Uploaded by Peter John Toreta

Psychological Assessment Ethics: Guidelines & Principles

Ethics - Psychological Assessment
Psychological Assessment (Ateneo de Manila University)
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Downloaded by Peter John Toreta (pjbt8198@gmail.com)
A. Theoretical Concerns
Tests assumed to have stability
People function in stable ways = people change all the time
Tests based on theories of human functioning
B. Adequacy of Tests
How do we evaluate psychometric properties of tests? Who sets the
Do the tests really have sound psychometric properties
C. Actual vs. Clinical Predictions
Tests are used to make predictions and decisions
A. Human Rights
People have the right to not be tested
Right to know their scores
Right to confidentiality of results
B. Labelling
Right not to be labeled because it’s stigmatizing
C. Invasion of privacy
People feel their privacy is invaded
Do not reveal any more than is necessary to accomplish the purpose for
which testing was undertaken
Limitations: danger to self and others
A. Informed consent
Informed consent prior to assessment except:
When it is mandated by law
When it is implied such as in routine, educational, institutional, and
organizational activity
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When the purpose is to determine the individual’s decisional
We educate our clients
Nature of our services
Financial arrangements
Potential risks
Limits of confidentiality
B. Assessment tools
Select and administer only those tests which are pertinent
Data collection, methods and procedures are consistent with current
scientific and professional developments
C. Obsolete and outdated test results
We do not base our interpretations, conclusions, and recommendations
on outdated results
We do not provide interpretations conclusions and recommendations on
the basis of obsolete tests
D. Interpreting Results
Consider validity, reliability, and appropriateness of the test
We should indicate our reservations regarding the interpretation
Consider the purpose of the assessment and other factors such as the
client’s test-taking abilities, characteristics, situational, personal, and
cultural differences
E. Release of test data
Test results and interpretations are not used by persons other than those
explicitly agreed upon by the referral sources
F. Explaining results
Release results only to sources of referral
Use non-technical language
We explain findings and test results to our clients as designated
When test results need to be shared with institutions, share personally
G. Test security
Administration and handling of all test materials shall be handled only by
qualified users/personnel
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H. Assessment by unqualified persons
We do not promote the use of assessment tools and methods by
unqualified persons except for training purposes with adequate
We ensure that test protocols, their interpretations, and all other records
are kept secured from unqualified persons
Test construction
We develop tools and other assessment tools using:
Current scientific findings and knowledge
Appropriate psychometric properties
Validation and standardization procedures
Downloaded by Peter John Toreta (pjbt8198@gmail.com)