LESSON PLAN IN ENGLISH GRADE 6 I.OBJECTIVES: C. Learning Competency Objective II. CONTENT: A.Subject Matter B.References C.Instructional Materials: D.Teaching Strategies Compose clear coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures (verb tense, conjunction, adverbs. (EN6G-Ig-4.4.) At the end of the lesson, the student must have: 1. Defined the degree of adverbs. 2. Differentiate, positive, comparative, and superlative adverbs. 3. Used adverbs correctly in sentences. Comparing Adverbs (Positive, Comparative, and Superlative) https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Tr_A56suvb8 https://www.bing.com/videos/riverview/relatedvideo?q =comparing+adverbs&mid=972906160CBDF75AC7F 2972906160CBDF75AC7F2&FORM=VIRE Laptop, worksheets, Differentiated Instruction, Cooperative Learning, Inquiry-based instruction E.Contextualization/ Real-life connection: Imagine you and your friend are Integration jumping, you want to describe how high each other person can jump. You might say (Jan jumps high, Jan jumps higher than Ana, among them Jan jumps the highest) MAPEH III.LEARNING TASKS: A. Review Degrees of Comparison of Adverbs: 1. Positive – Describes one action (She sings beautifully.) 2. Comparative – Compares two actions (She sings more beautifully than her sister.) 3. Superlative – Compares three or more actions (She sings the most beautifully of all. B. Motivation -Make the learners jump. - Ask: who jumps high? Who jumps higher? Who jumps the highest? -Lead students to notice the different forms of the adverb “high” C. Discussion -Explain the table below -Formation of Comparative and Superlative Adverbs: Type of Adverb Example in the Positive Degree How to Form the Comparativ e add er How to Form the Comparativ e add est fast Big strong quick Faster Bigger stronger quicker Add less or more carefully quickly More Carefully More beautifully Less strongly Less quickly fastest Biggest Strongest quickest Add the least or most. Most carefully Most beautifully Least strongly Least quickly badly well little far worse Better less farther worst best least farthest one syllable More than one syllable beautifully strongly Irregular Verbs Key Rules for Comparison of Adverbs 1. One-Syllable Adverbs: o Typically take “-er” and “-est” to form the comparative and superlative. o Example: fast → faster → fastest o She runs fast. o She runs faster than her sister. o Among them she runs the fastest. 2. Adverbs Ending in “-ly”: o Are usually formed with “more” for the comparative and “most” for the superlative. o Example: quietly → more quietly → most quietly o The grade six students listen quietly. o The boys tend to listen more quietly than the girls during class. Among the learners Carlos listens most quietly. 3. Irregular Adverbs: o Must be memorized, as they don’t follow standard rules. o Example: well → better → best o She completed her assignment well. o Ana plays better than Jacob in the chess tournament. o Of all the participants Cris performed best. 4. Avoid Double Comparisons: o Do not use both “more” and “-er” or “most” and “-est” together. o Incorrect: She sings more louder than her friend. o Correct: She sings louder than her friend. o D. Enhancement Activity CORRECT ME! - Ask them to complete the sentences using the appropriate adverb forms. She completed the task efficiently of them all. Hassan is the taller boy in the class. The baby slept more peacefully in the crib. The wind blew gently through the trees. The chef cooked the meal skillfully among them. Superman is stronger than all other heroes. The singer performed the song beautifully. Josh is the fast runner on the team. She sang impressively of all the competitors. Ben moved more quietly as the boys walked down the darkened ally. E. Application -The teacher divided the class into three groups. Group 1: COMPLETE MY BODY! Instruction: Fill in the missing forms of these adverbs. Good Swiftly Joyfully little gleefully cleverly Best more swiftly, more joyfully least most gleefully bad gently throw break worse more gently threw, broken Group 2 Instruction: Write the correct form of adverbs given in parentheses in each number. 1. A turtle travels in the water than it does on the land. (rapidly) 2. Of all the birds, geese fly the . (high) 3. A cheetah runs than any other animal. (swiftly) 4.The kangaroo can leap than a deer. (far) 5. Last year we played the of all the teams of the league. (badly) 6. We practiced hitting the ball this year than last. (frequently) 7. The coach frowned n this year than he did last year. (little) 8. Reynald played than anyone. (enthusiastically) 9. Freddie cheered the of all the fans. (loud) 10. A person weighs on the moon than he/she weighs on the earth. (little) Group 3. Instruction: Think of adverbs to fill in the blanks of the given sentences. Be sure to write the correct forms of adverbs. 1. Marietta plays guitar than her friend Lucy does. 2. You must do your work than you have done before. 3. Ramon plays the piano of all when he has an audience. 4. Of all the students, Ray worked on the science project. 5. Timothy walks than his brother. 6. Among the learners of grade 6, Iza is the . 7. My cousin wants to sit in the back of the theater, but I like to sit to the screen. 8. The visitors speak several languages 9. Gerry arrived at the meeting place among his friends. 10. Of all the students in this class, Ralph is absent . F. Generalization Ask the students about the following: - What is our topic? - For one-syllable adverbs, which forms are typically used? - When two or more syllable adverbs are used, what formations are typically followed? IV. Evaluation Instruction: In a ½ sheets of paper underlined the errors in using adverbs in the following sentences. Write the correction in the space provided. 1. Our friends stayed long than usual. 2. My parent are more stricter than hers. 3. If the storms get more worse, classes will be suspended. 4. Bert answered her more polite than she had expected. 5. Alberto sings most softly than the other participants. 6. She cooks well than the others. 8. Jacob runs the fastest than Mike. 9. He bought canned goods more cheaply in the store. 10. Carlos jump farthest than Miguel in the jumping contest. V. Assignment Research at least 10 examples of adverbs. Prepared by: OPELLA, REC JAN C Checked by: VISITACION UY JONALYN