퀴즈 및 연습문저l 하l 답 Answers to Quic뻐zzes a빼 Chapter 1 [퀴즈] 1. (a) 2. False 3. (b) 4. False. Your graph should look something like the one shown in the next column. This v,、 -t graph shows that the maximum speed is about 5.0 m / s , which is 18 km/ h (= 11 m i/ h) , so the driver was not speeding. Vx (m/ s) 6 4 [연습문제] 2 1. (a) 5.52 X 10 3 kg/ m 3 (b) It is between the density of alu- 0 minum and that of iron and is greater than the densities of typical surface rocks. 2. (a) 2.3 X 1017 kg/ m 3 (b) 1. 0 X 1013 times the density of osmlum 3. 7.69 cm -2 4π p(r:경 - rl) 3 5. The angle subtended by the Great Wall is less than the visual acuity of the eye. 6. 70.0 m 7. 0 .1 41 nm 8. The value of k , a dimensionless constant cannot be obtained by dimensional analysis 9. (b) only 10. (a) [A] = L/ T 3 and [B] = L/T (b) L/ T 11. 11 .4 X 10 3 kg/ m 3 4 12. The number of pages in Volume 1 is sufficient 13. 2.86 cm 14. r Fe (l.4 3) 15. 151 μm 16. (a) 3.39 X 10 5 ft3 (b) 2.54 X 10 4 1b 17. (a) ~102kg (b) ~10 3 kg 18. 100 tuners 19. The average distance between asteroids in the asteroid belt is about 400 000 km. 20. (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 2 2 1. 31 556 926.0 s 22. 1. 66 x 10 3 kg/ m 3 23. 19 24. 288 0 , 108 。 25. 63 27. :!::3 .4 6 28. (a) nine times smaller (b) ßt is inversely proportional to the square of d (c) Plot ßt on the vertical axis and l/ d 2 on the horizontal axis (d) 4QL/ kπ (T" - 낀) 29. (a) 1014 bacteria (b) beneficial 30. 1O11 stars -4 -6 5. (b) 6. (a)-(e) , (b)-(d) , (c)-(f) 7. (i) (e) (ii) (d) [연습문제】 1. about 0.02 s 2. (a) 50.0 m/ s (b) 4 1. 0 m / s 3. (a) 2.30 m / s (b) 16.1 m / s (c) 11. 5 m/ s 4. (a) +L/ tl (b) -L/ t2 (c) 0 (d) 2L/ tl + t2 5. (a) -2 .4 m/s (b) -3.8 m / s (c) 4.0 s 6. (a) 20 m i/ h (b) 0 (c) 30 m i/ h 7. (a) 2.80 h (b) 218 km 8. Position 잃 a function of time 100 를 ν 며i잉£ 80 웅말 400 6 월훌 20 0 time Velocity as a function of time .........:; 옹용 .. = ‘ : 。 ‘ 톨현 O 틱은 a흩 를 Chapter 2 I퀴즈】 g μ ‘* time 1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (b) A-31 A-32 퀴즈 및 연습문제 해답 Acceleration as a function of time {』여: 』a』 뼈-zμμ ·다잉 여』} 양야얘 g nu time 9. (a) 1. 3 m / s2 (b) t = 3 s, a = 2 m / s2 (c) t = 6 s, t > 10 s (d) a = -1. 5 m /s2 , t = 8 s 10. (a) x (m) 60 40 20 t (5) 2 4 (b) 23 m / s, 18 m / s, 14 m / s, and 9.0 m /s (c) 4.6 m / s (d) zero 11. (a) 20 m / s, 5 m / s . (b) 262.5 m 12. (a) 4.98 X 10- 19 s (b) 1. 20 X 1015 m / s2 13. (a) 9.00 m / s (b) -3.00 m / s (c) 17.0 m / s (d) The graph of velocity versus time is a straight line passing through 13 m / s at 10:05 a.m. and sloping downward , decreasing by 4 m / s for each second thereafter. (e) Ifand only ifwe know the object’ s velocity at one instant of time, knowing its acceleration tells us its velocity at every other moment as long as the acceleration is constan t. 14. (a) 20.0 s (b) 1 000 m (c) the plane cannot land 15. -16.0 cm / s2 16. (a) The idea is false unless the acceleration is zero. We define constant acceleration to mean that the velocity is changing steadily in time. So , the velocity cannot be changing steadily in space. (b) This idea is true. Because the velocity is changing steadily in time, the velocity halfway through an interval is equal to the average of its initial and final values . 17. The accelerations do not match, therefore the situation is impossible. 18. (a) 19.7 cm/ s (b) 4.70 cm/ s2 (c) The length ofthe glider is used to find the average velocity during a known time interva l. 19. The equation represents that displacement is a quadratic function of time. 1 <) J χj = V페 l- 걷 ax C- 20. (a) 3.75 s (b) 5.50 cm/ s (c) 0.604 s (d) 13.3 cm, 47.9 cm (e) The cars are initially moving toward each other, so they soon arrive at the same position x when their speeds are quite different , giving one answer to (c) that is not an answer to (a). The first car slows down in its motion to the left , turns around , and starts to move toward the right , slowly at first and gaining speed steadily. At a particular moment its speed will be equal to the constant rightward speed of the second car, but at this time the accelerating car is far behind the steadily moving car; thus , the answer to (a) is not an answer to (c). Eventually the accelerating car will catch up to the steadily coasting car, but passing it at higher speed , and giving a nother answer to (c) that is not an answer to (a) . 21. (a) -0.107 m / s2 (b) 4.53 m / s (c) pole #3 (stops at x = 96.3 m at t = 42 .4 s) 22. David will be unsuccessfu l. The average human reaction time is about 0.2 s (research on the Internet) and a dollar bill is about 15.5 cm long , so David ’ s fingers are about 8 cm from the end of the bill before it is dropped . The bill will fall about 20 cm before h e can close his fingers. 23. (a and b) The rock pass by the top of the wall with vJ = 3.69 m / s (c) 2.39 m / s (d) does not agree (e) The average speed of the upward-moving rock is smaller than the downward moving rock. 24. 7.96 s 25. 0.60 s 26. (a) 10.0 m / s up (b) 4.68 m / s down h.gt 27. (a) -7+ c;.,2 t ", h gt (b) ,-, -7--;' t 2 28. (a) The box could reach the window according to the data provided. (b) Answers will vary. 29. (a) 4.00 m / s (b) 1. 00 ms (c) 0.816 m 30. (a) 3 .45 s (b) 10.0 ft Chapter 3 【퀴 즈] 1. vectors: (b) , (c); scalars: (a) , (d) , (e) 2. (c) 3. (b) and (c) 4. (b) 5. (c) [ 연습문제] 1. (a) 8.60 m (b) 4 .47 m , -63 .40 ; 4.24 m , 135。 2. (a) (2.17 ,1. 25) m , (-1. 90 , 3.29) m (b) 4.55m 3. (a) (-3.56 cm, -2 .4 0 cm) (b) (r = 4.30 cm , e = 3260 ) (c) (r = 8.60 cm , e = 34.0 0 ) (d) (r = 12.9 cm, e = 1460 ) 4. (a) κ 180 0 - e (b) 180 0 + () (c)-() 5. This situation can ηeνer be true because the distance is the length of an arc of a circle between two points , whereas the magnitude of the displacement vector is a straight-line chord of the circle between the same points . 6. B is 43 units in the negative y direction 7. 9.5 N , 57 0 above the x axis 8. (a) The three diagrams are shown in the figure below. ~ 퀴즈 및 연습문제 해답 Chapter 4 L..J 100m ” /‘ -며 K ” -• A •C/4 -• B A-33 ! 판짧뀔 ’ 【퀴즈] 1. (a) 2. (i) (b) (ii) (a) 3. 150 , 30 0 , 45 0 , 60 0 , 75。 4. (i) (d) (ii) (b) 5. (i) (b) (ii) (d) - (b) The sum of a set ofvectors is not affected by the order in which the vectors are added. 9. (a) 5.2 m at 60 0 (b) 3.0 m at 330 0 (c) 3.0 m at 150。 (d) 5.2 m at 300 。 10. approximately 420 ft at -2.63 。 11. (a) yes (b) The speed of the camper should be 28.3 m/s or more to satisfy this requiremen t. 12. l. 31 km north and 2.81 km east 13. 9.4 8 m at 166。 14. (a) 【연습문저n 1. (a) (l. OOi + 0.750j) m/s (b) (l. OOi + 0.500j) m/s , l. 12 m/s 2. (a) -5.00ωi m/s (b) -5.00 때 m/s (c) (4.00 m)J + (5.00 m)(- sinωti - cosω t]), (5.00 m)ω[-cos ωi + sin ω 폐, (5.00 m)ω2 [sin ω ti + cos ωJ] (d) a circle of radius 5.00 m centered at (0 , 4.00 m) 3. (여때 a띠) 강 = -12.0t셔j , 때w‘~ seconds (b) 융 = -12.0j m/s2 (c) r = (3.00i - 6.0띠) m , 강 = -12.0j m/s 4. (a) (lo.oi + 0.24파) mm (b) (1. 84 X 10 7 m/s)i + (8.78 X 10 5 m/s)j (c) 1. 85 X 10 7 m/s (d) 2.73。 5. (a) 칸= (3 .45 - 1. 79t)i + (2.89 - 0.650t)j (b) 칸= (-25.3 + 3 .45t - 0.893t 2)i + (28.9 + 2.89t - 0.325t 2)j 6. V xi (b) 5.00i + 4.00j , -l. OOi + 8.00j (c) 6 .4 0 at 38.7 0 , 8.06 at 97.2 。 15. (a) 185 N at 77.8 0 from the positive χ axis (b) (-39.3i - 18 패 )N 16. (a) Its component parallel to the surface is (l. 50 m) cos 141 0 = -1. 17 m , or 1.1 7 m toward the top of the hill (b) Its component perpendicular to the surface is (1. 50 m) sin 141 0 = 0.944 m , or 0.944 m away from the snow. 17. (a) 5.66 m at 8 = 315 0 (b) 13 .4 m at 8 = 117 。 18. Cx = 7.30 cm , Cy = -7.20 cm 19. (a) 8.00 i + 12.0 j - 4.00k (b) 2.00 i + 3.00 j - 1. 00k (c) -24.0 i - 36.0 j + 12.0k 20. (a) 5.00i - 1. 00j - 3.00k, 5.92 m (b) (4.00i - 1l. 0j + 15.0k) m , 19.0 m 2 1. (a) - 3.00 i + 2.00 j (b) 3.61 at 1460 (c) 3.00 i - 6.00 j 22. (a) 49.5i + 27. 괴 (b) 56 .4, 28.7 。 23. (a) a = 5.00 and b = 7.00 (b) For vectors to be equal , all their components must be equa l. A vector equation contains more information than a scalar equation. 24. 59.2 0 with the χ axis , 39.8 0 with the Y axis , 67.4 0 with the z aXls 25. (a) (-20.5 i + 35.5 j) km/h (b) 25.0 j km/h (c) (-6 1. 5i + 107j)km (d) 37.5jkm (e) 157km 26. (a) 10 .4 cm (b) 8 = 35.5。 27. l. 43 X 10 4 m at 32.2 0 above the horizontal 28. Impossible because 12 .4 m is greater than 5.00 m 29. 9 .4 60 west of north 30. 240 m at 237 。 얘 = dj 많옳 (여 b비)T파 he 社 d따 떼 m ir때 rect 앉때 ec때 띠떼 Cα t더ion 띠따 O야 off 야the ml tan냐1끼(2h/d) below the horizonta l. 7. 12.0 m/s 8. 53.1 。 9.67.8 。 10. (a) 76.0 0 (b) ~ax = 2.13R (c) the same on every planet 11. dtan 8. --=---::: gd 。 t 2ut2 cos2 81 12. (a) 0.852 s (b) 3.29 m/s (c) 4.03 m/s (d) 50.8 0 (e) t = 1. 12 s 13. (a) (0 , 0) (b) vxi = 18.0 m/s , vyi = 0 (c) Particle under constant acceleration (d) Particle under constant velocity (e) 왜 = νxi' vyJ = - gt (f) 장 = 값t, YJ= Yi - ~gt2 (g) 3.19 s (h) 36.1 m/s , -60 .1。 14. (a) 28.2 m/s (b) 4.07 s (c) the required initial velocity will increase , the total time of flight will increase (visin 8)2 15. (a) t = 낀 sin 8/g (b) hmax = h+ ' 'C)~ , 2g 16. l. 21 s 17. 0.0337 m/s2 directed toward the center ofEarth 18. 7.58 X 10 3 m/s , 5.80 X 10 3 s 19. (a) 6.00 rev/s (b) 1. 52 X 103 m/s2 (c) l. 28 X 10 3 m/s2 20. 377 m/s2 2 1. (a) Yes. The particle can be either speeding up or slowing down , with a tangential component of acceleration of magnitude~효"2 = 3.97 m/s2 (b) No. The magnitude of the acceleration cannot be less than v 2 /r = 4.5 m/s2 A-34 퀴즈 및 연습문제 해답 22. (a) ~ 3. (a) (6.00 i + 15.0 j) N (b) 16.2 N 4. (a) -4 .47 x 1015 m / s2 (b) +2.09 X 10- 10 N 5. (a) (-45.oi + 15.0]) m/s (b) 162 0 from the + x axis smaller 10. 2.38 kN 11. (a) .. = | “ ·‘ / 1 cb n . 、 , I mbg FbC (c) force: normal force of cushion on brick(rtcb) • reaction force: force of brick on cushion (Fbc ) force: gra띠 tational force of Earth on brick(m b홍) • reaction force: gra띠 tational force of brick on Earth force: normal force of pavement on cushion(npc) • reaction force: force of cushion on pavement force: gra띠 tational force of Earth on cushion(mc륭) • reaction force: gra띠 tational force of cushion on Earth 25.0 、‘ : 25.0 : ~기1 -- - - - -...- , '- - ~- -- --- 9.80 /9.80 ‘ / 、、 / ~‘(d) 26.8 m / s2 , 2 1. 4。 야터 νιι1 κ - 12. (a) 3 .4 3 kN (b) 0.967 m / s horizontally forward 13. (a) m5 i-- . , - -- 즈 퀴 이 이 이 비 ll‘ 、 / 1 ------2 3 4 1l ‘ 、 / /I,‘ 、 mn m ·κ me 4i ’ 熾 」u m 야 댔 ιm ml m m --‘ m 때 댔 / t,‘、 나내 υ j 내냐 /,,‘ 、 F • 서띠 m ” mgsin () 빽 ‘\ 사U /I,‘ 、 “v U1·/ 비 이삐 /l· ‘、 6 7 /I,‘ 、 5 κ 、、 INø끼 IIl t' 、 // / \ ‘ (b) ;1agnitude: 써(ν체 + direction: 떠1 (뽕) 18 9. (a) 3.64 X 10- N (b) 8.93 X 10- 30 N is 408 billion times fficg (c) -‘--- 8. (a) 옹 vt 에 (b) 29.7 m / s2 (c) 6.67 m / s tangent to the circle 23. (a) 9.80 m / s2 down and 2.50 m / s2 south (b) 9.80 m / s2 down (c) The bolt moves on a parabola with its axis downward and tilting to the south. It lands south of the point directly below its starting point. (d) The bolt moves on a parabola with a vertical axis. 24. 153 km/ h at 11. 3 0 north ofwest 25. 18.2 。 26. (a) 2.02 x 10 3 s (b) 1. 67 x 10 3 s (c) Swimming with the current does not compensate for the time lost swimming against the current. 27. 27.7 0 E ofN 28. 5i + 4t 3/ 2 j (b) 5ti + 1. 6t 5/ 2 j 29. The ball would not be high enough to have cleared the 24.0-m-high bleachers. 30. (a) 25.0 m / s2 (b) 9.80 m / s2 (c) (-225i + 75.0]) m (d) (-227i + 79.0]) m 6. 1. 59 m / s2 at 65.2 0 N ofE 7. (a) â is at 181 0 (b) 11. 2 kg (c) 37.5 m /s (d) (-37.5i - 0.893j) m / s ] m rI m m [연습문제 l 1. 8.71 N 2. (a) force exerted by spring on hand , to the left; force exerted by spring on wall , to the right (b) force exerted by wagon on handle , downward to the left; force exerted by wagon on planet , upward; force exerted by wagon on ground , downward (c) force exerted by football on player, downward to the right; force exerted by football on planet , upward (d) force exerted by small-mass object on large-mass object , to the left (e) force exerted by negative charge on positive charge , to the left (f) force exerted by iron on magnet , to the left mg (b) -2.54 m /s2 (c) 3 .1 9 m /s 15. (a) • T1 (b) 613 N 퀴즈 및 연습문제 해답 A-35 (b) 9.80 N , 0.580 m /s2 29. (c) 3.56 N N 30. (a) 4|| 때 (b) 6.30 m / s2 (c) 3 1. 5 N 18. (a) 건 > 19.6 N (b) 건 드 -78 .4 N (c) |i------, 뻐 19. B = 3.37 X 10 3 N , A = 3.83 X 10 3 N , B is in tension and A 20. The situation is impossible because maximum static friction cannot provide the acceleration necessary to keep the book stationary on the seat. 2 1. (a) 14.7 m (b) neither mass is necessary 22. (a) 4.18 (b) Time would increase , as the wheels would skid and only kinetic friction would act; or perhaps the car would flip over. 23. 37.8 N -•n 24. (a) 끓f -• T12 ~ n 480 N 2 (b) 0 .4 08 m /s (c) 83.3 N Chapter 6 I퀴즈1 1. (i) (a) (ii) (b) 2. (i) Because the speed is constant, the only direction the force can have is that of the centripetal acceleration. The force is larger at @ than at @ because the radius at @ is smaller. There is no force at @ because the wire is straight. (ii) In addition to the forces in the centripetal direction in part (a) , there are now tangential forces to provide the tangential acceleration. The tangential force is the same at all three points because the tangential acceleration is constan t. -• 를 T 23 -• m2g -• T 12 -• 320N IS III compress lO n. N -• T 23 -• F -• m3g -• Ft @ 삐 -• mlg (b) 2.31 m/s 2, down for m 1, left for m 2 , and up for m3 (c) 낀 2 = 30.0 N and 자 3 = 24.2 N (d) 지 2 decreases and 자 3 increases 25. Yes, the coefficient of static friction is μs = 0.6 , which is greater than regulated minimum value of 0.5. 26. (a) 48.6 N , 3 1.7 N (b) IfP > 48.6 N , the block slides up the wal l. IfP < 31. 7 N , the block slides down the wal l. (c) 62.7 N , P> 62.7 N , the block cannot slide up the wal l. If P < 62.7 N , the block slides down the wal l. 27. 834 N 28. (a) The free-body diagrams are shown in the figure below. 45.0N ____. and η1 appear in both diagrams as action-reaction palrs. /1 m 3. (c) 4. (a) [언습문제】 1. (a) 8.33 X 10 냉 N toward the nucleus (b) 9.15 X 10 22 m / s2 inward 2. (a) 1. 65 X 10 3 m/s (b) 6.84 X 10 3 s 3. (a) (-0.233i + 0.163]) m / s2 (b) 6.53 m / s (c) (-0.181i + 0.181]) m / s2 4. 215 N , horizontally inward 5. 6.22 X 10- 12 N 6. The situation is impossible because the speed of the 0에 ect is too small , requiring that the lower string act like a rod and push rather than like a string and pul l. 7. (a) no (b) yes 8. The radius of curvature is larger than 150 m , so the driver is not justified in his claim as to faulty design of the roadway. 9. (a) 1. 33 m / s2 . (b) 1. 79 m /s2 at 48.0 0 inward from the direction of the velocity 10. (a) 4.81 m / s (b) 700 N A-36 퀴즈 및 연습문제 해답 1_ f 2T 11. (a) v = 、/κ \\ ν \ --=- - g J (b) 2Tup ηl ~ I 12. (a) 20.6 N (b) 32.0 m/s2 inward , 3.35 m/s2 downward tangent to the circle (c) 32.2 m/s2 inward and below the cord at 5.98 0 (d) no change (e) acceleration is regardless of the direction of swing 13. (a) 8.62 m (b) Mg, downward (c) 8 .4 5 m/s2 (d) Calculation of the normal force shows it to be negative , which is impossible. We interpret it to mean that the normal force goes to zero at some point and the passengers wiU fall out of their seats near the top of the ride if they are not restrained in some way. We could arrive at this same result without calculating the normal force by noting that the acceleration in part (c) is smaller than that due to gravity. The teardrop shape has the advantage of a larger acceleration of the riders at the top of the arc for a path having the same height as the circular path , so the passengers stay in the cars. 14. (a) 3.60 m/s2 (b) T = 0 (c) noninertial observer in the car claims that the forces on the mass along χ are T and a fictitious force (-Ma) (d) inertial observer outside the car claims that T is the only force on M in the χ direction 15. (a) 491 N (b) 50 .1 kg (c) 2.00 m/s2 2(vt - L) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (i) (c) 8. (d) (ii) (a) I연습문제1 1. (a) l. 59 X 10 3 J (b) smaller (c) the same 2. (a) 472J (b) 2.76 kN 3. method one: -4.70 X 10 3 J , method two: -4.70 젠 5. 28.9 6. 5.33J 7. (a) 1l. 3 0 (b) 1560 (c) 82.3 。 8. (a) 7.50 J (b) 15.0 J (c) 7.50 J (d) 30.0 J 9. 7.37 N/m 10. (a) 0.938 cm (b) l. 25 J 11. Each spring should have a spring constant of 316 N/m. 12. (a) -l. 23 m/s2 , 0.616 m/s2 (b) -0.252 m/s2 if the force of static friction is not too large , zero (c) 0 13. (b) mgR 14. (a) F(N) 25 120 • 15 i-10 • 5 1-- 16. - - - .......... .y' _,.,,~ o ν- (g+ α) t"- 17. 0.527 。 18. 0.212 m/s~ , opposite the velocity vector 19. (a) 2.03 N down (b) 3.18 m/s~ down (c) 0.205 m/s down 20. (a) 32.7 çl (b) 9.80 m/s~ down (c) 4.90 m/s2 down 21. (a) l. 47 N . s/ m (b) 2.04 X 10- 3 s (c) 2.94 X 10- 2 N 23. 10 1 N 24. (a) At A , the velocity is eastward and the acceleration is southward. (b) At B , the velocity is southward and the acceleration is westward. 25. 781 N 26. (a) 1.1 5 X 10 4 N up (b) 14 .1 m/s ηw 2 27. (a) mg- 그~ (b) VgR 29. (a) v = V i e- bl/ 1Il (b) v Vi 0 (c) In this model , the 0비 ect keeps moving forever. (d) It travels a finite distance in an infinite time interva l. 30. (a) 217 N (b) 283 N (c) 간 > 낀 always , so string 2 will break first o 0.05 (c) 1. (a) 2. (c) , (a) , (d) , (b) 3. (d) 0.15 0.2 L(m) (b) The slope of the line is 116 N/m. (c) We use all the points listed and also the origin. There is no visible evidence for a bend in the graph or nonlinearity near either end. (d) 116 N/m (e) 12.7 N 15. (a) 0.600 J (b) -0.600 J (c) l. 50 J 16. (a) l. 94 m/s (b) 3.35 m/s (c) 3.87 m/s 17. 878 kN up 18. The dart does not reach the ceiling. 19. (a) 2.5J (b) -9.8J (c) -12J 20. (a) 애 = 0 , 2.59 X 10 5 J (b) 돼 = 0 , -2.59 X 10 5 J , -2.59 X 10 5 J 21. (a) -196 J (b) -196 J (c) -196 J (d) The gravitational force is conservative. 23. (a) 125 J (b) 125 J (c) 66.7 J (d) nonconservative (e) The work done on the particle depends on the path followed by the particle. 24. The book hits the ground with 20.0 J of kinetic energy. The book-Earth now has zero gravitational potential energy, for a total energy of 20.0 J , which is the energy put into the system by the librarian. 25. (a) 40.0 J (b) -40.0 J (c) 62.5 J 26. (17 - 9χ상)i - 3χ3i 27. (a) Fx is zero at points A , C , and E; 뀐 is positive at point B and negative at point D (b) A and E are unstable , and C is stable Fχ Chapter 7 [퀴즈】 0.1 B 퀴즈 및 연습문제 해답 28. Stable Unstable Neutral 29. (a) U(x) = 1 + 4e- 2x (b) The force must be conservative because the work the force does on the particle on which it acts depends only on the original and final positions of the particle , not on the path between them. 30. 0.131 m Chapter 8 [쿠|즈] 1. (i) (b) (ii) (b) (iii) (a) 2. (a) 3. V 1 = v 2 = V 3 4. (c) I 연습문제】 1. (a) Â. K + ð. U= 0 , V = 냉항 (b) Â. K = W, V = 얘학 2. (a) l. 85 x 10 4 m , 5.10 x 10 4 m (b) l. 00 X 10 7 J 3. (a) 5.94 m / s , 7.67 m / s (b) 147 J 4. (a) 1.1 1 X 10 9 J (b) 0.2 5. 5.49 m/ s 6.1빨 near terminal speed. 15. Both trails result in the same speed. 16. (a) 8.01 W (b) Some of the energy transferring into the system of the train goes into internal energy in warmer track and moving parts and some leaves the system by sound. To account for this as well as the stated increase in kinetic energy, energy must be transferred at a rate higher than 8.01 W. 17. $145 18. The power of the sports car is four times that of the older一 model car. 19. ~10 4 W 20. Your grandmother can accompany you. 2 1. (a) 423 m i/gal (b) 776 m i/gal 22. (a) 854 (b) 0 .1 82 hp (c) This method is impractical compared to limiting food intake. 23. (a) 0.225 J (b) -0.363 J (c) no (d) It is possible to find an effective coefficient of friction but not the actual value of μ since η and fvary with position. 24. ~102W 25. (a) 2 .49 m / s (b) 5 .45 m / s (c) l. 23 m (d) no (e) Some of the kinetic energy of m2 is transferred away as sound and to internal energy in m 1 and the floo r. 26. (a) x = -4.0 mm (b) -l. 0 cm 27. We find that her arms would need to be l. 36 m long to perform this task. This is significantly longer than the human arm . 28. (a) -1 490 J (b) -7 570 J (c) 4590 J 1 9 1 9 " . / 1 9 1 9\ 29. (a) 2m따 -2 mvt (b) -mgh-~2mv;-2mvt) 1 ') 1 ') (c) 2m따 - 5 muf + mgh 7. (a) -168] (b) 184J (c) 500 J (d) 148 J (e) 5.65 m/ s 8. (a) 650 J (b) 588 J (c) 0 (d) 0 (e) 62.0 J (f) l. 76 m / s 9. (a) 5.60] (b) 2.29 rev 10. (a) vB = 1. 65 m/ s2 (b) green bead 11. (a) 22.0] , 40.0 J (b) Yes (c) The total mechanical energy has decreased , so a nonconservative force must have acted. 12. (a) 0.381 m (b) 0.371 m (c) 0.143 m 13. (a) Isolated. The only external influence on the system is the normal force from the slide. but this force is always perpendicular to its displacement so it performs no work on the system. (b) No , the slide is frictionless. (c) Es)'stem = mgh (e) Esystem A-37 (d) Es)'stem = 한ηgh + !mvl mgymax + !mvxl j8gh , , 1h 4 ') (f) 까 = 、/ 좋 (g) Ym 값 = h(l - gCOS 2 fJ) (h) If friction is present, mechanical energy of the system would ηotbe conserved , so the child ’s kinetic energy at all points after leaving the top of the waterslide would be reduced when compared with the frictionless case. Consequently, her launch speed and maximum height would be reduced as well. 14. (a) 24.5 m / s (b) Yes. This is too fast for safety (c) 206 m (d) The air drag is proportional to the square of the skydiver's speed , so it will change quite a bi t. It will be larger than her 784-N weight only after the chute is opened. It will be nearly equal to 784 N before she opens the chute and again before she touches down whenever she moves 30. (a) l. 53 J at χ = 6.00 cm , 0 J at x = 0 (b) l. 75 m/ s (c) l. 51 m/ s (d) The answer to part (c) is not half the answer to part (b) , because the equation for the speed of an oscillator is not linear in position Chapter 9 【퀴즈l 1. (d) 2. (b) , (c) , (a) 3. (i) (c) , (e) (ii) (b) , (d) 4. (a) All three are the same. (b) dashboard , seat belt, air bag 5. (a) 6. (b) 7. (b) 8. (i) (a) (ii) (b) 【연습문제】 1. (b) P = V감E 2. (a) Px = 9.00 kg' m / s, Py = -12.0 kg . m / s (b) 15.0 kg . m/ s 3. Fon ba l = (326 i - 399i) kN, where positive x is from the pitcher toward home plate and positive y is upward. 4. (a) 4.71 m/ s East (b) 717 J 5. (a) -6.00 i m / s (b) 8 .4 0 J (c) The original energy is in the spring. (d) A force had to be exerted over a dis- A-38 퀴즈 및 연습문제 해답 placement to compress the spring , transferring energy into it by work. The cord exerts force , but over no displacemen t. (e) System momentum is conserved with the value zero. (f) The forces on the two blocks are internal forces , which cannot change the momentum of the system; the system is isolated. (g) Even though there is motion afterward , the final momenta are of equal magnitude in opposite directions, so the final momentum of the system is sti ll zero. 6. 10- 23 m / s 7. (c) no difference 8. 3.2 x 1O :~ N 9. (a) 12.0i N . s (b) 4.80i m / s (c) 2.80i m / s (d) 2 .4 0 i N (c) Most of the 10. (a) 20.9 m / s East (b) -8.68 x 10 3 J e nergy was transformed to internal energy with some being carried away by sound. 11. (a) 2.50 m / s (b) 37.5 년 12. (a) 2.50 m / s (b) 37.5 kJ (c) The event considered in this problem is the time reversal of the perfectly inelastic collision in previous problem. The same mome ntum conservation equation describes both processes. ηI l3· (a) uf = J(U +. 2U ) (b) AK = --(U12 + ug - 2U U2) 3 3 \~ ] -~21 \~I -~~ 14. (a) 4.85 m / s (b) 8.41 m 15. The defendant was traveling at 4 1. 5 m i/ h. 16. V o = 3.99 m / s and V y = 3.01 m / s 17. (a) The opponent grabs the fullback and does not let go , so the two players move together at the end of their interaction (b) e = 32 .3 0 , 2.88 m /s (c) 786 J into internal e nergy U 18. v = -느 45.0 0 • -45.0。 、 2 ’ 19. 11.7 cm , 13.3 cm 20. 3.57 X 10 8 J 2 1. (a) 15.9 g (b) 0 .1 53 m 22. (a) y ι • ..... (c) Yes , we could the floor or from the Earth through the floor (d) No. The kinetic energy came from the original gravitational potential energy of the Earth-elevated load system , in the a mount 27.0 J (e) Yes. The acceleration is caused by the static friction force exerted by the floor that prevents the wheels from slipping backward. 25. (a) yes (b) no (c) 103 kg . m/s , up (d) yes (e) 88.2 J (f) No , the energy came from potential energy stored in the person from previous meals. 26. 15.0 N in the direction of the initial velocity of the exiting water stream. 27. (a) 442 metric tons (b) 19.2 metric tons (c) It is much less than the suggested value of 442/ 2.50. Mathematically, the logarithm in the rocket propulsion equation is not a linear function. Physically, a higher exhaust speed has an extra-large cumulative effect on the rocket body ’s fina l speed by counting again and again in the speed the body attains second after second during its burn. 28. (b) t (s) v (m/ s) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 132 0 224 488 808 1 220 1780 2690 3730 v (m/s) 4α)0 3500 3000 • 2500 2000 1500 10(JO 500 ~---- O O 20 40 6O SO lOO 120 l40 40 60 80 100 120 140 60 80 100 120 180 t(5) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 132 a (m/ s2) 10 .4 12.1 14 .4 17.9 23 .4 34.1 62.5 125 이 (m/s 2) 1 쩌} 120 1ω 잉〕 60 40 20 OO 20 t (s) (f) •%- (b) (-2.00i - 1. 00j) m (c) (3.00i - 1. 00j) m /s (d) (1 5.0i - 5.00j) kg' m / s (e) (-220i + 140J) μN over no distance , so it does zero work say that the final momentum of the card came from t (s) v] x (c) (- 4.94i + 1. 39J) cm/ s (b) No. The friction force exerted by the floor on each stationary bit of caterpillar tread acts (d) m, 23. (a) (-2.89i - 1. 39J) cm 24. (a) Yes. 18.0i kg . m /s (b) (-44.5i + 12.5J) g' cm/ s (d) (- 2 .4좌 + 1. 56J) cm/ s 2 x(km) t (s) x(km) 160 o 20 40 60 80 100 0 2.19 9.23 22.1 42.2 71. 7 140 120 ’ 100 80 60 40 120 132 115 153 20 | 00 i~ 20 40 t (s) 퀴즈 및 연습문제 해답 29. In order for his motion to reverse under these conditions , the final mass of the astronaut and space suit is 30 kg , much less than is reasonable. 30. (빨)壞 Chapter 10 【쿠|즈] 1. (i) (c) (ii) (b) 2. (b) 3. (i) (b) (ii) (a) 4. (b) 5. (b) 6. (a) 7. (b) [연습문제] 1. (a) 7.27 X 10- 5 rad/ s (b) Because of its angular speed , the Earth bulges at the equator. 2. 144 rad 3. (a) 4.00 rad/ s2 (b) 18.0 rad 4. (a) 3.5 rad (b) increase by a factor of 4 5. (a) 8.21 X 10 2 rad/ s2 (b) 4.21 X 10 3 rad 6. Because the disk ’s average angular speed does not match the average angular speed expressed as (ω i + ω1) / 2 in the model of a rigid object under constant angular acceleration , the angular acceleration of the disk cannot be constan t. 7. ~ 10 7 rev/ yr 8. (a) 25.0 rad/ s (b) 39.8 rad/ s2 (c) 0.628 s 9. (a) 5.77 cm 10. (a) 54.3 rev (b) 12.1 rev/ s 11. (a) 3 .47 rad/ s (b) 1.74 m / s (c) 2.78 s (d) 1. 02 rotations 12. -3.55 N . m 13. (a) 1. 03 s (b) 10.3 rev 14. (a) A-39 18. η= -0.0398 N . m 19. 10 0 kg . m 2 = 1 kg . m 2 { {L 20. L = 1 Mχ31 L CJ M r Z dm = 1 x~~ dx = ~ --:-1 1 __ _ n = 윷 MD J0 L L 3 I0 ι 2 22. (a) 92.0 kg . m (b) 184J (c) 6.00 m / s , 4.00 m / s , 8.00 m / s (d) 184J (e) The kinetic energies computed in parts (b) and (d) are the same. 23. (a) 24.5 m / s (b) no (c) no (d) no (e) no (f) yes 24. 1. 03 X 10- 3 J Jall mass a) / 2(~~)gh ,. / ~ '~T (b) A 쩌+쩌+효 2(m1 - ~)gh V m R 2 + ~R2+1 1 26. (a) 11. 4 N (b) 7.57 m / s 2 (c) 9.53 m / s (d) 9.53 m / s 27. (a) 2.38 m / s (b) The centripetal acceleration at the top 얘 (2.38 m / s) 2 。 s -=- = = 12.6 m / sz > g. Therefore , the ball r 0 .450 m must be in contact with the track , with the track pushing downward on it. (c) 4.31 m / s (d) The speed of the ball turns out to be imaginary. (e) When the ball is projected with the same speed as before , but with only translational kinetic energy, there is insufficient kinetic energy for the ball to arrive at the top of the track. 28. (a) the cylinder (b) v2 / 4gsin () (c) The cylinder does not lose mechanical energy because static friction does not work on i t. Its rotation means that it has 50 % more kinetic energy than the cube at the start , and so it travels 50 % farther up the incline. 29. The demolition company should not have guaranteed an undamaged smokestack. Strong shear forces act on the stack as it falls and , without performing an analysis of the shear strength of the stack , such a guarantee should not have been made. 30. (a) 12.5 rad/ s (b) 128 rad A H'A ' Chapter 11 【쿠|즈l 1. (d) 2. (i) (a) 3. (b) (ii) (c) 4. (a) I연습문제l 1. i + 8.00 j + 22.0 k 2. (a) 740 cm 2 (b) 59.5 cm 3.45.0 。 (b) 0.309 m / s2 (c) 낀 = 7.67 N , 간 = 9.22 N 15. (a) 24.0 N . m (b) 0.0356 rad/ s 2 (c) 1. 07 m / s2 16. (a) For F = 25.1 N , R = 1. 00 m. For F= 10.0 N , R = 25.1 m (b) No. Infinitely many pairs of values that satisfy this requirementmayexist: forany F 드 50.0N , R= 25 .1 N. m/ F, as long as R 드 3.00m. 17. (a) 0.312 (b) 117 N 5. (a) 찍 =F1 + 작 (b) no 6. (a) No (b) No , the cross product could not work out that way. 7. (a) (-10.0 N . m)k (b) yes (c) yes (d) yes (f) 5.00 j m 8. (-22 .0 kg' m 2/ s)k 9. m(x낌 - yV)k 10. (a) (-9.03 x 10 9 kg' m 2/ s)J (b) No (c) Zero (e) no A-40 퀴즈 및 연습문제 해답 11. (a) zero (b) (-mv/ sin 2 8 cos 8/2g)k (c) (-2mv/sin 2 8 cos 8/g)k (d) The downward gravitational force exerts a torque on the pr이 ectile in the negative z direction. 13. mvR[cos (vν R) + lJ k 14. (a) 2[~ i + [2) (b) The particle starts from rest at the origin , starts moving into the first quadrant , and gains speed faster while turning to move more nearly parallel (c) (12 퍼 + 2)) m l 강 (e) -40[3k N. m (d) (60ti + 10)) N 2 (f) -10t k kg' m Is (g) (90 염 + 10 견)] (h) (360t 3 + 20t) W to the x axis 15. (a) - mCgt cos 8 k torque on the bal l. 16. L> 29. (a) = TR - TR = 0 (b) monkey and bananas move upward with the same speed at any instan t. (c) The monkey will not reach the bananas. 30. (a) 3 750 kg . m 2 /s (b) l. 88 년 (c) 3 750 kg . m 2 /s (d) 10.0 m /s (e) 7.50 띤 (f) 5.62 새 Chapter 12 4 (b) The Earth exerts a gravitational (c) - mgC cos 8 k E= (450 kg · m 2/s)k (a) 0.360 kg . m 2/s energy is transformed to internal energy in the collision. (f) 0.0193 m 28. 5 .4 6 X 10 22 N . m (b) 0.540 kg . m 2 /s 1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (i) (b) (ii) (a) (iii) (c) 【언습문제l 1. Safe arrangements: 2-3-1 , 3-1-2 , 3-2-1; dangerous arrangements: 1-2-3 , 1-3-2 , 2-1-3 2. The situation is impossible because χ is larger than the remaining portion of the beam , which is 0.200 m long. 3. (3.85 cm , 6.85 cm) 5. x = 0.750 m 6. Sam: 176 N , ]oe: 274 N 7. 177 kg 8. (a) (b) τcot8 ηUY (c) T = μs째 (d) μs 웅 cot8 (e) The ladder slips 9. (a) 29.9 N 10. (a) H (b) 22.2 N + 에 17. 19. l. 20 kg . m 2 /s 20. (a) 7.06 X 10 33 kg . m 2 / s, toward the north celestial p이e (b) 2.66 X 10 40 kg . m 2 /s , toward the north ecliptic p이e (c) The periods differ only by a factor of 365 (365 days for orbital motion to 1 day for rotation). Because of the huge distance from the Earth to the Sun , however, the moment of inertia of the Earth around the Sun is six orders of magnitude larger than that of the Earth about its axis. 2 1. 8.63 m /s2 22. 9 .4 km 23. (a) The mechanical energy of the system is not constan t. Some potential energy in the woman ’s body from previous meals is converted into mechanical energy. (b) The momentum of the system is not constan t. The turntable bearing exerts an external northward force on the axle. (c) The angular momentum of the system is constant. (d) 0.360 rad /s counterclockwise (e) 99.9] 24. (a) 2.91 s (b) Yes , because there is no net external torque acting on the puck-rod-putty system (c) No , because the pivot pin is always pulling on the rod to change the direction of the momentum (d) No. Some mechanical energy is converted into internal energy. The collision is perfectly inelastic. 25. (a) 11 .l rad /s counterclockwise (b) No , 507 ] is transformed into internal energy in the system. (c) No , the turntable bearing promptly imparts impulse 44.9 kg' m/s north into the turntable-clay system and thereafter keeps changing the system momentum as the velocity vector of the clay continuously changes direction. 26. When the people move to the center, the angular speed of the station increases. This increases the effective gravity by 26 %. Therefore , the ball will not take the same amount of time to drop 27. (a) yes (b) 4.50 kg . m 2/ s (c) No. In the perfectly inelastic collision , kinetic energy is transformed to internal energy. (d) 0.749 rad/ s (e) The total energy of the system must be the same before and after the collision , assuming we ignore the energy leaving by mechanical waves (sound) and heat (from the newly-warmer door to the cooler air) . The kinetic energies are as follows: KEi = 2.50 X 10 3 J; K타 = l. 68 J. Most of the initial kinetic 【퀴즈] T 、‘ 30.0 0~ 4 | _1196N (b) 392 N (c) 339 N to the right (d) 0 (e) V = 0 (f) 392 N (g) 339 N to the right (h) The two solutions agree precisely. They are equally accurate. 11. (a) 27.7 kN (b) 1l. 5 kN (c) 4 .l 9 kN 12. (a) No time interva l. The horse ’s feet lose contact with the drawbridge as soon as it begins to move (b) l. 73 rad/s (c) 2.22 rad/s (d) 6.62 kN. The force at the hinge is (4.72i + 6.6건)kN (e) 59.1 앤 13. (a) l. 04 kN at 60.0 0 upward and to the right (b) (370 i + 910 j) N 퀴즈 및 연습문제 해답 14. (a) A-41 Chapter 13 I쿠|즈l 1. (e) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (a) perihelion (b) aphelion (c) perihelion (d) all points 【연습문제】 1. 7.41 X 10- 10 N 2. (a) 4.39 X 10 20 N (b) 218 N 15. (a) 859 N (c) 72 .4 N (d) 2 .4 1 m (b) 1. 04 kN at 36.9 to the left and upward 16. (a) ?nrr';2 Rh ~ 0 (R - h) cos (b) h2 e - ';2 Rh - h2 sin e ηl,g낸굶:과 cose ~ (R - h)cos e - ';2 Rh - h2 sin e L+ and mgll .;2Rh - h2 cos e~ ~- ~ ~ ’ -“ ‘ ’. II l (R - h) cos e - ';2Rh - h2 sin e J 17. (a) -0.053 8 m 3 (b) 1. 09 X 10 3 kg/ m 3 (c) With only a 5 % change in volume in this extreme case , liquid water can be modeled as incompressible in biological and student laboratory situations. 18. ~ 1 cm 19. 23.8 μm 20. 1. 0 X 1011 N / m 2 2 1. (a) 3.1 4 X 10 4 N (b) 6.28 X 10 4 N 22. 1. 65 X 10 8 N / m 2 23. 9.85 X 10- 5 24. (a) Rigid 0에 ect in sta tÏ c equilibrium (b) Y Img n, :→---4.00 m--커 (c) The woman is at x = 0 when η1 is greatest (d) η1=0 (e) l. 42 X 10 3 N (f) 5.64 m (g) same as answer (f) 25. ηA = 5.98 x 10 5 N , ηB = 4.80 X 10 5 N 26. 0.896 m 27. (a) 0 - -표딴뤘 잃oN (b) T = 343 N , Rx = 171 N to the right , Ry = 683 N up (c) 5 .1 4 m 28. (a) T = 1. 46 kN (b) H = l. 33 kN , V = 2.58 kN 29. (a) T = 갤 (L + d)/[sin e (2L + d)] (b) Rx = 갤 (L + d) cot e/ (2L + d); Ry = 갤L/ (2L + d) 30. (a) 5.08 kN (b) 4.77 kN (c) 8.26 kN (b) 1. 99 X 10 20 N (c) 3.55 X 10 22 N (d) The force exerted by the Sun on the Moon is much stronger than the force of the Earth on the Moon. 3. ~1O -7 N 4. The situation is impossible because no known element could compose the spheres. 5. (a) 7.61 cm/ s2 (b) 363 s (c) 3.08 km (d) 28.9 m / s at 72.9 0 below the horizontal 2MGr 6. (a) - ~ . ~--::.~ .~ toward the center ofmass (? + a 2) (b) At r = 0 , the fields of the two 0에 ects are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction , to add to zero (c) As r • η , 21vIGr(? + a 2f 3/2 approaches 2 1V1G(0) /α3 =0 (d) When r is much greater than a, the angles the field vectors make with the x axis become smaller. At very great distances , the field vectors are almost parallel to the axis; therefore they begin to look like the field vector from a single obj ect of mass 2M (e) As r becomes much larger than a , the expression approaches 2MGr(션 + 02r 3/2 = 2MGr/? = 2MG/ ? as required. 7. (a) 1. 31 X 1017 N (b) 2.62 X 1012 N/ kg 8. l. 50 h or 90.0 min 9. (a) 0.708 yr (b) 0.399 yr 10. (a) The particle does posses angular momentum because it is not headed straight for the origin. (b) Its angular momentum is constan t. There are no identified outside influences acting on the objec t. 11. 4.99 days 12. l. 27 13. (a) yes (b) 3.93 yr 14. (a) 6.02 X 1024 kg (b) The Earth wobbles a bit as the Moon orbits it , so both objects move nearly in circles about their center of mass , staying on opposite sides of i t. 15. 4 .1 7 X 1010 J 16. (b) 340 s 17. (a) -l. 67 X 10- 14J (b) The particles collide at the center of the triangle. 19. 1. 58 X 1010 J GM,cm 20. ---:-;::;:二12RE 21. l. 78 X 10 3 m 22. (a) 42 .1 km/ s (b) 2.20 X 1O11 m 23. (a) same size force (b) 15.6 km/ s 24. (a) 3.07 X 10 6 m (b) the rocket would travel farther from Earth 25. 492 m/ s A-42 퀴즈 및 연습문제 해답 26. For the typical data provided for a neutron star, the gravitational acceleration is an order of magnitude larger than the centripetal acceleration. 27. l. 30 X 10 3 m /s / GM 28. If one uses the result v = ~ 당二 and the relation v (2πγ T) , one finds the radius of the orbit to be smaller than the radius of the Earth , so the spacecraft would need to be in orbit underground. 29. (a) l. 00 X 10 7 m (b) l. 00 X 104 m / s 30. (c) l. 85 X 10- 5 m / s2 Chapter 14 【쿠|즈] 1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (b) or (c) 5. (a) [연습문제】 1. 2.96 X 10 6 Pa 2. (a) ~4 X 10 17 kg/ m 3 3. 5.27 X 1018 kg 4. The situation is impossible because the longest straw Superman can use and still get a drink is less than 12.0 m. 5. 7.74 X 10- 3 m 2 6. 2.71 X 10 5 N 7. 0.0721 mm 8. (a) l. 57 kPa , 0.015 5 atm , 11.8 m (b) Blockage of the fluid within the spinal column or between the skull and the spinal column would prevent the fluid level from nsmg. 9. (a) 10.5 m (b) No. The vacuum is not as good because some alcohol and water in the wine will evaporate. The equilibrium vapor pressures of alcohol and water are higher than the vapor pressure of mercury. 10. (a) P = Po + pgh (b) Mg/ A 11. 333 × 103 kg/m3 12. (a) 1 250 kg/ m 3 (b) 500 kg/ m 3 13. (a) B = 25.0 N (b) horizontally inward (c) The string tension increases. The water under the block pushes up on the block more strongly than before because the water is under higher pressure due to the weight of the oil above it (d) 62.5 % 14. (a) 408 kg/ m 3 (b) When m is less than 0.310 kg , the wooden block will be only partially submerged in the water. (c) When m is greater than 0.310 kg , the wooden block and steel object will sink. 16. (a) 3.7 kN (b) l. 9 kN (c) Atmospheric pressure at this high altitude is much lower than at the Earth ’s surface. 17. 20.0 g 18. (a) 0 .471 m / s (b) 4.24 m / s 19. (b) 616 MW 20. (a) 2.28 N toward Holland (b) l. 74 X 10 6 s 2 1. (a) (3.93 x 10-6 m 3/ s) lð:P where ðPis in pascal (b) 0.305 L/ s (c) 0 .4 31 L/ s 22. (a) 28.0 m / s (b) 28 .0 m / s (c) The answers agree precisely. The models are consistent with each other. (d) 2.11 MPa 23. (a) Answers will vary, but will depend on the Bernoulli effec t. (b) 452 N (c) l. 81 X 10 3 N 24. 0.120 N 25. 1. 51 X 10 8 Pa 26.0.200 mm 27. (a) 6.80 X 10 4 Pa (b) Higher. With the inclusion of another upward force due to def1 ection of air downward , the pressure difference does not need to be as great to keep the airplane in fligh t. 28. (a) 4 .4 3 m / s (b) 9 .1 0 m 29. (a) particle in equilibrium tb1 ZFy = B - Fb - FHe - Fs = 。 (이 m s = 원Pair - P He ) πr 3 - mb (d) 0.0237 kg (e) 0.948 m Chapter 15 [쿠|즈] 1. (d) 2. (f) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (c) 6. (i) (a) (ii) (a) I연습문제】 1. (a) 17 N to the left (b) 28 m /s2 to the left 2. (a) 18.8 m / s (b) 7.11 km/ s2 3. (a) 1. 50 Hz (b) 0.667 s (c) 4.00 m (d) π rad (e) 2.83 m 4.40.9 N/ m 5. (a) -2.34 m (b) -l. 30 m / s (c) -0.0763 m (d) 0.315 m / s 6. (a) motion is periodic (b) l. 81 s (c) The motion is not simple harmonic. The net force acting on the ball is a constant given by F = -mg (except when it is in contact with the ground) , which is not in the form of Hooke ’s law. 7. (a) χ = 2.00 cos (3.00 '11" t - 90 0 ) or x = 2.00 sin (3.00 '11" t) where xis in centimeters and lis in seconds (b) 18.8 cm/ s (c) 0.333 s (d) 178 cm/ s2 (e) 0.500 s (f) 12.0 cm 9. (a) yes (b) The value of k in Equation 15.13 is proportional to the mass m , so the mass cancels in the equation , leaving only the extension of the spring and the acceleration due to gravity in the equation: T = 0.859 s. 10. 2.23 m / s 11. 2.60 cm or -2.60 cm 12. (a) E increases by a factor of 4 (b) V m ax is doubled (c) αmax also doubles (d) the period is unchanged. 13. (a) 앓 (b) 랜 (c) x = :!::않A (d) No; the maximum potential energy is equal to the total energy of the system. Because the total energy must remain constant , the kinetic energy can never be greater than the maximum potential energy. 14. (a) Particle under constant acceleration (b) 1. 50 s (c) isolated (d) 73 .4 N/ m (e) 19.7 m below the bridge (f) 1. 06 rad/ s (g) +2.01 s (h) 3.50 s 퀴즈 및 연습문제 해답 15. (a) 4.58 N (b) 0.125 J (c) 18.3 m/s 2 (d) 1. 00 m/s (e) smaller (f) the coefficient ofkinetic friction between the block and surface (g) 0.934 16. (a) The motion is simple harmonic. (b) 0.628 s (c) 1. 00 kg (d) 0.800 m/s 17. (a) 1. 50 s (b) 0.559 m 19. 0.944 kg . m 2 ηu!a 20. I=~ 4πζfζ 21. (a) 0.820 m/s (b) 2.57 rad/s 2 (c) 0.641 N (d) V max = 0.817 m/s , a max = 2.54 rad/s 2, Fmax = 0.634 N (e) The answers are close but not exactly the same. The angular amplitude of 150 is not a small angle , so the simple harmonic oscillation model is not accurate. The answers computed from conservation of energy and from Newton ’s second law are more accurate. 23. (a) 5.00 X 10- 7 kg . m 2 (b) 3.16 x 10- 4 N . m/rad 26. (a) 3.16 çl (b) 6.28 çl (c) 5.09 cm 72E 28. k = ~ ~- ~ V2 a- ζ 29. I 1 kh 2 -=--=、 JgL +---;-:;2'TTL \1 30. If the damping constant is doubled , b/2m = 120 çl. In this case , however, b/2m > ω。 and the system is overdamped. Your design objective is not met because the system does not oscillate. Chapter 16 【퀴즈] 1. (i) (b) (ii) (a) 2. (i) (c) (ii) (b) 3. (c) 4. (f) and (h) 5. (d) (iii) (d) 6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (e) 10. (e) 11. (b) [연습문저|】 1. 184 km 2. (a) longitudinal P wave (b) 666 s 3. (a) L = (380 m/s)~t (b) 48.2 m (c) 48 cm 4. 2 .4 0 m/s 5. (a) 6. :::!::6.67 cm 7. 185 m/s 8. 13.5 N 9. (a) 0.051 0 kg/m (b) 19.6 m/s 10. (a) 1 (b) 1 (c) 1 (d) increased by a factor of 4 11. (a) As for a string wave , the rate of energy transfer is proportional to the square of the amplitude to the speed. The rate of energy transfer stays constant because each wavefront carries constant energy, and the frequency stays constan t. As the speed drops , the amplitude must increase (b) The amplitude increases by 5.00 times 12. (a) y = 0.075 sin (4 .l9x - 314t) , where χ and y are in meters and t is in seconds (b) 625 W 15. (b) J(x + vt) = 웅(χ + νt)2 and g(x - vt) = 융(x- vd (c) J(χ + vt) = 웅 sin(x+ νt) and g(χ - vt) = 융 sin(χ - vt) 16. (a) 2.00 μm (b) 40.0 cm (c) 54.6 m/s (d) -0 .433 μm (e) 1. 72 mm/s 17. 1 X 1O11 Pa 18. 5.81 m 19. (a) The speed gradually changes from v = (331 m/s) (1 + 27 oC/273 OC)1/ 2 = 347 m/s to (331 m/s)(1 + 0/273 OC)1/ 2 =3진 앉//s , a 4.5 % 낀ecrease. The cooler air at the same pressure is more dense (b) The frequency is unchanged because every wave crest in the hot air becomes one crest without delay in the cold air (c) The wavelength decreases by 4.6 %, from νσ = (347 m/s) (4 OOO/s) = 86.7 mm to (331 m/s)(4 OOO/s) 82.8 mm. The crests are more crowded together when they move more slowly. 20. 335 m/s 2 1. (a) 153 m/s (b) 614 m 22. (a) 3.75 W/m 2 (b) 0.600 W/m 2 23. (a) 0.691 m (b) 691 km 24. We assume that both lawn mowers are equally loud and approximately the same distance away. We found in Example 16.8 that a sound of twice the intensity results in an increase in sound level of 3 dB. We also see from the What If? section of that example that a doubling of loudness requires a lO -dB increase in sound leve l. Therefore , the sound of two lawn mowers will not be twice the loudness , but only a little louder than one! 25. (a) B (b) positive (c) negative (d) 1 533 m/s (e) 5.30 X 10 3 Hz 26. 2.82 X 10 8 m/s 27. This is much faster than a human athlete can run. 28. (a) 441 Hz (b) 439 Hz (c) 54.0 dB 29. 14.7 kg 30. 0.883 cm y (cm) Chapter 17 m w 【퀴즈l 0 t (s) -10 (b) 0.125 s (c) This agrees with the period found in the example in the tex t. A-43 1. (c) 2. (i) (a) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (c) (ii) (d) A-44 퀴즈 및 연습문제 해답 y( m) 【 연습문제】 1. (a) -1. 65 cm (b) -6.02 cm (c) 1. 15 cm 2. (a) I Y (111) 3. y (cm) y (cm) 6 t= 1s 4 4 2 2 0 0 x 4 8 0 12 14 16 x 4 8 12 4 8 12 y (cm) y (cm) 10 0 12 18 x (m) 4 2 y (m) -- I ’ '\1\ 0| 0 4 l l 8 12 χ 0 χ 0 y (cm) 6 t= 3s 4 2 01 o 4 - 8 - 12 • x 4. The man walks only through two minima; a third minimum is impossible. 5. (a) Yl: positive χ direction; Y2: negative χ direction (b) 0.750 s (c) 1. 00 m 7. (a) The separation of adjacent nodes is ðχ = 깐 = 죠. The k 2 nodes are still separated by half a wavelength. (b) &s The nodes are located aI K + $ ηπ = so th따 x= 깐 - 쁘‘ which means that each node is shifted 쁘 k 2k' 2k to the left by the phase difference between the traveling waves in comparison to the case in which φ = o. 퀴즈및연습문제해답 8. (a) 8 F/\ 6 4 1 2 0 \ i J 까 \ 4 \ .* 4 I / /\ \ 。、 \ \ \../ I I /\ 、 78 \ 10 / \.._/ 。 4 I=OS 8 6 4 3 0 1 J 4 4 6 JO S I 4 4 t= 5 ms r | :J ‘| l1\ -~ I\ / /、 、 /" / / Þ J \、 / 아 끼s \ J 、 씨 \ 1m , 1‘ J A-45 10. (a) 5.20 m (b) No. We do not know the speed ofwaves on the string. 11. (a) 78.6 Hz (b) 157 Hz, 236 Hz, 314 Hz 12. 1. 86 g Mgcos8 13. m=-~-4I(.L 14. 291 Hz 15. The resonance frequency of the bay calculated from the data provided is 12 h , 24 min. The natural frequency of the water sloshing in the bay agrees precisely with that of lunar excitation , so we identify the extra-high tides as amplified by resonance. 16. 57.9 Hz 17. (a) 0.656 m (b) 1. 64 m 18. (a) 349 m/s (b) 1. 14 m 19. η(206 Hz) and η(84.5 Hz) 20. η(0.252 m) with η = 1, 2 , 3 , ... 2 1. (a) 0.085 8η Hz , with η = 1, 2 , 3 .. (b) It is a good rule. A car horn would produce several or many of the closely-spaced resonance frequencies of the air in the tunnel , so it would be great amplified. 22. 158 s ___ 2 23. 二, v 2R! t= 10 ms 8 6 4 3 0 ](’ J ‘ 4 24. -1O .0 o C 25. It is impossible because a single column could not produce both frequencies. 26. (a) 1. 99 beats/s (b) 3.38 m/s 27. (a) 521 Hz or 525 Hz (b) 526 Hz (c) reduced by 1. 14 % 28. The coefficients beyond η = 1 are approximate: Al = 100 , A 2 = 156 , A3 = 62 , A4 = 104 , As = 52 , A6 = 29 , A7 = 25. ι1얘 n y (nm) 400 t = l5 ms oa 6 ‘‘ 3 0 1 -- • 4 46 r뜻}、 ß \../ t= 20 ms (b) In any one picture , the wavelength is the smallest distance along the x axis that contains a nonrepeating shape. The wavelength is A = 4 m. (c) The frequency is the inverse of the period. The period is the time the wave takes to go from a full amplitude starting shape to the inversion of that shape and then back to the original shape. The period is the time interval between the top and bottom graphs: 20 ms. The frequency is 1/0.020 s = 50 Hz. (d) 4 m. By comparison with the wave function. y (2A sin kχ) cos ω t, we identify k = π/2 and then compute A=2π/k. (e) 50 Hz. By comparison with the wave function y (2A sin kχ:) cos ω t, we identify ω =2πj= 100 71'. 9. (a) 0.600 m (b) 30.0 Hz 0 -400 29. 146 Hz mg(L- d) • (a) -;:=~-=--2\" L" - 2dL (b) 호 2d Chapter 18 [퀴즈】 1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (b) 【연습문제] 1. (a) -738 0 N 0 2. (a) 106.7 F (b) -105 0 N (c) 270 0 N (d) 153 0 N A-46 퀴즈및연습문제해답 (b) Yes. The normal body temperature is 98.6 oF, so the patient has a high fever and needs immediate attention. 3. (a) -109 oF, 195 K (b) 98.6 oF, 310 K 4. (a) -320 oF (b) 77.3 K 5. ßr = 0.663 mm to the right at 78.2 below the horizontal 6. 3.27 cm 7. 55.0 oC 8. 1. 54 km. The pipeline can be supported on ro11ers. In addition , !1 -shaped loops can be built between straight sections; these loops bend as the steel changes length. 9. (a) 0.109 cm 2 (b) increase 10. 2.74 m 0 +Li ,haß ([) 1'+ a 2 (ß 1')2 12. (a) 437 0 C (b) 2.1 X 10 3 0 C (c) No; aluminum melts at 660 0 C (Table 19.2). Also , although it is not in Table 19.2 , Internet research shows that brass (an alloy of copper and zinc) melts at about 900 oC. 13. Required l' = -376 oC is below absolute zero. 14. (a) 99.8 mL (b) It lies below the mark. The acetone has reduced in volume , and the flask has increased in volume. 15. (a) 2.52 X 10 6 N/m2 (b) the concrete will not fracture 16. (a) 396 N (b) -101 oC (c) The originallength divides out of the equations in the calculation , so the answers would not change. 17. In each pump-up-and-discharge cycle , the volume of air in the tank doubles. Thus 1. 00 L of water is driven out by the air injected at the first pumping, 2.00 L by the second , and only the remaining 1. 00 L by the third. Each person could more efficiently use his device by starting with the tank half full of water, instead of 80 % fu11. 18. 1. 50 X 10 29 molecules 19. (a) 1. 17 X 10- 3 kg (b) 11. 5 mN (c) 1. 01 kN (d) molecules must be moving very fast 20. (a) 4 1. 6 mol (b) 1. 20 kg (c) This value is in agreement with the tabulated density. 2 1. 6.64 X 10- 27 kg 22. 2 .4 2 X 1011 molecules 23. 6.58 X 10 6 Pa 24. 473 K m1 - 앤=료쁨(운-높) Water + steam Ic e 815 Energy added (J) 3. Situation System (a) Rapidly pumping Air in the pump up a bicycle tire (b) Pan of roomWater in the pan temperature water sitting on a hot stove (c) Air quickly leaking Air originally in out of a balloon the balloon Q W AEint O + + + 0 + 0 4. Path A is iso、Tolumetric , path B is adiabatic , path C is isothermal , and path D is isobari c. 5. (b) [ 연습문제】 1. (a) 2.26 X 10 6 ] (b) 2.80 X 10 4 steps (c) 6.99 X 10 3 steps 2. 16.9 C 3. 23.6 0 C 4. 0.234 댐/kg'OC 5. 0.918 kg 0 26. ~102 kg 27. Scenario (ii) is better for a dive of this depth. 11 +a “ T~\ 29. (a) ø = 2 sin-l~--2 이 ~) (b) yes Steam r 〕딩믹 11. Y = of energy added. Notice that this graph looks quite different from Figure 19.3 in that it doesn ’ t have the flat portions during the phase changes. Regardless of how the temperature is varying in Figure 19.3 , the internal energy of the system simply increases linearly with energy input; the line in the graph below has a slope of 1 (c) yes ! 1 +a I \ (d) ø = 2 sin - 11 ∞ ι I (e) 6 1. 0 。 (f) 59.6。 \2(1 + a in잉 r 간 )J “ 30. (b) It assumes a ß 1' is much less than 1. Chapter 19 [퀴즈】 1. (i) iron , glass , water (ii) water, glass , iron 2. The figure on the next page shows a graphical representation of the internal energy of the system as a function 6. im씨 C꾀 + mccw) J; + η211 Cψ 낀 mAl CAl + m clll + m" clll ,. 7. (a) 1 822 ]/kg . oC (b) We cannot make a definite identification. It might be bery11ium. (c) The material might be an unknown a110y or a material not listed in the table. 8. (a) 16.1 oC (b) 16.1 oC (c) It makes no difference whether the drill bit is dull or sharp , or how far into the block it cuts. The answers to (a) and (b) are the same because all of the work done by the bit on the block constitutes energy being transferred into the internal energy of the stee l. 9. (a) 25.8 0 C (b) The symbolic result from part (a) shows no dependence on mass. Both the change in gravitational potential energy and the change in internal energy of the 퀴즈 및 언습문제 해답 system depend on the mass , so the mass cancels. 10. l. 22 X 10 5 J 11. 2.27 km 12. 0.294 g 13. (a) OOC (b) 114 g 14. (a) 7 (b) As the car stops , it transforms part of its kinetic energy into internal energy due to air resistance. As soon as the brakes rise above the air temperature , they transfer energy by heat into the air and transfer it very fast if they attain a high temperature. 15. (a) -4Pi~ (b) According to T = (P/ηR~)V2 , it is proportional to the square of the volume. 16. (a) -12.0 MJ (b) +12.0 MJ 17. 720 J 18. From the first law of thermodynamics , ð. E int = Q + W = 10.0 J + 12.0 J = +22.0 J. The change in internal energy is a positive number, which would be consistent with an increase in temperature of the gas , but the problem statement indicates a decrease in temperature. 19. (a) 0 .041 0 m 3 (b) +5 .48 년 (c) -5 .4 8 댐 20. (a) -3.10 젠 (b) 37.6 띤 2 1. (a) -0.048 6 J (b) 16.2 앤 (c) 16.2 년 22. (a) 1 300 J (b) 100 J (c) -900 J (d) -1 400 J 23. 74.8 앤 24.667 W 25. (a) 1. 19 (b) l. 19 26. 30.3 kca l/ h 27. (a) 1. 85 ft 2 • oF . h / Btu (b) 2.08 28. (a) 0.964 kg or more (b) The test samples and the inner surface of the insulation can be pre-warmed to 37.0 oc as the box is assembled. Then , nothing changes in temperature during the test period and the masses of the test samples and insulation make no difference. 29. l. 90 x 10 3 J / kg . oc 30. (a) 9.31 X 1010 J (b) -8 .47 X 1012 J (c) 8.38 X 1012 J 12. (a) 0.719 kJ/ kg . K (b) 0.811 kg 13. between 1O- 30 C and 1O-20 C 15. (a) l. 08 (b) no A-47 (c) 233 세 (d) 327 앤 16. The maximum possible value of ì' = 1 + 푸 = 1.6 야70c띠 cu υv for the lowest possible value for ι = 3R Therefore [he claim of ì' = l. 75 for the newly discovered gas cannot be true. 17. 5.74 x 10 6 Pa 18. (a) 0.118 (b) 2.35 (c) Q = 0 (d) 135 J (e) +135 J 19. 227 K 20. This is equivalent to 668 0 C , which is higher than the melting point of aluminum which is 660 oC. Also , the temperature will rise much more when ignition occurs. The engine will melt when put into operation! Therefore , the claim of improved efficiency using an engine fabricated out of aluminum cannot be true. 2 1. (a) 2 .45 X 10- 4 m 3 (b) 9.97 X 10- 3 mol (c) 9.01 X 10 5 Pa (d) 5 .l 5 X 10- 5 m 3 (e) 560 K (f) 53.9 J (g) 6.79 X 10- 6 m 3 (h) 53.3 g (i) 2.24 K 22. (a) l. 03 (b) 35Cl 23. (a) 2.37 X 10 4 K (b) l. 06 X 10 3 K 25. (b) 0.278 26. (b) 8.31 km 27. (a) 3.90 km /s (b) 4.18 km /s 28. (b) 447 J / kg . K. This agrees with the tabulated value of 448 J / kg . K within 0.3 %. (c) 127 J / kg . K. This agrees with the tabulated value of 129 J / kg . K within 2 %. 29. (a) pressure increases as volume decreases (d) 0.500 atm- 1 (e) 0.300 atm- 1 Chapter 21 [쿠|즈] Chapter 20 [퀴즈] 1. (i) (b) 2. (i) (a) (ii) (a) (ii) (c) 3. (d) 4. (c) [언습문제] 1. 3.32 mol --2. ~ -TTP~ 2 }Ç.v동 NA 3. 5.05 X 10- 21 J 4. 2.78 X 10- 23 kg . m /s 5. (a) 2.28 띤 (b) 6.21 X 10-21 J 6. (a) 4.00 u = 6.64 X 10- 27 kg (b) 55.9 u = 9.28 X 10- 26 kg (c) 207 u = 3 .4 4 X 10- 25 kg 7. 17.4 kPa 8. (a) 385 K (b) 7.97 X 10- 21 J (c) the molecular mass of the gas 9. 74.8J 10. True 11. (a) W= 0 (b) ð. E int = 209J (c) 317 K 1. (i) (c) 2. (d) (ii) (b) 3. C , B, A 4. (a) one (b) six 5. (a) 6. false (The adiabatic process must be reversible for the entropy change to be equal to zero.) 【연습문제] 1. (a) 10.7 띤 (b) 0.533 s 2. (a) 0.25 or 25 % (b) IQc I/I ß!1 = 3/ 4 3. 55 .4 % 4. (a) 75.0 띤 (b) 7.33 5. (a) 4.51 X 10 6 J (b) 2.84 X 10 7 J (c) 68 .l kg 6. (a) 2.65 X 10 7J (b) 3.20 7. (a) 67.2 % (b) 58.8 kW 8. The efficiency of a Carnot engine operating between these temperatures is 6.83 %. Therefore , there is no way that the inventor ’s engine can have an efficiency of 0.110 = 1l. 0 %. 9. l. 86 11. (a) 564 C (b) No , a real engine wiU always have an efficiency less than the Carnot efficiency because it operates 0 A-48 퀴즈 및 연습문제 해답 in an irreversible manner. 12. 0.330 or 33.0 % 13. (a) 5 .1 2 % (b) 5.27 X 10 J 2 J / h (c) 5.68 X 10 4 (d) 4.50 X 10 6 m 2 (e) yes (f) numerically, yes; feasibly, probably not 14. (a) 0.300 (b) 1. 40 X 10- 3 K- J (c) -2.00 X 10- 3 K- J (d) No. The derivative in part (c) depends only on Th . Qc _. ~ (0 .5T" + 383\ 15. (a) .-~ = 1. 40 I ~"~~~ ), where Qr/D. l is in megaD. t \ T" - 383 ) watts and T h is in kelvins (b) The exhaust power decreases as the firebox tempe rature increases. (c) 1. 87 MW (d) 3.84 X 10 3 K (e) No answer exists. The energy exhaust cannot be that smal l. r 16. (b) 1 - 칸 (띠 이) 돼 C T h e com빼 a 없t디ionωO 아 f reversib 비le en 맨 1땅g 밍 멘ines iss itself a reversible engine so it has the Carnot efficiency. No improvement in net efficiency has resulted. (d) τ = 웅(낀 + 1~) (e) τ = 따F All H HHHH 3H , lT THHH , HTHH , HHTH , 2H , 2T TTHH , THTH , THHT, 4 6 HTTT, THTT, TTHT, 4 TTTT (b) 2 heads and 2 tails 21. (a) Microstates Number ofways to draw All R RRR 1 2 R, 1 G GRR , RGR , RRG 3 1 R, 2 G GGR , GRG , RGG 3 All G GGG 1 Number of ways to draw 비 Macrostate ‘ l 、 Macrostate Microstates All R RRRR 4R , lG GRRRR , RGRRR , RRGRR , RRRGR , RRRRG 3R , 2G 2R , 3G GGRRR , GRGRR , GRRGR , GRRRG , RGGRR , RGRGR , RGRRG , RRGGR , RRGRG , RRRGG RRGGG , RGRGG , RGGRG , RGGGR , GRRGG , GRGRG , 22. 143J/ K 23. 1. 02 kJ/ K 24. 0.507 J / K 25. 195J/ K 26. 244J/ K 27. (a) -3 .45J/ K (b) +8.06J/ K (c) +4.62J/ K 28. 1 W/ K 29. 8.36 X 10 6 J / K . s 30. (a) 39 .4 J (b) 65 .4 rad/ s = 625 rev/ min (c) 293 rad/ s = 2.79 X 10 3 rev/ min 2. (e) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. A.B. C TTTH / GGGGG 1. (a) , (c) , (e) Total HTTH , HTHT, HHTT t 5 【퀴즈] HHHT All T All G 10 RGGGG , GRGGG , GGRGG , GGGRG , GGGGR Chapter 22 17. 1.1 7 18. (a) 51. 2 % (b) 36.2 % 20. (a) Result Possible Combinations lH , 3T lR , 4G GRGGR , GGRRG , GGRGR , GGGRR 1 5 [연습문제] 1. (a) +1. 60 X 10- 19 C , 1. 67 X 10- 2 7 kg (b) +1. 60 X 10- 19 C , 3.82 X 10- 26 kg (c) -1. 60 X 10- 19 C , 5.89 X 10- 26 kg (d) +3.20 X 10- 19 C , 6.65 X 10- 26 kg (e) -4.80 X 10- 19 C , 2.33 X 10- 26 kg (f) +6 .4 0 X 10- 19 C , 2.33 X 10- 26 kg (g) +1. 12 X 10- 18 C , 2.33 X 10- 26 kg (h) - 1. 60 X 10- 19 C , 2.99 X 10- 26 kg 2. (a) 9.21 X 10- 10 N (b) No. The electric force depends only on the magnitudes of the two charges and the distance b etwe en them . 3. 3.60 X 10 6 N downward 4. - 10 26 N 5. (a) 8.74 X 10- 8 N (b) repulsive 6. The electric force is 18 orders of magnitude smaller than the gravitational force . 7. (a) 0.951 m (b) yes , if the third bead has positive charge 8. (a) 써 써+/좌 d (b) Yes , if the third bead has a positive charge. 9. (a) 8.24 X 10- 8 N (b) 2.19 X 10 6 m / s 10. (a) 46.7 N to the left (b) 157 N to the right (c) 111 N to the left υ2 1 1 ^ I 11. k -즌 I -----;= i + I 2 - 10 e d L. I 2V2 \ 1 \^I Ii I 2V2 / ‘ | -----;= 12. (a) 0 (b) 30.0 N (c) 2 1. 6 N (d) 17.3 N (e) -13.0 N (f) 17.3 N (g) 17.0 N (h) 24.3 N at 44.50 above the +x direction 퀴즈 및 연습문제 해답 π 써~d3 Ik,qQ 13.(b) ~ '\ I~ (c) 4a" I~끔 2 、 keqQ 、 η~d3 Chapter 23 14. The unknown charge on each dust particle is about half of the smallest possible free charge , the charge of the electron. No such free charge exists. Therefore , the forces cannot balance. 15. (a) -(5.58 x 10- 11 N/C)j (b) (1. 02 X 10- 7 N/C)J 16. A-49 I퀴즈l 2. (b) and (d) 1. (e) 【연습문제1 k _ Oχi ι ‘ (a 2 + χ2)3/ 2 17. (a) 뚫[(1 녕) i + 깜] 에 -ke 욕 [(1 + 4냉)i + 4얘 J] 앞 α18. The field at the origin can be to the right , if the unknown charge is -9Q, or the field can be to the left , if and only if the unknown charge is +27Q. 19. (a) 1. 80 X 10 4 N/C to the right (b) 8.98 X 10-5 N to the left 20. (a) 1. 29 x 10 4J N/C (b) -3.86 x 10-2J N 2 1. (a) (-0.5991 - 2.70J) kN/C (b) (-3.001 - 13.5J) μN QL1_ 3. (a) 윌 (b) κ τrd (b) at the center (c) 1.7ke옳 (d) upward in the plane of the page 24. (a) 6.13 X 1010 m/s2 (b) 1. 96 X 10 25 s (c) 11. 7 m (d) 1. 20 X 10- 15 J 25. (a) 111 ns (b) 5.68 mm (c) (4501 + 102J) km/s 26. (a) Particle under constant velocity (b) Particle under constant acceleration (c) the proton moves in a parab이 ic path just like a projectile in a gravitational field ??ιv;sin 28 'eE (e) 36.9 0 or 53 .1。 (f) 166 ns or 221 ns 27. 4.52 X 10- 14 C 28. (a) -3 .4 3 0 < 8 < 3 .43 0 (b) 34.0 N/C π 2k, q ~ 29. -~i 6a z 30. (a) 1. 09 X 10- 8 C (b) 5 .4 4 X 10• N 1~ 1 . Q 1 - (d2 + L2) 2J' Ey = ke d(값 + L2)l / 2 l/ 말 = 0, E~ = κeA k, 욕 때h때 i따 S앞the 뼈 le 社 fie리l뼈d 아뼈a때po이intcha때n d ;w Y < L. Q at a distanced along the y axis above the change. λ、 4. (a) ko • ι 23. (a) (d) 2. (a) 6.64 X 10 6 N/C away from the center of the ring (b) 2 .41 X 10 7 N/C away from the center of the ring (c) 6.39 X 10 6 N/C away from the center of the ring (d) 6.64 X 105 N/C away from the center of the ring (b) to the left χo 6. 355 kN . m 2/C 7. (a) 1. 98 X 10 6 N . m 2/C (b) 0 8. chψ2/2 9. 28.2 N . m 2/C 10. -226 N . m 2/C 11. -Q/EO for SI; 0 for S2; -2Q/EO for S3; 0 for S4 12. (a) 3.20 X 10 6 N . m 2/C (b) 1. 92 X 10 7 N . m 2/C (c) The answer to part (a) would change because the charge could now be at different distances from each face of the cube. The answer to part (b) would be unchanged because the flux through the entire closed surface depends only on the total charge inside the surface. 13. (a) 339 N . m 2/C (b) No. The electric field is not uniform on this surface , so the integral in Equation 23.7 cannot be evaluated. 14. Q-61ql ,~ , OEO q 15. (a) ~ 2Eo q (b) ~ \-, 2E。 (c) The fluxes are the same. The plane and the square look the same to the charge. 16. (a) The net flux is zero through the sphere because the number of field lines entering the sphere equals the number of lines leaving the sphere (b) The net flux is 2'TTR2E through the cylinder (c) The net charge inside the cylinder is positive and is distributed on a plane parallel to the ends of the cylinder. 17. (a) EA cos 8 (b) -EA sin 8 (c) -EA cos 8 (d) EA sin 8 (e) 0 for both faces (f) 0 (g) 0 18. 2.33 X 10 21 N/C 19. 3.50 kN 20. 508 kN/C up 2 1. (a) 4.86 X 10 9 N/C away from the wall (b) So long as the distance from the wall is small compared to the width and height of the wall , the distance does not affect the field. A-50 퀴즈 및 연습문제 해답 22. (a) 51. 4 kN/C outward (b) 645 N . m 2/C 23. (a) - Q (b) yes 2:L 24. Ê = pr/2Eo = 21T ke pr away from the axis 25. (a) 15.0 N . m 2 /C (b) 1. 33 x 10- 10 C (c) No , fields on the faces would not be uniform. 26. (a) 0 (b) 3.65 x 10 5 N/C (c) 1. 46 x 10 6 N/C (d) 6 .49 x 10 5 N/C 27. (a) +913 nC (b) 0 I x (cm) 234 -20 뉴- 1- 까 1 / 3 28. (a) r = 커챙j 3; (b) Yes , it is possible for aηy value of r > a. x (cm) Chapter 24 2 345 I퀴즈l 1. (i) (b) (ii) (a) 2. @ to @, @ to @, @ to @, @ to @ 19. (a) C/m 2 (b) 3. (i) (c) (ii) (a) 4. (i) (a) (ii) (a) 5. (a) 햄 [L - dIn(1 +~)] [연습문제] 1. 1. 35 M] 2. (a) -2.31 kV (b) Because a proton is more massive than an electron , a proton traveling at the same speed as an electron has more initial kinetic energy and requires a greater magnitude stopping potential (c) Ll κ/ ð. ~ = -mp/me 3. (a) 1.1 3 x 10 5 N/C (b) 1. 80 x 10-14 N (c) 4.37 X 10- 17 ] 5. (a) 0 .4 00 m/s (b) It is the same. Because the electric field is uniform , each bit of the rod feels a force of the same size as before. 6. 6.93ke 옴 7. (a) 103 V (b) -3.85 X 10- 7 ] , positive work must be done 8. -k 갇 eR qQ 9. (a) 4ν2ko ~ (b) 4V2 ko a a ι ι 10. (a) 5 .4 3 kV (b) 6.08 kV (c) 658 V 21. keÀ(π + 2 ln 3) kF Q 22. ~"_-_ 2VR2+ x2 + 2k_, Q:. ln! R +, 값급즙] , I , C l 1. 1._ ( .LL '1í. \ y"" .LL x / 23. No. A conductor of any shape forms an equipotential surface. However, if the surface varies in shape , there is no clear way to relate electric field at a point on the surface to the potential of the surface. 24. The electric field just outside the surface occurs at 16.0 kN/C. The peak in the figure occurs at about 6.5 kN/C. Therefore , it is not possible that this figure represents the electric field for the given situation. σ 25. - eo 26 쉰쏟앓 )숭훌활 2k~q 12. (a) no point (b) 김」 13. (a) 10.8 m/s and 1. 55 m/s (b) They would be greate r. The conducting spheres will polarize each other, with most of the positive charge of one and the negative charge of the other on their inside faces. Immediately before the spheres collide , their centers of charge will be closer than their geometric centers , so they will have less electric potential energy and more kinetic energy. ν πu mm E S 사댐-때 ι 폐때 냈- _2 14. 22.8k~ 27. Eglass = EA1 28. (a) 0 , 1. 67 MV (b) 5.84 MN/C away, 1. 17 MV (c) 11. 9 MN/C away, 1. 67 MV 29. Even if the charge were to accelerate to infinity, it would only achieve a maximum speed of 30.0 m/s , so it cannot strike the wall of your laboratory at 40.0 m/s. la +L+ 、/(a + 디 2 + b2 I ~ I I a + Va 2 + b 2 I 30. k_Àlnl Chapter 25 [퀴즈l 1. (d) 2. (a) 퀴즈 및 연습문제 해답 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (a) A-51 Chapter 26 [퀴즈】 1. (a) > (b) = (c) > (d) 【연습문제] 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (a) 1. (a) 9.00 V (b) 12.0 V 2. (a) 1. 00 μF (b)100V 3. 4 .4 3 μm 4. (a) 1. 36 pF (b) 16.3 pC (c) 8.00 X 10 3 V/m (2N - 1)E Il (π - fJ )R 2 5.--d 【연습문제】 1. 27.0 yr 2. -!!:ω 2π 6. m:gdtan8 q 7. (a) 2.81 μF (b) 12.7 μF 8. None of the possible combinations of the extra capacitors is 좋 C , so the desired capacitance cannot be achieved 9. ten 10. (a) 5.96 μF (b) 89.5 μC on 20 μF, 63.2 μC on 6 μF, and 26.3 μC on 15 μFand 3 μF 11. 12.9 μF 12. 0.672 mF < Cextra < 1. 74 mF and 0.6 μF < Cextra < 1. 6 μF 13. 6.00 pF and 3.OOpF 1 ~<) ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ / 1 ~<) 1 ~ 14. C1 =*C CC 2 '-'pb +, μ~Cζ 'v 4 '-'p -CC.c)=~c'-'P'-'S ’ 2 - 2 '-'P μ 'v ~C:4 '-'p '-'p , / , 15. (a) 216 μJ (b) 54.0 μJ 16. (a) 12.0 μF (b) 8.64 X 10- 4 J (c) U1 = 5.76 X 10- 4 J and 다 = 2.88 X 10- 4 J (d) UEl + U,ι'2 = 5.76 X 1O-4 J + 2.88 X 10- 4 J = 8.64 X 1O-4 J = UE , 씩, which is one reason why the 12.0 μF capacitor is considered to be equivalent to the two capacitors. (e) The total energy of the equivalent capacitance will always equal the sum of the energies stored in the individual capacitors. (f) 5.66 V (g) The larger capacitor C2 stores more energy. 17. (a) 2.50 x 10- 2J (b) 66.7 V (c) 3.33 X 10- 2J (d) Positive work is done by the agent pulling the plates apart. kÆ2 ζ (Q-ql)2 " R1Q '" R 2Q 19. (b) ~ε:- + . ': ~ -, (c) ~ '~ (d) ~ ~-_ 2Rl 2R 2 ' , Rl + R 2 " R 1 + R 2 kpQ _ __ kpQ (e) 11, = ~ ~ -~ and V: = -:::-느=::- (f) 0 1 Rl + R 2 :! ~ + 뀔 20. (a) Consider two sheets of aluminum foil , each 40 cm by 100 cm , with one sheet of plastic between them (b) 10- 6 F (c) 10 2 V 21. (a) 81. 3 pF (b) 2.4 0 kV 22. (a) K = 3 .4 0 (b) nylon (c) The voltage would lie somewhere between 25.0 V and 85.0 V. 23. 1. 04 m 24. 22.5 V 25. (a) 40.0 패 (b) 500 V 26. -9 .4 3 X lO-2i N 29. (a) 100 pF (b) 0.22 μC (c) 2.2 kV 30. (a) 11.2 pF (b) 134 pC (c) 16.7 pF (d) 66.9 pF 3. 1. 05 mA 4. (a) 5.57 X 10- 5 m/s (b) The drift speed is smaller because more electrons are being conducted. 5. (a) 0.63210 T (b) 0.999 9510T (c) 10T 6. (a) 99.5 kA/m2 (b) The current is the same. (c) The current density is smaller. (d) 0.800 cm (e) 1 = 5.00 A (f) 2 .49 X 10 4 A/ m2 7. (a) 17.0 A (b) 85.0 kA/ m2 8. 0.256 C 9. Silver 10. 8.89 n 11. 2.71 MD 12. (a) 1. 82 m (b) 280 μm 다표 13. (a) 'v ~ 눴~ PPm 파 ( pm \1/ 4 (b) '" 쇠-::----n I \~"~ π \PmRJ 14. 6.00 X 10- 15 (D . m)-l 15. (a) 5.58 X 10- 2 kg/mol (b) 1. 41 X 10 5 moljm 3 (c) 8 .49 X 10 28 atoms/ m 3 (d) 1. 70 X 10 29 electrons/ m 3 (e) 2.21 X 10- 4 m/s 16. 0 .1 2 17. T = 1.44 X 10 3 0 C 18. (a) 3 1. 5 nD . m (b) 6.35 MA/ m2 (c) 49.9 mA (d) 658 μm /s (e) 0 .4 00 V 19. 227 C 20. 1. 63 mV < ~ V < 3.53 mV 2 1. (a) 3.00 X 108 W (b) 1.75 X 1017 W 22. 36.1 % 23. 15.0 J..LW 24. 449 원 25. 290원 26. (a) 4.75 m (b) 340 W 28. ~$10 0 Q 29. (a) .: 4C ", Q ~ 3Q (b) -..:; on C, -τ"::on 3C "4 ' 4 Q2. ~ 3Q2. ~ ~ (c)n':-""inC, nn-""in3C 32C ’ 32C ,., 3Q2 (d) ,,: ' , 8C ε、f ε、t' vLl V 30. (a) ~(t' + 2x + Kt' - 2KX) (b) 二-,-(K - 1) 2d' Chapter 27 【퀴즈] 1. (a) 2. (b) , " d clockwise A-52 퀴즈 및 연습문제 해답 3. (a) 4. (i) (b) 5. (i) (c) 16. 어L) (ii) (a) (ii) (d) (iii) (a) (iv) (b) 1. (a) 4.59 D (b) 8.16 % 2. (a) 50 % (b) 0 (c) High efficiency (d) High power transfer 3. (a) 75 W (b) 100 \1\1 (c) 175 W (d) Two: switch positions 3 and 4. 1n both cases , the power is 100 W. 4. (a) The 120-V potential difference is applied across the series combination of the two conductors in the extension cord and the light bulb. The potential difference across the light bulb is less than 120 V, and its power is less than 75 W 비 (c) 73.8 W 5. (a) 1A = 8/ R, 1B = 1c = 8 / 2R (b) B and C have the same brightness because they carry the same current. (c) A is brighter than B or C because it carries twice as much curren t. 6. 0 6 Q < ftX[l3 < 1 6 Q and 0.672 kQ < R lla < 1.74 kQ 7. Nichrome: 0.393 m , carbon: 8.98 X 10- 3 m 8. (a) 1. 00 k !1 (b) 2.00 k!1 (c) 3.00 k!1 ~ ~~/1 '" 1\ ÎJ (b) ~ = 28\과 -τ) 10. (a) The single hot dog and the two in parallel will all cook first. (b) single hot dog and the two in parallel: 57.3 s; two hot dogs in series: 229 s 4 11. None of these is -;:- R , so the desired resistance cannot be 3 achieved. 12. 14.2 W to 2.00 D , 28 .4 W to 4.00 !1, 1. 33 W to 3.00 !1, 4.00 W to 1. 00 D 13. (b) The current never exceeds 50 μA. -;, 28 48 28 14. (a) ß~ = 효’ ß~= τ, ß~ = ß~ = τ and 13 decrease , U I 370 μ 、 1 • ;) .. Õ V -+ J. ’‘ (b) 11. 0 mA in the 220 D resistor and out of the positive pole of the 5.80-V battery; The current is 1. 87 mA in the 150 D resistor and out of the negative pole of the 3.10-V battery; 9.13 mA in the 370 !1 resistor 17. 50.0 mA from a to e 18. (a) 12 is directed from b toward a and has a magnitude of 2.00 A (b) ι = 1. 00 A (c) No. Neither of the equations used to find ι and 객 contained 8 and R. The third equation that we could generate from Kirchhoff ’ s rules contains both the unknowns. Therefore , we have only one equation with two unknowns. 19. (a) No. The circuit cannot be simplified further , and Kirchhoff ’ s rules must be used to analyze i t. (b) 1] = 3.50 A (c) 12 = 2.50 A (d) 13 = 1. 00 A 20. (a) 13.0/1 + 18.012 = 30.0 (b) 18.012 - 5.0013 = -24.0 (이 1] - /2 - 13 = 0 (c이 13 = 11 - 12 (e) 5.00/1 - 23.012 = 24.0 ([) 12 = -0 .4 16 A and 긴 = 2.88 A (g) 13 = 3.30 A (h) The negative sign in the answer for 12 means that this current flows in the opposite direction to that shown in the circuit diagram and assumed during the solution . That is , the actual current in the middle branch of the circuit flows from right to left and has a magnitude of 0 .4 16 A. 2 1. (a) 2.00 ms (b) 1. 80 X 10- 4 C (c) 1. 14 X 10- 4 C 23. (a) 1. 50 s (b) 1. 00 s (c) i = 200 + 100e- t, where i is in microamperes and t is in seconds 24. (a) 빠 R 2 ) C (b) R 2 C (c) 8(숭+숲 e νU !l 1\ (c) & = E(I-τ) (b) 긴 =[, E2,= ζ -3 ‘ 3 정’ i I 연습문제1 I 2 2 1\ 9. (a) R] = 8\- ~ +τ+ A11. ;. I、、 1 2/ 3q'’ 144 = -;;3 25. 587 kD 27. No. 28. (a) For the heater, 12.5 A; For the toaster, 6.25 A; For the grill , 8.33 A (b) The current draw is greater than 25.0 amps , so this circuit will trip the circuit breaker. 29. 7.4 9 D Chapter 28 [퀴즈l 1. (e) (c) 14 increases and 11, /2' '-'-4 3/ 31 (d) 긴 = J , 4 = %= 0 , 강 = 도 15. (a) 0.846 A down in the 8.00-D resistor, 0 .4 62 A down in the middle branch , 1. 31 A up in the right-hand branch (b) -222 J by the 4.00-V battery, 1. 88 kJ by the 12.0-V battery (c) 687 J to 8.00 !1, 128 J to 5.00 !1, 25.6 J to the 1. 00-α resistor in the center branch , 616 J to 3.00 !1, 205 J to the 1. 00-D resistor in the right branch (d) Chemical potential energy in the 12.0-V battery is transformed into internal energy in the resistors. The 4.00-V battery is being charged , so its chemical potential energy is increasing at the expense of some of the chemical potential energy in the 12.0-V battery. (e) 1. 66 젠 2. (i) (b) (ii) (a) 3. (c) 4. (i) (c) , (b) , (a) (ii) (a) = (b) = (c) [연습문제l 1. Gravitational force: 8.93 X 10- 30 N down , electric force: 1. 60 X 10- 17 N Up , and magnetic force: 4.80 X 10- 17 N down. 2. (a) west (b) zero deflection (c) up (d) down 3. (a) into the page (b) toward the right (c) toward the bottom of the page 4. 48.9 0 or 131 。 5. (a) 1. 25 X 10- 13 N (b) 7.50 X 1013 m/ s2 6. (a) 1. 44 X 10- 12 N (b) 8.62 X 1014 m/s2 (c) A force would 퀴즈 및 연습문제 해답 be exerted on the electron that had the same magnitude as the force on a proton but in the opposite direction because of its negative charge. (d) The acceleration of the electron would be much greater than that of the proton because the mass of the electron is much smaller. A-53 [연습문제l 1. 1. 60 X 10- 6 T 7. -20.9 j mT 2. (a) 4.06 X 10 얘 T (b) The error was caused by the operator of the compass by taking a reading under a power line , and is not caused bya defect in the compass. 3. 12.5 T 8. (a) V2 rp (b) 녕우 4. 감; into the paper μ。 I 9. 115 keV 10 5. 칸i(조+괴 2r \ π 4/ 魔h2 + 념) 1 1. (a) 5.00 cm (b) 8.79 X 10 6 m / s 12. (a) 4.31 X 10 7 rad/ s (b) 5.17 X 10 7 m / s 13. 1. 56 X 10 5 14. (a) 7.66 X 10 7 S-l (b) 2.68 X 10 7 m / s (c) 3.75 MeV (d) 3 .1 3 X 10 3 revolutions (e) 2.57 X 10- 4 s 15. (c) 682 m / s (d) 55.9 μm 16. (a) 0 .1 18 N (b) Neither the direction of the magnetic field nor that of the current is given. Both must be known in order to determine the direction of the magnetic force. 17. -2.88 j N 19. 1. 07 m/ s 20. (a) east (b) 0.245 T 2 1. (a) Thε magnêtic forcε and thε gravitational force both act on the wire. (b) When the magnetic force is upward and balances the downward gravitational force , the net force on the wire is zero , and the wire can move can move upward at constant velocity. (c) 0.196 T , out of the page (d) Ifthe field exceeds 0.20 T , the upward magnetic force exceeds the downward gravitational force , so the wire accelerates upward. 22. (a) 21Tr1B sin (b) up , away from magnet e 23. (a) 0 (b) -40.0i mN (c) -40.0k mN (d) (40. Oi + 40.0k) mN (e) The forces on the four segments must add to zero , so the force on the fourth segment must be the negative of the resultant of the forces on the other three. 24. (a) north at 48.0 0 below the horizontal (b) south at 48.0 0 above the horizontal (c) 1. 07 씨 25. 4.91 X 10- 3 N . m 26. (a) 0.713 A (b) Current is independent of angle. 27. (a) 118 μN . m (b) -118 패 드 UB 드 +118 μJ 28. (a) 37.7 mT (b) 4.29 X 10 25 m - 3 29. 2.75 Mrad/ s 30. (a) 12.5 km (b) It will not arrive at the center. Because the radius of curvature of the proton ’s path is much smaller than the radius of the cylinder, the proton enters the magnetic field only for a short distance before turning around and exiting the field. Chapter 29 [퀴즈】 I. B > C>A 2. (a) 3. c > a> d> b 4. a = c = d > b = 0 5. (c) B Along Axis of Circular Loop 6. x/R 0.8L 64-----←←→」二 E/fb00o20 0 3 2 4 x/R 5 0.00 1. 00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 B/B。 1. 00 0.354 0.0894 0.0316 0.0143 0.00754 7. (a) 53.3 μ.T toward the bottom of the page (b) 20.0 μ.T toward the bottom of the page (c) zero 8. (a) aty = -0 .4 20 m (b) 3 .47 x 10- 2 N(-)) (c) -1. 73 X 10 4 ) N / C f..L J 9. ~- u- .cVd릅감 - d) into the page 2παd 4.50μ0 1 10. (a) -까τ::_ (b) stronger 11. (a) 8.00 A (b) opposite directions (c) force of interaction would be attractive and the magnitude of the force would double 12. (a) 3.00 X 10- 5 N/ m (b) attractive 13. (a) The situation is possible injust one way. (b) 12.0 cm to the left ofwire 1 (c) 2 .4 0 A down μ(l1 2 L 14. k= --_~ 4π d(d + f) 15. This is the required center-to-center separation distance of the wires , but the wires cannot be this close together. Their minimum possible center-to-center separation distance occurs if the wires are touching , but this value is 2r = 2(250 μm) = 500 μm , which is ìnuch larger than the required value above. We could try to obtain this force between wires of smaller diameter, but these wires would have higher resistance and less surface area for radia디 ng energy. It is likely that the wires would melt very shortly after the current begins. 16. 500 A 17. (a) 3.60 T (b) 1. 94 T 18. (a) 6.34 X 10- 3 N/ m (b) inward toward the center ofthe bundle (c) greatest at the outer surface 19. (a) 4.00 m (b) 7.50 nT (c) 1. 26 m (d) zero μ Obr]2 20. (a) 창수 (for r 1 < R or inside the cylinder) μ obR3 (b) 렇J- (kr r 2 > R or outside the cylinder) 21. 31. 8 mA 22. 4.77 X 10 4 turns A-54 퀴즈및 연습문제해답 23. 5.96 x 1O - ~ T 24. (a) Make the wire as long and thin as possible without melting whe n it carries the 5-A current. (b) As small in radius as possible with your experiment fitting inside. Then with a smaller circumference , the wire can form a solenoid with more turns. 25. (a) πBR~ cos8 (b) πBR 2 cos8 27. (a) 7.4 0 μWb (b) 2.27 μWb 28. (a) 8.63 X 10 4 :; e - (b) 4.01 X 10~o kg 29. 143 pT 30. (a) 2.74 X 10- 4 T (b) 2.74 X 10- 4 T(-j) (c) Under the assumption that the rails are infinitely long , the length of rail to the left of the bar does not depend on the location of the ba r. (d) 1. 15 X 10- 3 N (e) +χ direction (f) Yes , length of the bar, current , and field are constant , so force is constant (g) (0.999 m / s)i 14. The speed of the car is equivalent to about 640 km/ h or 400 m i/ h , much faster than the car could drive on the curvy road and much faster than any standard automobile could drive in genera l. 15. (a) 0.729 m / s (b) counterclockwise (c) 0.650 mW (d) Work must be done by an external force if the bar is to move with constant speed. This input of energy by work appears as internal energy in the resisto r. 16. (a) 6.00 μT (b) Yes . The magnitude and direction of the Earth ’ s field varies from one location to the other, so the induced voltage in the wire changes. Furthermore , the voltage will change if the tether cord or its velocity changes their orientation relative to the Earth ’s field. (c) Either the long dimension of the tether or the velocity vector could be parallel to the magnetic field at some instan t. 17. 3.32 x 10 3 rev/ min Chapter 30 18. _. [퀴즈】 19. 1. 00 T μ~ 1 V r. 1_ e \1 2 -Ilnll +二 11 2 _" \ 4π 'L Rl 1. (c) 2. (c) a lJ ngRsin8 ? 20. V 3. (b) 4. (a) 1. 2.26 mV 2. (a) 예편) oL찍 뀔수=t \~V ClTl 2R - -;'. ßl (b) ,-, μ 해π 냥 ßl A Tl 4r]R ßt e ~ cos 28 and t is in seconds (b) B = 3.02 sin 120 1T t, where B is in volts and t is in seconds (c) 1 = 3.02 sin 120 1T t, where Ii s in amperes and t is in seconds (d) P = 9.10 sin 2 120π t, where P is in watts and t is in seconds (e) T = 0.024 1 sin 2 120 1T t, where T is in newton meters and t is in seconds 26. (a) 1. 60 V (b) zero (c) no change in either answer 이 (b) 625 m / s 3. 1. 89 X 10 카 lV 4. B = 68.2e- I. GO / , where t is in seconds and B is in mv. 5. (a) l. 60 A counte rclockwise when viewed from the left of the figure (b) 20 .1 μT (c) left μ 。 ηπ 년 ßl m ax 2 1. (a) 8.00 X 10- 21 N (b) tangent to a circle of radius η in a clockwise direction (c) t = 0 or 1 = 1. 33 s 22. (a) E = 9.87 cos 100 1T t where E is in millivolts/ meter and t is in seconds. (b) clockwise 23. 13.3 V 24. (a) amplitude doubles and period is unchanged (b) doubles the amplitude and cuts the period in half (c) amplitude unchanged and period is cut in half 25. (a) φ B 8.00 X 10- 3 cos 120 1T t, where φ B is in T . m 2 [연습문제] 6. (a) _v E (c) left 7. 272 m 8. (b) The emf induced in the coil is proportional to the line integral of the magnetic field around the circular axis of the toroid. Amp 응 re ’s law says that this line integral depends only on the amount of current the coil encloses. 9. B = 0 .4 22 cos 120πt, where B is in volts and t is in seconds 10. (a) 1l. 8 mV (b) The wingtip on the pilot’ s left is positive. (c) no change (d) No. If you try to connect the wings to a circuit containing the light bulb , you must run an extra insulated wire along the wing. In a uniform field the total emf generated in the one-turn coil is zero. 11. 2.83 mV 12. (a) 39.9 mV (b) The west end is positive. ,· 8 11l ax / i I - I I ’ ’’ ’’I - - I l - ’ -’ ’ ’’ (e) E / Emax t l I -- l I l l I l 4 l 13. 펀E B" -{;Z l I l / / l 퀴즈 및 연습문제 해답 28. ~1O -4V 29.3.79 mV 30. (a) Cπa 2 K (b) upper plate (c) The changing magnetic field through the enclosed area of the loop induces a clockwise electric field within the loop , and this causes electric force to push on charges in the wire. Chapter 31 A-55 ence across the register is 0 , and the emf across the coil is 24.0 V. (b) After several seconds , the potential difference across the resistor is 24.0 Vand that across the coil is O. (c) The two voltages are equal to each other, both being 12.0 V,just once , at 0.578 ms after the circuit is connected. (d) As the current decays , the potential difference across the resistor is always equal to the emf across the coi l. 30. (a) 선 = i2 + i (b) 8 - i1 Rl - ~ ~ = 0 【쿠|즈l (c) 8- 자1 R, -L띄 dt = 0 ~ ~l ~ ~ (d) 8' - iR' - L따 \ dt =0 ~, - V~ ~ ~ 1. (c) , (f) 2. (i) (b) (ii) (a) 3. (a) , (d) 4. (a) 5. (i) (b) (ii) (c) Chapter 32 【퀴즈] [언습문제】 1. 100 V 2. 1. 36μH 3. 19.2 μT.m 2 4. (a) 188 μT (b) 3.33 x 10- 8 T . m 2 (c) 0.375 mH (d) B and φ B are proportional to current: L is independent of curren t. 【연습문제] 5. 8 0 2 Lk 7. 8 -18.8 cos 12017t, where 8 is in volts and t is in seconds 8. (a) 5.90 mH (b) 23.6 mV 9. (a) 0 .4 69 mH (b) 0.188 ms 10. (a) 1. 00 kil (b) 3.00 ms 12. (a) 20.0 % (b) 4.00 % 13. (a) i L = 0.500(1 - e- lO .Ot ) , where i L is in amperes and t is in seconds (b) is = 1. 50 - 0.250e- 1O .Ot , where is is in amperes and t is in seconds 14. (a) 흐(1 - e-5Rt/ 2L) 5R ,~~ I (b) , ~n (6 - e-5Rt/ 2L) \-, 10R 15. (a) 6.67 A/s (b) 0.332 A/s 16. 64.8 mJ 17. 2 .4 4μJ 19. (a) 18.0 J (b) 7.20 J 20. (a) M 12 = μ。πR 22N1 N2 /e (b) ~l = μ。πR22N1 샌 /e (c) Theyare the same. 21. (b) 3.95 nH 22.281 mH 23. If the energy is split equally between the capacitor and inductor at some instant , the energy would be half this value , or 200 때. Therefore , there would be no time when each component stores 250 μJ. 24. (a) 6.03 J (b) 0.529 J (c) 6.56 J 25. (a) 2.51 kHz (b) 69.9 n { 2L \ __ . __ . ~ ( 2L \ 2" (c) B 二 μ ols , zero n μ oJ; (d) . 2" (e) The energy density found in part (d) agrees with the magnetic pressure found in part (b). 29. (a) Just after the circuit is connected , the potential differ- n 1. (a) 193 (b) 144 2. (a) 170 V (b) 2 .4 0 x 10 2 n (c) Because 건vg (ßV; ms)2 국-- • ~ (ß까mi R=~ , a 100-Wbulb - avg has less resistance than a 60.0-W bulb. 3. 14.6 Hz 4. (a) The rms current in each 150-W bulb is 1. 25 A. The rms current in the 100-W bulb is 0.833 A. (b) Rl = 96.0 n , ~ = 96.0 n , and R3 = 144 n (c) 36.0 n 5. (a) 25.3 rad/s (b) 0.114 s 6. (a) 0.0424 H (b) 942 rad/s 7. 5.60 A 8. 3.80J 9. (a) 12.6 n (b) 6.21 A (c) 8.78 A 10. 0 .450 Wb 11. 32.0 A 12. (a) 221 α (b) 0.163 A (c) 0.230 A (d) no 13. (a) 141 mA (b) 235 mA 14. !2C(따ms) 15. (a) 146 V (b) 212 V (c) 179 V (d) 33 .4 V 16. 11.1 A 17. (a) 25.0 sin wt at ω t = 90.0 。 (b) 30.0 sin ω t at ω t = 60.0。 (c) 18.0 sin ω t at ω t = 300 。 (a) 27. (a) 0.693 1 굽 I (b) 0.3471 효) 28. (b) . 1. (i) (c) (ii) (b) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (a) X L < Xc (b) XL = Xc (c) XL > Xc 6. (c) 7. (c) A-56 퀴즈 및 연습문제 해답 18. (a) 17.40 (b) the voltage 19. (a) 88.4 (b) 107 (c) 1. 12 A (d) the v이 tage lags behind the current by 55.8 0 (e) Adding an inductor will change the impedence , and hence the current in the circui t. The current could be larger or smaller, depending on the inductance added. The largest current would result when the inductive reactance equals the capacitive reactance , the impedance has its minimum value , equal to 60.0 n , and the current in the circuit is ßv"、ax ß v", ax 1.20 X 10 2 V = 2.00 A , .....'\.→:二 Z R 60.0 n n n 20. 353 W 22. 88.0W 23. (a) 66.8 n (b) 0.953 n 24. (a) 156 pH (b) 8 .84 n 25. 1. 41 X 10" rad/ s 26. 242 mJ 27. 687 V 28. 1. 88 V 29. 2.6 cm 22. (a) / 2μ。 cP ,, 1-' v ,,- _v 7T r- (b) 50.0 여 (c) 1. 67 X 10- 19 kg . m / s ,. , pe (b) _:_;ν " pe (c) τ c 23. (a) 1. 60 X lO - lO i kg . m / s each second (b) 1. 60 X lO - lo i N (c) The answers are the same. Force is the time rate of momentum transfer (Eq. 9.3). 24. (a) 1. 00 X 10 3 km or 621 mi (b) While the pr이 ect may be theoretically possible , it is not very practical , due to the required size of the antenna. 25. 56.2 m (c) 45.4 W 26. 걷깐깐E qB 27. (a) ~ 10 8 Hz radio wave (b) ~ 1013 Hz infrared 28. Listeners 100 km away will receive the news before the people in the newsroom bya total time difference of 8 .4 1 X 10 - 3 s. 29. (a) 3.85 x 10 26 W (b) 1. 02 kV/ m (c) 3.39 μT 30. (a) 388 K (b) 363 K Chapter 33 Chapter 34 【퀴즈] 1. (i) (b) 2. (c) 3. (c) 2 1. (a) 1. 90 kN/ C 【퀴즈] (ii) (c) 1. (d) 2. Beams @ and @ are reflected; beams G) and @ are refracted. 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (i) (b) (ii) (b) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (a) [언습문제l I 언습문제] 1. (a) 7.19 X 10 11 V/ m . s (b) 2.00 X 10- 7 T 2. (a) 3.1 5 x 10 ~J N / C (b) 5.25k x 10- 7 T (c) 4.83(-J) X 10 - 16 N 3. (-2 .87j + 5.75k) X 109 m/s2 4. 1 1. 0 m 5. (a) 681 yr (b) 8 .32 min (c) 2.56 s 6. 60.0 km 7. 2.25 X 10 8 m / s 8. 2.9 X 10 8 m / s ::!::5 % 10. The ratio of ω to k is higher than the speed of light in a vacuum , so the wave as described is impossible. 1 1. 8.64 X 10 10 m 12. 3.34 μJ/m ~ 13. (a) 2.33 mT (b) 650 MW/ m 2 (c) 511 W 14. 33 .4 oC. 2 1. 7 oC 15. ~1 X 10 4 m 2 16. (a) 5 .1 6 X 10- 10 T 1. 114 rad/ s 2. (a) 3.00 X 10 8 m / s (b) The sizes ofthe objects need to be taken into accoun t. Otherwise the answer would be too large by 2 %. 3. 2.27 X 10 8 m/s 4. (c) φ = 0.0557 。 5. ß = 28 7. (a) 1. 94 m (b) 50.0 0 above the horizontal 8. (a) 1. 81 X 10 8 m / s (b) 2.25 X 10 8 m / s (c) 1. 36 X 10 8 m / s 9. 8 2 = 19.50 , 83 = 19.50 , 84 = 30.0 。 10. (a) 29.0 0 (b) 25.8 0 (c) 32.0。 11. (a) 78.3 0 (b) 2.56 m (c) 9.72 0 (d) 442 nm (e) The light wave slows down as it moves from air to water‘, but the sound wave speeds up by a larger facto r. The light wave bends toward the normal and its wavelength shortens , but the sound wave bends away from the normal and its wavelength increases. 12. (a) 1. 52 (b) 417 nm (c) 4.74 X 1014 Hz (d) 198 Mm/s 13. (a) 30.0 0 , 19 0 , 41 0 , 77 0 (b) 30 , 41 。 14. ~ 10- 11 s , ~ 10 3 wavelengths 15. (a) Yes , if the angle of incidence is 58 . 9 。 (b) No. Both the reduction in speed and the bending toward the normal reduce the component of velocity parallel to the interface. This component cannot remain constant for a nonzero angle of incidence. 0 (b) Since the magnetic field of the Earth is approximately 5 X 10- 5 T , the Earth ’s field is some 100 000 times stronge r. 17. 5.16 m 18. (a) 540 V/ m (b) 2.58 μJ/ m ~ (c) 773 W/ m 2 19. 5.31 X 10 - 5 N/ m2 20. (a) 5.82 X 10 8 N (b) 6.10 X 101 ~ times stronger 퀴즈및연습문제해답 16. η = 1. 55 17. (b) 37.2 0 (c) 37.3 0 (d) 37. 3。 18. (b) 4.73 cm (c) For η = 1, h = O. For η = 2 , h = ∞. For η > 2, h has no real solution. 19. The index of refraction of the atmosphere decreases with increasing altitude because of the decrease in density of the atmosphere with increasing altitude , just like the index of refraction of the slabs as you move upward from the bottom in Figure P34.19. Imagine that the Sun is the source of light at the upper left of the diagram. Imagine yourself to be at the point where the light strikes the lower surface of the bottom slab. The direction from which the refracted light from the Sun comes to you is higher in angle relative to the horizontal than the actual geometric position of the Sun. 띠 、 % ,/ . ‘ A-57 28. 81 reflections h In + 1. 00\ 29. (a) 낀-τ~) ) /η+ 1. 00\ (b) ~ '" . 2~~ times larger Chapter 35 【퀴즈】 1. false 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (d) 5. (a) 6. (b) 7. (c) 4 | | | h [연습문제] | | | 4 1. (a) younger water (d) 26.9。 3. a N n =1. 333 ]·g×응 :• ---2.10xl0 m 2 [φ - sin- l (搬)]} 24. (a) (b) ~10 → s younger ?‘f / 12 -• ,. O~ ‘ .‘ 2 (e) 107 m Sin- I {ηv sin [φ - sin- l (빨)]} sin- 1{ nRsin 2. (c) Mj 3. (a) PI + h, behind the lower mirror (b) virtual (c) upright (d) 1. 00 (e) no 4. (a) 1. 00 m behind the nearest mirror (b) the palm (c) 5.00 m behind the nearest mirror (d) the back of her hand (e) 7.00 m behind the nearest mirror (f) the palm (g) all are virtual images 5. (a) 33.3 cm in front of the mirror (b) -0.666 (c) real (d) inverted 6. (a) 25. (a) 27.0 0 (b) 37.1 0 (c) 49.8。 26. (a) 10.7 0 (b) air (c) Looking at Table 16.1 , we see that the speeds of sound for solids are an order of magnitude larger than the speed of sound in ai r. Therefore , we can estimate the critical angle for the air-concrete interface by using Equation 34.9 and letting the ratio of indices of refraction be ~0. 1. This gives a critical angle ofabout 6 0 • Therefore , all sound striking the wall at angles greater than 6 0 is completely reflected. 27. (a) 과맏 η- 1 (b) R min • O. Yes; for very small d , the light strikes the interface at very large angles of incidence. (c) R min decreases. Yes; as η increases , the critical angle becomes smaller. (d) R min • ∞. Yes; as η • 1, the critical angle becomes close to 90 0 and any bend will allow the light to escape. (e) 350 μm (b) q = -40.0 cm , so the image is behind the mirror (c) M = +2.00 , so the image is enlarged and upright 7. (a) 7.50 cm behind the mirror (b) upright (c) 0.500 cm 8. A convex mirror diverges light rays incident upon it , so the mirror in this problem cannot focus the Sun ’ s rays to a pomt. A-58 퀴즈 및 연습문제 해답 28. The image is inverted , real , and diminished in size. 29. -40.0 cm 30. 8.00 cm 9. (a) 8.00 cm (b) Chapter 36 [퀴즈] 1. (c) 2. The graph is shown in the figure below. The width of the primary maxima is slightly narrower than the N = 5 primary width but wider than the N = 10 primary width. Because N = 6 , the seco 아 on떠 darηyμmax 처ima 없s the pr a 디imarηymaxima. I - - i a 7 il-----‘ ~ ‘ lllll L ’k 2‘A i 』 I a O }!、A I””내,---’ ” 2A - - ---- 냉 / I ! 、 U- - - ζ n i g 4 18. (a) The image is in back of the lens at a distance of 1. 251 from the lens. (b) -0.250 (c) real 19. 20.0 cm 1 삐川川삐 2(η -1) a I mx ||| - ι ,, 「------,」 r _, R 기 lll-- (2 - η) rface of':-: 개 ”””렉 (c) virtual 10. -0.790 cm 1 1. (b) 0.639 s , 0.782 s 12. (a) 25.6 m (b) 0.0587 rad (c) 2.51 m (d) 0.0239 rad (e) 62.8 m 13. (a) 16.0 cm from the mirror (b) +0.333 (c) upright 14. (a) 45 .1 cm (b) -89.6 cm (c) -6.00 cm 15. 3.75 mm 17. The track must be placed a radial distance from the outer Jue S ·m ao 3. (a) ‘ 【연습문제] 1. 641 2. The sine of the angle for m = 1 fringe is greater than 1, (a) 20.0 cm in back of the lens (b) real (c) inverted (d) M = -1. 00 (e) Algebraic answers agree , and we can express values to three significant figures: q = 20.0 cm , M = -1. 00 (ii) which is impossible. 3.632 nm 4. (a) 1. 77 μm (b) 1. 47 μm 5. 2 .4 0μm 6. 36.2 cm 7. 0.318 m /s 8. v tan [sin - 1 (뽕)] F (a) 10 cm front of the lens (b) virtual (c) upright (d) M = +2.00 (e) Algebraic answers agree , and we can express values to three significant figures: q = -10.0 cm , M = +2.00 (f) Small variations from the correct directions of rays can lead to significant errors in the intersection point of the rays. These variations may lead to the three principal rays not intersecting at a single poin t. 2 1. (a) 20.0 cm from the lens on the front side (b) 12.5 cm from the lens on the front side (c) 6.67 cm from the lens on the front side (d) 8.33 cm from the lens on the front side 22. (b) M10ng = -1\(2 23. 2 1. 3 cm 24. (a) -4.00 diopters (b) diverging lens 25. 2.18 mm away from the CCD 26. (a) -800 (b) inverted 27. -575 10. (a) 13.2 rad (b) 6.28 rad (c) 1. 27 X 10- 2 deg (d) 5.97 x 10- 2 deg 11. 506 nm 12. 6.59 m 13. (a) 1. 93 μm (b) 3.00À (c) It corresponds to a maximum. The path difference is an integer multiple of the wavelength. 14. (a) 22.6 cm (b) 2.51 x 10- 3 (c) 6.03 X 10- 7 m (d) 7.21 0 (e) 2.28 cm (f) The two answers are close but do not agree exactly. The fringes are not laid out linearly on the screen as assumed in part (a) , and this nonlinearity is evident for relatively large angles such as 7.21 0 • 15. ER = 10.0 and φ = 53 . 1 。 17. I/ Imax (} (0) -0.2 0 0.2 퀴즈 및 언습문제 해답 18. (c) 9:1 19. 96.2 nm 20. (a) 638 nm (b) A thicker film would require a higher order of reflection , so use a larger value of m (c) 360 nm , 600 nm 21. (a) 276 nm , 138 nm , 92.0 nm (b) No visible wavelengths are intensified. 22. (a) green (b) violet 23. 1. 31 24. 11. 3 m 3 25. (a) 238 nm (b) The wavelength of the transmitted light increases. (c) 328 nm 26. (a) 97.8 nm (b) Yes. Destructive interference occurs when 2nt=(m+ 웅)A (Eq. 36.12) 잉)μ , M빠 "\、 ‘ i잉s a phase change at both faces of the film in Figure P36.26.) Hence , for m = 1, 2, ... we obtain thicknesses of 293 nm , 489 nm , 27. 39.6μm 28. 1. 25 m 29. 1. 62 cm 30. 20.0 X 1O- 60 C - l A-59 15. (a) blue (b) 186 m to 271 m 16. (a) three (b) 0 0 , +45.2 0 , -45.2 。 17. (a) 479 nm , 647 nm , 698 nm (b) 20.5 , 28.3 , 30.7。 18. (a) five (b) ten 19. fJ 21. > fJ 3v and these orders must overlap. 20. 514 nm 2 1. (a) 0.738 mm 22. fJ = 3 1. 9 。 23. (a) 0.109 nm (b) four 24. (a) four (b) two 25. (a) 93.3 % (b) 50.0 % (c) 0.00 % 26. In Equation 37.10 , tan fJÞ = n2/ηl' the index of refraction η2 of the solid material must be larger than that of air (η1 = 1. 00). Therefore , we must have tan 야 > 1. For this to be true , we must have 야 > 45 0 , s。 이 4 1. 0 0 is not possible. 27. 60.5。 0 0 28. fJþ = tan- 1 (삶) or 야 = tan- 1 (csc κ) or fJ þ = c헤sin fJc) 29. (a) 0.045 0 (b) 0.0162 30. (a) 25.6 (b) 18.9 。 0 Chapter 38 Chapter 37 [퀴즈] [퀴즈】 1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (a) 1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (b) 6. (c) 5. (c) 6. (d) 7. (i) (c) (ii) (a) 8. (a) m 3 > m2 = m1 (b) K3 = K 2 > K 1 (c) μ2 > μ3 - μ1 [연습문제】 【연습문제] 1. 4.22 mm 2. The equation generated is identical to Equation 37.1 3. (a) 1. 50 m (b) 4.05 mm 4. 11 5. 1 3. (a) 0 .4 36 m (b) less than 0 .436 m 4. (a) 2.18 μs (b) 649 m 5. 5.00 s 6. (a) 65.0 beats/ min (b) 10.5 beats/ min 7. 0.140c 8. The driver ’ s own testimony shows him blatantly vi이 ating any Earth-based speed limit; look for another defense. 9. 0.800c cLι 10. v= φ 7T 7. 1. 62 X 10- 2 8.0.284 m 9. (a) 79.8 μrad (b) violet , 54.2 μrad (c) The resolving power is improved , with the minimum resolvable angle becoming 60.0 μrad. 10. 30.5 m 11. 3.09 m 12. 0 .4 0 μrad 13. none of them 14. 16 .4 m ‘ /c 1:1? + L~ 2 11. (b) 0.0504c 12. (a) 39.2 μs (b) accurate to one digit 13. (c) 2.00 kHz (d) 0.075 m / s = 0.168 m i/ h (0.250 %) 14. (a) v = 0.943c (b) 2.55 X 103 m 15. (a) 17.4 m (b) 3.30。 16. (a) 2.50 X 108 m/s = 0.834c (b) 4.98 m (c) -1. 33 X 10- 8 s 17. The driver was traveling at 0.763c relative to the Earth. He was speeding. 18. 0.960c 19. 0.893c, 16.8 0 above the x' axis 20. (a) 2.73 X 10- 24 kg . m / s (b) 1. 58 X 10- 22 kg . m / s (c) 5.64 X 10- 22 kg . m / s A-60 퀴즈 및 연습문제 해답 22. (a) 929 MeV/ c (b) 6.58 x 10 3 MeV/ c (c) No 23. (a) $800 (b) $2.12 x 10 9 24. (a) 4.38 x 10 11 J (b) 4.38 x 10 11 J 25. (a) 0.582 MeV (b) 2 .4 5 MeV 26. (a) smaller (b) 3.18 x 10- 12 kg (c) It is too small a fraction of9.00 g to be measured 28. (a) 2.66 X 10 7 m (b) 3.87 km/ s (c) -8.35 X 10- 11 (d) 5.29 X 10- 10 (e) +4 .4 6 X 10- 10 29. When Speedo arrives back on Earth , 118 years have passed , and Goslo would be 158 years old. That is impossible at the present time. 30. (c) μ o'i'.,ct r / , 、 7.χ = _(,r. (써2 강 + q2E 2 t 2 - mc) /m2c2+ q2 쉰 p ’ qE \ V •• ~ '1 ~ V~ v v .. / Chapter 39 【퀴즈1 1. (b) 2. Sodium light , microwaves , FM radio , AM radio. 3. (c) 4. The classical expectation (which did not match the experiment) yields a graph like the following drawing: Kmax High intensity Low intensity (delayed) f 5. (d) 6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (a) [ 연습문제] 14. (a) 43.0 0 (b) E = 0.601 MeV; p = 0.601 MeV/c = 3.21 X 10- 22 kg . m/s (c) E = 0.279 MeV; p = 0.601 MeV/ c = 3.21 X 10- 22 kg . m / s I 1?ιc2 + E.:.. \ 15. (a) (j = cos - 1 1 ν ~ I \2mo cι +Eo/ (b) E' = E。 (2mr 강 +1',ô) . , ~ : '"" _ ,V', P 2(m c2 + Eo) ’ r r (c)κ 2c(따 c2 + Eo) Eo (2me c2 + Eo) EÕ r\./ 1;。 ( 2me C2 + Eo) Pe= 2c(m 연 + Eo) 2(m" c + Eo) ’ e 9 2 I T""" \.' e 16. (a) 0.101 nm (b) 80.8 。 17. (a) It is because Compton ’s equation and the conservation of vector momentum give three independent equations in the unknowns À' , Ào , and μ (b) 3.82 pm 18. To have photon energy 10 eV or greater, according to this definition , ionizing radiation is the ultraviolet light , x-rays , and l' rays with wavelength shorter than 124 nm; that is , with frequency higher than 2 .4 2 X 10 15 Hz. 19. (a) 14.0 kV/ m (b) 46.8 μT (c) 4.19 nN (d) 10.2 g 20. (a) 1. 66 X 10- 27 kg . m / s (b) 1. 82 km/ s 2 1. (a) 14.8 keV, 15.1 keV (b) 124 keV 22. (a) ~ 10 8 eV (b) ~ -10 6 eV (c) The electron could not be confined to the nucleus. 23. The speed with which the student must pass through the door to experience diffraction is extremely low. It is impossible for the student to walk this slowly. At this speed , if the thickness of the wall in which the door is built is 15 cm , the time interval required for the student to pass through the door is 1. 4 X 10 33 s , which is 10 15 times the age of the Universe. 24. (a) 융 26. 105 V 27. 3 X 10- 29 J = 2 X 10 - 10 eV Chapter 40 1. (a) lightning: ~ 10- 7 m; explosion: ~ 10- 10 m 【퀴즈] 1. (d) 2. (i) (a) (ii) (d) 3. (c) 4. (a) , (c) , (f) 【연습문제l (b) 5.27 X 10- 24 kg . m / s (c) 95.3 eV 1. (a) 126 pm 2. (a) 3 ‘ J o o m -i 끼 3 ι (b) lightning: ultraviolet; explosion: x-ray and gamma ray 2. (a) 999 nm (b) The wavelength emitted at the greatest intensity is in the infrared (greater than 700 nm) , and according to the graph in Active Figure 39.3 , much more energy is radiated at wavelengths longer than Àmax than at shorter wavelengths. 3. 2.27 X 10 30 photon/ s 4. (a) 5200 K (b) This is not blackbody radiation. 5. (a) 5.78 X 10 3 K (b) 501 nm 6. (i) (a) 2.57 eV (b) 1. 28 X 10- 5 eV (c) 1. 91 X 10- 7 eV (ii) (a) 484 nm (b) 9.68 cm (c) 6.52 m (iii) (a) visible light(blue) (b) radio wave (c) radio wave 8. (a) 295 nm , 1. 02 PHz (b) 2.69 V 9. (a) 148 days (b) The result for part (a) does not agree at all with the experimental observations. 10. (a) 288 nm (b) 1. 04 X 10 15 Hz (c) 1.1 9 eV 1 1. (a) 8.27 eV (b) The photon energy is larger than the work function (c) 1. 92 eV (d) 1. 92 V 12. 4 .85 X 10- 12 m 13. (a) 64 .40 (b) 0.120 nm 4 ”‘ ) 퀴즈 및 연습문제 해답 (b) 속 va 3. ~ A-61 ~(χ) = ψ1 (x) 12 = 중 cos 2 (뿔) (c) 0.865 1 4. The photon does not have the smallest possible energy to cause the transition between states η = 1 to η = 2. 5. (a) 0.511 MeV, 2.05 MeV, 4.60 MeV (b) They do; the MeV is the natural unit for energy radiated by an atomic nucleus. 6. (a) 5.13 x 10- 3 eV (b) 9 .4 1 eV (c) The electron has a much higher energy because it is much less massive. η = 2: 야2 (x) = 끊 sin(빨); 뮤 (x) = ψ2 (x)12 = 중 sin 2 (빨) 1 η = 3: ψ3 (x) = 끊 cos(빨) ; 쩍 (x) = 1 ψ3 (x) 12 = 중 c헥빨) ,‘ / t m 、 7. (a) η 4 없 〉끼여며 며 ) 603 eV - n j A í\ -_\1- ~_、1 __ ~ η ~ ‘---------------- nJ Z 151 eV 1 37.7 eV J 씨 2 (b) 2.20 nm , 2.75 nm , 4.12 nm , 4.71 nm , 6.59 nm , 11. 0 nm 8. (a) 2.00 X 10- 9 J (b) 1. 66 X 10- 28 m (c) No. The length of the box would have to be much smaller than the size of a nucleus (_10 - 14 m) to confine the particle. 9. (a) 호 (b) h 2/ 8mL2 2L (c) This estimate is too low by 47T 2 = 40 times , but it correctly displays the pattern of dependence of the energy on the mass and on the length of the wel l. 11. (a) i L 0 x x 18. (a) 0 EI 에 ·‘ 、 0 _\ h 2 (2 x2 16. (a) u= ~τ I=':τ - 31 mLζ \ LZ m / 비 19. (a) U(x) ~= -j흥L L x / 1 f= 펴L χ (b) 2L 20. (a) 1. 03 X 10- 3 ---- U= 펀5 η = 1: ψ1 (x) = 찮 cos(환) ; (b) 1. 91 nm 2 1. 3.92 % 22. 600 nm 23. 2πc많 ε 2 (b) 5.26 X 10- 5 (c) 3.99 X 10- 2 (d) In the η 2 graph in the text ’s Figure 40 .4b , it is more probable to find the particle either near x = L / 40r x = 3L/ 4 than at the center, where the probability density is zero. Nevertheless , the symmetry of the distribution means that the average position is χ = L/2. 12. (a) x = L / 4 , L/ 2 , and 3L/ 4 (b) We look for sin (3 7T X/ L) taking on its extreme values 1 and - 1 so that the squared wave function is as large as it can be. The result can also be found by studying Figure 40 .4b. 13. (a) 0.196 (b) 0.609 14. (a) 0.332 nm (b) 45.6 nm , quite different from 102.6 nm 17. (a) 0 [ 2 4 L χ u 퀴즈및언습문제해답 A-62 (b) 54 .4 eV 10. (a) l. 31 μm 30. (a) - m nm At 11 -2 -r e = 꿇J꽁 %-짧 시μη (c) first excited state 28. f (m 11 (a) £ 25. (b) b=~띤 2ñ and _.. - 효hω 2 에 빠(뚫r (b) 0 (뚫t f싫 싫e r 4 (d) 냐삼 = ao Ze κe eη (e) -13.6 eV (f) We find our results are in agreement with the Bohr theory. |ψ1 2 12. 2 ψl s ( X 10 15 m- 3/ 2 ) Q P1 s ( X 10 10 m - 1) 1. 2 1. 5 1. 0 a ,‘ N n U / 1 、 1. 0 0.8 0.5 0.4 x 0.6 (d) 0.865 0.2 r O Chapter 41 0.5 O me ms ----- 0.5 1. 5 a" 2e 14. (b) 0 .497 3. (b) 4. (a) five 5. (c) 6. true ‘ 1. (c) 2. (a) O O v -”애 E= ικ -。/i 에 않 【퀴 즈l r 1. 5 a" 15. (a) (b) nine n e 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 1 3 2 0 3 2 0 3 2 -1 3 2 3 2 3 2 -2 -2 n e me 3 1 1 3 2 2 ---9---(2 1la4 [연습문제】 1lR4 1. (a) 12 l. 5 nm , 102.5 nm , 97.20 nm (b) ultraviolet 2. l. 94 μm 3. (a) Àm. = Il/À m1 ~ 1μ E(eV) 0 4 3 -3 .40 6.05 2 -13.6 / ‘ 、 η c。 l l ” -(Z 4 I--n4 이 4. (b) 0.846 ns 5. (a) 2.86 eV (b) 0 .472 eV 7. (a) l. 89 eV (b) 656 nm (c) 3.02 eV (d) 410 nm (e) 365 nm 8. (a) 0 .476 nm (b) 0.997 nm 9. (a) En = -54 .4 eV/η2 for η = 1, 2, 3 , ... --9 ----9----9---- ms ---2 1-2 3 1 3 0 3 0 3 -1 3 -1 1-2 1-2 1-2 --2 16. (a) ν닮 (b) -짧, -lí , 0 , Ií and 짧. (c) 1450 , 1140 , 90.0 0 , 65.9 0 , and 35.3。 17. (a) 2 (b) 8 (c) 18 (d) 32 (e) 50 며이 rψ ~ Z { 며 -54 .4 v 퀴즈및연습문제해답 18. (a) 3.99 x 1017 kg/m 3 (b) 8.17 am (c) 1. 77 Tm/s e me 0 o 0 0 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 2 2 2 1 」 」 (d) It is 5.91 speed of light-and impossible. (b) η 」 X 10 3 c, which is huge 2 1 i 2 2 0 0 0 0 compared with the 19. 0.05 T me-2 q4 。J ‘ 94 2 <-‘ 。J 「 「 i 」 1li 「 - 〕 --i 「 。J q4 1li ---1li 。3 。4 。3 。/‘ 2 2 1li 1li ----li o - 2 1. The electron energy is not enough to excite the hydrogen atom from its ground state to even the first excited state. 22. (a) the 4s subshell (b) We would expect [Ar]3 없 4s 2 to have lower energy, but [Ar]3d 5 4s1 has more unpaired spins and lower energy according to Hund ’s rule. 3s 3p 4s 만JD [그 口 [ls2 2S2 2 p 6 3s 2 J [ls22s차6J3s 3pl Si 만꾀맏그 [[] 口 口 [1i2s22 p 6J3i3p2 E굉 마] 텐그 따] 口 [ls22s앨6J3s 3 p 3 S16 맏펴 마피 마그 마그 口 [ls22s차6J3s₩ 口 며 口 2 14 l D E Cl 17 2 때 뼈 꽤 마그 口 [ls 22s 22 p 6J3s 23 p 5 Ar 18 때 뼈 K 19 텐꾀 마꾀 口 [ls 22s 22 p 6J3s 23 p 6 R펴 마꾀 마꾀 맘꾀 텐그 [ls 22s 22pB 3s 23 p 6J4s 1 24. (a) ls22s 22p3 1-2 --2 15 A 1-2 1-2 1-2 [퀴즈l (ii) (a) (iii) (c) 3. (b) 12 Mg 때 D 口 口 口 외 13 때마] --2 4. (c) [li2s쐐6J3s 1 ll 1-2 2. (e) 口 Na 1-2 Chapter 42 1. (i) (b) (c) chromium 23. ---2 28. (a) 시 = 632.809 14 nm , 시 = 632.80857 nm , 선 = 632.809 71 nm , three (b) 679 m/s 29. (b) 2.53 X 10 74 (c) 1. 18 X 10- 63 m (d) This number is mμch smaller than the radius of an atomic nucleus( ~ 10- 15 m) , so the distance between quantized orbits of the Earth is too small to observe. 30. 301 --「 。 9{ 1ll 0 ms 25. ls , 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s , 4f, 5d, 6p, 7s 27. (a) 14 keV (b) 8.8 X 10- 11 m i 디/‘ 。3 n/. --i 」 。3 oJ o 1 1 1 1 디/·o4 o3 1li ms- • --「 。 O/-。/·oz i / - 。J 〈 。J ‘ o3 , 1 i 1 1 1 0 0 0 o3 Oz /i 1li ‘-‘2 n/·O/i 9J s 1lA 。 oj -」‘ e 20. n A-63 [언습문제] 1. ~ 10 28 protons (b) ~ 10 28 neutrons (c) ~ 10 28 electrons 2. (a) 68 (b) 짧 Zn (c) Isotopes of other elements to the left and right of zinc in the periodic table (from manganese to bromine) may have the same mass number. 3. (a) 0.360 MeV (b) Figure P42.3 shows the highest point in the curve at about 4 MeV, a factor of ten higher than the value in (a). 4. (a) 5.18 fm (b) A is much less than the distance of closest approach 5. (a) 2.82 X 10- 5 (b) 1. 38 X 10- 14 6. 3.54 MeV 7. (a) 0.210 MeV (b) There is less proton repulsion in 염Na; it is a more stable nucleus. E. 8. 56Fe has a greater 강 than its neighbors 9. (a) 84.2 MeV (b) 342 MeV (c) The nuclear force is so strong that the binding energy greatly exceeds the minimum energy needed to overcome electrostatic repulsion. 10. ~200 MeV A-64 퀴즈 및 연습문제 해답 11. (a) Nucleons on the surface have fewer neighbors with which to interact. Th e surface term is negative to reduce the estimate from the volume term , which assumes that all nucleons have the same number of neighbors. "61 L. The sphere has a larger ratio (b) sphere, 효 r cube, to its characteristic length , so it would represent a larger binding energy and be more plausible for a nuclear sh ape. 13. 9 .47 X 10 9 nuclei R,T. /。 In2 15. (a) cannot occur (b) cannot occur (c) can occur 16. (a) 잃Ni ' (b) 2싫Pb (c) 협Co 17. (a) e- + p • n + v (b) 2.75 MeV 18. (a) l. 05 X 10 2 1 (b) l. 37 X 10 9 (c) 3.83 X 10- 12 S-1 (d) 3.17 X 10 3 decays/week (e) 951 decays/week (f) 9.95 X 10 3 yr 19. (a) 0.281 (b) l. 65 X 10• 9 (c) Radon is continuously created. N 댔 mχ 145 U 2혔 Th ~V 140 ~ ‘ 2맥 Bi 。"~ 28. (a) (b) ,-‘ , - -2 I_ 1= 4 5 It 4fl 3fl 5 ‘ τn -’ 2·r 2fl -- iI -2 --2 i lfl 0 - lfl -2 f 5 -2 i -2 3 1n ~ 91 ~ μ , -3 fl ' \ " 29. The proposed reaction can b e written as 19B + ~He • 130 )1Al pha decay 、'- Beta (-) decay 125 80 27. (a) ~ 10 6 atoms (b) ~ 10- 15 g \ 2짧 Fr 、 2맨 At (b) 1 쏠 Xe (c) e + + v -흥 h ~ 2잃Ac, 135 ~ 22. (a) Iõ Ne 23. (a) 2.5 mrem/x-ray (b) The technician’s occupational exposure is high: 38 times the local background radiation of 0.13 rem/yr. 24. It would take over 24 days to raise the temperature of the water to 100 oC and even longer to boil it , so this technique will not work for a 20-minute coffee break! 25. 3.96 X 10- 4 J / kg 26. (b) 감 14. ~二 (2 - t , llì /~ - 2- tdη /~) 20. 2 1. (a) l~~Au + 6n • 댐Au. • l 없 Hg + _?e + v (b) 7.89 MeV 85 90 95 Z lH + I ~ C While electric charge is conserved (5 + 2 = 1 + 6) , the number of nucleons is not (1 0 + 4 =1= 1 + 12). Therefore , this reaction cannot occu r. 30. The Q value of this hypothetical decay is calculated to be -7.62 MeV, which m eans you would have to a dd this much energy to the 238U nucleus to make it emit a proton. 찾아보기 Index ‘’ lï l 가시 스펙트럼 가시광선 가역 845 822 구역 계의 경계 134 구역벽 고리 법칙 669 구조모형 가우스 법칙 고유 길이 각배율 883 골 각변위 225 공간양자화 각속력 77 공명 각운동량 261 각운동량보존 각위치 간섭 267 224 각진동수 354 , 383 412 간섭 무늬 간섭계 1046 공명 각진동수 371 공명 진동수 425 , 797 268 837 굴절 망원경 885 굴절각 837 굴절률 838 굴절파 840 궤도 양자수 1040 , 1045 그래프표현 그레이 11 1099 470 과감쇠 370 , 776 그림 표현 10 과냉각 470 극성 분자 629 근시 882 90 근점 880 235 근축광선 858 금지 전이 1057 91 95 갈릴레이 속도 변환식 938 광년 5 기멋값 갈릴레이 시공 변환식 937 광선 811 기본진동수 422 832 기하학적 모형 9 832 기화열 갈릴레이의 상대성 원리 감마붕괴 1094 936 광선광학 광선 근사 감마선 822 광선 추적도 감속재 1097 광섬유 848 광자 963 , 983 감쇠 진동자 강자성 광전 효과 31 광전자 23 거시 상태 528 거울방정식 겉보기 힘 결론 860 120 33 결합 에너지 경로차 계 광전 측광 728 개념화 거리 370 1075 894 계기 압력 광축 328 861 길이 껍질 468 4 949 1041 986 껍질 모형 981 꼭지각 10σ7 841 끌림 계수 981 598 1008 길이 수축 126 928 교류발전기 749 교류 변압기 799 ‘’ IL I 교환 법칙 138 나노 기술 구면 거울 858 난류 구면 수차 858 , 878 난반사 구면파 134 1040 과가열 관성 질량 81 10 997 그레이디언트 연산자 관성 모멘트 갈릴레이 변환식 728 궤도 자기 양자수 371 , 796 관성 기준틀 893 946 379 관성 892 903 간섭성 949 고유시간간격 895 굴절 168 고립계 모형의 각운동량 579 728 군속력 167 고립계 모형 690 각 위치 1031 고립계 519 가우스 계열 한계 구심 가속도 833 내부 에너지 398 77 , 114 1019 332 내부 저항 154, 460 660 1-1 1-2 찾아보기 디 93 뉴턴·미터 뉴턴의 운동 제 1 법칙 뉴턴의 원무늬 901 뉴턴의 제 2 법칙 92 뉴턴의 제 3 법칙 96 90 딸핵 단색 단순화모형 단순화한그림 표현 단열 과정 단열 자유 팽창 446 단위 벡터 대류 821 1037 흰트겐 대체 표현 10 뤼드베리 상수 53 덧셈의 교환법칙 53 데이비슨-거머의 실험 548 돋보기 돌림힘 7 137 402 1079 955 809 반감기 1082 반도체 548 반사 1098 1031 반사망원경 886 반사의 법칙 834 182 반중성미자 1091 마루 379 발머 계열 1031 발산거울 860 발열 반응 1096 마이스너 효과 마이크로파 730 방시능 821 231 296 방출률 말뤼스의 법칙 925 배 991 417 1099 430 배기 행정 526 966 맥스웰 방정식 663 맥스웰-볼츠만 속력 분포 함수 75 483 배경 복사 등가원리 등속원운동 1030 885 맥놀이 618 , 619 1080 망원경 1012 등가 전기용량 96 방출분광학 105 들몬상태 등가저항 1096 729 마력 만유인력 법칙 드브로이 파장 834 반작용력 마찰력 1070 1020 반응 에너지 1079 맴돌이 전류 모멘트팔 배진동 808 752 232 506 1012 419 반사 계수 830 883 동위 원소 502 , 1012 417 마법수 11 1062 바닥상태 에너지 992 도제 독립 입자모형 밀도 반자성 마디 도플러 효과 4 바닥상태 871 ‘| 口 |’ 882 도표표현 미터 반사파 도수 도트곱 528 ‘| 닙 |’ 898 대응 원라 덧셈의 결합법칙 미시 상태 976 744 뢰머의 측정법 482 856 915 로이드 거울 324 165 물체 거리 1062 로렌츠 힘의 법칙 353 물질 전달 밀도 반전 923 로렌츠 변환식 57 단조화운동 대기압 224 렌츠의 법칙 519 367 물의 삼중점 렌즈 제작자의 식 476 , 503 1096 1085 레일리-진스의 법칙 11 209 1077 레일리 기준 9 95 물방울모형 라우에 무늬 레이저 무게 물리 진자 라디오파 893 452 882 라디안 Ic l 몰수 문턱 에너지 ‘12 1’ ‘’ 496 무게 중심 592 697 디옵터 136 μr 뉴턴 μr 등전위변 ‘ 8 몰비열 5 여근 680 880 모형 낀 낌 눈 낀 누전 차단기 비 1020 ‘ 4 정 네모 장벽 정 1017 5 여근 네모 우물 I0 비 516 정 846 과 몰 과 과 몰 냉동기 아H 아님오」 처「 처「 드〔드 〕。 드 〈U 드〈〕 내부전반사 422 배타 원리 1052 벼금 껍질 1041 베르누이 방정식 336 찾아보기 베인브리지 질량 분석계 베크렐 벡터 모형 붕괴 상수 1089 붕괴율 1046 브래그의 법칙 1082 924 258 브루스터 각 벡터양 23 , 51 브루스터의 법칙 23 변위 마디 426 879 선 스펙트럼 1085 벡터곱 변위 색 수차 1081 붕괴 에너지 1082 베타 붕괴 696 1030 선 위치 895 선운동량 191 선전하밀도 927 927 571 선택 규칙 1057 924 블랙홀 314 , 968 선형 편광 비가역 519 선형 편광파 813 426 비간섭성 893 섭씨 온도눈금 변위 벡터 64 비고립계 166 성능 계수 변위 전류 806 비관성 기준틀 변위 진폭 393 비극성 분자 변위 배 변형 284 변형력 284 비보존력 155 비압축성 332 세차운동 보강 간섭 412 , 894 비오-사바르 법칙 보존력 645 비저항의 온도 계수 594 보편 기체상수 453 볼트 부력 수직항력 11 96 수차 975 순간가속도 34, 66 순간각가속도 225 ‘’ I .A. I 878 순간각속도 225 순간속도 26 , 65 사건 지평선 314 순간속력 27 328 사이클로이드 247 순간 일률 182 사이클로트론 697 순간전류 640 287 부피 선속 286 570 사진기 285 , 287 산란 부피 전하밀도 부피 탄성률 부하저항 660 669 32 분배 법칙 138 381 692 순수 굴림 운동의 조건 순환과정 숨은열 879 467 슈테판의 법칙 1096 상 거리 856 상변화 467 상보성의 원리 992 스칼라곱 137 스칼라양 23 , 51 스핀 844 상상표현 10 스핀 각운동량 분석 32 상쇄 간섭 412 , 895 스핀 다운 10 상자성 불변 질량 963 상태 변수 불안정 평형 158 스핀 업 729 1051 1049 1049 스핀 자기 양자수 471 상호유도계수 768 시간 839 727 분산 분석 모형 314 483 , 974 스넬의 굴절 법칙 856 248 474 슈바르츠실트 반지름 929 산란사건 상 665 분기점 법칙 사이클로트론 진동수 사인형 파동 333 857 332 860 부피 변형력 분류 505 589 부피 변형 분기점 722 수 밀도 369 빈의 변위 법칙 454 솔레노이드 수직 (방향) 배율 비회전성 흐름 볼츠만상수 695 200 352 505 속도선택기 비탄성 충돌 복원력 볼츠만분포 법칙 399 수식 표현 비틀림 진자 볼록 거울 650 소리 준위 272 332 928 884 271 비점성 유체 복굴절 복합현미경 712 643 비저항 1035 155 보존력장 463 비옴 397 세차진동수 비열 보어 반지름 951 세기 617 , 664 728 517 56 세계선 629 병렬 연결 보어 마그네톤 성분 90 444 6 1049 1-3 1-4 찾아보기 시간간격 6 역기전력 시간 상수 125 , 674 , 763 역반사 시간 팽창 946 835 역제곱 법칙 시간에 무관한 슈뢰딩거 방정식 1016 운동마찰계수 751 296 역학적 에너지 155 시공 그래프 951 역학적 에너지 보존 시공간의 휩 967 역학적 파동 시버트 실상 열 1099 시험 전하 쌍둥이 역설 열량계 949 아르키메데스의 원리 아보가드로수 328 452 안정 평형 158 안정도 선 1074 알파 붕괴 1022 , 1084 암페어 압력 열역학 제 1 법칙 473 위상 354 열역학 제 2 법칙에 대한 클라우지우스 열접촉 앙페르의 법칙 앞뒤반전 720 857 앓은 렌즈 방정식 양력 871 442 1097 641 641 442 유전 강도 626 열효율 515 유전상수 625 유전체 285 977 온도 양자점 1019 온도 기울기 양자화 421 , 977 옴 양전자 1081 옴의 법칙 어미핵 1085 와트 525 음파 479 643 643 완전 비탄성 충돌 에너지 막대그래프 153 용량 리액턴스 우주선 200 789 142 468 392 이상광선 928 이상 기체 452 이상유체 332 이상흡수체 이심률 303 695 이옹화 1036 740 453 이상 기체의 상태 방정식 1017 운동 기전력 333 15 이상 기체 법칙 182 494 우물 625 유효숫자 융해열 443 용수철 상수 333 유체의 연속 방정식 858 에너지 등분배 정리 528 유동속도 열평형 양자수 엔트로피 1061 유동속력 오토순환과정 502 , 977 유도 흡수 유선 오목 거울 에너지 준위 도표 1061 447 994 166 유도 방출 516 양자 입자 166 787 열펌프 977 에너지 보존 548 유도 리액턴스 479 양자상태 에너지 보존식 64 열팽창 영률 342 유도 479 열중성자 807 22 위치 벡터 478 열전도의 법칙 527 783 위치 525 앙페르-맥스웰 법칙 791 463 압축 행정 압축비 997 위상각 열용량 열전도도 287 위상속력 위상자 열전도 555 354, 384 517 393 1071 위상 상수 표현 462 1037 , 1070 880 725 압력 진폭 압축률 75 웨버 열의 일당량 426 881 원천 전하 515 39 원자 질량단위 원점 454 197 490 443 표현 287 , 322 압력 배 660 열역학 저12 법칙에 대한 켈빈-플랑크 315 운동량보존식 열역학 제 O 법칙 640 , 718 암흑물질 197 원자 변호 974 열역학 변수 146 운동량보존 원운동 465 열복사 운동 에너지 원시 465 열린 회로 전압 ‘10 1’ 106 운동학식 514 열량 측정법 856 운동마찰력 운동론 165 165 , 460 열기관 555 168 106 이온화 에너지 483 1036 453 찾아보기 이중선 인공방사능 인덕터 저항 1095 285 인장 변형력 285 일반상대성 이론 일-운동 에너지 정리 일함수 146 984 928 정상상태 1033 정상류 332 저항력 123 정상파 416 적외선 821 정적 평형 279 정전기적 평형 상태 880 전기 수송 966 정상광선 644 적응 135 , 164 982 644 저항기 762 인장 변형 일 저지 전압 1049 정지 마찰계수 165 106 557 정지 마찰력 105 전기 쌍딱자 모벤트 정지 에너지 962 전기 쌍딱자 627 602 제곱-평균-제곱근 임계 감쇠 370 , 776 전기력 임계 온도 651 전기력선 559 제곱-평균-제곱근 속력 전기선속 574 제만효과 임계각 846 임피던스 전기장 792 입자모형 546 전기장 벡터 8 조화열 555 전기적 위치 에너지 ‘’ 전달 변수 I^ I 전도 588 종파 422 주기 478 124 378 좌우반전 472 857 77 , 355 , 382 자기 공명 영상법 1104 전도도 643 주기율표 자기 궤도 양자수 1046 전동기 751 주사 터널링 현미경 자기 생L극자 모멘트 자기병 전력 인자 702 전류 694 자기에 대한 가우스 법칙 자기장 686 726 주축 640 준경험적 결합 에너지 공식 전압전폭 782 준안정 상태 전위 자발붕괴 1085 전위차 준정적 588 줄 588 자연 방사능 1095 전자 스핀 자연 진동수 370 전자 스핀 공명 1061 472 136 중력 1049 전자포획 822 858 643 1061 자외선파탄 95 중력 가속도 1104 중력 질량 1091 42 95 전자 현미경 993 중력 퍼텐설 에너지 자유 공간의 유전율 551 전자기 복사 165 , 482 중력장 자유 공간의 투자율 712 전자기파의 스펙트럼 976 자유낙하가속도 자유물체 도형 자체 유도 자체 유도 기전력 760 365 820 전체 순간 에너지 밀도 962 전하결합소자 전하운반자 986 641 816 중립 평형 중성미자 1090 중성자수 1070 중성자포획 절대 압력 328 중첩의 원리 절대 영도 445 직각성분 56 직렬 연결 618 , 662 445 절연체 548 1020 점성도 332 , 340 직류발전기 장벽 투과 1020 점전하 550 진동수 저감쇠 88 370 1097 중성자활성화분석 장벽 높이 장힘 158 678 직류 98 정규모드 정반사 421 833 149 300 중립선 589 절대 온도눈금 299 장력 전자볼트 전체 에너지 760 96 작은각도근사 장 97 760 자체 유도계수 작용력 42 1022 1040 전류 밀도 자발 방출 자외선 1055 주양자수 795 495 1047 종단속력 555 784 412 660 748 355 , 382 진폭 354 , 382 진행파 382 1101 1078 1-5 1-6 찾아보기 질량 5 , 91 큐 인자 질량분석계 질량중심 크기의 정도 696 크로스곱 207 질량중심의 가속도 질량중심의 속도 질량수 211 210 849 키르히호프의 법칙 차단파장 183 탄성 퍼텐셜 에너지 985 탄성 한계 12 탄성률 초전도체 651 탄소 연대 측정법 초점 거리 추적 284 탈출속력 860 , 871 1100 충돌 338 하이젠베르크의 불확정성 원리 398 합선 679 파수 383 항력 342 322 파스칼 법칙 핵 파장 382 핵력 380 핵반응 305 패릿 퍼텐설 에너지 콤프턴 효과 988 퍼댄설 에너지 함수 퀴리 1082 퀴리 온도 729 149 156 1096 핵스핀 궤도 효과 핵융합 1022 핵자수 1070 핵종 1072 허물체 편광각 927 허상 편향각 841 34, 65 평균각가속도 225 헨리 870 856 355 , 382 761 홀 전압 705 1080 1103 1070 헤르츠 평균가속도 1103 1074 핵스핀 양자수 526 989 페르미 737 612 팽창행정 콤프턴 파장 550 1032 핵 마그네톤 325 패러데이의 유도 법칙 550 842 파선 304 쿨롱상수 하위헌스의 원리 341 398 케플러의 제 2 법칙 쿨롱의 법칙 831 하겐-푸아죄유 식 998 파형 550 , 718 977 ‘| 를 |’ 303 쿨롬 911 파면 파스칼 989 341 1I I 케플러의 제 1 법칙 케플러의 제 3 법칙 432 피조의 측정법 380 , 1006 콤프턴 이동식 570 푸리에 급수 플랑크상수 파동-입자 이중성 520 표면 전하밀도 1058 파동 함수 카르노 정리 815 특성 X선 285 , 286 520 포인팅 벡터 프레넬 렌즈 873 층밀림 탄성률 520 69 프라운호퍼 회절 무늬 995 카르노순환과정 포물체 운동 1020 파동묶음 카르노 기관 352 푸아죄유의 법칙 420 286 ‘| 격 | ’ 평형 위치 240 투과 계수 1 332 811 433 층밀림 변형력 층흐름 640 푸리에 합성 ‘’ 286 평균 전류 690 406 199 795 태슬라 투과 층밀림 변형 평균 전력 432 토리첼리의 법칙 충격파 182 푸리에 정리 195 196 평균 일률 1020 612 충격량-운동량 정리 24 터널링 충격량 197 1092 312 축전기 충격량근사 151 285 차원분석 303 , 860 24 , 64 평균속력 평행축 정리 199 449 448 평균속도 평면파 탄성 충돌 983 894 초점 669 IEI 차단진동수 차수 평균선팽창계수 258 ‘’ I 225 평균 부피 팽창 계수 14 킬로와트-시 1070 ‘’ l ;t 클래딩 평균각속도 798 1000 찾아보기 홀로그래피 921 횡가속도 화씨 온도계 446 횡속도 385 ‘1 71 타|’ 385 확률 밀도 1007 횡파 확률진폭 1006 혹의 법칙 142 , 352 LC 회로 770 1054 PV 도표 472 378 Btu 461 환경 134 훈트의 규칙 활선 678 흐름률 333 P파 379 흑제 483 , 974 RBE 1099 회로 기호 회로도 616 흑체 복사 616 회전운동에너지 회전 운동에 대한 일-운동 에너지 정리 회전 평형 회절 278 894 974 흡수분광학 242 245 흡수율 1030 483 RC 회로 rem 672 1099 RL 회로 762 784 흡열 반응 1096 rms 전류 흡입 행정 525 SI 4 회절 격자 919 힘 도형 97 S파 379 회절 무늬 910 힘상수 142 X선 822 1-7