Financial Statement Analysis Perspectives 1/20/2025 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Liquidity – the ability of the firm to pay its way Investment/shareholders –information to enable decisions to be made on the extent of the risk and the earning potential of a business investment Gearing – information on the relationship between the exposure of the business to loans as opposed to share capital Profitability – how effective the firm is at generating profits given sales and/or its capital Financial – the rate at which the company sells its stock and the efficiency with which it uses its assets 1/20/2025 3 Liquidity 1/20/2025 4 Current Ratio • Looks at the ratio between Current Assets and Current Liabilities • Current Ratio = Current Assets : Current Liabilities • A ratio of 5 : 1 would imply the firm has Rs 5 of assets to cover every Re 1 in liabilities • A ratio of 0.75 : 1 would suggest the firm has only 75p in assets available to cover every Re1 it owes • Too high – Might suggest that too much of its assets are tied up in unproductive activities – too much stock, for example? • Too low - risk of not being able to pay your way 1/20/2025 5 • Current Assets : Raw Material, Stores, Spares, Work-in Progress. Finished Goods, Debtors, Bills Receivables, Cash. • Current Liabilities : Sundry Creditors, Short term loan, Accounts Payable, etc. and other liabilities payable within one year. • Net Working Capital : This is the difference of Current Assets and Current Liabilities. NWC = Current Assets – Current Liabilities 1/20/2025 6 Current Ratio measures short term liquidity of the concern. It shows the ability to meet current obligations in time. Higher ratio may be good from the point of view of creditors. In the long run very high current ratio may affect profitability (e.g. high inventory carrying cost) 1/20/2025 7 Shows the liquidity at a particular point of time. The position can change immediately after that date. So trend of the current ratio over the years to be analyzed. Current Ratio is to be studied with the changes of NWC. It is also necessary to look at this ratio along with the Debt-Equity ratio. Acid Test ratio • Also referred to as the ‘Quick ratio’ • (Current assets – Stock & Prepaid expenses) : Current liabilities • The omission of stock gives an indication of the cash the firm has in relation to its liabilities • A ratio of 3:1 therefore would suggest the firm has 3 times as much cash as it owes – very healthy! • A ratio of 0.5:1 would suggest the firm has twice as many liabilities as it has cash to pay for those liabilities. This might put the firm under pressure but is not in itself the end of the world! 1/20/2025 9 Example : Cash 50,000 Debtors 1,00,000 Inventories 1,50,000 Total Current Assets 3,00,000 Current Ratio = > Quick Ratio => 1/20/2025 Current Liabilities 1,00,000 3,00,000/1,00,000 1,50,000/1,00,000 = 3:1 = 1.5 : 1 10 Investment/Shareholders 1/20/2025 11 Investment/Shareholders Earnings per share (eps) EPS indicates the amount of net profit of the year that would be available for dividend for each share held by the equity share holders. Net profit after Taxes and Preference Dividend No. of Equity Shares 1/20/2025 12 • Price Earnings ratio (P/E ratio) = Market Price Per Equity Share Earnings Per Share • PE Ratio indicates the number of times the Earning Per Share is covered by its market price. • The higher the better generally. • Comparison with other firms helps to identify value placed on the market of the business. 1/20/2025 13 Dividend yield : (Equity share dividend / market price) x 100 Relates the return on the investment to the share price. Higher the better. 1/20/2025 14 Dividend payout • This ratio indicates what portion of equity earnings is paid out as dividends to equity shareholders. • Dividend payout = DPS EPS • The compliment of this ratio is the proportion of retained earnings. • (RETAINED EARNINGS/SHARE)+DPS = EPS Leverage/Gearing 1/20/2025 16 • Gearing Ratio = (Long term loans / Capital employed) x 100 • The higher the ratio the more the business is exposed to interest rate fluctuations and has to pay back interest and loans before being able to re-invest earnings 1/20/2025 17 DEBT EQUITY RATIO : It is the relationship between borrower’s fund (Debt) and Owner’s Capital (Equity). Long Term Outside Liabilities / Tangible Net Worth Liabilities of Long Term Nature (Total of Capital and Reserves & Surplus) Less Intangible Assets For instance, if the Firm is having the following : Capital = Rs. 200 Lakhs Free Reserves & Surplus = Rs. 300 Lakhs Long Term Loans/Liabilities = Rs. 800 Lakhs Debt Equity Ratio will be => 800/500 i.e. 1.6 : 1 1/20/2025 18 Profitability 1/20/2025 19 Profitability • Profitability measures look at how much profit the firm generates from sales or from its capital assets • Different measures of profit – gross and net – Gross profit – effectively total revenue (turnover/sales) – variable costs (cost of sales) – Net Profit – effectively total revenue (turnover) – variable costs and fixed costs (overheads) – Operating profit- effectively net profit – non operating income ( like dividends received) + non operating expenses (like interest paid on debentures) 1/20/2025 20 Profitability-Gross Profit Ratio • Gross Profit Ratio = (Gross profit / Turnover ) x 100 • By comparing Gross Profit percentage to Net Sales we can arrive at the Gross Profit Ratio which indicates the manufacturing efficiency as well as the pricing policy of the concern. • The higher the better • Also enables the firm to assess the impact of its sales and how much it costs to generate (produce) those sales • A gross profit margin of 45% means that for every Re1 of sales, the firm makes 45p in gross profit 1/20/2025 21 Profitability-Net Profit Ratio • Net Profit ratio = (Net Profit / Turnover )x 100 • It measures overall profitability. • Net profit takes into account the fixed costs involved in production – the overheads • Keeping control over fixed costs is important – could be easy to overlook for example the amount of waste - paper, stationery, lighting, heating, water, etc. 1/20/2025 22 Profitability- ROCE RETRUN ON AVERAGE CAPITAL EMPLOYED ( Net Profit before Interest & Tax / Average Capital Employed) x 100 Net Profit before interest includes interest on both long term as well as short term loans Average Capital Employed is the average of the equity share capital and long term funds provided by the owners and the creditors of the firm at the beginning and end of the accounting period. ROCE can also be calculated on gross capital employed (Net Fixed Assets + Current assets ) 1/20/2025 23 Profitability- ROCE The higher the better Shows how effective the firm is in using its capital to generate profit ROCE of 25% means that it uses every Re1 of capital to generate 25p in profit Partly a measure of efficiency in organisation and use of capital 1/20/2025 24 Financial 1/20/2025 25 Asset Turnover Ratio Asset Turnover ratio = Net Sales /Tangible assets Using assets to generate profit Asset turnover x net profit margin = ROCE FIXED ASSET TURNOVER RATIO : Net Sales /Fixed Assets CURRENT ASSET TURNOVER RATIO : Net Sales / Current Assets 1/20/2025 26 STOCK/INVENTORY TURNOVER RATIO = (COGS/Average Inventory) x 365 for days = (COGS/Average Inventory) x 52 for weeks = (COGS/Average Inventory) x 12 for months Average Inventory or Stock = (Opening Stock + Closing Stock) ----------------------------------------2 This ratio indicates the number of times the inventory is rotated during the relevant accounting period 1/20/2025 27 Stock Turnover Ratio • A high stock turnover might mean increased efficiency – But: dependent on the type of business – supermarkets might have high stock turnover ratios whereas a shop selling high value musical instruments might have low stock turnover ratio – Low stock turnover could mean poor customer satisfaction if people are not buying the goods. 1/20/2025 28 DEBTORS TURNOVER RATIO • Debtor Days or DEBTORS TURNOVER RATIO : This is also called Debtors Velocity or Average Collection Period or Period of Credit given . = (Average Debtors/Sales ) x 365/ 52 / 12 (for days/weeks /months) • Shorter the better • Gives a measure of how long it takes the business to recover debts 1/20/2025 29 CREDITORS TURNOVER RATIO This is also called Creditors Velocity Ratio, which determines the creditor payment period. =(Average Creditors/Credit Purchases) x 365 /52/12 (for days/ weeks/ months) Format of balance sheet for ratio analysis LIABILITIES ASSETS NET WORTH/EQUITY/OWNED FUNDS Share Capital/Partner’s Capital/Paid up Capital/ Owners Funds Reserves (General, Capital, Revaluation & Other Reserves) Credit Balance in P&L A/c FIXED ASSETS : LAND & BUILDING, PLANT & MACHINERIES Original Value Less Depreciation Net Value or Book Value or Written down value LONG TERM LIABILITIES/BORROWED FUNDS Term Loans (Banks & Institutions) Debentures/Bonds, Unsecured Loans, Fixed Deposits, Other Long Term Liabilities NON CURRENT ASSETS Investments in quoted shares & securities Old stocks or old/disputed book debts Long Term Security Deposits Other Misc. assets which are not current or fixed in nature CURRENT LIABILTIES Bank Working Capital Limits such as CC/OD/Bills/Export Credit Sundry /Trade Creditors/Creditors/Bills Payable, Short duration loans or deposits Expenses payable & provisions against various items CURRENT ASSETS : Cash & Bank Balance, Marketable/quoted Govt. or other securities, Book Debts/Sundry Debtors, Bills Receivables, Stocks & inventory (RM,SIP,FG) Stores & Spares, Advance Payment of Taxes, Prepaid expenses, Loans and Advances recoverable within 12 months INTANGIBLE ASSETS Patent, Goodwill, Debit balance in P&L A/c, Preliminary or Preoperative expenses 1/20/2025 31 EXERCISE 1 calculate the following from the balance sheet data LIABILITES ASSETS Capital 180 Net Fixed Assets 400 Reserves 20 Closing stock 150 Long Term Loan 300 Cash 50 Bank Cash credit 200 Accounts Receivables 150 Trade Creditors 50 Goodwill 50 Provision for tax 50 800 a. b. c. d. e. f. 1/20/2025 800 Net Worth Tangible Net Worth Outside Liabilities Net Working Capital Current Ratio Quick Ratio 32 Exercise 1 Net Worth : Tangible Net Worth : Outside Liabilities : Net Working Capital : Current Ratio : Quick Ratio 1/20/2025 : 33 EXERCISE 2 LIABILITIES 2005-06 2006-07 2005-06 2006-07 Capital 300 350 Net Fixed Assets 730 750 Reserves 140 160 Security Deposit 30 30 (Electricity) Bank Term Loan 320 280 Investments 110 110 Bank Cash credit 490 580 Raw Materials 150 170 Unsecured long Term Liabilities 150 170 Stock in Progress 20 30 Creditors (Raw materials) 120 70 Finished Goods 140 170 Bills Payable 40 80 Cash 30 20 Expenses Payable 20 30 Receivables 310 240 Provisions 20 40 Loans/Advances 30 190 Goodwill 50 50 1600 1760 Total 1/20/2025 1600 1760 34 EXERCISE 2 calculate the following: • Tangible Net Worth for 1st Year • Current Ratio for 2nd Year • Debt Equity Ratio for 1st Year 1/20/2025 35 Exercise 2 1. Tangible Net Worth for 1st Year : 2. Current Ratio for 2nd Year : 3. Debt Equity Ratio for 1st Year : Raw Materials 170 Stock in Progress Finished Goods 580 30 Bank Cash credit 70 170 Creditors (Raw materials) Bills Payable 80 Expenses Payable 30 Provisions 40 Cash 20 Receivables 240 Loans/Advances 1/20/2025 190 36 Exercise 3. LIABIITIES 1/20/2025 ASSETS Equity Capital 200 Net Fixed Assets 800 Preference Capital 100 Inventory 300 Term Loan 600 Receivables 150 Bank Cash credit 400 Investment In Govt. Sec 50 Sundry Creditors 100 Preliminary Expenses 100 Total 1400 1400 37 Exercise 3: Calculate i) Debt Equity Ratio ii)Tangible Net Worth iii)Current Ratio 1/20/2025 38 Exercise 3. 1. Debt Equity Ratio : LTL/ TNW = 2. Tangible Net Worth : 3. Current Ratio : 1/20/2025 39 Exercise 4. LIABILITIES Capital + Reserves P & L Credit Balance ASSETS 355 Net Fixed Assets 7 Cash 265 1 Loan From S F C 100 Receivables 125 Bank Overdraft 38 Stocks 128 Creditors 26 Prepaid Expenses 1 Provision of Tax 9 Intangible Assets 30 Proposed Dividend 15 550 550 Q 1. What is the Current Ratio ? Q 2. What is the Quick Ratio ? Q 3. What is the Debt Equity Ratio ? 1/20/2025 40 Q1. What is the Current Ratio ? Q 2. What is the Quick Ratio ? Q 3. What is the Debt Equity Ratio ? 1/20/2025 41 Exercise 4. contd… LIABILITIES ‘000 Capital + Reserves P & L Credit Balance 355 ASSETS ‘000 Net Fixed Assets 265 7 Cash 1 Loan From S F C 100 Receivables 125 Bank Overdraft 38 Stocks 128 Creditors 26 Prepaid Expenses 1 Provision of Tax 9 Intangible Assets 30 Proposed Dividend 15 550 550 Q 4. What is the Proprietary Ratio ? Q 5. What is the Net Working Capital ? Q 6. If Net Sales is Rs.15 Lac, then What would be the Stock Turnover Ratio in Times? 1/20/2025 42 4. Proprietary Ratio 5. Net Working Capital 6. If Net Sales is Rs.15 Lac, then What would be the Stock Turnover Ratio in Times ? 1/20/2025 43 Exercise 4. contd… LIABILITIES Capital + Reserves P & L Credit Balance ASSETS 355 Net Fixed Assets 7 Cash 265 1 Loan From S F C 100 Receivables 125 Bank Overdraft 38 Stocks 128 Creditors 26 Prepaid Expenses 1 Provision of Tax 9 Intangible Assets 30 Proposed Dividend 15 550 550 Q 7. What is the Debtors Velocity Ratio ? If the sales are Rs. 15 Lac. Q 8. What is the Creditors Velocity Ratio if Purchases are Rs.10.5 Lac ? 1/20/2025 44 7. Debtors Velocity Ratio ,If the sales are Rs. 15 Lac. 8. Creditors Velocity Ratio, if Purchases are Rs.10.5 Lac 1/20/2025 45 Exercise 5. From the following financial statement calculate (i) Current Ratio (ii) Acid test Ratio (iii) Inventory Turnover (iv) Average Debt Collection Period (v) Average Creditors’ payment period. C.Assets Sales 1500 Inventories 125 Cost of sales 1000 Debtors 250 Gross profit 500 Cash 225 C. Liabilities Trade Creditors 200 1/20/2025 46 (i) Current Ratio : (ii) Acid Test Ratio : Debtors + Cash /Trade creditors = (iii) Inventory Turnover Ratio : Cost of sales / Inventories = (iv) Average Debt collection period : (Debtors/sales) x 365 = (v) Average Creditors’ payment period : (Trade Creditors/Cost of sales) x 365 1/20/2025 47