Material Data Sheets 2500-M380-00DS-0110 Rev 0 MDS CS01 GENERAL SERVICE CARBON STEEL MATERIAL DATA SHEET MDS CS01 PART A TYPE OF MATERIAL: General Service – Carbon Steel PRODUCT FORM STANDARD GRADE Seamless Pipes ASTM A106 B C API 5L B (SMLS) 1. SCOPE 2. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION ACCEPTANCE CLASS SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENT S6 PSL-2 This MDS defines the applicable options and/or requirements that supplement or amend the referenced standard specification. For ASTM A106, as per referenced standards with the following additional requirements: C < 0.23% S < 0.020% P < 0.025% CE < 0.43% Carbon equivalent (CE) = C + Mn/6 + (Cr + Mo + V)/5 + (Ni + Cu)/15 For API 5L pipes, chemical composition shall be as per API 5L PSL-2 standard. Nevertheless, the maximum carbon content shall be the lower between 0.23% and that specified in API 5L for the delivered condition. 3. HEAT TREATMENT General: Microalloying elements (Nb, V, Ti, B) shall not be deliberately added. As per referenced standards with the following additional requirements: 4. MECHANICAL TESTS For tempered piping, the minimum tempering temperature shall be 620 ºC (unless a higher minimum temperature is required by the corresponding standard). As per referenced standards 5. IMPACT TESTS For ASTM A106- B/C: thickness above 12.7 mm shall be impact tested. Impact testing shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM A370. Impact test temperature shall be -29 ºC. Full size specimens (10 mm x 10 mm) shall be used. Acceptance criteria shall be: Average of 3 specimens: min 20J Minimum of 3 specimens: min 16J For API 5L B: material shall be impact tested in accordance with API 5L PSL-2. For thickness above 12.7 mm, Impact test temperature shall be -29 ºC. The acceptance criteria shall be as below: OD Full-Size CVN Absorbed Energy (min) 27J average Up to 762 mm (30 in) 20J min 40J average > 762 mm (30 in) 30J min 6. TEST SAMPLING As per referenced standards 7. NDE As per referenced standards 8. REPAIR OF DEFECTS Weld repair of base material is not acceptable. Page 20 / 202 Material Data Sheets 2500-M380-00DS-0110 Rev 0 MATERIAL DATA SHEET MDS CS01 PART A 9. MARKING The pipes shall be marked to ensure full traceability to melt and heat treatment lot. 10. CERTIFICATION The material manufacturer shall have a quality system certified in accordance with ISO 9001 or equivalent approved by Company. The inspection documents shall be issued in accordance with EN 10204 Type 3.1 and shall confirm compliance with this Specification. 11. ADDITIONAL CERTIFICATION FOR MARINE SYSTEMS The inspection documents shall include the following information: Heat treatment condition. For tempered condition, tempering temperatures shall be stated. As per Class Requirement (Class I, Class II, Class III, defined by Class) and EN 10204 Type 3.1, where Class Certification is applicable. As per EN 10204 Type 3.1, where Class Certification is not applicable. Page 21 / 202