Personal Development-Grade 11 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 2- Module 6: Family Structure and Legacy First Edition 2020 Republic Act 8293. Section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of royalties. Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks, etc.) included in this learning resource are owned by their respective copyright holders. DepEd is represented by the Filipinas Copyright Licensing Society (FILCOLS), Inc. in seeking permission to use these materials from their respective copyright owners. All means have been exhausted in seeking permission to use these materials. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership over them Development Team of the Module: Author: Reviewers: llustrator: Lorna V. Rigor Amor Malayang Ferdinand Richard Villa Lorna V. Rigor Amor Malayang Lucille N. Quiriado Jay Michael A. Calipusan Management Team: Chairperson: Co-Chairpersons: Members: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III Regional Director Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr., CESO V Asst. Regional Director Mala Epra B. Magnaong CES, CLMD Dr. Bienvenido U. Tagolimot, Jr. Regional ADM Coordinator Printed in the Philippines by: Department of Education – Regional Office 10 Office Address: Zone 1, Upper Balulang Cagayan de Oro City 9000 Telefax: (088) 880-7071, (088) 880-7072 E-mail Address: 11 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Quarter 2 - MODULE 6Family Structures and Legacies This learning resource was collaboratively developed and reviewed by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and/or universities. We encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their feedback, comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education at We value your feedback and recommendations. Department of Education. Republic of the Philippines iii Table of Contents Cover Page Copy Right Page Module Title Page i ii iii Module 6. Family Structures and Legacies What I need to Know What I know What’s In What’s New Activity 1. Family is Love What is It Activity2. All About My Family Readings: What makes a Family…Family? Activity 3. Where Do I Belong What’s More Reading: A Love for Fellowmen and Family Activity 4. Roots of My Existence What I have Learned Activity 5. Remind Me Activity 6. Family is Forever Assessment Additional Activities Activity 7. I am a Poet References 1 1 2 4 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 12 13 iv 6 Family Structure and Legacies What I Need to Know For the Learner Congratulations! You are now in module 6. This basically means that you have underwent and understood the previous modules that helped you know more about yourself, thus shaping your personality. In this module, you will gain understanding on your family values, traditions, beliefs, and attitudes that are handed down from generation to generation by appraising them. Subsequently, being aware of your roots can help you decide which traits and attitudes you cherish and which you want to make a conscious effort to change. Moreover, at the end of the lesson you are expected to: 1. appraise one’s family structure and the type of care he/she gives and receives, which may help in understanding himself/herself better; EsP-PD11/12FSL-IId-11.1 2. make a genogram and trace certain physical, personality, or behavioral attributes through generation; and EsP-PD11/12FSL-IId-e-11.2 3. prepare a plan on how to make the family members firmer and gentler with each other. EsP-PD11/12FSL-IIe-11.3 For the Facilitator This material is used for independent learning and is consist of one (1) lesson. Your student’s success depends on how you lead and supervise the process of working on this module. The independent learner is given activities to work on even without your presence. But, it is important to realize that not one thing fits all. This material provides only the framework for support learning. As a facilitator, with the chance to meet the independent learner, your guidance and supervision matters. Thank you for guiding the learner on this module and helping him/her develop holistically. 1 What I Know Directions: There are 10 items in this test. Carefully read each item and answer the question diligently. Write the letter of the correct answer on your journal notebook. 1. The Bureau of Census defines it as “two or more persons who are related by birth, marriage or adoption and who live together as one household.” A. Best Friend B. Family C. Friends D. Partnership 2. It is a family consisting of parents and children, along with grandparents, grandchildren, Aunt’s or uncles, cousins, etc. A. Nuclear Family C. Single Parent Family B. Extended Family D. Step Family 3. Which of the following refers to two families who are brought together due to divorce, separation, and remarriage? A. Extended Family C. Single Parent Family B. Nuclear Family D. Step Family 4. This can be either a father or a mother who is responsible for the raising of a child. A. Extended Family C. Single Parent Family B. Nuclear Family D. Step Family 5. What is the other term for GENOGRAM? A. Apple Tree C. Drawing B. Chart D. Family Tree 6. Which of the following phrases is the best description of the parents’ roles in the family? A. teach, discipline, and provide for their children B. ask, control, and reserve for their children C. take charge on the lives of the children especially on the decision making D. cooperate with the children at all times 7. With which of the statement is associated to the role of the children in the family? A. Provide resources B. Heads the decision making C. Helps on the chores or any duties capable of doing and loving D. Looks at the welfare of the whole family 2 Situation: Lina is a graduating senior high school student. She wanted to take Engineering in college but her father wanted her to take nursing. 8. As Lina, how would you tell father that you wanted to take Engineering? A. Enroll Engineering immediately without telling father. B. Approach father when he is not busy and tell him how you feel and think about the two courses. C. Ask your mother to tell your father that you wanted Engineering and not Nursing. D. Delay your enrolment in college because its confusing. 9. If you are the father of Lina, how would you react to the situation that she wanted Engineering and not Nursing. A. Discuss her viewpoints, dreams and thoughts openly. B. Ask her to stop schooling, C. Limit her allowance D. Impose your opinion on the two courses to her. 10. Which of the following best describe a healthy family? A. Nurturing and supporting other family members. B. Leaving the decision making to only one family member C. Imposing strict discipline to every family member D. Providing the head of the family a lot of responsibilities. 3 Lesson 1 Family Structures and Legacies For us Filipinos, family is the most important unit in the society. We depend so much on our parents for protection, and for providing our needs during the first moments of our lives. As we grow, we are bonded together with values and traits that are first taught at home and applied in our day to day lives. In a family, through good and bad times, we always find time to smile and look at things in a bright side. Whatever situation we are in to, we are always reminded that our family is there to discipline, support and love us. What’s In Personal and social relationships are seen as a strong social context in Philippine society. We basically try to make our friendship and community into family-like relationships that are shared and supported. As Filipinos, we prefer to have smooth interpersonal relationships with one another and go out of our way to create an environment in which everyone around us feels comfortable and accepted. What’s New Activity 1. Family is Love Directions: Below is an empty collage sheet. Fill-in the given parts by supplying cut-out photos of family members. As for creativity, you may always use your own design or theme. In five (5) sentences, describe your family. Give special attention on their best traits and values. 4 Mother & Father Grandma & Grandpa ME Siblings Aunt & Uncle What is It Activity 2. All about my Family Directions: Below are table and essay questions. Independently, fill-in the table and answer in three (3) sentences the succeeding essay questions. Family members Parents Siblings Grand Parents Aunts & Uncles How I care for them? How they care for me? 1. How do I find the activity? 2. What do I think is the best trait/values you learned from your family? 3. What is my ideal family size? Why? 5 4. How do my parents and other members of the family impose authority and freedom over you? 5. What role does my family play in your education and holistic development? Readings: What makes a family… Family? Family refers to a group of individuals living together under the same roof and usually under one head. It also refers to two or more persons who share resources, responsibility, values, goals, and commitment over time. Moreover, a family is the basic unit of society. Types of Family: 1. Nuclear or traditional family – a family consisting of a father, mother and children/s. 2. Extended family – a family that consists of a father, mother, children/s, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins that are living under one roof. 3. Single parents – It is a father or a mother who is taking care of or raising the children/s. 4. Blended Family – a family with a combination of another family. 5. Step Family – two families brought together due to divorce, separation, and remarriage. 6. Single Parent Family- This can be either a father or a mother who is singly responsible for the raising of the child. 7. Adoptive family- a family that adopts one or more children that the parent/s considered as their offspring. 8. Bi-racial or multi-racial family – this refers to a family where every family member belongs to a different cultural or ethnic group. 9. Trans-racial adoptive family – refers to a family where the parents adopted a child that has a different racial group with them. 10. Conditionally separated families – is a family where a family member is living away from the rest of the family due to employment, hospitalization, military service but remains a significant member of the family. 11. Foster Family – A family where one or more of the children is temporarily living in the same household for a short period. 12. Gay or Lesbian Family – refers to one or both of the parent’s sexual orientation is gay or lesbian. This family could be a twoparent family, an adoptive family, a single-parent family, or an extended family. 6 13. Immigrant Family – This refers to a family where parents migrated to another country but not necessarily that the children are migrants. 14. Migrant Family – This refers to a family that regularly moves to different places for employment purposes. Source: Edwards, Julie Olsen. “The Many Kinds of Family Structures in Our Communities”. Accessed January 16, 2020. Activity 3. Where Do I belong? Directions: You just discovered the different types of family. In your journal notebook, answer the following questions. 1. What kind of family do you belong to? 2. How would you describe your family? 3. What is the difference between your family to that of others? 4. What makes your family unique? What’s More Reading: A Love for Fellowmen and Family A doctor entered the hospital in a hurry after being called for immediate operation. He answered the phone call ASAP and go directly to the operating room. He met the boy’s father waiting for him. On seeing him, the father says: “Why did you take all this time to come? Don’t you know that my son’s life is in danger? Don’t you have any sense of responsibility?” The doctor was just calm and said: “I am sorry, I wasn’t in the hospital and I came as fast as I can after receiving the call… And now, I hope you’d calm down so that I can do my work.” “Calm down? What if your son was in this room right now, can you make it calm down? If your son dies now what will you do?” said the father angrily. 7 The doctor was just calm and smile at him saying: “… Doctors cannot prolong lives. Go and pray for your son and by God’s grace we will do our best”. Then the father murmured “Giving advice when we’re not concerned is so easy”. Some hours after, the doctor went out from the surgery room and happily announce that “Your son is safe!”. Without waiting for the father’s response, he carried on his way while saying “If you have questions, ask the nurses”. And without waiting for the father’s response, he carried on his way running. “You can ask the nurse if you have question “Why is he so arrogant? He couldn’t wait some minute so that I can ask about my son’s state,” commented the father when seeing the nurse minutes after the doctor left. The nurse said, with tears: “Yesterday, his son died in a road accident, when we called him he for your son’s condition he was at the funeral”. Now that your son’s life is saved, he left running to finish his son’s funeral. Source: Tahir, Junaid. ”Something New Everyday!”. Daily Ten Minutes. Accessed January 16, 2020. Processing Questions: 1. In the story “A Love for Fellowmen and Family”, how do the two fathers show their love to each of their children? 2. What evidence of care do the two fathers gave to their children? 3. If this situation happens to you, how would you react? 4. How would you respond to your parents if you were the child in this story? What is a Genogram? A genogram is a graphical representation of a family tree that displays detailed relationship data among individuals. It is not a traditional family tree, it allows user to analyze hereditary patterns and psychological factors that punctuate relationships. 8 Activity 4. The Roots of My Existence Directions: I supposed you always have your reunion in your clan every now and then. Did you know all your relatives? I guess you do. With the fast growth of your clans’ situation, let us try to discover the root of your genes by doing what is being asked below. You can add more if there is a need for you to do it. On a ¼ illustration board, make a genogram (family tree). Through generations of your clan, trace certain physical, personality or behavioral attributes. Grandfather Aunt Grandmother Uncle Mother Father You Daughter Grandfather Grandmother Brother Sister-in-Law Son Brother-in-Law Nephew 9 Sister Niece What I have learned Activity 5: Remind Me Directions: Copy the table below in your journal notebook and do what is ask. List five module. main points of this Draw something that would help you remind of each point. What I can do Activity 6: Family is Forever Directions: Below is a table plan to make my family gentler and firmer, in your journal notebook, create your own plan using the table. Add more activities that you think will make your family gentler and firmer with one another. My Gentler and Firmer Family Plan Activity Ex. Eat Together Timeline 1 meal everyday Members of my family Involved Whole Family 10 How to do it? -closeness within the family Traits of values Develop Agree on 1 meal time a day to gather all family members and eat together. Gadgets and other electronic are not allowed. Any member of the family may open up discussion. Assessment Directions: There are 10 items in this test. Carefully read each item and answer the question diligently. Write the letter of the correct answer on your journal notebook. 1. It is a family consisting of parents and children, along with grandparents, grandchildren, Aunt’s or uncles, cousins, etc. A. Nuclear Family C. Single Parent Family B. Extended Family D. Step Family Situation: Lina is a graduating senior high school student. She wanted to take Engineering in college but her father wanted her to take nursing. 2. As Lina, how would you tell father that you wanted to take Engineering? A. Enroll Engineering immediately without telling father. B. Approach father when he is not busy and tell him how you feel and think about the two courses. C. Ask your mother to tell your father that you wanted Engineering and not Nursing. D. Delay your enrolment in college because it’s confusing. 3. If you are the father of Lina, how would you react to the situation that she wanted Engineering and not Nursing. A. Discuss her viewpoints, dreams and thoughts openly. B. Ask her to stop schooling, C. Limit her allowance D. Impose your opinion on the two courses to her. 4. Which of the following best describe a healthy family? A. Nurturing and supporting other family members. B. Leaving the decision making to only one family member C. Imposing strict discipline to every family member D. Providing the head of the family a lot of responsibilities. 5. The Bureau of Census defines it as “two or more persons who are related by birth, marriage or adoption and who live together as one household.” A. Best Friend B. Family C. Friends D. Partnership 6. What is the other term for GENOGRAM? A. Apple Tree C. Drawing B. Chart D. Family Tree 11 7. Which of the following phrases is the best description of the parents’ roles in the family? A. teach, discipline, and provide for their children B. ask, control, and reserve for their children C. take charge on the lives of the children especially on the decision making D. cooperate with the children at all times 8. This can be either a father or a mother who is responsible for the raising of a child. A. Extended Family C. Single Parent Family B. Nuclear Family D. Step Family 9. What is the other term for GENOGRAM? A. Apple Tree C. Drawing B. Chart D. Family Tree 10. With which of the statement is associated to the role of the children in the family? A. Provide resources B. Heads the decision making C. Helps on the chores or any duties capable of doing and loving D. Looks at the welfare of the whole family Additional Activities Activity 7: I am a Poet Directions: In your journal notebook, create a poem about what you have learned in this lesson on family structures and legacy. The poem must consist of three (3) to four (4) stanzas. 12 References Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines, Personal Development Reader 1st edition. Different types of Family. Julie Olsen Edwards. Quezon City: Sunshine Interlinks Publishing House Inc., 2016. Edwards, Julie Olsen. “The Many Kinds of Family Structures in Our Communities”. Accessed January 16, 2020. Tahir, Junaid. ”Something New Everyday!”. Daily Ten Minutes. Accessed January 16, 2020. 13 Answer Key What I Know: 1.B 2. B 3. D 4. C 5.D 6. A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.A Assessment 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. . A 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. C 14 Rubrics for Individual Work Exceptional Admirable Acceptable Attempted 20 points 18 points 15 points 12 points Understanding the topic Factual information is accurate; and indicates a clear understanding of topic Factual information is accurate; and indicates a clear understanding of topic Factual information is accurate; and indicates a clear understanding of topic Factual information is accurate; and indicates a clear understanding of topic Accuracy and believability of the role Point-of-view, arguments, and solutions proposed were always realistic and constantly in character Point-of-view, arguments, and solutions proposed were always realistic and constantly in character Point-of-view, arguments, and solutions proposed were always realistic and constantly in character Point-of-view, arguments, and solutions proposed were always realistic and constantly in character Cooperation Accepts ideas of others; able to compromise; all members contribute Accepts ideas of others; able to compromise; all members contribute Accepts ideas of others; able to compromise; all members contribute Accepts ideas of others; able to compromise; all members contribute Presentation Shows confidence; informative; entertaining; engages audience; speaks loudly and clearly; appropriate use of body language Shows confidence; informative; entertaining; engages audience; speaks loudly and clearly; appropriate use of body language Shows confidence; informative; entertaining; engages audience; speaks loudly and clearly; appropriate use of body language Shows confidence; informative; entertaining; engages audience; speaks loudly and clearly; appropriate use of body language Adapted and modifies from PerDev Readers of the department of Education 1st edition Sunshine Interlinks Publishing House Inc., 201 15