this matter. Deletion JIS specifies one grade selected from ISO grades. JIS specifies three steel grades with use performances from ISO grades in JIS G 3125 and JIS G 3114. Addition of grades requires sufficient use performances and no change is made at this time regarding this matter. (II) International Standard number No. and title of clause Content 1 Scope This Standard specifies the rolled steel having high atmospheric corrosion resistance, to be used for vehicles, buildings, steel towers and other structures. 1 This International Standard applies to continuously hotrolled steel sheet of structural quality having improved atmospheric corrosion resistance, also known as weatherresistant structural steel. Two steel grades and applicable thicknesses are specified. 1.1 Five steel grades are specified. "'d (V) Justification for the technical deviation and future measures ~ o ~ M o ~ M U ttl ~ o o ~ ~ Q ::r: ~ 2 Normative references 3 Grade, symbol and applicable thickness Alteration o I---l o (I) Requirements in JIS "'d :;:d o ~ (II) International Standard number (III) Requirements in International Standard (IV) Classification and details of technical deviation between JIS and the International Standard by clause Clause No. Content Classification by clause Detail of technical deviation No. and title of clause Content 4 Chemical composition Heat analysis values are specified. 5.2 Heat analysis values are specified. Alteration Compositions given in JIS and ISO are approximately the same, except for the lower limit value of S. The difference of the lower limit value of S is small and insignificant. No change is made at this time regarding this matter. 5 Mechanical properties The tensile strength, proof stress and elongation and bendability are specified. 5.6 The tensile strength, proof stress and elongation are specified. The impact test is specified as an additional test. Deletion JIS deletes the impact test, while adding the bend test. The impact test is not necessary in JIS in view of usage of the product. No change is made at this time regarding this matter. 6 Shape, dimensions, mass and their tolerances Shape, dimensions, mass and tolerances of steel sections, steel sheet and strip are specified. 6 Shape, dimensions and tolerances of section, steel sheet and strip are specified. Addition JIS adds the specification of sections. Deviation is due to the difference of structure between JIS and ISO. No change is made at this time regarding this matter. 7 Oiling Oiling is specified. 4.2 Oiling is specified. Identical 8 Appearance Appearance of steel sections, steel sheet and strip is specified. 11 Appearance of steel sheet and strip is specified. Addition JIS adds the specification of sections. Deviation is due to the difference of structure between JIS and ISO. No change is made at this time regarding this matter. 9.1 Chemical analysis Sampling method and analysis method are specified. 5.3 It is specified that a heat analysis be conducted. Addition JIS specifies the analysis in more details. Deviation is due to the difference of structure between JIS and ISO. No change is made at this time regarding this matter. t:rj Q ~ t:rj t:j Addition Cd ~ Q o ~ :;:d (5 ~ ~ (V) Justification for the technical deviation and future measures C1 W t--L ~ Cl1 ~ o t--L oc.o (I) Requirements in JIS "'d (II) International Standard number (III) Requirements in International Standard Classification by clause Detail of technical deviation 7 Sampling method and testing method of tensile test, and impact testing method are specified. Addition JIS adds the bend test. Deletion of bend test specification from JIS will be considered. Inspection prior to shipment by the inspector is specified. Alteration The manufacturer shall judge the test results in JIS. JIS leaves the inspection to the manufacturer's responsibility. No change is made at this time regarding this matter. 9 Retests are specified. Identical 10 It is specified that the manufacturer may resubmit the products rejected. Five marking items are specified. 14 Seven marking items are specified. Deletion JIS does not specify markings of standard number and order number. JIS grade symbols indicate the standard number, so the marking of standard number is not necessary. Order number is a matter of individual contracts, therefore its marking on the product is unnecessary. Report and inspection document are specified. - - Addition 9.2 Mechanical test Test pieces and testing methods of tensile and bend test are specified. 10.1 Inspection Inspections of chemical composition, mechanical properties, shape, mass and appearance are specified. 12 10.2 Re-inspection Re-inspection is specified. 11 Marking 12 Report ~ M o ~ 8 M U ttl ~ o o ~ ~ Q ::r: ~ Cl5 w I---l ~ 01 ~ Content Content o (V) Justification for the technical deviation and future measures Clause No. No. and title of clause ~ (IV) Classification and details of technical deviation between JIS and the International Standard by clause o I---l o Deviation is due to the difference of structure between JIS and ISO. No change is made at this time regarding this matter. (I) Requirements in JIS No. and title of clause Content - - (II) International Standard number (III) Requirements in International Standard (IV) Classification and details of technical deviation between JIS and the International Standard by clause Clause No. Content Classification by clause Detail of technical deviation 3 Definitions: relevant terms are defined. Deletion No specification in JIS. The terms are defined in JIS G 0203. 5.1 Steelmaking is specified. Deletion No specification in JIS. The steelmaking is not generally specified in JIS. Deviation is due to the difference of structure between JIS and ISO, and no change is made at this time regarding this matter. 13 It is specified that at the time of ordering coils, diameters and mass of coils are to be designated. Deletion No specification in JIS. In JIS, these are considered to be matters of individual business contracts and are not to be specified in standards. 15 Information to be supplied by the purchaser is specified. Deletion No specification in JIS. "'d :;:d o ~ t:rj Q ~ t:rj t:j Cd ~ Q o ~ :;:d (5 ~ ~ (V) Justification for the technical deviation and future measures Overall degree of correspondence between JIS and International Standard (ISO 5952: 2005): MOD NOTE 1 Symbols in sub-columns of classification by clause in the above table indicate as follows: Identical: Identical in technical contents. Deletion: Deletes the specification item(s) or content(s) of International Standard. Addition: Adds the specification item(s) or content(s) which are not included in International Standard. Alteration: Alters the specification content(s) which are included in International Standard. NOTE 2 Symbol in column of overall degree of correspondence between JIS and International Standard in the above table indicates as follows: - MOD: Modifies International Standard. C1 W t--L ~ Cl1 ~ o t--L t--L Ot--L Errata for JIS (English edition) are printed in Standardization and Quality Control, published monthly by the Japanese Standards Association, and also provided to subscribers of JIS (English edition) in Monthly Information. Errata will be provided upon request, please contact: Standards Publishing Department, Japanese Standards Association 4-1-24, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-8440 JAPAN TEL. 03-3583-8002 FAX. 03-3583-0462 PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT