E 21-02-2021 MEDICAL Entrance Exams - 2021 TEST No. 3 (XII Passed Students) marked is allowed. Before handing over the answer sheet to the invigilator, candidate should check that Roll No. and Centre Code have been filled and marked correctly. Note : It is compulsory to fill Roll No. and Test Booklet Code on answer sheet, otherwise your answer sheet will not be considered. Test No. 3 Gravitation, Mechanical Properties of Solids, Mechanical Properties of Fluids, Thermal Properties of Matter, Thermodynamics. Electrochemistry, Solutions, Solid State, Chemical Kinetics, Surface Chemistry Anatomy of Flowering Plants, Plant Kingdom; Locomotion & Movement, Neural Control & Coordination, Chemical Coordination & Integration Test-3 (Code-E) All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 TEST - 3 MM : 720 Time : 3 Hrs. [PHYSICS] Choose the correct answer: 1. 2. The time period of an earth satellite in circular orbit (1) –G (2) –2G is independent of 7 (3) – G 4 (4) – (1) Radius of orbit (2) Mass of satellite (3) Mass of earth (4) All of these 6. Let EG and V be the gravitational field and gravitational potential at a distance r, from the centre of a uniform solid sphere. Consider the following two statements. (a) The plot of EG against r is continuous (b) The plot of V against r is discontinuous Choose the incorrect statement. 3. (1) Only (a) (2) Only (b) (3) Both (a) and (b) (4) Neither (a) nor (b) 7. A satellite of mass m is orbiting a planet of radius R, at a height h from its surface. The kinetic energy of to gravity at the planet’s surface is (1) (3) 4. mg p R 2 (R + h ) mg p R 2 2 (R + h ) (2) (4) A planet has thrice the mass and double the radius of earth. What will be the height above the surface of planet where its acceleration due to gravity reduces by 19% of its value on its surface? (R is radius of the planet) (1) 91R 7 (2) R 9 (3) 93R 9 (4) R 7 An object of mass 10 kg is divided into two parts, which are placed at a distance d. If the gravitational force of attraction is maximum between the parts, then the ratio of the mass of both parts is (1) 1 satellite in terms of gp, the value of acceleration due (3) mg p R 2 8. 2h mg p R 2 15 G 8 1 2 (2) 2 (4) 1 3 Starting from the surface of earth (radius R), the variation of acceleration due to gravity g, above the surface is best represented by h A particle is kept at rest at distance 3R (R is radius (1) (2) (3) (4) of earth) from the centre of earth. The minimum speed with which it should be projected so that it escapes from the earth’s gravitational field is 5. (1) 2GM 3R (3) GM R (2) GM 3R (4) 2GM R 9. Four particles, each of mass 1 kg are situated on x axis at distance 1 m, 2 m, 4 m and 8 m respectively A black hole is an object whose gravitational field is so strong that even light cannot escape from it. To what approximate radius would moon (m = 7.35 × 1022 kg) have to compressed to be a black hole? from the origin. The resulting gravitational potential due to this system at the origin will be (1) 10–9 m (2) 10–6 m (3) 10–4 m (4) 10–2 m Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 1/18 All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 10. Test-3 (Code-E) The variation of kinetic energy (K), potential energy (U) and total energy (E) of a satellite orbiting in a circular orbit with radius of orbit r is best represented as 14. modulus of the liquid is 2.1 × 109 N/m2). 15. (1) The increase in pressure required to decrease the 400 litre volume of a liquid by 0.001% is (Bulk (1) 42 kPa (2) 63 kPa (3) 84 kPa (4) 21 kPa A cube of side 5 cm has its upper surface displaced by 0.01 cm by a tangential force of 10 kN. The (2) modulus of rigidity of cube is 16. (3) (1) 2 × 109 N/m2 (2) 109 N/m2 (3) 2 × 1010 N/m2 (4) 5 × 109 N/m2 A piece of wood is floating in a liquid kept in bottle. The bottle is connected to an air pump. Where air is pushed into the bottle from the pump, the piece of (4) wood will float with (neglect compressibility of 11. Choose the following. correct statements among liquid). the (1) Same part in liquid (1) According to Kepler’s third law T2 = Kr3, K is (2) Larger part in liquid 4π2 , where symbols have usual GMe (3) Lesser part in liquid given as K = meanings (2) At equator, value of g is always more than that of at the poles (4) It will sink 17. A water column is held in a vertical glass tube as shown in the figure. If r is the radius of tube and σ is the surface tension of water, then maximum mass (3) Time period of a polar satellite is 12 hour of water which can be held by the tube is (4) Binding energy of orbiting satellite in circular GMm , where symbols have their usual r meaning orbit is 12. 13. Two particles, each of mass m, go round a circle of radius R under the action of their mutual gravitational attraction. The speed of each particle is (1) Gm 2R (2) Gm R (3) Gm 4R (4) 4Gm R 18. The Young's modulus of the material of wire is 4 × 109 N m–2. If the elongation strain is 2%, then the energy stored per unit volume in the wire is (1) 4 × 108 J/m3 (2) 8 × 105 J/m3 (3) 2 × 106 J/m3 (4) 105 J/m3 (1) 2πr σ g (2) πr σ g (3) πσ g (4) 4πr σ g A hole is made at the bottom of the tank filled with water. If the total pressure at the bottom of tank is 1.5 atm, then velocity of efflux is (1 atm = 105 N/m2) (1) 150 m/s (2) 100 m/s (3) 200 m/s (4) 300 m/s Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 2/18 Test-3 (Code-E) 19. 20. All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 The neck and bottom of a bottle filled with water, are 1 cm and 10 cm in radius respectively. If a cork is pressed with a force 10 N in the neck of bottle, then force exerted on the bottom of the bottle is (neglect effect of gravity) 24. 1 N 100 (1) 10 N (2) (3) 1000 N (4) 100 N Choose the correct statement(s) among the following. (1) Surface tension depends on area of the surface. (2) Surface tension arises due to intermolecular cohesive forces. (3) On increasing the temperature, surface tension always decreases. (4) At critical temperature, becomes infinite. 21. surface 25. tension (2) b (3) c (4) d A pendulum clock having metal rod keeps correct time at 20°C. It gains 10 seconds per day if cooled to 0°C. The coefficient of linear expansion of metal is nearly (1) 1.16 × 10–5 °C–1 (2) 1.16 × 10–4 °C–1 (1) Speed of a fluid particle always remains same (3) 1.7 × 10–5 °C–1 (4) 1.7 × 10–4 °C–1 26. (3) The momentum of all particles arriving at a given point, are the same A U-tube containing a liquid is accelerating horizontally with a constant acceleration a0. If the separation between the vertical limbs is l then difference in heights of liquid in two arms will be a (1) 0 l g (3) l a0 2 g (2) g (4) g (2) All bodies (3) Bodies painted black only (4) Polished bodies only 27. l a0 2 a02 The thermal radiation emitted by a body is proportional to Tx, where T is absolute temperature. The value of x is exactly 4 for (1) A black body only (4) Both (2) and (3) 23. (1) a In streamline flow (2) The kinetic energy of all the particles arriving at a given point, are the same 22. Which of the following curves, as shown in the figure, represents the relation between Fahrenheit and Celsius temperatures? A solid and a hollow sphere of same material and of equal radii are heated to same temperature, then (1) Both will emit equal amount of radiation per unit time in beginning. l Two rods P and Q of same length and area but of different materials are welded together as shown in the figure. Their thermal conductivities are K and 3K. The thermal conductivity of the composite rod will be (2) Both spheres will have equal temperature at any instant. (3) The initial rate of cooling will be the same for the two spheres. (4) Both (1) and (2) 28. An anisotropic material has coefficient of linear 3 α along x, y and z axis 2 respectively. The coefficient of cubical expansion is expansions as α, 2α and (1) K (2) 2K (3) 3K (4) (1) 3α 3K 2 (3) 9 α 2 (2) 9α (4) 3 α 2 Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 3/18 All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 29. Test-3 (Code-E) 2 g of ice at 0°C is dropped in a beaker containing 10 g of water at 20°C. The final temperature of the mixture will be (1) 10°C (2) 10 °C 3 (3) 5°C 14 (4) °C 3 30. The triple point of water has its value of temperature and pressure as 34. (3) –210 J (4) –150 J An ideal diatomic gas is supplied the heat of 140 J very slowly keeping pressure constant. The work done by the gas will be (1) 100 J (2) 40 J (2) 373.16 K, 0.006 atm (3) 60 J (4) 120 J 35. The efficiency of heat engine working between 27°C and 327°C may be (1) 50% (2) 35% (3) 25% (4) All of these An ideal gas is enclosed in an insulating cylinder as shown in the figure. The piston is frictionless and attached with an ideal spring when the gas is (4) 373.16 K, 0.06 atm 32. (2) –235 J (1) 273.16 K, 0.006 atm (3) 273.16 K, 0.06 atm 31. (1) –185 J heated, then Consider the two processes I and II as shown in the figure. (1) Internal energy of the gas increases The volume in the initial states are same in the process I and II. The final volumes of the two process are also same. If W1 and W2 be the work done by the system in processes I and II respectively then (2) Work is equal to heat supplied (3) Work is done against spring only (4) Work is done against atmospheric pressure only 36. An ideal diatomic gas undergoes a cyclic process ABCA as shown in the figure. The ratio of work done on the gas during process BC to the heat absorbed during process AB, is (1) W1 = W2 (2) W1 > W2 (3) W1 < W2 (4) Nothing can be said about relation of W1 and W2 33. A gas is taken along the path AB as shown in the figure. If 50 cal of heat is extracted from the gas in the process, then change in internal energy of the system is (1 cal = 4.2 J) (1) 4 ln ( 2 ) 5 (2) 4 ln ( 2 ) 7 (3) 5 ln ( 2 ) 4 (4) 7 ln ( 2 ) 4 Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 4/18 Test-3 (Code-E) 37. All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 The corresponding volume (V) - temperature (T) graph is An ideal gas is taken through a cyclic process ABCDA as shown in the figure. The work done by gas in the cyclic process is (1) (1) P0V0 (2) (2) 2P0V0 (3) 3P0V0 (4) 4P0V0 38. For an ideal gas, R = 2 Cp , where Cp is molar 5 (3) specific heat capacity at constant pressure. In adiabatic process, pressure of the gas is proportional to T n . The value of n is (1) 5 2 (4) 5 (2) 3 39. 40. (3) 7 5 (4) 7 2 41. An ideal gas undergoes adiabatic process. If the 3 adiabatic modulus of elasticity is P , then choose 2 the correct relation. A monoatomic gas undergoes a process given by dU + 3dW = 0. The process is (1) PT3 = Constant (2) TV 2 = Constant (1) Isothermal (2) Adiabatic (3) PV–3 = Constant (4) TV 2 = Constant (3) Isobaric (4) Polytropic 42. –1 1 Which of the following is state function of thermodynamic process? The pressure (P) - volume (V) graph of an ideal gas (1) Temperature (2) Volume is shown below. (3) Work (4) Both (1) and (2) 43. The efficiency of a Carnot engine is 50%. If same system is used as heat pump, then coefficient of performance of heat pump is (1) 2 (2) 1 2 (3) 4 (4) 1 4 Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 5/18 All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 44. Test-3 (Code-E) The pressure and volume, of an ideal gas of fix mass, both increases in a process. Then choose correct statement(s). 45. An adiabatic reversible process is also called as (1) Isometric process (1) Work done by the system is positive (2) Isoentropic process (2) Temperature of the system must increases (3) Isobaric process (3) Heat supplied to the gas is equal to change in internal energy (4) Isothermal process (4) Both (1) and (2) [CHEMISTRY] 46. The vacant space in fcc lattice unit cell and bcc lattice unit cell respectively are (1) 26% and 32% (2) 48% and 32% (3) 74% and 68% (4) 32% and 26% 53. ° ° ° (1) Λm (NH4 Cl) + Λm (NaOH) − Λm (NaCl) ° ° ° (2) Λm (NH4 Cl) + Λm (NaCl) − Λm (NaOH) 47. The van’t Hoff factor (i) for the dilute aqueous solution of urea is 48. (1) 0.5 (2) 1.5 (3) 1 (4) 2 (2) CH3COCH3 + CS2 (3) HCl + H2O (4) C2H5Br + C2H5I 49. Lowest freezing point among the following aq. solution is shown by 50. 51. (1) 0.2 m Glucose (2) 0.15 m NaCl (3) 0.1 m CaCl2 (4) 0.1 m K4[Fe(CN)6] 54. ion(Cl–) respectively are 55. For which of the following order reactions, unit of rate constant is equal to the unit of rate of reaction? (1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 1.5 (4) 0 The quantity of electricity required to reduce 0.1 mol (1) 4828 C (2) 9650 C (3) 2895 C (4) 1235 C In an aqueous solution of glucose, the mole fraction of glucose is 0.2. The molality of this glucose solution is (1) 11.56 m (2) 13.88 m (3) 12.21 m (4) 14.56 m In NaCl lattice (Rock salt structure), the coordination number of sodium ion (Na+) and chloride (1) 6 and 6 (2) 8 and 8 (3) 6 and 8 (4) 4 and 6 An atom (P) crystallises in a body-centred cubic lattice with a unit cell edge length of a pm. The diameter of atom(P) (in pm) is of MnO−4 into MnO24− is 52. ° ° ° (3) Λm (NaOH) + Λm (NaCl) − Λm (NH4 Cl) ° ° ° (4) Λm (HCl) + Λm (NaOH) − Λm (NH4 Cl) Among the following solutions, positive deviations from Raoult's law is shown by (1) CHCl3 + C6H6 The limiting molar conductivity of NH4OH is given by 56. 57. (1) 3a (2) (3) 3a 2 (4) 2a 3 a 2 3 Paints are colloidal solution of (1) Solid in liquid (2) Liquid in solid (3) Liquid in liquid (4) Gas in liquid The time required to produce 0.2 mol of H2(g) using a current of 2 ampere by the electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride is (1) 424.51 minutes (2) 385.28 minutes (3) 321.66 minutes (4) 495.97 minutes Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 6/18 Test-3 (Code-E) 58. All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 The equilibrium constant for the reaction 63. ° = + 0.9 V 3Sn4 + + 2Cr → 3Sn2+ + 2Cr 3 + ; Ecell 10 seconds is (charge on one electron = 1.6 × 10–19 coulomb) at 298 K will be 59. (1) 1085.21 (2) 1076.76 (1) 1020 (2) 1018 (3) 1098.25 (4) 1091.37 (3) 1019 (4) 1021 64. The electrode potentials for Cu2+ (aq) / Cu+ (aq) electrode and Cu2+ (aq) / Cu (s) potential for the electrode Cu2+ (aq) / Cu(s) will be 65. (2) –0.25 V (3) +1.2 V (4) +0.65 V Among the following aqueous solution, the best (2) 0.75 V conductor of electric current is (3) 0.69 V (4) 0.51 V (1) 0.2 M sucrose (2) 0.1 M NH4OH (3) 0.1 M NaOH (4) 0.1 M Urea Standard oxidation potentials of the half reaction are 66. Fe2+ → Fe3+ + e– , Eº = – 0.77 V 2I– → I2 + 2e– , Eº = – 0.536 V Mn → Mn2+ + 2e– , Eº = + 1.18 V Zn → Zn2+ + e– , Eº = + 0.76 V Select the incorrect statement among the following. (1) Fuel cell converts combustion energy of fuels directly into electrical energy (2) An increase in equivalent conductance of a strong electrolyte with dilution is mainly due to increase in ionic mobility of ions The strongest reducing agent among the following (3) The efficiency of a fuel cell is given by is ∆H ∆G (1) Fe2+ (2) Mn (4) The most convenient method to protect the (3) I– (4) Zn bottom of ship made of iron is connecting it with Mg block The volume of Hydrogen gas produced at STP from H+ ions in a solution by certain quantity of charge is 67. same quantity of electric charge will be (1) 145.5 g (2) 130.6 g (3) 120.8 g (4) 156.25 g The equivalent conductance of M solution of a 10 68. weak monobasic acid (HA) is 4 ohm–1 cm2 eq–1. The dissociation constant of the acid will When the temperature of a reaction is raised from 27°C to 37°C, the rate of reaction becomes doubled. The activation energy of the reaction will be (R = 8.314 J mol–1 K–1) 44.8 L. The mass of Zn (atomic mass = 65.3 amu) deposited at cathode from Zn2+ solution by the 62. (1) –0.41 V (1) 0.81 V given below 61. The reduction potential of H-electrode in pure water at 298 K and 1 atm pressure is electrode are +0.15 V and +0.33 V respectively. The electrode 60. The number of electrons involved during electrolysis by a current of 1.6 ampere in be ∞ (Given : ( Λ eq )HA = 80 ohm−1 cm2 eq−1 ) (1) 48.1 kJ mol–1 (2) 59.8 kJ mol–1 (3) 64.2 kJ mol–1 (4) 53.6 kJ mol–1 For the reaction SO2 + 1 O2 → SO3 ; 2 −d[O2 ] = 1× 10−4 mol L−1 s−1, then the value of dt d[SO3 ] will be dt (1) 2.5 × 10–4 (2) 3.5 × 10–3 (1) 1 × 10–4 mol L–1 s–1 (2) 2 × 10–4 mol L–1 s–1 (3) 6.5 × 10–4 (4) 5.5 × 10–5 (3) 4 × 10–4 mol L–1 s–1 (4) 5 × 10–5 mol L–1 s–1 Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 7/18 All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 69. 70. Test-3 (Code-E) If specific rate constant for a first order reaction is 1 × 10–3 s–1 then the half-life period of the reaction will be (1) 69.3 s (2) 6.93 s (3) 0.693 s (4) 693 s 76. (1) Coenzyme increases the catalytic activity of enzymes (2) Enzymes are mostly proteinous in nature (3) Enzymes For the reaction A + B → products, it is observed that (b) On doubling the initial concentration of B only, the rate of reaction is also doubled (4) Enzymes 71. (3) Rate = k [A]1 [B]2 (4) Rate = k [A]0 [B]1 Select the incorrect statement(s) for zero order reaction 77. 72. 73. 74. 75. bio-chemical are reactive at least Which among the following effective ion has 78. 79. (1) Al3+ (2) Na+ (3) Mg2+ (4) NH+4 For a spontaneous adsorption process (1) ∆H is negative (2) ∆G is negative (3) ∆S is negative (4) All of these The number of carbon atoms present in octahedral (3) Its rate decreases with time voids per unit cell of diamond unit cell is (4) All of these (1) 8 (2) 0 (3) 4 (4) 2 Which of the following quantities is/are altered by the addition of a catalyst during a chemical reaction? (1) Rate constant (2) Activation energy (3) Threshold energy (4) All of these (2) 1.5 M (3) 0.25 M (4) 2 M 80. number of cation vacancies produced in 1 mole of 81. (2) Coagulation (3) Electrophoresis (4) All of these (1) 3.11 × 1016 (2) 6.022 × 1018 (3) 6.022 × 1016 (4) 3.011 × 1018 A solid compound (XY) has NaCl type structure. If the edge length of unit cell is 800 pm then the radius of anion will be The property of colloidal solution which depends on the charge present on colloidal solution is/are (1) Electro-osmosis If NaCl is dopped with 10–5 mole% of SrCl2, then the NaCl will be The rate constant of the reaction A → B is 6.93 min–1. If initial concentration of A is 2 M then concentration of B after 12 second will be (1) 1 M optimum maximum coagulating power for As2S3 sol? (1) It takes infinite time for completion (2) Its half life is independent of initial concentration of reaction catalyse temperature The expression for this reaction rate is given by (2) Rate = k [A]2 [B]1 mainly reactions (a) On doubling the initial concentrations of both A and B, the rate of reaction becomes four times (1) Rate = k [A]1 [B]1 Which one of the following statement is not correct? 82. (1) 282.88 pm (2) 260.12 pm (3) 295.43 pm (4) 271.45 pm In a mixed oxide of metals A and B, oxide ions are in ccp lattice and A2+ cation Which of the following not forms micelles in aqueous solution above certain concentration? arranged (1) Dodecyl trimethyl ammonium chloride occupy all the octahedral voids. The formula of the (2) Dodecyl stearate oxide is (3) Sodium lauryl sulphate (1) AB2O2 (2) A2B2O3 (4) Pyridinium chloride (3) ABO2 (4) AB4O4 occupy one fourth of tetrahedral voids and B+ cation Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 8/18 Test-3 (Code-E) 83. All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 Select the option in which the given crystal system 87. correctly matches with their axial parameters. (1) The value of molal elevation constant (Kb) (1) Triclinic : a ≠ b ≠ c and α = β = γ = 90° depends on molality of aqueous solution (2) Trigonal : a = b = c and α = β = γ ≠ 90° (2) Molality of solution depends on temperature (3) Monoclinic : a = b ≠ c and α = γ = 90°, β ≠ 90° (3) All the noble gases have the same value of (4) Tetragonal : a = b ≠ c and α = β = 90°, Henry's constant at the same temperature γ = 120° 84. (4) Osmotic pressure method is one of the best Select the correct statement(s) regarding Schottky method used for the determination of molecular defect weight of proteins (1) It is stoichiometric defect 88. (1) Vapour pressure (3) AgBr shows this defect (2) Boiling point (3) Freezing point Select the aqueous solution which is not isotonic with 0.2 M NaCl solution (4) Lowering of vapour pressure 89. (1) 0.4 M Urea solution At 25°C, the total pressure of a solution obtained by mixing 1 mole of A (p°A = 100 torr) and 2 mole of B (2) 0.2 M KCl solution 86. Which of the following is a colligative property? (2) Due to this defect, density of crystal decreases (4) All of these 85. Select the correct statement among the following. (3) 0.1 M CaCl2 solution (pB° = 200 torr) will be (4) 0.1 M AlCl3 solution (1) 133.33 torr (2) 166.66 torr Entropy of solution on mixing process (3) 143.25 torr (4) 173.33 torr (1) Increases for both ideal and non-ideal solution 90. For the reaction, A + B + C → products, the rate (2) Decreases for both ideal and non-ideal solution expression is given by, rate = k[A] [B]0.5 [C]. (3) Increases for ideal solution but decreases for If B is in excess, the overall order of reaction will be non-ideal solutions (4) Decreases for ideal solution but increases for non-ideal solutions (1) 2.5 (2) 0.5 (3) 2 (4) 1.5 [BIOLOGY] 91. Primary meristem 92. Formation of A occurs due to the activity of (1) Is always found at the apex of plant body secondary meristem only. (2) Can be exemplified by cork cambium Complete the above statement by choosing correct option for A. (3) Is responsible for primary and may responsible for secondary growth in plants (4) Cannot be found between two permanent tissues. (1) Phellem (2) Secondary xylem in stem (3) Axillary bud (4) Secondary phloem in stem Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 9/18 All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 93. Test-3 (Code-E) 101. Select the incorrect match : A parenchyma tissue (1) Is made up of two types of cells (1) Pith – stem (2) Cannot have intercellular spaces (3) May secrete resin, nectar & oil (2) Pericycle – 96. 97. (3) Hypodermis – Absent in root (1) Sclerenchyma fibres (2) Collenchyma (4) Xylem – Exarch type in roots (4) Sclereids 102. To differentiate a dicot root from monocot root, one 99. must focuses on Protophloem differs from metaphloem as the former lacks (1) Number of vascular bundles (1) Sieve tubes (2) Companion cells (2) Arrangement of vascular bundles (3) Bast fibers (4) Phloem parenchyma (3) Type of xylem according to arrangement of proto & metaxylem Which of the following elements of vascular tissues is generally not seen in gymnosperms? (1) Trachea (2) Xylem parenchyma (3) Sieve cells (4) Phloem fibres (4) Presence and absence of hypodermis 103. The only ground tissue of leaves is The xylary element which helps in radial conduction of water 98. monocot stem Thick walled cells which provide gritty texture to guava fruits are called (3) Cork cells 95. Thick walled sclerenchymatous in (4) Is a living mechanical tissue 94. Well developed in dicot (1) Endodermis (2) Mesophyll (3) Cortex (4) Hypodermis 104. Monocot stem lacks (1) Is the living xylary element (1) Water containing cavities in the vascular bundle (2) Has lignin deposited walls (2) Sclerenchymatous hypodermis (3) Has elongated cells with tapering ends (3) Bundle sheath (4) Has obliterated lumen (4) Medullary rays 105. Dorsiventral leaves have Epidermal tissue system does not include (1) Trichomes (2) Stomata (3) Epiblema (4) Casparian strip (1) More number of stomata on upper surface of leaves (2) Bulliform cells on ventral surface of leaves All of the following are functions of pericycle, except (3) Palisade mesophyll below adaxial surface of (1) Provides mechanical support leaves (2) May store food (4) Parallel venation (3) To form meristem 106. How many of the following structures are formed by (4) Forms a part of extra stellar cambium in dicot stem 100. Vascular bundles are scattered in the ground tissue in the activity of cambium? (a) Phelloderm (b) Duramen (c) Phellogen (d) Cork (e) Protoxylem (1) Mango stem (2) Maize stem (1) 3 (2) 4 (3) Pea root (4) Tomato root (3) 5 (4) 2 Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 10/18 Test-3 (Code-E) All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 107. Read the given statements regarding early wood and mark the wrong one 113. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F) and select the correct option. A. Leafy (1) Formed in spring season gametophore of Sphagnum bears antheridial and archegonial branches. (2) Lighter in colour B. Selaginella show events precursor to the seed (3) Have lesser density and narrow cavity vessels habit (4) Cannot be seen in plants of tropical region C. All vascular cryptogams are heterosporous. 108. Stele does not include (1) Pericycle (2) Pith (3) Cortex (4) Xylem 109. Choose the odd one for bark. A B C (1) F T F (2) T T F (3) T F T (4) F F F 114. Artificial system of classification includes (1) Have lenticels (1) Anatomical features (2) Help in gaseous exchange (2) Embryological development (3) Composed of vascular cambium & phellogen (3) Phytochemistry (4) Protects the plant (4) Morphological features 110. Annual rings are not distinct in all, except (1) Dicot root of temperate plants 115. All of the following organisms produce non flagellated gametes, except (2) Stem of plants of central North America (1) Ulothrix (3) Stem of plants of tropical area (2) Spirogyra (4) Root of plants of Asia (3) Gelidium (4) Polysiphonia 111. Alburnum 116. Match the columns and select the correct option. (1) Lacks tyloses Column I (2) Is primary xylem (3) Has tannin & phenols (4) Is the centre most region of wood 112. Find the incorrect match. (1) Kelps – Profusely body branched (2) Chara – Branched brown alga (3) Porphyra – Non motile spores (4) Gelidium – Do not show isogamy asexual Column II a. Laminaria (i) Protein rich b. Gelidium (ii) Source of iodine c. Sargassum (iii) Agar-Agar d. Chlorella (iv) Food source a b c d (1) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i) (2) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i) (3) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii) (4) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i) Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 11/18 All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 Test-3 (Code-E) 117. Mark the statement incorrect for both Riccia and Marchantia 123. Read the following statements regarding angiosperms and choose the correct option to fill (1) Both have dioecious plant body the given blanks. (2) They asexually reproduce through gemmae A. Embryo sac formation is ________ by meiosis. B. The egg apparatus is _________ structure. (3) They have biflagellated antherozoids C. ________ represent female gametophyte. (4) Their protonema vegetatively reproduce by (1) A - Preceded, C - Archegonia budding and fragmentation (2) B - Three celled, C - Ovule 118. Choose the option having name of a member of lycopsida with its correct feature. (1) Pteris – Produces prothallus (2) Selaginella – Produces male (4) B - Three celled, C - Embryo sac 124. Phenomenon unique to angiosperms is independent and (3) A - Succeeded, B - Seven celled female gametophytes (3) Equisetum – Lycopodium – (3) Dryopteris (4) Polytrichum (4) Seed formation (1) All plants showing this life cycle produce seeds & fruits (2) Some algae also exhibit this life cycle pattern 119. Ovule as well as archegonia both are seen in (2) Eucalyptus (3) Embryo formation diplontic life cycle. Produces two types of spores (1) Ginkgo (2) Triple fusion 125. Select the statement incorrect for plants showing Produces strobilus and rhizome (4) (1) Syngamy (3) None of the bryophyte show such life cycle (4) In these plants meiosis occurs during gametogenesis 126. Which of the given is not true for Cycas? 120. Peat is obtained from (1) Funaria (2) Sphagnum (1) Symbiotic N2 fixation occurs in their roots (3) Riccia (4) Marchantia (2) Female plants lack cones (3) Multicellular female gametophyte contains three celled egg apparatus 121. “A gymnospermic plant produces winged pollen grains” Which of the given features are true for the above plant? (4) They have pinnately compound leaves 127. Mark the wrongly matched pair. (1) (a) Dioecious Cytotaxonomy – (b) Branched stem (c) Needle like leaves etc. (d) Covered seeds (2) (e) Male and female cone formation Chemotaxonomy – (1) (a), (b), (c) & (e) only (2) (a), (b), (c) & (d) only (3) (c) & (e) only Includes chromosome structure, number (4) (b), (c) & (e) only plants (3) Numerical taxonomy – Based on internal features only (4) Natural system of classification – Based on natural affinities 122. Which one is not true for prothallus? (1) Multicellular (2) Have rhizoids (3) Diploid (4) Photosynthetic Based on chemical constituents of Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 12/18 Test-3 (Code-E) All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 128. Identify the option with structures having same ploidy in bryophytes. 133. In all of the given plants male and female sex organs are produced on same plant body, except (1) Seta, archegoniophore, rhizoid (1) Sphagnum (2) Dryopteris (2) Gemmae, protonema, antherozoid (3) Riccia (4) Marchantia (3) Oosphere, sporangium, androcyte 134. Choose the odd one for zoospores of brown algae (4) Archegonia, spore mother cell, capsule (1) Two flagella 129. Read the given statements and choose the correct (2) Flagella are of equal length option. (3) Laterally inserted flagella A. The sporophyte of Riccia is more developed than Funaria (4) Involved in asexual reproduction 135. In which of the given plants female gametophyte is retained on parent sporophyte only for some time? B. Volvox shows oogamy (1) Only A is correct (2) Only B is correct (3) Both A & B are correct (1) Pteris (2) Funaria (3) Fucus (4) Selaginella 136. Select (4) Both A & B are incorrect (3) Pteris (4) Pea 131. Read the following table and choose the correct Embryo Seed Fruit Cedrus Present Present A Polytrichum B Absent Absent Equisetum Present C Absent that describes (1) Anterior pituitary – Parturition and lactation (2) Ovary – Maintenance luteum (3) Placenta – Embryo implantation and Parturition (4) Posterior pituitary – Uterine contractions milk ejection option for the places A, B or C. Plant match this hormone well as sporophyte are independent structures? (2) Polytrichum correct structure/gland releasing oxytocin and function of 130. In which of the given plants both gametophyte as (1) Pinus the of corpus and 137. Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. insulin (1) Acts mainly on hepatocytes and adipose tissue (1) A - Present, C - Absent (2) Considered as hyperglycemic hormone (2) B - Present, C - Present (3) A - Absent, B - Absent (3) Stimulate conversion of glucose to glycogen (4) B - Present, C - Absent (4) It is a dimeric protein containing A and B chains 132. Mark the option with correct pairs of plants which 138. Which of the following proteins has binding sites for produce motile male gametes. ATP and active sites for actin? (1) Porphyra, Pteris (1) Actin (2) Salvinia, Sphagnum (2) Myosin (3) Wolfia, Marchantia (3) Troponin (4) Dictyota, Gracilaria (4) Tropomyosin Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 13/18 All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 Test-3 (Code-E) 139. The inner ear contains a complex system located above the cochlea called A . It is influenced by gravity and helps us in maintaining B 144. Repeated activation of muscle can lead to accumulation of lactic acid to cause muscle fatigue. This lactic acid is produced due to . Choose (1) Aerobic breakdown of glycogen the option which correctly represents A and B A B (1) Organ of Corti Hearing (2) Reissner’s Balance of head position (2) Creatine phosphate (3) Anaerobic breakdown of glycogen (4) Increase in ATP 145. Diagrammatic representation of knee-jerk reflex is shown below. Choose the correct option regarding membrane (3) Vestibular apparatus Balance of the body (4) Basilar Dynamic equilibrium different labels located in this diagram in following table. membrane 140. Joint present between phalanges of hand is similar to joints present between (1) Upper end of radius and ulna (2) Lower end of tibia and fibula A B C (1) Afferent pathway Efferent pathway Grey matter White matter (2) Efferent pathway Afferent pathway White matter Grey matter (3) Efferent pathway Sensory neurons Dorsal root Ventral root (4) Afferent pathway Efferent pathway White matter Grey matter (3) Lower end of femur and upper end of tibia (4) Joint present between carpal and metacarpal of thumb 141. How many hormones from given below in the box are lipid soluble ? FSH, LH, Prolactin, Oestrogen, Progesterone Adrenaline, Cortisol, ANF (1) 4 (2) 6 (3) 5 (4) 3 142. Differentiation of T-lymphocytes is under control of hormone (1) Thyroxine (2) Thymosin (3) TCT (4) TSH D 146. During repolarisation of a neuron, select the ion which moves outside from intracellular fluid of axon by voltage gated channels. 143. Which of the following structure of membranous labyrinth is responsible for static equilibrium in our body? (1) K+ (2) Na+ (3) Ca+2 (4) Cl– 147. Which is correct sequence of brain meninges from inside to outside? (1) Cochlea (1) Arachnoid, dura mater and pia mater (2) Semicircular canals (2) Pia mater, arachnoid and dura mater (3) Crista ampullaris (3) Dura mater, arachnoid and pia mater (4) Utriculus and sacculus (4) Pia mater, dura mater and arachnoid Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 14/18 Test-3 (Code-E) All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 152. Corpora quadrigemina is a part of 148. ANF is a peptide hormone secreted from (1) Atrial wall (2) Ventricular wall (3) JG cells (4) Cells in blood vessels 149. Match diseases in column-A with their related neurotransmitters in column B. Choose the option with all correct match. Column A (1) Forebrain (2) Hindbrain (3) Midbrain (4) Cerebrum 153. Association area of brain is responsible for all of the following functions except (1) Intersensory association (2) Memory Column B (3) Communication (4) Emotional and sexual behaviour a. Parkinson’s disease (i) Acetylcholine b. Huntington’s chorea (ii) Dopamine c. Alzheimer’s disease (iii) GABA 154. Which of the following nervous system transmits impulses from CNS to skeletal muscles? (1) Sympathetic neural system (2) Somatic neural system (1) a(i), b(ii), c(iii) (2) a(iii), b(ii), c(i) (3) Visceral neural system (3) a(ii), b(iii), c(i) (4) a(iii), b(i), c(ii) (4) Parasympathetic neural system 150. Read the following statements A and B w.r.t. ultrastructure of skeletal muscle and select the correct option 155. Reflex action is a process of response to a peripheral nervous stimulation that occurs (1) Involuntarily i.e., without conscious effort and Statement A : Dark bands in myofibrils contain required involvement of a part of CNS. myosin filaments. (2) Voluntarily i.e., with conscious effort and does Statement B : Each thin filament is formed by two not require the involvement of a part of CNS. filamentous tropomyosin and two filamentous F (3) Involuntarily i.e., without conscious effort and actin helically wound to each other. does not require involvement of CNS (1) Both statements A and B are correct (4) Voluntarily i.e., with conscious effort and (2) Both statements A and B are incorrect requires the involvement of a part of CNS. (3) Only statement A is correct (4) Only statement B is correct 151. Select the correct match w.r.t. parts of brain and 156. Read the following statements A and B and choose the correct option. their function (1) (2) Cerebellum Thalamus Statement A : A canal called cerebral aqueduct - Regulates temperature Major passes through the midbrain. body Statement - Respiration centre (4) Medulla oblongata - Memory communication Cerebral hemispheres are called corpus callosum. centre for sensory and motor signaling Hypothalamus : connected by a tract of connective tissue fibres coordinating (3) B (1) Both statements A and B are correct rhythm (2) Both statements A and B are incorrect (3) Statement A is correct and B is incorrect and (4) Statement B is correct and A is incorrect Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 15/18 All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 Test-3 (Code-E) 157. Which statement is not correct for hearing 162. Choose the incorrect statement regarding mechanism in human? structure of myosin filaments. (1) External ear receives sound waves and direct them to tympanum through external auditory (1) Myosin filaments are arranged parallely to longitudinal axis of myofibrils meatus (2) Myosin filaments are attached to M-line which is (2) Movement of Reissner’s membrane primarily bend the hair cells against tectorial membrane. a thin membrane present in the centre of Hzone (3) Impulses are transmitted by the afferent fibres via auditory nerves to the cortex of cerebrum (3) Each myosin filament is a monomeric protein containing a globular head with a short arm and tail (4) Vibrations are transmitted to fluid of cochlea through oval window 158. The region of the eye where optic nerves leave the eye and blood vessels enter in it, is (1) Yellow spot (2) Blind spot (3) Fovea (4) Optic chiasma (4) Short arm with head is called cross arm of meromyosin 163. A joint disorder in which inflammation of joint takes place due to accumulation of uric acid crystals is called 159. Photoreceptor cells in human eyes become hyperpolarised in response to bright light and generate action potential through bipolar neurons in (1) Ganglionic cells (2) Horizontal cells (3) Rods (4) Cones (1) Osteoporosis (2) Gout (3) Myasthenia gravis (4) Tetany 164. During relaxation stage of a muscle cell, H-zone, a lighter region of low density can be seen in the centre of (1) A-band 160. Which of the following is not a part of brain stem? (1) Midbrain (2) Pons (2) I-band (3) Medulla oblongata (4) Cerebellum (3) Z-band 161. Read the following statements carefully and choose the option with all correct statements. (a) Language cerebrum comprehension is function (4) Two adjacent M-lines 165. Which of the following statement is incorrect w.r.t. skeletal system present in our body? of (1) Axial skeleton comprises 80 bones distributed along the main axis of the body (b) In presence of light, rhodopsin dissociates into opsin and retinal which is derivative of vitamin (2) Bone and cartilage are specialized connective C tissue, both have very hard matrix due to calcium salts in them (c) Bowman’s glands are located in olfactory epithelium of our nose (3) There are 22 bones forming cranium and face (d) The transparent lens in human eye is held in its position by ligaments attached to the Iris. (1) (a) and (b) (4) U-shaped hyoid bone is present at the base of buccal cavity 166. The total number of bones in hind limbs of a human (2) (b) and (c) is (3) (c) and (d) (1) 30 (2) 29 (4) (a) and (c) (3) 60 (4) 26 Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 16/18 Test-3 (Code-E) All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 167. Which of the following bone does not participate in (1) Thymus formation of rib cage? (2) Thyroid (1) Collar bone (2) Ribs (3) Pancreas (3) Sternum (4) Thoracic vertebrae (4) Kidney 168. Read the following statements a to d and select the option with all incorrect statements. 172. Which of the following hormone does not require secondary messenger for their action? (a) Both tibia and fibula participate in formation of knee joint with condyles of femur. (b) Both radius and ulna participates in formation of elbow joint with lower end of femur Thyroxine, Estrogen, Progesterone scapula (4) (a), (b), (c) and (d) (4) Triiodothyronine Renin, Erythropoietin, Growth hormone, Cortisol, (d) Pectoral girdle consists of a clavicle and a (3) Only (a), (b) and (c) (3) Epinephrine increasing RBC count? vertebral column hence are called floating ribs (2) Only (a) and (b) (2) STH 173. How many hormones from given below box help in (c) Floating ribs are not connected dorsally with (1) Only (a) (1) Gonadotropins (1) Two (2) Four (3) Three (4) Five 174. Hypersecretion of growth hormone in children 169. Which statement is not correct for muscle contraction? causes gigantism but in adults after age of 25 years, it does not affect on linear growth of bones but (1) Length of actin and myosin filaments remains causes acromegaly due to acral growth of short bones because unchanged (1) Growth hormone receptors become inactive (2) Length of I-band decreases and A band remain after age of 25 years unchanged Z-lines (2) Epiphyseal plates of long bones are completely (4) Length of H-zone remains unchanged but (3) Hormones responsible for growth are not (3) Length between two sucessive fused in adults upto certain age decreases synthesised in adults due to lack of requirement overlapping zone between actin and myosin filaments increases of growth (4) Growth 170. Which of the following pair of hormones are antagonistic to each other? (1) Prolactin – Oxytocin (2) Growth hormone – Thyroxine (3) Parathormone – Calcitonin (4) Follicle stimulating – Leutinizing hormone hormone and thyroxine become antagonistic to each other in advancing age 175. Select the incorrect match w.r.t. hormones and their functions in the body. (1) Melatonin – Normal sleep wake cycle hormone 171. Select the gland that contains certain organised endocrine cells in between exocrine cells, endodermal in origin and secretes two antagonistic hormones to regulate glucose metabolism (2) Cortisol – Gluconeogenesis (3) Cholecystokinin – Secretion of bile juice from liver (4) Thyrocalcitonin – Hypocalcemic hormone Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 17/18 All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 Test-3 (Code-E) 176. Which of the following disease is caused due to hypersecretion of hormone? (1) Acromegaly (2) Diabetes insipidus (3) Addison’s disease (4) Diabetes mellitus 179. Select the correct statement. (1) Neural system and the endocrine system are independent to each other (2) Hormones act as intracellular messengers (3) Somatostatin stimulates secretion of growth hormone 177. Complete the analogy by choosing a correct option. Androgens : low pitch of voice in males : : Estrogens (4) Pars distalis is commonly called anterior lobe of : _____ in females pituitary gland (1) Degrowth of mammary glands 180. Calcium ions are important in conduction of nerve impulse across chemical synapse. Choose the incorrect statement w.r.t. synaptic transmission of (2) Male sexual behaviour (3) High pitch of voice impulses. (4) Development of corpus luteum (1) Arrival of action potential at chemical synapse 178. Which of the following is not a function of progesterone? causes Ca+2 influx into synaptic knob (2) Ca+2 signals to synaptic vesicles, containing neurotransmitter. (1) It maintains a secretory corpus luteum (3) Vesicles move towards synaptic cleft. (2) Formation of alveoli in mammary glands (3) Supports pregnancy and thus prevents abortion (4) Stimulates secretion of milk (4) Synaptic vesicles with neurotransmitters fuses with post-synaptic membrane neurotransmitters by exocytosis to release Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 18/18 84230 in NEET-UG 69759 Classroom + 14471 Distance & Digital AIR AIR AIR 2 1 3 AKANKSHA SINGH 1598 115 949 366 1556 Classroom + 42 Distance & Digital 111 Classroom + 4 Distance & Digital 832 Classroom + 117 Distance & Digital 317 Classroom + 49 Distance & Digital in PRMO in RMO in NTSE (Stage - I) in NTSE (Stage-II) 2019 2019 2019-20 2019 767 26 591 515 Classroom + 76 Distance & Digital 450 385 Classroom + 65 Distance & Digital in KVPYAptitude Test in KVPY Fellowship Award 2019 2019-20 701 Classroom + 66 Distance & Digital in NSEs 2019 in INO 2020