CYPRUS INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 2024-2025 SPRING SEMESTER BUSN102 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS II FIRST ASSIGNMENT %15 - (LO1+LO2+LO3+LO5) Assignment is available on book: - “The Importance of Holywood Labor Unions” P.326. “Business Foundations A Changing World. twelfth edition, O.C. Ferrell, Geoffrey A. Hirt, Linda Ferrell”. Read the instructions carefully: 1. You must answer all 3 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS in the case study. 2. You need to use Times New Roman 12 font size and 1.5 line spacing maximum length of this assignment is 3 pages. 3. The cover page should be included with: CIU DEPARTMENT COURSE CODE COURSE NAME YOUR GROUP NUMBER STUDENT NO NAME-SURNAME 4. The assignment would carry a mark weightage of 15 % 5. The assignment must be submitted before the submission deadline which is on 14 MARCH 2025 as soft copy for all the students! 6. The assignment must be submitted hard copy for groups in the class again 14 MARCH 2025. 7. Submitted after the deadline will not be accepted as marks will not be awarded for the late submission. 8. Students must adhere to CIU University plagiarism of not exceeding 20% similarity report.