lOMoARcPSD|53215310 Ethics - Psychological Assessment Psychological Assessment (Ateneo de Manila University) Scan to open on Studocu Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Downloaded by Peter John Toreta (pjbt8198@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|53215310 ETHICS I. PROFESSIONAL ISSUES A. Theoretical Concerns ● Tests assumed to have stability ● People function in stable ways = people change all the time ● Tests based on theories of human functioning B. Adequacy of Tests ● How do we evaluate psychometric properties of tests? Who sets the criteria ● Do the tests really have sound psychometric properties C. Actual vs. Clinical Predictions ● II. Tests are used to make predictions and decisions MORAL ISSUES A. Human Rights ● People have the right to not be tested ● Right to know their scores ● Right to confidentiality of results B. Labelling ● Right not to be labeled because it’s stigmatizing C. Invasion of privacy ● People feel their privacy is invaded ● Do not reveal any more than is necessary to accomplish the purpose for which testing was undertaken ● III. Limitations: danger to self and others ASSESSMENT A. Informed consent ● Informed consent prior to assessment except: ○ When it is mandated by law ○ When it is implied such as in routine, educational, institutional, and organizational activity Downloaded by Peter John Toreta (pjbt8198@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|53215310 ○ When the purpose is to determine the individual’s decisional capacity ● We educate our clients ○ Nature of our services ○ Financial arrangements ○ Potential risks ○ Limits of confidentiality B. Assessment tools ● Select and administer only those tests which are pertinent ● Data collection, methods and procedures are consistent with current scientific and professional developments C. Obsolete and outdated test results ● We do not base our interpretations, conclusions, and recommendations on outdated results ● We do not provide interpretations conclusions and recommendations on the basis of obsolete tests D. Interpreting Results ● Consider validity, reliability, and appropriateness of the test ○ ● We should indicate our reservations regarding the interpretation Consider the purpose of the assessment and other factors such as the client’s test-taking abilities, characteristics, situational, personal, and cultural differences E. Release of test data ● Test results and interpretations are not used by persons other than those explicitly agreed upon by the referral sources F. Explaining results ● Release results only to sources of referral ● Use non-technical language ● We explain findings and test results to our clients as designated representatives ● When test results need to be shared with institutions, share personally G. Test security ● Administration and handling of all test materials shall be handled only by qualified users/personnel Downloaded by Peter John Toreta (pjbt8198@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|53215310 H. Assessment by unqualified persons ● We do not promote the use of assessment tools and methods by unqualified persons except for training purposes with adequate supervision ● We ensure that test protocols, their interpretations, and all other records are kept secured from unqualified persons I. Test construction ● We develop tools and other assessment tools using: ○ Current scientific findings and knowledge ○ Appropriate psychometric properties ○ Validation and standardization procedures Downloaded by Peter John Toreta (pjbt8198@gmail.com)