AWS B4.OM:2000 An American National Standard Standard Methods for Mechanical Testing of Welds COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 Key WOrdS-Mechanical tests, bend tests, nickbreak tests, shear tests, tension tests, fracture toughness tests, fillet weld tests, stud weld tests, hardness tests, weldability tests, groove weld tests, soundness tests, nick-break tests An American National Standard Approved by American National Standards Institute July 25,2000 Standard Methodsfor Mechanical Testingof Welds Prepared by AWS B4 Committee on Mechanical Testing of Welds Under the Direction of AWS Technical Activities Committee Approved by AWS Board of Directors Abstract Mechanical test methods that are applicable to welds and welded joints are described. For each testing method, information is provided concerning applicable American National Standards Institute (ANSI), American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), and American Petroleum Institute (API) documents; the required testing apparatus, specimen preparation, procedure to be followed, and report requirements are also described. AmericanWelding Society 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, Florida 33126 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services STD.AWS B4.Of-l-ENGL 2000 m D7842b5 05L7b3D T 3 q Statement on Use of AWS American National Standards All standards (codes, specifications, recommended practices, methods, classifications, and guides) of the American Welding Society are voluntary consensus standards that have been developedin accordance with the rules of the American National Standards Institute. When AWS standards are either incorporated in, or made part of, documents that are included in federal or state laws and regulations, or the regulations of other governmental bodies, their provisions carry the full legal authority of the statute. In such cases, any changes in those AWS standards must be approved by the governmental body having statutory jurisdiction before they can become a part of those laws and regulations. In all cases, these standards carry the full legal authority of the contract or other document that invokes the AWS standards. Where this contractual relationship exists, changes in or deviations from requirements of an AWS standard must be by agreement between the contracting parties. International Standard Book Number: 0-87171-622-4 American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126 O 2000 by American Welding Society. All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America AWS American National Standards are developed through a consensus standards development process that brings to achieve consensus. WhileAWS administers the process together volunteers representing varied viewpoints and interests and establishes rules to promote fairness i n the development of consensus, it does not independently test, evaluate, or verify the accuracy of any information or the soundness of any judgments contained in its standards. AWS disclaims liability for any injury to persons or to property, or other damages of any nature whatsoever, whether special, indirect, consequential or compensatory, directly or indirectly resulting from the publication, useof, or reliance on this standard. AWS also makes no guaranty or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any information published herein. In issuing and making this standard available, AWS is not undertaking to render professional or other services foror on behalf of any person or entity. Nor is AWS undertaking to perform any duty owed by any person or entity to someone else. Anyone using these documents should relyon his or her own independent judgment or, as appropriate, seek the advice of a competent professional in determining the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstances. This standard may be superseded by the issuance of new editions. Users should ensure that they have thelatest edition. Publication of this standard does not authorize infringement of any patent. AWS disclaims liability for the infringement of any patent resulting from the useor reliance on this standard, Finally, AWS does not monitor, police, or enforce compliance with this standard, nor does it have the power to do so. Official interpretations of any of the technical requirements of this standard may be obtained bysending a request, in writing, to the Managing Director Technical Services, American Welding Society,550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126 (see Annex C). With regard to technical inquiries made concerning AWS standards, oral opinions on AWS standards may be rendered. However, such opinions represent only the personal opinions of the particular individuals giving them.These or unofficial opinionsor interpretaindividuals do not speak on behalfof AWS, nor do these oral opinions constitute official tions of AWS. In addition, oral opinions are informal and shouldnot be used as a substitute foran official interpretation. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the AWS B4 Committee on Mechanical Testing of Welds. I t must be reviewed every five years andif not revised, it must be either reapprovedor withdrawn. Comments (recommendations, additions, or deletions) and any pertinent data that may be of use in improving this standard are required and should be addressed to AWS Headquarters. Such comments will receive careful consideration by the AWS B4 Committee on Mechanical Testing of Welds and the author of the comments will be informed of the Committee’s response to the comments. Guests are invited to attend all meetings of the AWS B4 Committee on Mechanical Testing of Welds to express their comments verbally. Procedures for appeal of an adverse decision concerning all such comments are provided in the Rules of Operation of the Technical Activities Committee. A copy of these Rules can be obtained from the American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126. Photocopy Rights Authorization to photocopy items for internal, personal, or educational classroom use only, or the internal, personal, or educational classroom use only of specific clients, is granted by the American Welding Society (AWS) provided that the appropriate fee is paid to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers,MA 01923, Tel: 978-750-8400; online: COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services Personnel AWS B4 Committee on Mechanical Testingof Welds Consultant Consultant Consultant The Lincoln Electric Company American Welding Society Naval Surface Warfare Center Consultant Edison Welding Institute General Electric Aircraft Engines Consultant Consultant Consultant Corrpro CompaniesIncorporated Consultant NlST NASA Naval Surface Warfare Center Hobart Institute J. R. Crisci, Chair H. Hahn, Chair 1992-1999 R. E Waite, PE., Ist Vice Chair D. A. Fink, 2nd Vice Chair C. B. Pollock, Secretary *J. J . DeLoach, JI: *E. L. Lavy T. McGaughy *T. Melvin H . U! Mishler *A. G. Portz *H. S. Sayre *A. E. Schuele D, E. Smith J. H. Smith *U! U! st. cy5 II R. J. Wong K. Zerkle *Advisor ... III COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services Foreword (This Foreword is not a part of AWS B4.OM:2000,Standard Methods for Mechanical Testing of Welds, but is included for information purposes only.) This standard covers the common tests for the mechanical testing of welds. They are defined and illustrated in five parts related to testing of groove welds, fillet welds, and stud welds. The tests include: bend tests, tension tests, fracture toughness tests, soundness tests, shear tests, nick-break test, hardness tests, stud weld tests, and selected weldability tests. This document extensively uses American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard Methods and specifies how to use these methods when testing weldments. It takes into consideration the variations i n properties that can occur between different regions (base metal, heat-affected zone, and weld metal)of a weldment. Methods of hardness testing and mechanical property tests for base metals arc covered by ASTM standards or the individual material specification.The joint tests for brazements are coveredin AWS C3.2, Standard Methods for Evaluating the Strengthof Brazed Joints in Shear. This Foreword applies to all five parts. Additional information on the mechanical testing of welded joints may be obtained from the AWS Welding Handbook, Volume 1 . The values stated i n SI Units and used throughout this document are to be regarded as standard. Recommendation for style and usage of SI Units may be found in AWS Al . l , Metric Practice Guidefor the Welding Industry. An expanded section on weldability testing is included in this edition of B4.OM. Selected weldability test methods are described. Safety Precautions. Safety precautions shall conform to the latest edition of ANSI 249.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, published by the American Welding Society. Note: This standard may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. The standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices. The user should determine the applicability of any regulatory limitationsprior touse. Comments or inquiries on this standard are welcome. They should be sent to the Secretary, AWS B4 Committee on Mechanical Testing of Welds, American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126. Official interpretations of any of the technical requirements of this standard may be obtained by sending a request, in writing, to the Managing Director, Technical Services, American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126. A formal reply will be issued after review by the appropriate personnel following established procedures. iv COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services S T D - A U S B4-OM-ENGL 2000 0 7 6 9 2 b 5 O5L9b33 743 Table of Contents . Page No Personnel .................................................................................................................................................................... Foreword ...................................................................................................................................................................... List of Figures .............................................................................................................................................................. Part A-Testing of Groove Welds A l . Bend Tests ............................................................................................................................................................ 1 . Scope .................................................................................................................................................................... 2 . Applicable Documents ......................................................................................................................................... 3. Summary of Method ............................................................................................................................................ 4 . Significance .......................................................................................................................................................... 5 . Definitions and Symbols ...................................................................................................................................... 6. Apparatus ............................................................................................................................................................. 7. Specimens ............................................................................................................................................................ 8. Procedure ............................................................................................................................................................. 9. Report ................................................................................................................................................................... 10. Commentary ......................................................................................................................................................... A2 . Tension Tests....................................................................................................................................................... ... iii ¡v ¡x 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 15 1 . Scope .................................................................................................................................................................. 15 2 . Applicable Documents ....................................................................................................................................... 15 3. Summary of Method .......................................................................................................................................... 15 4 . Significance ........................................................................................................................................................ 15 5 . Definitions and Symbols .................................................................................................................................... 16 h. Apparatus ........................................................................................................................................................... 16 7. Specimens .......................................................................................................................................................... 16 17 8. Procedure ........................................................................................................................................................... 9. Report ................................................................................................................................................................. 17 A3 . Fracture Toughness Tests................................................................................................................................... 1 . Scope .................................................................................................................................................................. 24 24 2. Applicable Documents ....................................................................................................................................... 3 . Summary of Method .......................................................................................................................................... 4 . Significance ........................................................................................................................................................ 5 . Definitions and Symbols .................................................................................................................................... 6. Apparatus ........................................................................................................................................................... 7. Specimens .......................................................................................................................................................... 8 . Procedure ........................................................................................................................................................... 9 . Report ................................................................................................................................................................. 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 Part B-Testing of Fillet WeMs BI . Longitudinal Guided-Bend Test ......................................................................................................................... 33 1. Scope .................................................................................................................................................................. 33 2. Applicable Documents ....................................................................................................................................... 33 3 . Summary of Method .......................................................................................................................................... 33 4 . Significance ........................................................................................................................................................ 33 S . Definitions and Symbols .................................................................................................................................... 33 6 . Apparatus ........................................................................................................................................................... 34 V COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services Page No. 7. Specimens .......................................................................................................................................................... 34 8. Procedure ........................................................................................................................................................... 34 9. Report ................................................................................................................................................................. 34 36 B2. Soundness Tests.................................................................................................................................................. 1 . Scope .................................................................................................................................................................. 36 2. Applicable Documents....................................................................................................................................... 36 36 3. Summary of Method .......................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................ 36 Significance 4. 36 5. Definitions and Symbols .................................................................................................................................... 6. Apparatus ........................................................................................................................................................... 36 7. Specimens .......................................................................................................................................................... 37 8. Procedure ........................................................................................................................................................... 37 9. Report ................................................................................................................................................................. 37 B3. Shear Tests ......................................................................................................................................................... 41 1 . Scope .................................................................................................................................................................. 41 2. Applicable Documents....................................................................................................................................... 41 3. Summary of Method .......................................................................................................................................... 41 4 . Significance ........................................................................................................................................................ 41 5. Definitions and Symbols.................................................................................................................................... 41 6. Apparatus ........................................................................................................................................................... 42 7. Specimens .......................................................................................................................................................... 42 8. Procedure ........................................................................................................................................................... 42 9 . Report ................................................................................................................................................................. 42 Part C-Testing of Groove andFillet Welds CI . Nick-Break .................................................................................................................................................. Test 45 1 Scope .................................................................................................................................................................. 45 2. Applicable Documents....................................................................................................................................... 45 3. Summary of Method .......................................................................................................................................... 45 4 . Significance ........................................................................................................................................................ 46 46 5. Definitions and Symbols .................................................................................................................................... 6 . Apparatus ........................................................................................................................................................... 46 7. Specimens .......................................................................................................................................................... 46 8. Procedure ........................................................................................................................................................... 47 47 9. Report ................................................................................................................................................................. " . c2. Hardness Tests.................................................................................................................................................... 1 . Scope .................................................................................................................................................................. 55 55 2. Applicable Documents ....................................................................................................................................... 55 Summary of Method .......................................................................................................................................... 55 3. Significance ........................................................................................................................................................ 55 4. Definitions .......................................................................................................................................................... 56 5. 6. Apparatus ........................................................................................................................................................... 56 56 7. Specimens .......................................................................................................................................................... 8. Procedure ........................................................................................................................................................... 56 9. Report ................................................................................................................................................................. 56 Part &Stud Weld Tests 1. Scope .................................................................................................................................................................. 2. Applicable Documents ....................................................................................................................................... 3. Summary of Method .......................................................................................................................................... 4. Significance ........................................................................................................................................................ 5. Definitions and Symbols .................................................................................................................................... vi COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services 57 57 57 58 58 . Page No 6. Apparatus ........................................................................................................................................................... 58 7. Specimens .......................................................................................................................................................... 58 8. Procedure ........................................................................................................................................................... 58 9. Report ................................................................................................................................................................. 58 Part E- Weldability Testing . EI . Controlled Thermal Severi9 (CTS) Test ............................................................................................................ 62 62 2. Applicable Documents ....................................................................................................................................... 62 3. Summary of Method .......................................................................................................................................... 62 4. Significance........................................................................................................................................................ 62 5 . Definitions and Symbols .................................................................................................................................... 63 6. Apparatus ........................................................................................................................................................... 63 7 Specimens .......................................................................................................................................................... 63 8. Procedure ........................................................................................................................................................... 63 9. Report ................................................................................................................................................................. 64 1 . Scope .................................................................................................................................................................. . E2. Cruciform Test.................................................................................................................................................... 70 1. Scope .................................................................................................................................................................. 70 70 2 . Applicable Documents ....................................................................................................................................... 3 . Summary of Method .......................................................................................................................................... 70 4. Significance........................................................................................................................................................ 70 5. Definitions and Symbols .................................................................................................................................... 70 6. Apparatus ........................................................................................................................................................... 71 7 . Specimens .......................................................................................................................................................... 71 8 . Procedure ........................................................................................................................................................... 71 9. Report ................................................................................................................................................................. 71 E3. Implant Test........................................................................................................................................................ 1. Scope .................................................................................................................................................................. 2. Applicable Documents ....................................................................................................................................... 3. Summary of Method .......................................................................................................................................... 4. Significance........................................................................................................................................................ 5 . Definitions and Symbols .................................................................................................................................... 6. Apparatus ........................................................................................................................................................... 7. Specimens .......................................................................................................................................................... 8. Procedure ........................................................................................................................................................... 9. Report ................................................................................................................................................................. 1O. Commentary ....................................................................................................................................................... 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 76 76 76 76 E4. Lehigh Restraint Test .......................................................................................................................................... 1 . Scope .................................................................................................................................................................. 80 80 2 . Applicable Documents ....................................................................................................................................... 80 3. Summary of Method .......................................................................................................................................... 80 4. Significance........................................................................................................................................................ 80 5. Definitions and Symbols .................................................................................................................................... 80 6. Apparatus ........................................................................................................................................................... 81 7. Specimens .......................................................................................................................................................... 81 8. Procedure ........................................................................................................................................................... 81 9. Report ................................................................................................................................................................. 81 E5. Varestraint Test ................................................................................................................................................... 84 1 . Scope .................................................................................................................................................................. 84 2 . Applicable Documents ....................................................................................................................................... 84 .. 3. Summary of Method .......................................................................................................................................... 84 vi¡ COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services S T D - A W S B4.CIM-ENGL 2000 = 078q2b5 05L7b3b 4 5 2 W Page No. 4 . Significance ........................................................................................................................................................ 84 5 . Definitions and Symbols .................................................................................................................................... 85 6. Apparatus ........................................................................................................................................................... 85 7. Specimens .......................................................................................................................................................... 85 8. Procedure ........................................................................................................................................................... 85 9. Report ................................................................................................................................................................. 86 1o. Commentary .... .................................................................................................................................................. 86 I E6. Oblique Y-Groove Test ....................................................................................................................................... 90 1 . Scope .................................................................................................................................................................. 90 2. Applicable Documents....................................................................................................................................... 90 3 . Summary of Method .......................................................................................................................................... 90 4 . Significance ........................................................................................................................................................ 90 5 . Definitions and Symbols .................................................................................................................................... 90 6. Apparatus ........................................................................................................................................................... 91 7 . Specimens .......................................................................................................................................................... 91 8. Procedure ........................................................................................................................................................... 91 9. Report ................................................................................................................................................................. 91 Anna Aqibliographyof Weldability Tests.............................................................................................................. 97 A n n a B-Round Tensile Specimen-5:I Gage Length to Diameter Ratio ................................................................ 99 Anna C-Cuidelines for Preparation of Technical Inquiriesfor AWS Technical Committees ............................... 103 ... Vlll COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services List of Figures Page No. Figure Part A-Testing of Groove Welds Bend Tests Al TypicalBottomEjectingGuidedBendTestFixture ...................................................................................... 5 A2 TypicalBottom Guided BendTestFixture .................................................................................................... 6 A3 TypicalWraparoundGuidedBend Test Fixture ............................................................................................ 7 A4 BendTestNomograph .................................................................................................................................... 8 A5 Transverse Side Bend Specimens (Plate) ....................................................................................................... 9 A6 Transverse Face Bend and Root Bend Specimens (Plate) ........................................................................... 10 A7 Transverse Face Bend and Root Bend Specimens (Pipe) ............................................................................ 11 A8 LongitudinalFaceBendandRootBend Specimens (Plate) ........................................................................ 12 A9 FilletWeldRootBend Test Specimen ......................................................................................................... 13 14 A10 Surfacing Weld Face Bend and Side Bend Specimens ................................................................................ Tension Tests Al 1RoundTensile Specimens ............................................................................................................................ A12 Transverse Rectangular Tension Test Specimen (Plate) .............................................................................. A13 Longitudinal Rectangular Tension Test Specimens (Plate) ......................................................................... A14 Tension Specimens for Pipe Greater than 75 mm Nominal Diameter ......................................................... A15 Tension Specimen for Pipe 75 mm Nominal Diameter and Less ................................................................ Fracture Toughness Tests A16 CharpyV-NotchImpact Specimen .............................................................................................................. A17 Dynamic Tear Test Specimen, Anvil Supports, and Striker Tup.................................................................. A18 Compact Tension Fracture Toughness Specimen ......................................................................................... A19 Standard Drop Weight Nil-Ductility Temperature Test Specimen ............................................................... A20 Orientation of Weld Metal Fracture Toughness Specimens in a Double-Groove Weld Thick Section Weldment ..................................................................................................................................................... A21 Crack Plane Orientation Code for Compact Tension Specimens from Welded Plate .................................. A22 Recommended Ratio of Weld Metal to Specimen Thickness for Weld-Metal Fracture Toughness Specimen ...................................................................................................................................................... A23 Suggested Data Sheet for Drop Weight Test ................................................................................................ Part &Testing of Fillet Welds Bend Test B1 LongitudinalGuidedFilletWeld 18 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 30 31 32 BendTest ................................................................................................ 35 Soundness Tests B2 FilletWeldBreak Specimen for ProcedureQualification ............................................................................ B3 Fillet Weld Break Specimen for Primer Coated Materials ........................................................................... B4FilletWeldBreak Specimen forGalvanizedMaterials ................................................................................ B5FilletWeldBreak Specimen forWelderQualification ................................................................................ B6 Fillet Weld Break Specimen for Tack Welder Qualification ........................................................................ B7 Method of TestingFillet WeldBreakSpecimen .......................................................................................... 38 38 39 39 40 40 Shear Tests B8 LongitudinalFillet Weld Shear Specimen ................................................................................................... 43 B9TransverseFilletWeld Shear Specimen ....................................................................................................... 44 B10 Shear Strength Calculation ........................................................................................................................... 44 ix COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services Page No. Figure Part C-Testing of Groove and Fillet Welds Nick-Break Test C1 Nick-Break Testing Fixture Made Out of 150 mm Pipe .............................................................................. 48 C2 Nick-BreakTestUsingVise ......................................................................................................................... 49 C3 Testing of FilletWelded Specimens............................................................................................................. 49 C4 Nick-BreakTest Specimen........................................................................................................................... 50 C5Specimen for Flash Butt Welds .................................................................................................................... 51 C6 Specimens for Nick-Break Test of Branch Joint Connections ..................................................................... 52 C7 Pipe Sleeve TestSpecimen ........................................................................................................................... 53 C8 FilletWeldedPlateSpecimen ...................................................................................................................... 54 Part &Testing of Stud Welds Dl Equipment for BendTests for Welded Studs ............................................................................................... D2 Equipment for Applying a Tensile Load to a Welded Stud Using Torque ................................................... 59 60 Part E- Weldability Testing Fixture Used to Position CTS Specimen for Welding ................................................................................. 65 El E2 Cooling Bath Arrangement for CTS Test ..................................................................................................... 66 CTS Test Specimen ...................................................................................................................................... 67 E3 Sectioning of CTS Specimen ....................................................................................................................... 68 E4 Typical Location of Vickers Hardness Impressions..................................................................................... 68 E5 Suggested Data Sheet for CTS Test ............................................................................................................. 69 E6 Cruciform Test Assembly ............................................................................................................................ 72 E7 Locations of Specimens for Examination of Cracks in cruciform Test ...................................................... 73 E8 Suggested Data Sheet for Cruciform Test.................................................................................................... 74 E9 E10 Implant TestSpecimen and Fixture.............................................................................................................. 77 El 1 Typical Data for Implant TestSeries............................................................................................................ 78 El 2 Suggested Data Sheet for Implant Test........................................................................................................ 79 ................................................................................................................... 82 El 3 Lehigh Restraint Test Specimen E14 Suggested Data Sheet for Lehigh Test......................................................................................................... 83 ......................................................................................................... 87 El 5 Varestraint Test Fixture and Specimen El 6 Auxiliary Bending Plates............................................................................................................................. 88 El 7 Typical Indications on Top Surface of Test Weld ........................................................................................ 88 E18 Suggested Data Sheet for Varestraint Test ................................................................................................... 89 El 9 Oblique Y-Groove Test Assembly................................................................................................................ 92 E20 Oblique Y-Groove Test Weld Configuration ................................................................................................ 93 E21 Suggested Data Sheet for Oblique Y-Groove Test ....................................................................................... 95 X COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services S T D - A W S B4.0M-ENGL 2000 078'42b5 05L7b37 L b L W AWS B4.0M:2000 Standard Methods for Mechanical Testingof Welds Part A Testing of Groove Welds 1.5 Safety Precautions. Safety precautions shall conform to the latest edition of ANSI 249.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, published by the American Welding Society. Al. Bend Tests 1. Scope 1.1 This section covers the bend testing of groove welds in butt joints and the bend testing of surfacing welds. The standard gives the requirements for bend test specimen preparation, test parameters and testing procedures but does not specify the bend radius requirements or acceptance criteria. Note: This standard may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. The standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices.The user should determine the applicability of any regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.2 The base materials may be homogenous, clad or otherwise surfaced, except for hardfacing. 1.3 This standard is applicable to the following, where specified: (1) Qualification of materials, welding personnel and welding procedures (2) Information, specifications of acceptance, manufacturing quality control (3) Research and development 2. Applicable Documents Reference should be made to the latest editlon of the following documents: ANWASME 846.1 Surface Texture 1.4 When this standard is used, the following information shall be furnished: (1 ) The specific location and orientation of the specimens (2) The specific types of tests, for example, face bend, side bend or root bend and number of specimens required (3) The type of data required and observations to be made (4) Bend radius or percent (%) elongation (5) Postweld thermal or mechanical processing treatments 1 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services ASTM E 190 Standard Method for Guided Bend Test for Ductility of Welds ASTM A370 Standard TestMethodsandDefinitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products AWS A2.4 Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing, and Nondestructive Examination AWS A3.0 Standard Welding Terms and Definitions AWS B4.OM:2000 T = specimen thickness t = thickness of test weldment W = specimen width The sources for these documents are the following: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Three Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 1O0 Barr Harbor Drive West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 6. Apparatus 6.1 Guided bend specimens may be tested in either of two types of fixture. One type is the guided bend fixture, which is designed to support and load the specimen in a three point bending mode. The alternate is a wraparound bend fixture that fixesone end of the specimen and uses a roller to force the specimen to bend around a mandrel. American Welding Society (AWS) 550 N.W. LeJeune Road Miami, FL 33126 6.2 The guided bend fixture shall have the dimensions given in Figures AI or A2. 3. Summary of Method 6.3 The wraparound bend fixture shall have the dimensions given in Figure A3. 3.1 The specimens are guided in the bending process by a test fixture that employs a mandrel with wraparound roller or end supports with plunger. 6.4 The radii of the plunger shown in Figures A l and A2 or the mandrel shown in Figure A3 shall be specified or determined from the relationship expressed by Figure A4 between minimum required elongation and the thickness of the specimen. When specimens wider than 38 mm are to be bent, the mandrel shall be at least 6 mm wider than the specimen width. 3.2 The maximum strain on the tension surface is controlled by the thickness of the specimen and the radius of the mandrel or plunger. 4. Significance 4.1 The ductility of a welded joint, as evidenced by its ability to resist tearing and the presence of discontinuities on the tension surface, is determined i n a guided 7. Specimens Bend test specimens shall be prepared by cutting the weld and the base metal to form a specimen rectangular in cross section. The surfaces cut transverse to the weld shall be designated as thesides of the specimen; the other two surfaces shall be designated as the face androot surfaces as appropriate. Transverse specimens may have the side, face or root of the weld as the tension surface. Longitudinal specimens may have the face or the root of the weld as the tension surface of the specimen. bend test. 4.2 Bend tests of weld cladding are used to detect incomplete fusion, tearing, delamination, macro-discontinuities and the effect of bead configuration. 5. Definitions and Symbols 7.1 Transverse Side Bend. The longitudinal axis of the specimen is perpendicular to the weld, and the specimen is bent so that one of the side surfaces becomes the ten- The welding symbols and terms used i n this section are i n accordance with the latest edition of AWS A2.4, Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing, and Nondestructive Examination, and AWS A3.0, Standard Welding Terms and Definitions. Unlessotherwisenoted,thefollowingdesignations are used: sion surface of the specimen. The sideshowing the more significant discontinuities (if any) shall be the tension side. Transverse side bend test specimens shall conform to Figure A5. Transverse side bend specimens are used for plates or pipe that are too thick for face bend or root bend specimens and are recommended for welds with narrow fusion zones. A = plunger or mandrel radius B = die radius ID = inside diameter L = test plate length R = radius S = surfacing weld thickness 7.2 Transverse Face Bend. The longitudinal axis of the specimen is perpendicular to the weld and the specimen is bent so that the weld face becomes the tension surface of the specimen. Transverse face bend specimens shall 2 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 (3) For bend fixtures with a bottom open (Figure Al), apply the load on the plunger until the specimen is bottom ejected. (4) Forbend fixtures with a bottom radius (Figure A2), the plunger shall force the specimen into the die until the specimen becomes U-shaped.The weld and heataffected zones shall be centered and completely within the bent portion of thespecimen after testing. conform to the requirements of Figure A6 for plate and Figure A7 for pipe welds. 7.3 Transverse Root Bend.The longitudinal axis of the specimen is perpendicular to the weld and the specimen is bent so that the root surface of the weld becomes the tension surface of the specimen. Transverse root bend specimens shall conform to the requirements of Figure A6 for plate and Figure A7 for pipe welds. 8.1.2 Longitudinal Specimens (1) Centerthetension side of the specimen onthe supporting surfaces of the bend fixture. (2) Proceed as described in 8.1.1 (2), (3), and (4) for Transverse Specimens. 7.4 Longitudinal Face Bend. The longitudinal axis of the specimen is parallel to the weld and the specimen is bent so that the face of the weld becomes the tension surface of the specimen. Longitudinal face bend specimens shall conform to the requirements of Figure A8. 8.2 Wraparound Bend Test Fixture.The specimen shall is no sliding of be firmly clamped on one end so that there the specimen relative to the mandrel during the bending operation. Alternatively, the specimen may be held stationary against a rotated, non-slipping mandrel of Diameter A by a stationary compressive roller. In this case the specimen is wrapped around the rotating mandrel by draw-bending the specimen from between theouter roller and the point where the rotating mandrel holds the specimen tight against the roller. The weld and heat-affected zones shall be completely within the bent portion of the specimen. Test specimens shall not be removed from the fixture until the point where the outer roller contacts the bend specimen has moved 180 degrees from its starting point along the convexsurface of the bend specimen. 7.5 Longitudinal Root Bend. The longitudinal axis of the specimen is parallel to the weld and the specimen is bent so that the root of the weldbecomes the tension surface of the specimen. Longitudinal root bend test specimens shall comply withthe requirements of Figure A8. 7.6 Fillet Weld Root Bend. The fillet weld root-bend test sample shall be welded and prepared as shown in Figure A9. The root of the weld shall be the tension surface of the specimen. The fillet weld root bend test is an alternate to the fillet weld break test in some codes and specifications (see Part B). 7.7 Surfacing Weld Specimens. The face bend and side bend specimens for surfacing weldsshall conform to the requirements of Figure Alo. The length of the specimens shall be perpendicular to the weld direction of transverse-bend specimens; the weld direction of the longitudinal bend specimens shall be parallel to the lengthof the specimen. 8.3 Specimen Inspection. The specimen shall be removed from the bend fixture and the tension surface of the specimen (weld metal and HAZ) visually examined for tears or other open defects, and all defect types, quantities, sizes and locations shall be recorded. When fracture of the weld specimen occurs prior to completing a 180 degree bend, the angle at which it fractured shall be recorded, if possible. The weld and heat-affected zone shall be centered and completely within the bent portion of the specimen after testing. 8. Procedure Unlessotherwise specified, thespecimen shall be tested at ambient temperature and deformation shall occur in a time period no shorter than 15 seconds and no longer than 2 minutes. If weld and heat-affected zone (HAZ) are not within the curved portion of the specimen, the specimen shall be discarded and another specimen prepared and tested. 9. Report In addition to the requirements of the applicable document, the report shall include the following: (1) Materials Identification (a) Base metal specification (b) Filler metal specification ( 2 ) Specimen thickness and width (3) Type of welded joint or surfacing weld (4) Welding Procedure Specifications and Procedure Qualification Record numbers (if applicable) including any supplemental information 8.1 Guided Bend Testing 8.1.1 Transverse Specimens (1) Place the tension side down on the supporting surface of the bend fixture shown in Figures Al or A2. The weld shall be centered in the fixture with the centerline of the weld within 2 mm of the center of the fixture. (2) Any means may be used for smoothly moving the plunger in relation to the support members of the bend fixture. 3 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 yield strength less than that of the base metal, yielding will begin in the weld first, resulting in a true bend radius less than that of the plunger. A smaller effective bend radius results in a more severe test of the deposited weld metal. On the other hand, when the deposited weld metal is stronger than the base metal, bending will begin in the HAZ and adjacent base metal, resulting in bending with a small radius at these points and little, if any, bending occurring in the weld metal. The obvious result of this situation is a more stringenttest of the HAZ. It is recommended that the wraparound fixture shown in Figure A3 be used in these situations or longitudinal bend specimens be used in place of the transverse guided bend specimens. Testing of welds in dissimilar metals (such as high tensile strength plate to ordinary structural grade steels) can produce similar effectsand result in invalid test results because of the tendency for the specimens to shift (slide sideways) during loading when using the fixtures shown in FiguresA l and A2. (5) Specific tests performed (6) Bend radius (7) Test temperature (8) Number of tests per conditionor lot (9) The following additionalinformationshouldbe included: Number, type, size and location of defects, if any (10) Bend angle, if specimen fractured prior to bending 180 degrees (1 1) Any observation of unusual characteristics of the specimens or procedure 10. Commentary Whentestingweldbend specimens havingsignificantly different tensile and yield strengths using the test fixture shown in Figures A l or A2, bending will not be uniformly distributed across the weld, HAZ, and base metal. For example, if the deposited weld metal has a 4 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services PLUNGER A SHOULDERS OR 7 T = SPECIMEN THICKNESS Notes: 1. Either hardened and greased shoulders or hardened rollers free to rotate shall be used. 2. The shoulder or rollers shall have a minimum bearing length of 50 mm for placementof the specimen. 3. The shoulders or rollers shall be highenough above the bottom of the fixtureso that the specimen will clear the shoulders or rollers when the plungeris in the l o w position. 4. The plunger shall be fitted with an appropriate base and provision for attachment to the testing machine and shall be designed to minimize deflectionor misalignment. 5. The shoulder or roller supports may be made adjustablein the horizontal direction so that specimens of various thickness may be tested in the same bend fixture. 6. The shoulder or roller supports shall be fitted to a base designed to maintain the shoulders or rollers centered and aligned with respect to the plunger, and minimize deflection or misalignment. 7 . The maximum plunger radius, A, shall be as specified or as determined from the formula or nomograph in Figure A4. Figure Al-'Qpical Bottom Ejecting Guided Bend Test Fixture 5 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services 4 AS REQUIRED I 1 NOTE 1 I I 2o L -PLUNGER- "l I II I 75 MIN R = 20 r I 1 ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS Fixture Dimensionsfor 20% Elongation of Weld mm Specimen Thickness, Plunger T Radius, Die ARadius, mm mm 20 32 10 2T T B A+T+2 Notes: 1. Tapped hole of appropriate size, or other suitable means for attaching plunger totesting machine. 2. Either hardened and greased shoulders or hardened rollers free to rotate shallbe used in die. 3. The plunger andits base shall be designed to minimize deflection and misalignment. 4. The plunger shall forcethe specimen into the die until the specimen becomes U-shaped. The weld and heat-affected zones shall be centered and completely within the bent portion of the specimen afler testing. 5. For a given specimen thickness, T, the maximum plunger radius, A, shall be as specifiedor as determined from the formulaor nomograph in Figure A4. For example,fixture dimensionsfor 20% elongation anda specimen thickness, T,of 10 mm: the plunger radius,A, is equal to 20mm and die radius,B, is equal to32 mm. 6 . Weld sizes indicated are recommendations. The actual size is the responsibility of the user to ensure rigidity and design adequacy. Figure AZ-Qpical Bottom Guided Bend Test Fixture 6 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services S T D - A W S B Y - O M - E N G L 2000 D 07842b5 0 5 1 9 b q 5 Yb5 AWS B4.OM:2000 T = SPECIMEN THICKNESS Notes: 1. Radius A shall be as specified, or as determined from the nomograph in Figure A4. Dimensions not shown are the option of the designer, of the components shall be 50 mm. except that the minimum width 2. It is essential to have adequate rigidityso that the bend fixture willnot deflect during testing. The specimen shall be firmly clampedon the bending operation. one endso that it does not slide during 3. Test specimens shallbe removed from the bend fixture when the roller has traversed 180"from the starting point. Figure &Typical Wraparound Guided Bend Test Fixture 7 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 O 5 10 E E ui 2 c3 a U n z W m 15 20 25 or use the following formula: x 100 e = T2A+T where: e = percent elongation at outer surface T = specimenthickness(mm) A = radius of curvature at the inside surface of the bend Notes: It is generally recommended that the specimen thickness for the bend tests be approximately 1O mm. However,the specimen thickness may be any value within the range given above as dictatedlhebymaterial thickness, available equipment, lhe or applicable specification. Required accuracyof measurement is as follows: (1) Specimen thickness: k0.5 mm (2)Elongation: t 1 percent (3) Bend radius: k1.6 mm Example: If a standard requires a minimum elongation of 20 percent and if the specimen is 10 mm thick, a line is drawn between 20 mm. these two points and extended to determine the appropriate bend radius which be would Figure A A B e n d Test Nomograph 8 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services IF THERMALLY CUT, NOT LESS THAN 3 mm SHALL BE MECHANICALLY REMOVED FROM THE EDGES R Ir"7- , \ h " " " " " " 1 \ "- L" I ""- I I -F 150MIN mm r------ I/"1 I j-- 3 mm R MAXL 6GR SPECIMEN I. r-"" \ I t I 7 I " 3 (*) S'NGLE-V-GRooVE WELD 1 -- - LL-Z """"""d I "- MACHINE THE MINIMUM AMOUNT NEEDED TO OBTAIN PLANE PARALLEL FACES (OPTIONAL) l WELD FACE WIDTH 7 mm R MAX " " " 20 mm MIN " " " I t \ \\\ \\ -"c- 4- l 150 mm MIN SEE NOTE 2 (B) DOUBLE-V-GROOVE WELD Notes: 1. If the thickness, t,of a single-groove weld joint exceeds 38 mm, the specimen may be cut into approximately equal strips between 20 mm be tested by bendingto the same radius as specified or as determined by the nomographin Figure A4. and 38 mm wide. Each strip shall 2. If the platethickness, t, of a double-groove weld joint exceeds 38 mm, the specimen may becut into multiple stripsso that therOat of the weld is centered in one of the strips as shown. Whenever possible it is recommended thatNote 1 to FigureA4 be followed regarding specimen thickness,T, with each specimen having a width exceeding its thickness. These strips shall beto bent the same radius as specified or as determinedby the nomograph in Figure A4. 3. The weld reinforcement and backing, any, if shall be mechanically removed flush with the specimen surface. For performance qualification, if sufficient materialis available, acceptable undercut shouldbe removed while maintaining specimen dimensions. be equal to or exceed the width of the remaining weld face width in order to test the weld HAZ and 4. The diameter of the test plunger should T, may be chosen in accordance with the nomograph in Figure A4. base metal.If this requirement cannot be met, a greater thickness, 5. All longitudinal surfaces should be no rougher than 4 micrometers R,. It is recommended that the lay of the surface roughness be oriented of the specimen. parallel to the longitudinal axis Figure AS-Ilansverse Side Bend Specimens (Plate) 9 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services I I > 10 mm 10 mm (A) FACE BEND SPECIMEN "c"'r c """" I " " " " \I 4- mm MIN ,51-1 (B) ROOT BEND SPECIMEN Notes: 1. The specimen edges may be thermally cut but, in this case, at least 3 mm of material shall be mechanically removed from the thermally cut surface. 2. For clad metals having an elongation requirement of at least 25 percent, the specimen thickness, T, may be reduced when using a A4. fixed bend-radius testing bend fixture. The specimen thickness shall be determined by the nomograph in Figure 3. If the weld joins base metals of different thicknesses, the specimen should be reduced to a constant thickness based on the thinner base metal. 4. The weld reinforcement and backing, if any, shall be mechanically removed flush with the specimen surface. For performance qualification, if sufficient material is available, acceptable undercut should be removed while maintaining specimen dimensions. 5. The diameter of the test plunger should be equal to or exceed the width of the remaining weld face. If this requirement cannot be met, a greater thickness,T, may be chosen in accordance with the nomograph in Figure A4. 6. All longitudinal surfaces should be no rougher than 4 micrometers R., It is recommended that the lay of the surface roughness be parallel to the longitudinal axis of the specimen. Figure A6-Transverse Face Bend and Root Bend Specimens (Plate) COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services ~~ S T D = A W S B4.0R-ENGL 2000 D 0 7 8 q 2 b 5 0517b49 O00 AWS 64,OM:2000 ,-3 mm R MAX (TYP) 150 mm MIN (A) FACE BEND SPECIMEN > 10mm 10 mm (B) ROOT BEND SPECIMEN Notes: 1. The specimen edges may be thermally cut but, in this case, at least3 mm of material shall be mechanically removed fromthe thermally cut surfaces. 2. If the weld joins base metalsof different thicknesses, the specimen should be reduced to a constant thickness based onthe thinner base metal. 3. The specimen width shall be 4T, except thatit shall notexceed ID/3 where ID is the inside diameterof the pipe. 4. The weld reinforcement and backing, if any, shall be mechanically removed flush with the specimen surface. If the back of the joint is recessed, this surface of the specimenmay be removed toa depth not exceeding the recess. For performance qualification, if sufficient material is available, acceptable undercut should be removed while maintaining specimen dimensions. 5. The diameter of the test plunger shouldbe equal toor exceed the weld width. If this requirement cannot be met, a greater thickness, T, may be chosen in accordance with the formula or nomograph in Figure A4. 6. All longitudinal surfaces should be no rougher 4 than micrometers R,. It is recommended that the lay of the surface roughness be oriented parallel tothe longitudinal axisof the specimen. Figure A7"kansverse Face Bend andRoot Bend Specimens (Pipe) 11 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 I 3 1 -ITt ROOT BEND Notes: 1. The specimen edges maybe thermally cut, but in this case, at least 3 mm of material shall be mechanically removed from the thermally cut surface. 2. If the weld joins base metalsof different thicknesses, the specimen shouldbe reduced to a constant thickness based on the thinner base metal. 3. Weld reinforcement and backing, if any, shall be mechanically removed flush with the surface of the specimen. For performance qualification, if sufficient material is available, acceptable undercut should be removed while maintaining specimen dimensions. 4. All longitudinal surfaces should be no rougher than4 micrometers R,. It is recommended that the lay the of surface roughness be oriented parallel tothe axis of the specimen. Figure A8”Longitudinal Face Bend and Root Bend Specimens (Plate) 12 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services S T D - A W S BII*OM-ENGL 2000 W 078'42b5 0539b53 7b7 = AWS B4.OM:2000 r 20 mm MIN mm MAX THE PORTION BETWEEN FILLET WELDSMAY BE WELDED IN ANY POSITION 10 mm MAXIMUM SIZE OF SINGLE-PASS FILLET WELD Notes: 1. The backing shall be1O mm by 50 mm minimum unless the test weld is to be inspected radiographically, in which case the backing bar shallbe 1O mm by 75 mm minimum. The backing barshall be in intimate contact with the base plate. 2. The test plate length L, shall be sufficient for the requirednumber of specimens. Specimens shallbe removed mechanically fromthe test plate. 3. The weld reinforcement and backing bar shall be removed mechanically, flush with the base plate. be no rougher than4 micrometers R., It is recommended thatthe lay ofthe surface roughness be oriented 4. All longitudinal surfaces should parallel withthe longitudinal axisof the specimen. Figure A9-Fillet Weld Root Bend TestSpecimen 13 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 t I I I I I I I I I I ,-3 mm R MAX I I I (B) SIDE BEND SPECIMEN Notes: i.The dimension,T, is the thicknessof the test specimen and shall be 1O mm unless otherwise specified. of the specimen shall be parallel to the welding direction. theFor transverse bend test, the 2. For the longitudinal bend test, the long axis long axis shallbe perpendicular to the weld direction length of the test specimen. 3. The amountof surfacing weld removed from the face-bend specimen surface shall be the minimum necessary a smooth to obtain surface. 3 mm. The minimum thicknessof surfacing weld after finishing shall be 4. All longitudinal surfaces should be no rougher than 4 micrometers R,. It is recommended that the lay of the surface roughnessbe oriented with the longitudinal axisof the specimen. Figure Alo-Surfacing Weld Face Bend and Side Bend Specimens 14 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS &.OM:2000 A2.Tension Tests ASTM B 557 Standard Methods Tension of Testing Wrought and Cast Aluminum, and Magnesium Alloy Products AWS A2.4 Standard Symbols Welding, for Brazing, and Nondestructive Examination AWS A3.0 Standard Welding Terms and Definitions 1. Scope 1.1 This section covers the tension testing of welded joints. 1.2 This standard doesnot specify required properties or acceptance criteria. 1.3 When this standard is used as a portion of a specification for a welded structure or assembly or for qualification, the following information shall be furnished: (1) The specific type(s) andnumber of specimens required (2) Base metal specification/identification (3) Filler material specification/identification (4) The anticipated property values and whether they are maximum or minimum requirements ( 5 ) Location and orientation of the specimens (6) Report form when required (7) Postweld thermal or mechanical processing treatments, as applicable The sourcesof these documents are the following: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Three Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 American Society for Testing andMaterials (ASTM) 1 O0 Barr Harbor Drive West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 American Welding Society (AWS) 550 N.W. LeJeune Road Miami, FL 33126 1.4 This standard is applicable to the following, when specified: (1) Qualification of materials and welding procedures where specified mechanical properties are required (2) Information, basis for acceptance andmanufacturing quality control where mechanical properties are requested (3) Research and development 3. Summary of Method Tension testing of welded joints is done by means of a calibrated testing machine and devices followingthe procedures described in Section 8. 1.5 Safety Precautions. Safety precautions shall conform to the latest edition of ANSI 249.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, published by the American Welding Society. Note: This standardmay involve hazardousmaterials, operutions, and equipment. The standard does not purport to address all of the safetyproblems associated with its use. I t is the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices. The user should determine the applicability of any regulatory limitations prior to use. 4. Significance 4.1 Tension tests provide information on the loadbearing capacities, joint design and ductility of welded joints. The data obtained from tension tests may include: ( 1 ) Ultimate tensile strength (2) Yield strength (3) Yield point if it occurs (4) Percent elongation (5) Percent reduction of area (6) Stress-strain diagram (7) Location and mode of fracture 2. Applicable Documents Reference should be made to the latest edition of the following documents: ANSVASME B46.1 Surface Texture ASTM EStandard 4 Practices for Load Verification of Testing Machines ASTM E 8 Standard Methods of Tension Testing of Metallic Materials 4.2 Tension tests provide quantitative data which can be compared and analyzed for use in the design and analysis of welded structures. Fracture surfaces may also provide information on the presence andeffects of discontinuities such as incomplete fusion, incomplete joint penetration, porosity, inclusions and cracking. 15 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services S T D * A W S B11mOM-ENGL 2000 07BL12b5 0519b511 1178 W AWS 84.0M:2000 3 mm from the fusion line along the bevel faces (see Figure Al 1). (2) Round Transverse Weld Specimen. The transverse weld specimen is used together with thebase metal or allweld-metal tension tests to evaluate joint efficiency. Only the ultimate tensile strength is normally determined for specimens taken transverseto the centerline of the weld. A = length of reduced section B = length of end section C = dimension of grip section D = diameter E = length of shoulder and fillet F = diameter of shoulder G = gage length ID = inner diameter OD = outer diameter L = overall length P = load R = radius of fillet T = specimen thickness t = thickness of test weldment W = specimen width 7.4 Rectangular Tension Test Specimen, Transverse and Longitudinal. The tension specimens for welded butt joints other than pipe or tubing shall be either transverse weld tension specimens or longitudinal weld tension specimens that comply with Figure A12 or A13. When thickness of the test weldment is beyond the capacity of the available test equipment, the weld shall be divided through its thickness into as many specimens as required to cover the full weld thickness and still maintain the specimen size within the test equipment capacity. Unless otherwise specified, the results of the partial thickness specimens shall be averaged to determine the properties of the full thickness joint. Only ultimate tensile strength is normally determined in specimens taken transverse to the centerline of the weld. 6. Apparatus The test shall be performed on a tensile testing machine in conformance with the requirements of ASTM E 8. The machine shall be calibrated in accordance with ASTM E 4. 7.5 Tubular Tension Test Specimen. Two types ofspecimens are used in determining the tensile properties of welded tubular products. For pipe or tubing larger than 75 mm nominal diameter, the reduced rectangular section specimen may be used. The full section specimen shall be used to test weld joints in pipe or tubing 75 mm or less nominal diameter and may be usedfor larger sizes subject to limitations of testing equipment. (1) GreaterThan 75 mmDiameter. The reduced rectangular-section specimen shall comply with Figure Al 4. (2) Less Than or Equal to 75 mm Diameter. The fullsection specimen shall comply with Figure A15. Only ultimate tensile strength is normally determined i n specimens taken transverse to the centerline of the weld. 7. Specimens 7.1 Test specimen type shall be specified by the applicable code, specification or fabrication document. It is recommended that test specimens which provide the largest cross-sectional area be tested within the capabilities of available test equipment. 7.2 Unless otherwise stated, specified specimens shall be tensile tested in the as-received condition. 7.3 Round Tension Test Specimens. Round tension specimens with a 4:l gage length to diameter ratio are shown in Figure A l 1. Round tension specimens with a 5:l gage length to diameter ratio are shown in Annex B. (1) RoundAll-Weld-MetalSpecimen. The all-weldmetal tension specimen is used for evaluation of the deposited weld metal ultimate tensile strength, yield strength, elongation and reduction in area. When base- 7.6 Preparation. Excessively deep machine cuts that will cause invalid test data or that leave tears in the surface of the finished dimensions shall be avoided. The surface finish on surfaces requiring machining shall be as specified in the specimen drawings. Imperfections present within the gage length due to welding shall not be removed. 16 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services S T D * A W S B4.OM-ENGL 2000 07842b5 0 5 1 9 b 5 5 30'4 - AWS B4.OM:2000 Percent Reduction of Area = 8. Procedure 8.1 The testing procedure for weld specimens shall be as specified in ASTM E 8. (Original Diameter)' - (Final Diameter) x 2 (Original Diameter) 8.2 Round Tension Specimens. Mechanical properties, namely ultimate tensile strength (UTS), yield strength at the specified offset,yield point if it occurs, elongation in a specified gage length and reduction of area are determined for round all-weld-metal tension specimens. If a yield point is reported, it shall have been determined in accordance with ASTM E 8. The minimum original diameter shall be used for all calculations. For round transverse weld tension specimens, only ultimate tensile strength is determined, unless otherwise specified. = 2 8.3 Rectangular Tension Tests (Figures A12, A13, A14). The ultimate tensile strength calculationfor rectangular tension test is the following: Ultimate Tensile Strength = Maximum Load - ~ ~ " I M U M ~ Original Area WxT Ultimate Tensile Strength = 8.4 'hbular Tension Tests. The ultimate tensile strength calculation for reduced section (Figure A14) is the same as shown in section 8.3. The ultimate tensile strength calculation for full section (Figure Als) is as follows: Maximum Load -- M MAXIMUM^ Original Cross SectionalArea Ultimate Tensile Strength = Yield Strength at Specified Offset = MaximumLoad OriginalArea Load at Specified Offset - P(specimomq Original Cross SectionalArea -- MAXIMUM) 0.7854 x ( 0 ~ID') ~ - 9. Report In addition to the requirements of applicable documents, the report shall include the following: (1) Base metal specification (2) Filler metal specification (3) Welding procedure (process and parameters) (4) Specimen type ( 5 ) Joint geometry (6) Location of fracture and type of failure (ductile or brittle) (7) Calculated ultimate tensile strength (8) Forround all-weld-metal specimen only: yield strength at the specified offset, yield point if it occurs, percent elongation in the specified gage length and percent reduction of area (9) Any observation of unusual characteristics of the specimens or procedure Yield Point = Maximum Load prior to Specified Offset = Original Cross SectionalArea h Percent Elongation = Final gage length - Original gage length x Original gage length = 17 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services N AWS B4.OM:2000 L 1 L SPECIMEN SPECIMEN 4 SPECIMEN 3 SPECIMEN 5 ~ Dimensions in mm* Specimen Specimen 1 2 Specimen 3 Specimen Specimen 4 5 G. Gage length D. Diameter (Note 1) 50.0 f 0.1 50.0 f 0.1 50.0 f 0.1 12.5 f 0.2 50.0 f 0.1 12.5 f 0.2 50.0 f 0.1 12.5 f 0.2 12.5 2 0.2 12.5 f 0.2 R. Radius of fillet, min 10 10 10 10 A. Length of reduced section 57 57 1O0 57 10 57 L. Overall length, approx 127 140 242 35 approx 13 approx 76 min C. Diameter of end section E. Length of shoulder andfillet section, approx 20 25 approx 20 140 19 approx 121 B. Length of end section (Note 2) 18 22 20 - 16.0 - 19 16 F. Diameter of shoulder - 16 15 - 16 Various types of ends for standard round tension test specimens Figure A l 1-Round Tensile Specimen&: 18 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services 1 Gage Length to Diameter SPECIMEN LOCATION1 SPECIMEN LOCATION7 Dimensions in mm* To Standard Specimen Standard Specimen Small-Size Specimens Proportional Nominal Diameter 12.5 9.0 6.5 4.0 3.0 G. Gage length 50.0 f 0.1 36.0 f 0.1 26.0 2 0.1 16.0 2 0.1 12.0 f 0.1 D. Diameter (Note 1) 12.5 2 0.2 9.0 f 0.1 6.5 2 0.1 4.0 2 0.1 3.0f 0.1 R. Radius6of fillet, min 10 5 4 2 A. Length of reduced section, min (Note2) 57 32 19 16 45 Standard 12.5 mm round tension test specimens with50 mm gage length and examplesof small size specimensproportionalto the standard specimen. *Rounded to the nearest0.5mm or 0.05 mm. Notes: 1. The reduced section may have a gradual taper from the ends toward the center with the ends not more than largerin diam1 percent eter than the center (controlling dimension). of any convenient gagelength. Ref2. If desired, the lengthof the reduced sectionmay be increased to accommodate an extensometer erence marks for the measurement of elongation should nevertheless be spaced at the indicated gage length. 3. The gage length and fillets shall be as shown but themay ends be of any formto fit the holders of the testing machinein such away that the load shall be axial. If the endsare to be held in wedge gripsit is desirable to make the length of the grip section great enough length of the grips. to allow the specimen to extend into the grips a distance equal to 2/3 of orthe more 4. The gage lengths are equal to 4 times the nominal diameter. In some product specifications, other specimens may be provided for but unless the4 to 1 ratiois maintained within dimensional tolerances, the elongation values may not be comparable with those obto 1a ratio of gage length to diameter (see tained from the standard test specimen. Note that most other metric based codes 5 use Annex 6). 5. The use of specimens smaller than6.5 mm diameter shall be restricted to cases when the material to be tested is of insufficient size to obtain larger specimens or when all parties agree to their use for acceptance testing. Smaller specimens require suitable equipment and greater skillin both machining and testing. 6. For transverse weld specimens, the weld shall be approximately centered between gage marks. 7. On specimen 5, it is desirable to make the length of the grip section sufficient to allow the specimen to extend into the grips a distance equal to2/3or mofe of the length of the grips. 8. Any standard thread size is permissible that provides for proper alignment and aids in assuring that the specimen will break within the reduced section. 9. The use of a fine series of thread is recommended for high-strength, brittle materials to avoid fracture in the threaded portion. 2 micrometers R,. 1O. Surface finish within the gage length shall be no rougher than Figure A l l (Continued)-Round Tensile Specimens"4:l Gage Length to Diameter 19 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services S T D = A W S B q e O M - E N G L 2000 0 7 8 9 2 b 5 0517b58 013 W AWS B4.OM:2000 THESE EDGES MAY BE THERMALLY CUT THIS SURFACE MACHINED, PREFERABLYBY MILLING 1 T I < 25 mm 2 25 mm I 38 0.3 mm 25 f 0.3 mm Notes: 1. Thin base metal being tested tends to tear and break near the shoulder. In such cases, dimension C shall be no greater than 1-1/3 times the widthof the reduced section. 2. Weld reinforcement and backing strip, if any, shall be removed flush with the surface of the specimen. 3. When the thickness, t, of the test weldmentis such thatit would not provide a specimen within the capacity limitationsof the available test equipment, the specimen shall be parted through its thickness into as many specimens as required. 4. The lengthof reduced sections shallbe equal to the width of the widest portionof weld, plus6 mm minimum on each side. 5. All surfaces in the reduced section should be no rougher than 4 micrometers R,. 6. Narrower widths (W and C)may be used when necessary.In such cases,the width of the reduced section shouldbe as large asthe width of the material being tested permits. the If width of the material is less than W, the sides may be parallel throughoutthe length of the specimen. Figure Al2”hansverse Rectangular Tension Test Specimen (Plate) 20 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services STD-AUS 84-0H-ENGL 2000 O7B112b5 0519b59 T 5 T AWS B4.OM:2000 THESE EDGES MAYBE THERMALLY CUT THIS SURFACE MACHINED, PREFERABLY BY MILLING 25 mm R MIN T I 5 If Dimensions in mm Specimen 1 Specimen 2 25 f 2 38 f 3 13 approx 20 approx 38 50 W =Width B = Width of weld Nominal C = Width of grip section Notes: 1. The weld reinforcement and backing,any, if shall be removed, flush with thesurface of the specimen. T, and its location within 2. The width of the weld may be varied to approximate112 W by selecting an appropriate specimen thickness, the weld. 3. The width.W, may be varied within reason to accommodate the width of the weldif it is not possible to meet the requirements of Note 2. 4. The grip sectionsof the specimen shall be symmetrical with the center ofline the reduced section, within3 mm. 4 micrometers R,. 5. All surfaces in the reduced section should be no rougher than 6. Narrower widths (W and C) may be used when necessary.In such cases, the width of the reduced section should be as large asthe If the width of the material is less than W, the sides may be parallel throughout the length width of the material being tested permits. of the specimen. Figure A13"Longitudinal Rectangular Tension Test Specimens (Plate) 21 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 " " FOR UNEQUAL WALL THICKNESSES, MACHINE THE MINIMUM AMOUNT NEEDED TO OBTAIN PLANE PARALLEL SURFACES OVER THE REDUCED SECTION WELD TO BE APPROXIMATELY CENTER OF REDUCED SECTION T L 4k i f7 THESE EDGES MAY BE THERMALLY CUT FOR ALTERNATE SPECIMEN, MACHINE THE MINIMUM AMOUNT NECESSARY TO OBTAIN PARALLEL FACES OVER THE REDUCED SECTION THIS SURFACE MACHINED, PERFERABLY BY MILLING Dimensions in mm No. Specimen 13 A W C 1 f 0.4 5720 approx 2 20 f 0.8 25 approx 3 25 f 0.6 5738 approx 4 38 f 3 50 approx 57 113 113 57 113 225 Notes: 1. The weld reinforcement and backing, any, if shall be removed flush with the specimen. 2. Alternate specimen shall not be used for nominal wall thickness less than 10 mm. 3. Only grip sections of the specimenmay be flattened. 4. In the case of full wall thickness specimens, cross-sectional area may be calculated by multiplyingW and t (t= T). 5. T is the thickness of the test specimen as provided for in the applicable specification. 6. The reduced section shallbe parallel within0.3 mm and may have a gradual taper in width from the ends toward the center with the ends not more than 0.3 mm wider than the center, 7. The grip sectionof the specimen shallbe symmetrical withthe center line of the reduced section within mm. 3 8. All surfaces in the reduced section should be no rougher than 4 micrometers R,. 9. Narrower widths (W and C) may be used when necessary. In such cases, the width of the reduced section should be as large asthe W, the sides may be parallel throughout the length width of the material being tested permits. If the width of the material is less than of the specimen. Figure Al4-Tension Specimens for Pipe Greater than75 mm Nominal Diameter 22 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services S T D * A W S B 4 - O M - E N G L 2000 07842b5 0 5 L 7 b b L h08 = AWS B4.OM:2000 WELD REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE RETAINED UNLESS THE APPLICABLE CODE OR SPECIFICATION CALLS FOR MACHINING FLUSH WITH BASE METAL 2D,I TD MIN .V-JAWS \ OF TESTING MACHINE - -/- L I PLUG D = INSIDE DIAMETER OF PIPE Figure A15-Tension Specimen for Pipe 75 mm Nominal Diameter and Less 23 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS 64.OM:2000 A3.Fracture Toughness Tests 2. Applicable Documents 1. Scope Reference should be made to the latest edition of the following documents. Only metric units in the applicable documents shall be used. 1.1 This section covers the fracture toughness testing of welds. Methods include the Charpy V-Notch (C,), the Dynamic Tear (DT), the Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness (KI=) and the Drop Weight Nil-Ductility Temperature (DWNDT) Tests. ANSUASME B46.1 Surface Texture 1.2 When a fracture toughness test is required, the preparation of the weld, the test specimen and the test methods shall conform to this standard. 1.3 This standard is applicable to the following when specified: (1) For qualification of materials, welding procedures and welding personnel where aspecified level of fracture toughness is required. (2) For information, specification of acceptance and manufacturing quality control where a minimum criterion for fracture toughness is requested. Detailed discussion of the selection of test method and a specified minimum value in a specific case is beyond the scope of this standard. (3) Research and development. 1.4 When this standard is used the following information shall be furnished: (1) The specific types andnumberof specimens required. (2) Base metal specifications/identification (3) Filler material specification/identification (4) The anticipated property values and whether they are maximum or minimum requirements (5) Locationand orientation of thespecimenand notch ( 6 ) Joint geometry (7) Test temperature (8) Postweld thermal or mechanical treatments Standard Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials ASTM E 208 Standard Method for Conducting Drop-Weight Test to Determine Nil-Ductility Transition Temperature of Ferritic Steels ASTM A 370 Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products ASTM399 E Test Method for Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness of Metallic Materials ASTM E 604 Standard Test Method for Dynamic Tear Testing of Metallic Materials Standard ASTM E 616 Terminology Relating to Fracture Testing AWS A2.4 Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing, and Nondestructive Examination AWS A3.0 Standard Welding Terms and Definitions The sourcesfor these documents are the following: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Three Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 American Society for Testing andMaterials (ASTM) 100 Barr Harbor Drive West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 American Welding Society (AWS) 550 N.W. LeJeune Road Miami, FL 33126 1.5 Safety Precautions. Safety precautions shall conform to the latest edition of ANSI 249.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, published by the American Welding Society. 3. Summary of Method Note: This standard may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. The standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices. The user should determine the applicability of any regulatory limitations prior touse. 3.1 The method selected for fracture toughness testing shall be that required in the specification of a material, fabrication document or as otherwise specified. 3.2 Specimens shall be removed from a weldment so that the results of the test are representative of the structural performance of the weldjoint. 24 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services ASTM E 23 S T D * A W S BqIOM-ENGL 2000 078'42b5 0519bb3 V60 AWS B4.0M:2000 4. Significance 4.1 Fracture toughness testing provides a measure of resistance to crack initiation or propagation or both. 4.2 The welding process and welding procedure have a significant effect on the mechanical properties of a weld joint. If the fracture toughness of a weld joint sample is to be representative of its structural performance, the same weldingprocess, procedure, and weld cooling rates as a function of distance and thicknessmust be used for the sample and the structure. test specimens shall be located as close to the weld face as possible to provide maximum weld metal area in groove joints. A higher integrated toughness energy, which indicates the unsafe lower intrinsic fracture toughness of the weld metal, may be obtained when the fracture surface involves weld metal, HAZ, and base metal. 7.5 When an evaluation of the base metalor HA2or both is required, the locationof the notch shall be Specified. 8. Procedure Test specimen preparation and testprocedure for measuring the fracture toughness of a weldment shall be in accordance with the following ASTM standard methods: (1) Charpy V-notch, E 23, except that values upto and including 100% of the testing machine capacity shall be accepted and reported as fracture energy if the specimen breaks. The full machine capacity followedby a plus sign, (+), shall be reported if the specimen is not broken. All these results may be used to calculate the average energy absorbed provided the minimum average required for acceptance is within the verified rangeof the machine. (2) Dynamic Tear, E 604 (3) Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness, E 399 (4) Drop-WeightNil-Ductility Transition Temperature, E 208 5. Definitions and Symbols The welding symbols and terms used in this section are in accordance with the latest editions of AWS A2.4, Standard Symbolsfor Welding, Brazing, and Nondestructive Examination, and AWS A3.0, Standard Welding Terms andDefinitions. 6. Apparatus Theapparatus for conducting the various fracture toughness tests shall be in accordance with the following ASTM Standard Methods: (1) Charpy V-notch, E 23 (2) Dynamic Tear, E 604 (3) Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness, E 399 (4) Drop-WeightNil-Ductility Transition Temperature, E 208 9. Report 9.1 In addition to the requirements of applicable documents, the report shall include the following: (1) Base metal specification (2) Filler metal specification (3) Welding procedure (processand parameters) (4) Joint geometry ( 5 ) Specimen type (6) Specimen location, crackplane orientation and machined notch position (7) Type of testequipment (8) Fracture appearance and location (9) Test temperature (10) Energy absorbed (if applicable) (11) Any observation of unusual characteristics of the specimens or procedure 7. Specimens 7.1 Sufficient information shall be provided to properly locate specimens and weld joint. For specimens removed from double bevel groove welds, the identification shall include a reference with respect to theside of the weld. 7.2 Test specimens shall not contain metal that has been affected thermally as a result of cutting or preparation. 7.3 Unless otherwise specified, the nominal dimensions, orientation and notch location of specimens shall be that shown in Figures A16 through A21 respectively. Working drawings are provided in the referenced documents. 7.4 Unless otherwise specified, the weld metal width to specimen thickness relationship for the compact tension specimen shall be as shown in Figure A22. Weld metal 9.2 Testdata should berecordedona Sheet similar to Figure A23. 25 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services Test Results AWS B4.OM:2000 Ga 0.25 mm R NOTCH OF i" 4504 NOTE-Dimensional Tolerances shall be as follows: Notch length to edge Adjacent sides shall be at Cross-section dimensions Length of specimen (L) Centering of notch (U2) Angle of notch Radius of notch Notch depth Finish requirements 90"2 2" 90"2 1O minutes 20.075 mm +O, -2.5 mm 21 mm f1° 20.025 mm 20.025 mm 4 micrometers R, on other two surfaces 2 micrometers R, on notched surface and opposite face; Figure AlGCharpy V-Notch Impact Specimen 26 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services S T D - A W S B 4 - O M - E N G L 2000 07842b5 0 5 1 9 b b 5 253 AWS B4.OM:2000 STRIKER TUP 12.7 mm i 0.8 mm J 1 6 m m * 1 mm /- ./-"=-J 181 mm i 3 mm I T' PREPARATION NOTCH AS SPECIFIED IN REFERENCE DOCUMENT 41 m m * 2 m m / 12.7 m m b 165.0 mm 0.8 mm i 0.8 mm R 4 SUPPORT Figure A17-Dynamic Tear Test Specimen, Anvil Supports, and Striker Thp 27 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 0.25W 0.005W DIA. 2 HOLES 7 t NOTE 4 7 %F-t 0.275W i O. 005W T A .c I +I 0.275W i 0.005W + i-.“‘ ‘B Bs O6 I 1.25W f 0.01OW 1. Dimensions a, B, and W are to be determined in accordance with ASTM E 399. 2. Surfaces marked A shall be perpendicular and parallel as applicable to within 0.002W total indicator reading(TIR). 3. The intersectionof the crack starter tips with the two specimen faces shall be equally distant from the top and bottom edgesof the specimen within0.005W. 4. Integral or attachable knife edges for gage clip attachment to the crack mouth may be used. 5. Additional specimen configurationsmy be foundin ASTM E 399. 6. The notch should be positioned in the area of the weld to be investigated. The positionof the machined notch shall be recorded. Figure AlS-Compact Tension Fracture Toughness Specimen 28 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services STDaAWS BII=OM-ENGL 2000 078'42b5 05L9bb7 02b AWS B4.OM:2000 4 1.6 mm MAX i A 13 mm L ~~ ~ Dimensions in mm P-1 Specimen 16 20 125 L, Length W, Width DL,Deposit length (approximate) 45 T, Thickness P-2 Specimen Specimen P-3 25 360 125 88 50 64 45 50 Figure Al-tandard Drop Weight Nil-Ductility Temperature Test Specimen 29 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services W AWS B4.OM:2000 Figure A2GOrientation of Weld Metal Fracture Toughness Specimens in a Double-Groove Weld Thick Section Weldment TWO-LETTER CODE FOR SPECIMEN DESIGNATION 'FIRST LETTER DESIGNATES THE DIRECTION NORMAL TO CRACK PLANE S = SHORTTRANSVERSE DIRECTION WIDTH)(WELD THICKNESS) (WELD T = LONG TRANSVERSE DIRECTION 'SECOND LETTER DESIGNATES THE EXPECTED DIRECTION OF CRACK PLANE Figure A21-Crack Plane Orientation Code for Compact Tension Specimens fromWelded Plate 30 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services STDmAWS B4.0M-ENGL 2000 07842b5 0519bb9 9T9 AWS B4.OM:2000 I OF SPECIMEN, NOTCH, AND WELD METAL I I B MIN 4 I- B MIN = T Figure A22-Recommended Ratio of Weld Metal to Specimen Thickness for Weld-Metal Fracture Toughness Specimen (Compact Tension Specimen) 31 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services DROP WEIGHT TEST RESULTS To: Date: Specimen No. Type of Steel: Heat Treatment: Orientation/Location: Specimen Type: Test Temperature: Results of Test: Specimen Results 1 n c n 5 4 Reported by: Figure A23"Suggested Data Sheet for Drop Weight Test 32 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services STDDAWS B4.0M-ENGL 078112b5 0519b7L 5 5 7 W 2000 AWS B4.OM:2000 Part B Testing of Fillet Welds B1. LongitudinalGuided-BendTest 2. ApplicableDocuments (See Part Al, section 7.6, FilletWeldRootBendTest.)Reference should bemadetothelatest following documents: edition ofthe ANSVASME B46.1 Surface Texture 1. Scope AWS A2.4 1.1 This section covers the bend testing of fillet welds. standard The gives the requirements for guided Examination test bend specimen preparation, test parameters and testing procedures, but does not specify the requirements or acceptance criteria. Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing, and Nondestructive AWS A3.0 Standard Welding Terms and Definitions The source forthese documents is the following: 1.2 The base materials may be homogenous, clad or otherwise surfaced, except for hardfacing. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Three Park Avenue 1.3 This standard is applicable to the following, where 10016 specified: NY York, New (1) Qualification of materials, welding personnel,andAmericanWelding Society (AWS) procedures welding 550 Road N.W. LeJeune (2) Information, specifications of acceptance, manuMiami, FL 33126 facturing qualjty control (3) Research and development 1.4 When this standard is used, the following informa3. Summary of Method tion shall be furnished: (1) Thetype ofdatarequiredand observations to beLongitudinalfilletweld specimens are guided in the made process bending test by a bend fixture thatend employs (2) Bend radius required or percent (%) elongationsupports and a plunger. (3) Postweld thermal or mechanical processing treatments, as applicable 1.5 SafetyPrecautions. Safetyprecautionsshallconform to the latest edition of ANSI 249.1, Safety in Welding,Cutting,andAlliedProcesses, published by theThe American Welding Society. resist ability to Note: This standard mayinvolvehazardous materials, operations, and equipment. The standard does not purport to address all ofthe safety problems associatedwith its use. It is the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices. The user should .~ determine the applicability of any regulatory limitations prior touse. ductility of thewelded joint, as evidenced by its failurethe and presence of defects theon tension surface, is determined in the longitudinal fillet weldguided-bendtest. 5. Definitions and Symbols The welding symbols and terms used in this standard shall be i n accordance with the latest edition of AWS 33 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services 4. Significance STDOAWS B4.OM-ENGL 2000 = 0 7 8 4 2 b 5 0 5 1 9 b 7 2 493 D AWS B4.OM:2000 A2.4, Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing, and Nondestructive Examination, and AWS A3.0, Standard Welding Terms andDefinitions. 8. Procedure 6. Apparatus 8.2 The specimen is to be positioned in the bend fixture as shown in Figure B1 and a force applied sufficient to cause bending. 8.1 Unless otherwise specified, the specimens shall be tested at ambient temperature and deformation shall occur in a time period no shorter than one half minute and no longer than two minutes. 6.1 Longitudinal fillet weld guided bend specimens are to be tested in a guided bendtest fixture designed to support and load the specimen in a three point bending mode. 9. Report In addition to therequirements of applicable documents the report shall include the following: (1) Base metal specification (2) Filler metal specification (3) Test temperature (4) Number of tests (5) Number, type, size and location of discontinuities noted, if any (6) Bend angle if specimen fractures prior to bending to 180 degrees 6.2 The fixture shall have the dimensions shown i n Figure B1. 7. Specimens Longitudinal fillet weld bend test specimens are prepared by making two fillet welds on a T-joint and machining the specimens as shown in Figure B1. 34 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services STDmAWS B4.OM-ENGL 2000 07842b5 05119b73 32T m AWS B4.OM:2000 60 mm DIA. 38 mm DIA. /+ r /- DISCARD THIS SURFACE MACHINED, PREFERABLY BY MILLING Notes: 1. Mandrel diameter shown is for a maximum 20 mm thick specimen. 2. Other thicknessesof bottom plate and fillet weld leg size may be utilized, provided the mandrel diameter does not exceed 3 times the specimen thickness. In these cases, the support clearance should be the mandrel diameterplus twice the specimen thickness plus 6 mm. 3. Surface finishof the tension surface should be no rougher than 4 micrometers R,. 4. Fillet weld size(s) should be 8 mm to 13 mm. Figure B1-Longitudinal Guided Fillet Weld Bend Test 35 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS 64.OM:2000 3. Summary of Method B2. Soundness Tests 1. Scope One leg of a T-joint is bent upon the other so as to place the root of the weld in tension. The load is maintained until the legs of the joint come into contact with each other or the joint fractures. 1.1 This section covers the fillet weld soundness test procedures, test parameters, and methods of obtaining data and the observations usually required, but does not specify the requirements or acceptance criteria. When this standard is used as a portion of a standard or detail specification, the following information should be furnished: (1) The specific tests and the number of specimens that are required (2) Specific orientation of specimens within the weld sample (3) The type of data required and observations to be made (4) The limiting numerical values (5) The interpretation,if any, of the dataand observations 4. Significance The purpose of this test is to determine the soundness of fillet welded joints. This test is qualitative in nature with acceptance determined by the extent and nature of any flaws present. 5. Definitions and Symbols 1.2 Safety Precautions Safety precautions shall conform to the latest edition of ANSI 249.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, published by the American Welding Society. The welding symbols and terms used in this section are in accordance with the latest editions of AWS A2.4, Standard Symbolsfor Welding, Brazing, andNondestructive Examination, and AWS A3.0, Standard Welding Terms andDefinitions. Note: This standard may involve hazardousmaterials, operations, and equipment. The standard does not purport to addressall of the safety problems associatedwith its use. It is the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices. The user should determine the applicability of any regulatory limitations prior to use. 2. Applicable Documents Reference should be made to the latest edition of the following documents: J ANSVASME B46.1 Surface Texture SIZE OF SINGLE FILLET WELD AWS A2.4 Standard Symbols Welding, for Brazing, and Nondestructive Examination AWS A3.0 Unless otherwise noted,the are used: Standard Welding Terms and Definitions followingdesignations S = Maximum size single pass fillet to be used production. t = Plate thickness The sourcesfor these documents are the following: in American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Three Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 6. Apparatus American Welding Society (AWS) 550 N.W. LeJeune Road Miami, FL 33126 Apparatus used shall be capable of firmly holding the specimen and applying the required force. 36 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services STDOAWS B q * O M - E N G L 2 0 0 0 07842b5 0519b75 I T 2 AWS B4.OM:2000 7. Specimens 7.6 Fillet Weld Nick-Break Test. See Part Cl. 7.1 Fillet Weld Break Procedure Qualification. The uncoated fillet weld break specimenshall be welded and prepared for the test shown in Figure B2. The weld shall meet the as-welded visual inspection requirements of the applicable codeor standard. 8. Procedure A force as shown in Figure B7 or other forces causing the root of the weld to be in tension shall be applied to the specimen. The load shall be increased until the specimen fractures or bendsflat upon itself. If the specimen fractures, the fracture surfaces shall be examined visually to the criteria of the applicable standard. 7.2 Fillet Weld Break: Primer Coated Procedure Qualification. The fillet weld break specimen shall be welded overprimer-coated material and prepared for test as shown in Figure B3. The weld shall present a reasonably uniform appearance and shall meet the visual inspection requirementsof the applicable code orstandard. 7.3 Fillet Weld Break Galvanized Procedure Qualification. The fillet weld break specimen shall be welded over galvanized material and preparedfor test as shown in Figure B4. The weld shall present a reasonably uniform appearance and shall meet the visual inspection requirements of the applicable code orstandard. 9. Report In addition to requirements of the applicable documents, the report shall include the following: (1) Basemetal specification and appliedcoating specification (2) Filler metal specification (3) Fillet weld size (4) Welding procedure (processand parameters) (5) Specimen type (6) Fracture appearance (7)Number, type, size and locations of visible inclusions or discbntinuities (8) Any observation of unusual characteristics of the specimens or procedure 7.4 Fillet Weld Break Welder Qualification.The fillet weld break specimen for welder qualification shall be welded and prepared as shown in Figure B5. The weld shall meet the visual requirements of the applicable code or standard. 7.5 Fillet Break Tack Welder Qualification. The uncoated fillet weld break specimen for tack welder performance qualification shall be welded and prepared for test as shown in Figure 86. The weld shall present a reasonably uniform appearance and shall meet the visual inspection requirementsof the applicable code orstandard. 37 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 f DlSCARD BEND THIS WAY TOFRACTURE P l 7 - Notes: 1. Positions qualified shall be in accordance with applicable code or standard. 2. Test assembly maybe cut into shorter lengths after welding to facilitate testing. 3. Plate thickness,t, shall be maximum used in production or 10 mm, whichever is less. in production. 4. Weld size, S,shall be maximum single pass fillet weld to be used Figure B2-Fillet Weld Break Specimen for Procedure Qualification ,-GEE NOTE 3 BEND THIS WAY TO FRACTURE 900 m m MIN Notes: 1. Base plate shouldbe same grade and specification material as that used in production. 2. Base plate shallbe primer coatedto maximum thickness which willbe applied in production. be removed by gouging or mechanical means andthe second side shallbe tested. 3. The first side weld shall 4. Although entire900 mm length is to be tested, the test assembly maybe cut into shorter lengths after welding to facilitate fracturing for examination. 5. Plate thickness,1, shall be maximum usedin productionor 10 mm, whichever is less. 6. Weld size, S, shall be maximum single pass fillet weld to be used in production. Figure B3-Fillet Weld Break Specimen for Primer Coated Materials 38 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services STD-AWS BII*OM-ENGL 2000 078q2b5 0517b77 T 7 5 AWS B4.OM:2000 V \ { : ! /- DlSCARD ‘1IBEND THIS WAY TO FRACTURE t + 75m1îMI; 900 mm MIN L 1 0 0 mm MIN 4 Notes: 1. Plate thickness, t, shall be maximum used in production or 1O mm, whichever isless. 2. Weld size, S, shall be maximum single pass filletweld to be usedin production. faciliate fracturing 3. Although entire 900 mm length is to be tested, the test assembly maybe cut into shorter lengths after welding to for examination. 4. Galvanized plating shallbe the same grade, specification, and maximum thickness as that used in production. Figure BAFillet Weld Break Specimen for Galvanized Materials DISCARD , T ~ E NOTE 1 / I i-”.. BEND THIS WAY TOFRACTURE I I 2 5 m m A ~ I 1 5 0 m l m k 2 5 ~m m t Notes: 1. Stop and restart near center. 2. Unless otherwise specified, specimen thickness and dimensions are minimum. 3. Weld size, S, shall be maximum single-pass fillet weld to be usedin production. Figure BS-Fillet Weld Break Specimen for Welder Qualification 39 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 i -t + 13 mm BEND THIS WAY TO FRACTURE F 7 100 mm 25 mmk-50 m m 4 I 1 100 mm t13mm ALL DIMENSIONS ARE MINIMA Figure BGFillet Weld Break Specimen for Tack Welder Qualification BREAKING FORCE Figure B7-Method of Testing Fillet Weld Break Specimen 40 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 B3. Shear Tests 1. Scope 1.1 This section covers fillet weld plate. shear tests of welds in 1.2 When a fillet weld shear test is required, the preparation of the test specimens and the testing procedure shall conform to this standard. AWS A2.4 Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing, and Nondestructive Examination AWS A3.0 Standard Welding Terms and Definitions AWS A4.3 Standard Methods for Determination of the Diffusible Hydrogen Content of Martensitic, Bainitic, and Ferritic Steel Weld Metal Produced by Arc Welding 1.3 This standard does not specify requirements oracceptance criteria. 1.4 This standard is applicable to the following when specified: (1) Qualification of welding personnel and welding procedures (2) Information, basis for inspection and fabrication quality control when acceptance criteria have been established (3) Research and development 1.5 When this standard is used, the following information shall be furnished: (1) Welding process used (2) The specified type of test andthe number of specimens that are required (3) Base metal specification/identificationand thickness (4) Position(s) of welding (5) Filler metal specification/identifi~tion and diameter (6) Report form including type of data and observations to be made (7) Acceptance criteria The sourcesfor these documents are the following: American Welding Society (AWS) 550 N.W. LeJeune Road Miami, FL 33126 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 100 Barr Harbor Drive West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 3. Summary of Method The fillet weld shear test places a tensile load on a specimen prepared so that the fillet welds fail in shear. 4. Significance 4.1 Fillet weld shear tests provide information on the load bearing capacitiesand joint efficiencies of welded joints. The data obtained from fillet weld shear tests may include: (1) Unit shear load (2) Shear strength (3) Location and mode offracture 1.6 Safety Precautions. Safety precautions shall conform to the latest edition of ANSI Z49.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, published by the American Welding Society. Note: This standardmay involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. The standarddoes not purport to address all of the safety problems associatedwith its use. It is the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices. The user should determine the applicabilityof any regulatory limitations prior to use. 4.2 Fillet weld shear tests provide quantitative data which can be compared, analyzed and used in the design and analysis of welded structures. Fracture surfacesmay also provide information on the presence and effects of discontinuities such as lack of fusion/penetration, porosity, inclusions, and cracking. The weld shearing strength is reported as (1) load per unit length of weld, and (2) shear stress on the throat of the weld. 2. Applicable Documents Reference should be made to the latest edition of the following documents: ASTM E 4 Standard Practices for Load Verification of TestingMachines ASTM E 8 Standard Methods of Tension Testing of Metallic Materials 5. Definitions and Symbols The welding symbols and terms used in this section are in accordance with the latest edition of AWS A2.4, Standard Symbolsfor Welding, Brazing, and Nondestructive Examination, and AWS A3.0, Standard Welding Terms andDefinitions. 41 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 6. Apparatus 8.2 The specimen shall be positioned in the testing machine so that the tensile load is applied parallel to the longitudinal axis of the specimen. The test shall be performed on a tensile machine in conformance with ASTM E 8. The machine shall becalibrated in accordance with ASTM E 4. 8.3 The specimen shall be loaded in tension until the welds are sheared. 8.4 A test shall be considered invalid if the specimen fails in the base metal, and an additional test specimen shall be prepared and tested. 7. Specimens 7.1 Longitudinal Shear Strength Specimen.The specimen shall be welded as shown in Figure B8 and inspected visually. The surface contour and size of the fillet welds shall be in accordance with the applicable standardor other specified acceptance criteria. The specimen shall be machined before testing as shown in Figure B8. 8.5 Unit shear load i n terms of load per unit length of weld is determined by dividing the maximum load by the total length of weld sheared. 8.6 Shear strength i n force per unit area acting on the throat of the fillet weld is determined by dividing the unit shear load by the average theoretical throat dimensions of the welds that sheared, A more accurate shear strength 7.2 Transverse Shear Strength Specimen. The specimen shall be prepared as shown i n Figure B9 and inspected visually. The surface contour and sizeof the fillet welds shall be in accordance with the applicable standard or other specified acceptance criteria. Wider plates may be used to obtain multiple specimens. When multiple specimens are prepared from a single welded assembly, the results for each individual specimen are to be reported. may be determined by dividing the shear load per unit length by the average actual throat dimensions of the welds sheared. 8.7 Eccentric loading during testing will make the speci- men more sensitive to certain defects such as weld discontinuities at the ends of the fillet welds. 7.3 Preparation. The data obtained from a fillet weld shear strength specimen may be affected by certain preparation and testing variables. For the transverse specimen, the gap between the lapped plates should be minimized to avoid magnification of stresses at the root of the weld which would lower the observed strength of the weldment. Nonuniformity of fillet weld contour will affect the test values. The specimen is also sensitive to any underbead cracking or undercut. 9. Report In addition to the requirements of the applicable standard or other user specified requirements the report should indicate the following: (1) Specimen identification (2) Welding procedure numberor identification (3) Specimen type (longitudinal or transverse) (4) Unit shear load ( 5 ) Shear strength (6) Location of fracture (7) Actual throat dimensions, if measured and weld lengths (8) Any observation of unusual characteristics of the specimen, fracture surfaces orprocedure 8. Procedure Shear strength is derived using formulas from Figure B10. 8.1 The length of weld and average leg dimension of each weld shall be measured and reported. The theoretical throat is calculated from these dimensions. 42 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services I I k- I I I I W 50mm 200 mm MIN 200 mm MIN-4 113 mm 56mmí2mm 56mrn*2mrn I I I I (A) BEFORE MACHINING Dimensions in mm S. Size of weld 3 10 6 10 13 1, Thickness 13 20 25 T, Thickness W, Width 10 20 25 31 75 75 75 88 NOTE 1 3 8 r n m i 2 m m H ~ ~ 3 8 r n m r 2 m m I UI I 111 I I NOTE 2 (B) AFTER MACHINING Notes: 1. Slot machined through root of test fillet weld. 2. Depth of machined notch shall extend through thickness of lap plate. Figure B&--Longitudinal Fillet Weld Shear Specimen 43 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 MACHINE CUT ALONG THESE LINE- DISCARD7 225 mm-4 , , ; i -225 T = SPECIFIED SIZE OF FILLET WELD(S)PLUS AT LEAST 3 mm S S I I I I S T = SPECIFIED SIZE OF FILLET WELD(S) PLUS AT LEAST 3 mm 50 m m í2mm 2T S Figure B9"I'ransverse Fillet WeldShear Specimen 1 J THEORETICAL THROAT CONVEX THEORETICAL THROAT CONCAVE P Ox a where: P = P = a = t = load total length of filletweldsheared theoreticalthroatdimension shearstrength of weld Figure! B10-Shear Strength Calculation 44 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services J THEORETICAL THROAT UNEQUAL LEG Part C Testing of Groove and Fillet Welds Cl. Nick-Break Test Note: This standard mayinvolve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. The standard does not purport toaddress allof the safety problems associatedwith its use. I t is the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices. The user should determine the applicability of any regulatory limitations prior io use. 1. Scope 1.1 This section covers nick-break testing of welds in pipe or plate. 1.2 When anick-break test is required, the preparation of the test specimens and the testing procedures shall conform to this standard. 2. Applicable Documents 1.3 This standard does not specify requirements or acceptance criteria. Reference should be made to the latest edition of the following documents: 1.4 This standard is applicable to the following when specified: (1) Qualification of materials, welding personnel and welding procedures (2) Information, basis for inspection and fabrication quality control when acceptance criteria have been established (3) Research and development AWS A2.4 Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing, and Nondestructive Examination AWS A3.0 Standard Welding Terms and Definitions AWS D10.12 Recommended Practices and Procedures for Welding LowCarbon Steel Pipe API 1104 Welding of Pipelines Reand lated Facilities 1.5 When thiistandard is used, the following information shall be furnished: (1) Welding process used (2) The specific tests and the number of specimens that are required (3) Base metal specification/identification (4) Position of welding ( 5 ) Filler metal specification/identification (when used) (6) Location and orientation of the specimens (7) Whether external weldreinforcement is tobe notched (8) Manner of breaking specimen (9) Report form including type of data and observations to be made (10) Acceptance criteria The sourcesfor these documents are the following: 1.6 Safety Precautions. Safety precautions shall conform to the latest edition of ANSI 249.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, published by the American Welding Society. 3. Summary of Method API RP Recommended Pipe Line Maintenance Welding Practices American Welding Society (AWS) 550 N.W. LeJeune Road Miami, FL 33126 American Petroleum Institute (API) 1220 LStreet, Northwest Washington, DC 20005 3.1 The specimen is fractured by one of three methods: 45 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services 1107 AWS B4.OM:2000 (1) Specimens are broken by supporting the ends and striking one side in the center with a hammer or by supporting oneend and striking the other with a hammer. (2) Specimens are loaded in tension on a testing machine until fracture occurs. (3) Specimens are broken by supporting the ends and applying aload at the center of the opposite side. 4. Significance 4.1 The nick-break test is used to evaluate the proper technique and welding parameters necessary to obtain sound groove or fillet welded joints in pipe or plate. The nick-break test is also used, on occasion, to verify (by destructive testing) results obtained by nondestructive techniques. 4.2 Nick-break tests are used to evaluate flash butt welds, pressure welds, or inertia (friction) welds. 4.3 No significance is attached to the magnitude of the load required for fracture. 5. Definitions andSymbols The welding symbols and terms used in this section are in accordance with the latest edition of AWS A2.4, Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing, and Nondestructive Examination, and AWS A3.0, Standard Welding Terms and Definitions. 6. Apparatus 6.1 Apparatus shall be capable of firmly supporting the specimen on one or both ends when fractured by use of a hammer. See FiguresCl, C2, and C3. 6.2 Tests may also be performed either by loading in tension or three point bending. 7. Specimens 7.1 Specimens from Butt Welds.Nick-break specimens shall be prepared by cutting the joint and the base metal to form a rectangular cross section. The specimens may be either machine cut or flame cut. Edges shall be relatively smooth and parallel and shall be notched with a hacksaw or band saw or t h i n abrasive wheel (disc). Notches are located as shown in Figure C4. 7.2 Full-Sized Specimens. Small weld assemblies may be tested in their entirety using the complete assembly as the specimen. In those cases, the assembly shall be COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services notched at the weld edges to a depth of approximately 3 mm and across the reinforcement to a depthof approximately 2 mm similar to that shown in Figure C4. These may be modified to suit individual assemblies, but the specimen configuration must be reported. 7.3 Specimens from Flash Butt Welds. Nick-break specimens shall be prepared by cutting the joint and base metal to form a rectangular cross section. The specimens shall be as shown in Figure C5 and may either be machine or flame cut or cut by other suitable means. The sides of the specimen may be macroetched to locate the bond line. The sides of the specimen shall be notched along the bond line with a hacksaw, band saw, t h i n abrasive wheel (disk) or by other suitable means. Each notch shall be approximately 3 mm deep, however, the depth of the notch shall not exceed 10 percent of the weld thickness. For pipe and tube configurations of either curvilinear or rectangular cross sections, the inside surface of the weld may also be notched in addition to notching the external surfaces. The depth of these notches shall not exceed 10 percent of the weld thickness. The weld reinforcement need not be removed prior to notching. If the reinforcement will be removedfor service, but remain for testing, the notch shall extend through the thickness of the reinforcement and into the weld to a depth in the weld not exceeding 10 percent of the weld thickness. If the reinforcement will remain on the weld in service, the depth of the notch from the reinforcement surface shall not exceed 10 percent of the weld thickness. See Figure C5. 7.4 Specimens from Fillet Welds. There are different types of nick-break test specimens for testing fillet welded joints. 7.4.1 Pipe branch connections are tested using machinecut or flame-cut specimens from the crotch areas and 90 degrees from crotch (point) areas as shown in Figure C6. The specimensshould be approximately 50 mm wide and 75 mm in length and notched as shown in Figure C6. 7.4.2 Pipesleevetype connections(Figure C7) are tested using machine-cut or flame-cut specimens equally spaced around the circumference. The specimens should be at least 75 mm wide and 150 mm long and notched as shown i n Figure C7. 7.43 Plate fillet welded joints are tested by machinecut or flame-cutspecimens from a lap joint design shown in Figure C8. The specimens should be approximately 75 mm wide and 150 mm long and notched as shown in Figure C8. AWS B4.OM:2000 8. Procedure If any of these discontinuitiesexceed the specified limits, this should also be reported. 8.1 The specimens shall be broken by supporting the ends and striking or applying aload to the opposite side, by supporting one end and striking the other end with a hammer or by pulling in a tensile machine. When a hammer is used to fracture the specimen, one side is hit twice and then the specimen is turned 180 degrees and the other side is hit twice. This procedure is continued until the specimen is broken. 9. Report In addition to reporting the test results as required by the applicable documents, the report shall also include the following: (1) Base metal specification (2) Filler metal specification (3) Welding procedure (process and parameters) (4) Testing procedure (5) Fracture appearance (6) Number, type, size and location of inclusions or discontinuities in the fracture surface (7)Any observation of unusual characteristics of the specimen or procedure 8.2 After breaking, the fractured faces (in the as-broken condition) of the specimen shall be examined visually for discontinuities, usually, for incomplete joint penetration, incomplete fusion, porosity, cracksand slag inclusions. The presence of any of these or other observed discontinuities shall be reported. Also reported should be the size, spacingand number of the observed discontinuities. 47 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 BREAKING LOAD 1 L"- WIDTH AS NEEDED I I 'I I I I I I (B) END VIEW (A) FRONT VIEW Figure Cl-Nick-Break Testing Fixture Made Out of 150 mm Pipe 48 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services S T D - A W S BII-OM-ENGL 2000 D 07842b5 0517b87 9blr AWS B4.OM:2000 STRIKE SPECIMEN ON BOTH SIDES 6 STRIKE WITH HAMMER TO BREAK SPECIMEN HAMMER FORCE Figure CSTesting of Fillet Welded Specimens 49 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.0M:2000 NOTCH CUT BY HACKSAW 3 mm APPROX 20 mm MIN 3 mm APPROX WELD REINFORCEMENT SHOULD NOT BE REMOVED ON EITHER SIDE OF SPECIMEN 225 mm MIN 2 m m 1mm A p p R o x 7 Y / NOTE: NOTCH NOT DRAWNTO SCALE / OPTIONAL NICK-BREAK TEST SPECIMEN FOR MECHANIZED OR SEMIAUTOMATIC WELDING Figure C4-Nick-Break Test Specimen COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS 84.OM:2000 mm APPRoX 1 /- CUT T 50 mm 3 m m APPROX t 225 m m MIN TRANSVERSE NOTCH SHOULD NOT EXCEED 10% IN DEPTH OF THE THICKNESSOF THE WEL WELD REINFORCEMENT S H O U L W NOT BE REMOVED ON EITHER SIDE OF SPECIMEN Figure C5-Specimen for Flash Butt Welds 51 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.0M:2000 r POINT SPECIMEN: TAKE ONE SPECIMEN FROM EACH SIDE CROTCH SPECIMEN: TAKE ONE SPECIMEN FROM EACH SIDE I I (A) LOCATIONOF SPECIMENS c SAW CUT 2 mm DEEP H F SAW CUT 2 mm DEEP FLAME CUT 1- -4 APPROX 50 mm (B) POINT SPECIMEN (C) CROTCH SPECIMEN Figure CWpecimens for Nick-Break Testof Branch Joint Connections 52 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 FLAME CUT N O T C H 7 3 mm DEEP SAW CUT 1 Figure C7-Pipe Sleeve Test Specimen 53 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 L FLAME CUT NOTCH 3 mm DEEP SAW CUT 7\ Figure CLFillet Welded Plate Specimen 54 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 C2. Hardness Tests 1. Scope ASTM E 10 Standard Test Method for Brinell Hardness of Metallic Materials. ASTM E 18 Standard Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell Superficial Hardness of Metallic Materials. 1.2 When hardness tests are required, test specimen preparation and testing procedures shall conform to this standard. ASTM E 92 Standard Test Method for Vickers Hardness of Metallic Materials. 1 3 This standard doesnot specify acceptance criteria. ASTM E 110 Standard TestMethod for Indentation Hardness of Metallic Materials by Portable Hardness Testers. ASTM E 384 Standard TestMethod for Microhardness of Materials. AWS A3.0 Standard Welding Terms and Definitions 1.1 This section covers the indentation hardness testing of welds. Test methods include the Brinell, Rockwell, Vickers and Knoop hardness tests. 1.4 This standard is applicable to the following, when specified: (1) Qualification of materials and welding procedures through assessment of mechanical and metallurgical properties, as specified (2) Information, basis for acceptance and manufacturing quality control where criteria for mechanical properties are requested (3) Research and development The sources for these documents are the following: American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 100 Barr Harbor Drive West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 1.5 When this standard is used the following information shall be furnished: (1) The specific type of test and number of specimens required (2) The specific locationand orientation oftest specimens (3) The specific locations within a test specimen to be tested and number of tests (indentations) required and surface preparation (4) Base metal specificatiordidentification (5) Filler metal specification/identification. American Welding Society (AWS) 550 N.W. LeJeune Road Miami, FL 33126 3. Summary of Method A calibrated machine forces an indentor, of specified geometry and under a predetermined load, into the surface of the test specimen and some measure of the resultant impression is expressed as a specific measure of hardness. 1.6 Safety Precautions. Safety precautions shall conform to the latest edition of ANSI 249.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, published by the American Welding Society. Note: This standard may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. The standard does not purport toaddress allof the safetyproblems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices. The user should determine the applicability of any regulatory limitations prior to use. 4. Significance Hardness tests provide quantitative data which can be compared, analyzed, and used in the design of welding procedures. Hardness tests may also be used in the analysis of weld failures. The Brinell (Elo), Rockwell (E18), and Vickers (E92) tests produce relatively large indentations and are used for evaluating the weld joint and unaffected base metal. The microhardness tests, Knoop and Vickers (E384), which produce relatively small indentations, are widely used for hardness measurements in cross sections of welds, heat-affected zones, or extremely localized weld areas. When selecting a hardness testmethod for use on weld overlays, the thickness of the overlays and the base 2. Applicable Documents Reference should be made to the latest edition of the following documents: ASTM E 3 Standard Methods of Preparation of Metallographic Specimens. 55 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS E34.OM:2000 7.3 Hardness tests should be performed on surfaces prepared in accordance applicable with the specification. Weld-metal hardness tests are permitted only on weld joint cross sections orlocal areas of the weld reinforceprepared ment before testing. metal must be within the ASTM recommendation for the particular hardness testing technique. 5. Definitions Thewelding terms used in this section are in accordance with AWS A3.0, Standard Welding Terms and Definitions. 7.4 Applicableprecautionsshouldbeplaced of portable hardness test methods. 6. Apparatus 8. Procedure Theapparatus for conducting the various hardness tests shall be in accordance with the applicable ASTM standard test method: ( 1 ) Brinell, E10 (2) Rockwell, El8 (3) Vickers, E92 (4) Microhardness (Knoop and Vickers), E384 ( 5 ) Portable Hardness, El 10 Test procedures for measuring hardness in weldments shall be in accordance with the applicable ASTM Standard Test Method: (1) Brinell, El0 on the use (2) Rockwell, E18 (3) Vickers, E92 (4) Microhardness (Knoop and Vickers), E384 ( 5 ) Portable Hardness, El 10 7. Specimens 9. Report All requirements ofthe applicable ASTM standard test methods, except those modified by the following sections, shall apply. In addition to the requirements of the applicable documents (Section 2), the report shall include the following: (1) Base metal specification (2) Filler metal specification (3) Type of welded joint or surfacingweld (4)Welding procedure (process and parameters) (5) Type of test equipment (6) Specimen location and orientation (7) Indentor and load, when specified (8) Location of impressions (9) Any observation of unusual characteristics of the specimen or procedure (1 0) Test results 7.1 Brinell, Vickers, and Rockwell hardness test methods are generally used to evaluate unaffected base metal and weld metal, unless otherwise specified. In order to qualify as avalid weld metal hardness test, the edge of an impression shall be no closer than three times the major dimension of an indentation from the edge of the prepared area of the reinforcement on welded assemblies or from the weld interface line. 7.2 Vickers and Knoop microhardness test methods are the recommended test methods for fine-scale traverse across single or multiple weld regions, unless otherwise specified. 56 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 Part D Stud Weld Tests 1. Scope Note: This standardmay involve hazardousmaterials, operations, and equipment. The standard does not purport to address all of the safety pmblems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user to establishappropriate safety and health practices. The user should determine the applicabilityof any regulatory limitatwns prior to use. 1.1 This section covers mechanical testing of stud welds. 1.2 When testing of stud welds is required, the procedure shall conform to this standard. 1.3 This standard does not specify requirements oracceptance criteria. 1.4 This standard is applicable to the following, when specified: (1) Qualification of materials, welding operators and welding procedures (2) Information, basis ofinspectionandfabrication quality control (when acceptance criteria have been established) (3) Research and development 2. Applicable Documents Reference should be made to the latest edition of the following documents: 1.5 When this standard is used, the following information shall be furnished: (1) The specific tests and number of specimens that are required (2) Base metal specification/identification (3) Position of welding (4) Stud analyses or specification (part number) or both ( 5 ) Weld parameters including current and time and type of power supply (6) Type of testing (a) Bend testing: the maximum angle ofbend must be specified. (b) Torque testing: the torque to be used must be specified. (7) Acceptance criteria Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing, and Nondestructive Examination AWS A3.0 Standard Welding Terms and Definitions AWSRecommended C5.4 Practices for Stud Welding AWS D1.l Structural Welding Code-Steel The sourcefor these documents is the following: American Welding Society (AWS) 550 N.W. LeJeune Road Miami, FL 33126 3. Summary of Method 3.1 The specimen is tested by one of two methods: (1) The stud is bent by striking with a hammer or 1.6 Safety Precautions. Safety precautions shall conform to the latest edition of ANSI ZA9.1, Safe9 in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, published by the American Welding Society. bending it using a length of tube or pipe. (2) A tensile load is applied to the stud using an appropriate fixture. This commonly is accomplished by use of a torque wrench anda stand-off sleeve. 57 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS A2.4 AWS 64.OM:2000 4. Significance 8. Procedure 4.1 Mechanical testing of arc welded studs is used toThe evaluateweld soundness, tensilepropertiesandductilityPart of the stud weld. followingaretwo D, 1.5. test procedures as specified in 8.1 Bend Testing. The required number of welded specimens shall be tested by bending the required number of degrees from their original axis. Bending may be doneby striking the stud with a hammer or by bending it using a length of tube or pipe as shown in Figure D l . 4.2 These tests are primarily used as a welding procedure qualification method to evaluate welding parameters and surface preparation. 5. Definitions andSymbols The welding symbols and terms used in this section are in accordance with the latest edition of AWS A2.4, Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing, and Nondestructive Examination, and AWS A3.0, Standard Welding Terms andDefinitions. 6. Apparatus Apparatus used shall be capable of firmly holding the test assembly and applying the bending force or torque as needed. 8.2 Torque Testing. The required number of stud welded specimens shall be tested by applying a torque using equipment as shown in Figure D2. A steelsleeve or washers, of appropriate sizeare placed over the stud. A nut of the same material as the stud is tightened against the washer bearing on the sleeve, using a torque wrench. Tightening the nut applies the tensile load to the weld. Torque is applied until the specified level is reached or the weld fails. The results of this test may be significantly affected by friction. Care should be taken to minimize this effect. 7. Specimens 9. Report 7.1 Test specimens shall be prepared by welding the studs being tested (qualified)to specimen plates of the appropriate base metal as specified in Part D, 1.5. ments, the report shall include the following: In addition to therequirements of applicable docu(1) Test results andobservations (2) The information listed in Part D, 1.5. (3) Drawings showing shapes and dimensions of studs and arc shields 7.2 Test specimens shall be made using the appropriate automatic timing, voltage, current and gun settings for lift and plunge as recorded in Part D, 1.5. 58 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services 59 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 NOTE: THE DIMENSION SHALL BE APPROPRIATE TO THE SIZE OF THE STUD.THETHREADSOFTHE STUD SHALLBECLEANAND FREE OF LUBRICANT OTHER THAN THE RESIDUE OF CUTTING OIL. Figure D2-Equipment for Applying a Tensile Load to a Welded Stud Using Torque 60 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services STD-AWS B4-0M-ENGL 2000 m 078112b5 0519b99 b3b AWS 84.0M:2000 Part E Weldability Testing The term weldability is the capacity of material to be welded under the imposed fabrication conditions into a specific, suitably designed structure and to perform satisfactorily in the intended service. There are many variables i n the design, fabrication and erection of real structures as these affect the metallurgical response to welding. No single test or combination of tests can duplicate the conditions of a real structure. Laboratory weldability tests can only provide an index to compare different metals, procedures and processes. Within these limitations, weldability testing can provide valuable data on new alloys, welding procedures and welding processes. Numerous weldability tests have been devised, all of which canbe classifiedas either simulated tests or actual welding tests. The tests included in this section are the Controlled Thermal Severity (CTS)Test, Cruciform Test, Implant Test, Lehigh Restraint Test, Varestraint Test, and the Oblique Y-Groove Test. Part E Weldability Testing Methods Weldability Tests Controlled Thermal Severity( C E )Test Application Assesses the effectof chemical composition and cooling rate on hardness and hydrogen cracking susceptibility. Cruciform Assesses Test hydrogen cracking inwelding applications. fillet in HAZ of weldment. Implant Mcasures Tcstsusceptibility hydrogen tocracking Lehigh Rcstraint Test Chardctcrizes the degree restraint of necessary produce to weld metal cracking. Varcstraint Test Asscsscs hot susceptibility. cracking Obliquc Y-Groove Test Acccsscs susceptibility to weld HAZ and cracking. 61 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS W.OM:2000 El. Controlled Thermal Severity (CTS) Test 2. Applicable Documents Reference should be made tothe latest edition of the following documents: 1. Scope 1.1The controlled thermal severity (CTS) test is used for measuring the susceptibility to weld metal and heataffected zone (HAZ) hydrogen cracking of carbon, carbonmanganese and low-alloy steels. While the primary application is to evaluate base-metal composition, it also may be used to evaluate the effects of welding consumables, welding heat input and preheat, postweld heat treatment, or both, on HAZ crack susceptibility. 1.2 This standardis applicable to the following: (1) Qualification of materials and welding procedures where specific acceptance standardshave been specified ( 2 ) Information, basis of acceptance and manufacturing and quality control (3) Research and development. 1.3 The use of this test is restricted to base-metal thicknesses 6 mm or greater. AWS A2.4 Standard Symbols for Welding Brazing, and Nondestructive Examination AWS A3.0 Standard Welding Terms and Definitions AWS A4.3 Standard Methods for Determination of the Diffusible Hydrogen Content of Martensitic, Bainitic, and Ferritic Steel Weld Metal Produced by Arc Welding ASTM E 3 Standard Methods of Preparation of Metallographic Specimens ASTM E 92 Standard Method Test for Vickers Hardness of Metallic Materials The sourceof these documents is the following: American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 1O0 Barr Harbor Drive West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 1.4 The followinginformation shall be furnished: (1) Welding process (2) Base-metal specification/identification and actual chemical composition (3) State of heat treatment (4) Base-metal thickness (5) Base-metal rolling direction, if possible (6) Fillermetal specification/identification,diameter and any pre-welding treatment, e.g., baking temperature and time (7) Type and flow rate ofany shielding gas used (8) All welding parameters (9) Appropriate preheat and postheat temperatures, if required (10) Report form including specific data to be recorded and observations to be made (1 1) Acceptance criteria, if applicable. American Welding Society (AWS) 550 N.W. LeJeune Road Miami, FL 33126 3. Summary of Method 3.1 The test specimen consists of two plates clamped together with a bolt through a hole in the center of each plate. One plate is square while the other is oblong, slightly wider, and about three times the length of the square plate. Two anchor weldsprovide further restraint. 3.2 Two test fillet welds are deposited between the two plates. The specimen is cooled to ambient temperature before the second test weld is deposited. 1.5 Safety Precautions. Safety precautions shall conform to the latest edition of ANSI 249.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, published by the American Welding Society. 3.3 The test welds are sectioned and examined for cracks. Hardness measurements are made of both the weld metal and the HAZ. Note: This standard may involve hazardousmaterials, operations, and equipment. The standard does not purport toaddress all of the safety problems associatedwith its use. It is the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices. The user should determine the applicability of any regulatory limitations prior to use. 4. Significance 4.1 This test is used to evaluate the susceptibility of the weld metal and HAZ to hydrogen cracking (cold cracking). The important variables that can be investigated using t h i s test include the base metal and weld metal compositions, the condition (dryness, cleanliness) of the 62 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services STD-AWS B'l*OM-ENGL 2000 07842b5 0539703 014 AWS W.OM:2000 welding electrode or filler wire,the effect of preheating or postheating, the welding parameters and heat input. Although this test is used most frequently for manual shielded metal arc welding, it may be used with other welding processes. greater than that of the base metal. Single or multipass welds may be used to achieve the specified weld size. 7.3 The gap in the root of the joint in which the test welds will be deposited simulates the root gap typically used in the production welds. 7.4 At least 12 hours should elapse between deposition 5. Definitions andSymbols of the restraining welds and deposition of the test welds. 5.1 The welding terms used in this standard are in accordance with the latest edition of AWS A3.0, Standard Welding Terms and Definitions. Unless otherwise cited, 8. Procedure the following designationsare used: 8.1 Test welds are deposited using the welding condi- tions of interest. The welds are deposited in the flat position using a welding fixture similar to that shown in Figure El or other suitable means. If the test requires preheat or postheat, this should be provided by placing the specimen in a furnace to achieve uniform heating of the entire specimen. The test weld is single pass extending the full length of the joint but not extending beyond the ends of the top plate. Current, voltage and travel speed should be measured for calculation of the welding heat input. T = thickness of specimen plates 2a, 2b, 3a, etc. = faces of sections cut from test weld (See Figure E4) 6. Apparatus 6.1 A simple fixture (FigureEl) is used to hold the specimen so the test fillet welds may be deposited in the flat position. A flowing water bath about 60 mm deep in a shallow tray is used to cool the specimen after depositing each of the test welds (Figure E2). 8.2 As soon as the first test weld is deposited, the specimen should be cooled by placing the end of thespecimen opposite to the welded end in a bath of flowing water (Figure E2). This is done to simulatethe cooling effectof a large assembly as would be encountered in production applications. The water temperature should not exceed 30°C. After the assembly has cooled to ambient, it is removed from the cooling bath and held at ambient temperature for 72 hours. It is then replaced in the welding fixture for deposition of the second test weld. 7. Specimens 7.1 The test specimen is shown in Figure E3. The test specimen should be dry and free of rust or oil. The mini- mum plate thickness is 6 mm. The mating surfaces of the two plates should be machined or surfaceground to provide intimate contact between these parts. The surface finish on the mating surfaces should be 4 micrometers R, maximum. In the area where the test weld is to be deposited, the surface finish should be 6 micrometers R, maximum. This finish is essential to provide good heat transfer and the necessary restraint for the test welds. When it is possible to identify the rolling direction of the material being tested, the parts should be cut and assembled with the rolling direction as shown. The bolt should be tightened to a torque of 100 % 5 Newton meters. 8.3 The second test weld is deposited on the unwelded side of the plate. The second test weld may be made using the same or different welding parameters or consumables. In this way, two test welds with different welding conditions may be made using the same specimen assembly. The assembly is cooled to ambient in the water bath, using the technique described in paragraph 8.2, removed and held for another 72 hours. 8.4 If the welding procedure requires postweld heat treatment, it should be applied to the specimen immediately after completion of each test weld and before cooling in the water bath. 7.2 Assembly of the test specimen is completed by mak- ing the restraining welds. The restraining welds should be started and stopped just short of the root of the notch in the top plate. The restraining weld size should be the following: Plate thickness c16 mm 216 mm 8.5 The test weld is removed from the specimen by sawing as indicated in Figure E4. The test weld is sectioned preferably using a water cooled abrasive cut-off wheel. Cuts are made at locations one-fourth, one-half and three-fourths of the test weld length. The faces of the sections to be examined are etched to define the weld metal and HAZ and examined for cracks at 50X. Weld size 6 mm 13 mm The restraining welds should be deposited using electrodes or filler wire with a yield strength equal to or 63 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 8.6 Either Face 2b or 3a (Figure E4) is examined first. If pression is fully contained within the coarse grain porThe number and length of cracks is also any cracks are detected that are less than S percent of the tion of the HAZ. reported. leglength, this section is reported as “not cracked” and the examination of the remaining faces continues until 8.8 When the test is used to evaluate susceptibility to hycracks are found or all six faces are found to be crack drogen cracking, a diffusible hydrogen determination free per the above 5 percent criterion. If a crack is deshall be performed for each welding process and contected that is longer than 5 percent of the leg length, this sumable in accordance with AWS A4.3. The diffusible section is reported as “cracked” and no further examihydrogen determination shall be performed under the nations are conducted. Number and length of cracks are as the test weld. same conditions reported. ~~ 8.7 It is standard practice to measure and report the hardnesses of the weld metal and HAZ. Typically, Vickers hardnesses (2.5,5, or 10 kg load) of one of the faces are measured at the locations indicated in Figure ES. The load that is used shall be chosen so that the hardness im- 9. Report Test data should be recorded on a Test Results Sheet similar to Figure E6. 64 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services 65 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 " - " Notes: 1. The specimen end that is immersed in the water cooling bath always is the end opposite to the end containing the test weld being cooled. 2. Water depth (D) should be approximately60 mm. Figure E2-Cooling Bath Arrangement for CTS Test 66 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services STDaAWS Bq-OH-ENGL 2000 0784265 0539705 7bT D AWS B 4 . O M 2 0 0 0 r 13 mm DIA. BOLT r RESTRAINING WELDS 75 mm 113 mm TEST WELD NO. 2 Notes: 1. Welds are placed on sides opposite cooling bath. 2. Mating surfaces shouldbe no rougher than 4 micrometers R,. Figure E3- CTS Test Specimen 67 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS EWOM:2000 WELDING DIRECTION /A FACES a AND b POLISHED AND EXAMINED FOR CRACKING RESTRAINING WELDS Figure E4-Sectioning of CTS Specimen Figure ES-Typical Location of Vickers Hardness Impressions 68 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 CTS TEST RESULTS Company Name of Jobnest No. Description of Investigation Base Metal Specification Thickness No. Heat Treatment Metal Heat Base Composition: C si Mn -P S Cr Mo Ni V Cu Nb Ca 0 Ti Al N - Procedure Welding Process Welding Spec. No. Weld Restraining Weld Test ElectrodeMlire Spec. No. Commercial Designation Diameter Baking Treatment Shielding Gas (incl. Dew Point)/Flux TEST WELD Gas Flow Rate Flux Size current Preheat Temp. Voltage Postweld Heat Treatment Polarity Ambient Temp. Travel Speed Ambient Humidity Heat Input Water Bath Temp. Date Hydrogen Determination Method Result Results: I I I I I I I Remarks Tested By Signature Date Figure E6"Suggested Data Sheet for CTS Test 69 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services STDeAWS B4.OM-ENGL AWS B4.OM:2000 E2. Cruciform Test 1. Scope AWS A2.4 Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing, and Nondestructive Examination 1.1 The cruciform test is used to measure the susceptibility to hydrogen cracking of steel weldments, primarily focusing on fillet welds. While the primary application is to evaluate base-metal composition, the test also may be used to evaluate the effects of welding consumables; welding heat input and preheating, postheating,or both, on cracking susceptibility. AWS A3.0 Standard Welding Terms and Definitions AWS A 4 3 Standard Methods for Deterrnination of the Diffusible Hydrogen Content of Martensitic, Bainitic, and Ferritic Steel Weld Metal Produced by Arc Welding 1.2 This standardis applicable to the following: (1) Qualification of materials and welding procedures where specific acceptance standardshave been specified (2) Information, basis of acceptance or manufacturing and quality control (3) Research and development The sources for these documents are the following: American Welding Society (AWS) 550 N.W. LeJeune Road Miami, FL 33126 1.3 The use of this test is restricted as follows: (1) The test shall not be used for base metal less than 10 mm thick. (2) Close control ofthe welding parameters is required as the results of this test may be affected more by differences in parameters than in cracking susceptibility. 3. Summary of Method 3.1 The test specimen consists of three plates tack welded at their ends to form a doubleT-joint (Figure E7). 3.2 A single or multipass fillet weld is deposited in succession in each of the four T-joints. Each test weld is allowed to cool to ambient temperature prior to depositing the subsequent weld. After the fourth weld is completed, the specimen is given any specified postweld treatment. 1.4 The following information shall be furnished: (1) Welding process (2) Base-metal specification/identification and actual chemical composition (3) Filler metal specification/identification,size, and any prewelding treatment e.g., baking time and temperature (4) Type and flow rateof any shielding gasused (5) All welding parameters (6) Appropriate preheating and postheating treatments used (7) Acceptance criteria, if applicable. (8) The number of cross sectionsto be examined. 3.3 The completed welds are examined visually forany external cracks, and the specimen is sectioned transversely for metallographic examination for hydrogen cracks. 4. Significance 1.5 Safety Precautions. Safety precautions shall conform to the latest edition of ANSI 249.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, published by the American Welding Society. This test is relatively severe for detecting hydrogen cracks. As a result, the test may be more sensitive to variations in the welding conditions than to any differences in the cracking susceptibility of the base metals being examined. Therefore, the welding conditions must be very closely controlled to avoid any variations that may lead to incorrect results. Multiple specimens are required to help assure reliable measurement of the cracking susceptibility. Note: This standard may involve hazardousmaterials, operations, and equipment. The standard does not purport toaddress all of the safetyproblems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices. The user should determine the applicability of any regulatory limitations prior to use. 5. Definitions and Symbols 2. Applicable Documents The welding terms used in this standard are in accordance with the latest edition of AWS A3.0, Srandard Welding Terms and Definitions. Reference should be made to the latest edition of following documents: 70 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 6. Apparatus 8.5 I f the welding procedure requires preheating, the specimen shall be preheated before depositing each test weld. If postweld heat treatment is required, this treatment shall be applied to the test weldment immediately after completion of welding and before cooling to arnbient temperatures. If no postweld heat treatment is required, the as-welded specimen shall be aged at ambient temperatures for 48 hours. Evaluation for the presenceofhydrogen cracks requires the use of metallographic equipment to section and prepare the specimen for examination. 7. Specimens 8.6 After postweld heat treatmentor aging, the test weldment is sectioned and examined for cracks. Sections (Figure E8) are cut transversely from the test weldment, preferably by using a water-cooled abrasive cut-off wheel. Each section shall be identified as to its location in the test weldment. The four quadrants corresponding to the fabricationsequence shall be identified. No section shall be located closer than 25 mm from the end of the test weld. 7.1 The test specimen is shown in Figure E7. The minimum base-plate thickness is 10 mm. The two surfaces of Plate A and the mating edges of Plates B and C are ground smooth prior to assembly. This finish is essential to ensure intimate contact and good heat transfer between these surfaces during weldingof the assembled specimen. The specimen is assembled and securely clamped. The plates are tack welded, and then theclamps are removed. 8.7 One face of each section is polished with metallographic paper (240 FEP Standard series), etched, and examined at 50X. The presence and location of any cracks shall be recorded. 7.2 The suggested dimensionsof the specimen plates are the following: 75 Plate A: length width 300 mm 150 m m Plates B and C: length width 300 mm 8.8 When the test is used to evaluate susceptibility to hydrogen cracking, a diffusible hydrogen determination shall be performed for each welding process and consumable in accordance with AWS A4.3. The diffusible hydrogen determination shall be performed under the same conditionsas the test weld. mm 8. Procedure 8.1 Test welds are deposited in the sequence shown in Figure E7. All welding shall be done in the flat (1 F) position using a mechanized process to maintain close control of the welding parameters. If the shielded metal arc process is used, it is recommended that the covered electrodes be fed into the arc mechanically rather than manually to maintain uniform parameters. 9. Report 9.1 The test results that typically are reported are the following: (1) Basemetaland filler metal identification and chemical composition (2) Base metal (specimen) thickness (3) Welding parameters (4) Any preheating and/orpostweld heat treatment (5) Fillet weld size and weld bead size for multipass welds (6) Identification of each section cut from the specimen and each test weld in the section (7) Presence and location of any cracks in each test weld in each section. (8) Results of diffusible hydrogen test. 8.2 All test welds are deposited in the same direction of travel. Each weld is made without any arc interruptions, and the craters at the ends of the test welds are filled before the arc is extinguished. The same welding parameters are used for each test weld, and each weld shall be of the same size. 8.3 In some situations, a multipass test weld may be desired. The sequencefor depositing the individual passes of a multipass weld is indicated in Figure E7. 8.4 I f weld metal cracking occurs i n any of the test welds, the test shall be discontinued and the location and extent of cracking noted on the test record sheet. 9.2 Test data should be recorded on a Test Results Sheet similar to Figure E9. 71 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services S T D - A W S B 4 - O H - E N G L 2000 = 078V2b5 0517710 O27 D AWS B4.OM:2000 GROUND SURFACE SEQUENCE FOR DEPOSITING TEST WELDS Figure E7"Cruciform Test Assembly 72 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 3oo mn, 4 LTACK WELD NOTE: NUMBER OF CUTS MAY VARY. Figure Eg”Locations of Specimens for Examination of Cracks in CruciformTest 73 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 CRUCIFORM TEST RESULTS Company Name Jobnest No. of Sheet Description of Investigation Metal ntHeat Base Metal Base Composition: Ni si v AI N C g No. Mn - P Cu B Nb S Ca Cr Mo Ti - Spec. Procedure Welding Electrodewire No. Spec. Name Commercial Diameter (incl. Gas Shielding Dew Point) Flow Rate Shielding Flux Flux Size Current Voltage Polarity Travel Heat Weld Test on Hydrogen Temp. Ambient Number of Weld Beads Result Weld Pass Identification: n Results: Result (C or NC) WeldISection No. Crack Location and Length I WeldISection No. I I (C or NC) Crack Location and Length I ~~~ I I l I Tested By Signature Date Figure E9”Suggested Data Sheet for Cruciform Test COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services Result I S T D - A W S Bq*OH-ENGL 2000 AWS B4.OM:2000 E3. Implant Test 1. Scope 1.1 The implant test is used to evaluate the susceptibility of low-alloy steels to hydrogen-assisted cracking. The test may be used to evaluate the effects on HAZ cracking susceptibility of welding consurnables, weldingheat input, preheating, postheating, or both. 1.2 This standard is applicable to the following: (1) Qualification of materials and welding procedures where specific acceptance standardshave been specified (2) Information, basis of acceptance ormanufacturing and quality control (3) Research and development. 1.3 The use of this test is restricted as follows: (1) This testis applicable only to HAZ cracking caused by hydrogen 1.4 The followinginformation shall be furnished: (1) Base metal identification; specification (2) Implant metal identification; specification (3) Filler metal identification; specification and classification (4) Specific type and number of specimens required (5) Anticipated strength property values (6) Report form when required 1.5 Safety Precautions. Safety precautions shall conform to the latest edition of ANSI 249.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, published by the American Welding Society. AWS A3.0 Standard Welding Terms and Definitions AWS A4.3 Standard Methodsfor Determination of the Diffusible Hydrogen Content of Martensitic, Bainitic, and Ferritic Steel Weld Metal Produced by Arc Welding The sourcesfor these documents are the following: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Three Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 American Society ForTesting and Materials (ASTM) 100 Barr Harbor Drive West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 American Welding Society (AWS) 550 N.W. LeJeune Road Miami, FL 33126 3. Summary of Method Implant testing of welded joints is performed using a threaded rod welded into a closely fitted hole in the test plate. A tensile load is applied to the rod after welding. The load is maintained until failure or for 24 hours. Failure at low stresses or short times is a qualitative indication of susceptibility to hydrogen-induced cracking. 4. Significance Note: This standard may involve hazardousmaterials, operations, and equipment. The standard does not purport to addressall of the safev problems associatedwith its use. It is the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices. The user should determine the applicability of any regulatory limitations prior touse. 4.1 The implant test provides a measureof resistance to hydrogen-assisted cracking (cold cracking) in the HA2 of a weldment. 2. Applicable Documents 5. Definitions and Symbols Reference shouldbe made to the latest edition of the following documents: The welding symbols and terms used in this section are in accordance with the latest edition of AWS A2.4, Standard Symbolsfor Welding, Brazing, andNondestructive Examination, and AWS A3.0, Standard Welding Terms andDefinitions. ANSVASME B46.1 Surface Texture ASTM E 4 Verification of Testing Machines ASTM E 8 Tension Testing Materials AWS A2.4 Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing, and Nondestructive Examination COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services of 4.2 The implant test may be used to select the appropri- ate base metal/welding consumable combinationto provide the desired cracking-resistance properties in the aswelded condition. Metallic 6. Apparatus 6.1 Apparatus for the performance of this test must pro- vide a means of applying and measuring a tensile load on AWS B4.OM:2000 8.6 The lower critical stress is the highest stress at which no fracture occurs. the specimen and a means to record time to failure. If specified, a means to record acoustical emissions during the test shall be provided. 8.7 When the test is used to evaluate susceptibility to hy6.2 The tensile load maybe applied by a tensile testing drogen cracking, a diffusible hydrogen determination machine, a hydraulic or mechanical mechanism, or the shall be performed for each welding process and conapplication of a known dead weight to the specimen. When sumable in accordance with AWS A4.3. The diffusible direct measurement is used, the instrument used shall be hydrogen determination shall be performed under the as thetestweld. calibrated in accordance with ASTM E 4. When a dead same conditions weight is used, the weight shall be calibrated in accordance with applicable national standards. 9. Report 6.3 CAUTION: A restraining clamp shall he employed to prevent potentially hazardous elastic rebound of the implant specimen when failure occurs. 9.1 In addition to the requirements of applicable documents (see Section 2.), the report shall include the following for each specimen tested: (1) Base material specification (2) Implant material specification (3) Filler material specification/classifrcation (4) Welding procedure (processand parameters) ( 5 ) Specimen type (implant and base plate) (6) Results of loading test (a) Load applied (b) Elapsed time to application of load (c) Lower critical stress (if required) (d) Notch tensile stress (if required) (e) Location and time to fracture ( f ) Acoustical emissions (if required) (7) Ambient temperature (8) Relative humidity (9) Any observation of unusual characteristics of the specimens orprocedure. (10) Results of diffusible hydrogen test 7. Specimens 7.1 The test specimen consists of a steel rod fitted into a clearance hole in the center of a specimen plate, with the top of the rod flush with the top of the surface of the specimen plate (see Figure Elo). 7.2 The rod shall be between 6 mm and 10 mm in diameter and shall be either threaded or notched. Thethreaded rod i s considered the preferable configuration. When threaded, the thread shall be a unified national fine (UNF) Class 1 thread, 14 mm long, consistent with the diameter of the rod. The circular notch may be machined in the rod in lieu of the thread. The notch is located so as to coincide with the coarse-grained HA2 below the weld. 73 The minimum recommended specimen plate dimensions are 150 mm wide by 200 mm long by 14 mm thick. 9.2 Test data should be recorded on a Test Results Sheet similar to Figure E 1 2 8. Procedure 8.1 The rod shall be positioned in the clearance hole in the specimen plate so that the top of the rod is flush with the surface of the plate. 10. Commentary 8.2 A weld bead shall be deposited on the top of the specimen plate directly over the rod and hole. 8.3 The compteted weldment shall be placed in the apparatus, and the load shall be applied within three minutes of the completion of welding. The elapsedtime between the completion of welding and the application of the load shall be recorded. 8.4 The load shall be maintained until failure or for 24 hours. Time to failure may be recorded by any suitable means. 8.5 Notch tensile stress is equal to the load divided by the cross-sectional area of the implant. The area is determined by using the root diameter of the thread or notch. 76 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services If a series of tests over an appropriate stress range is made, the data may be plotted, stress versus time to failure, in order to obtain a curve similar to the one shown in Figure El 1. The relative position of this curve is a measure of the hydrogen cracking susceptibility of the tested base metal/welding procedure combination. A number of variations of this test appear in the literature. The most common variation is the thread versus the notch, which are both permitted in this standard. Some researchers have cooled the weldment in water before loading but this practice does not seem to be prevalent, and the practice is not covered in this standard. Specimen dimensions reported in the literature are often a mix of SI (metric) and U.S. Customary Units. SI Units are used in this standard. Standard thread sizes ,have been specified in an effort to standardize and facilitate this test. S T D - A U S B'l*OM-ENGL 2 0 0 0 078112b5 0537735 b u 9 AWS B4.OM:2000 L SPECIMEN PLATE r 14 mm MIN THICKNESS 7 SPECIMEN-SEE 7.2 SEE FIXTURE TO SUIT NOTE SPECIMEN ENDTO SUIT LOAD NOTE: BEADON PLATE WELD OVER SPECIMEN Figure E l h I m p l a n t Test Specimen and Fixture 77 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services T LOWER CRITICAL STRESS O O 1 ~ ____) ____) TIME TO FAILURE I 1O00 O00 1 MINUTES NOTE: SOLID DOTS = FAILURE; OPEN DOTS = NO FAILURE. Figure Ell”Qpica1 Data for Implant Test Series 78 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services S T D * A W S BII*OM-ENGL 2000 078II2b5 0 5 1 9 7 1 7 481 AWS B4.OM:2000 IMPLANT TEST RESULTS Company Jobnest No. Name of Description of Investigation Identification Base Metal Test Plate Sue Bare Metal Composition: s C V Metal Ni AI Mn -P S Cr Mo Nb Ca B Ti -P - Nb S Cr Mo Mo N si SI N Ca Mn Mn - Welding Electrode/Wire Specification Commercial Baking Treatment Spec. Procedure Welding Process Welding No. (incl.Shielding Gas GasPoint)Dew Shielding Current Voltage Polarity Travel Speed Heat Input on - Implant Groove Implant Metal Composition: C NiCr AI ion si Flow Rate Hydrogen Result Results: Specimen No. Applied Load kg Time, Weld to Load Application, seconds Applied Stress MPa Fracture Location Method of Fracture Determination Lower Critical Stress Notch Tensile Strength Remarks Tested By Signature Date Figure El2”Suggested Data Sheet for ImplantTest 79 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services Time to Fracture, hrs:min AWS B4.OM:2000 E4. Lehigh Restraint Test AWS A2.4 Standard Symbols for Welding Brazing, and Nondestructive Examination AWS A3.0 Standard Welding Terms and Definitions AWS A4.3 Standard Methods for Determination of the Diffusible Hydrogen Content of Martensitic, Bainitic, and Ferritic Steel Weld Metal Produced by Arc Welding 1. Scope 1.1 The Lehigh Restraint Test is used to create quantitative data on solidification orhydrogen cracking susceptibility of deposited weld metal. The quantitative measure of weld crack susceptibilitythat is provided by this test is the degree of restraint that is required to produce a weldmetal crack. 1.2 This standard is applicable to the following: (1) Investigation of the cracking susceptibility of plate materials (2) Research and development The source for these documents is the following: 1.3 The use of this test is restricted as follows: (1) The test is applicable only to materials in plate form. (2) Large amounts of base metal are required. (3) A series of specimens must be tested to obtain a crack susceptibility index. (4) Significantspecimen preparation is required. 3. Summary of Method American Welding Society (AWS) 550 N.W. LeJeune Road Miami, FL 33126 3.1 A test weld is deposited in a machined groove in a series of flat plate test specimens. Each specimen of the series is designed to provide a different amount of restraint to the test weld. 1.4 The following information shall be furnished: (1) Welding process (2) Base metal specification including actual chemical composition (3) Base metal thickness (4) Filler metal specification and chemical composition of deposited weld metal (5) All welding parameters (6) Appropriate preheat or postheat temperatures if required (7)Report form including specific data to be recorded and observations to be made (8) Acceptance criteria, if any 3.2 Each test weld is examined for the presence of weld metal cracks after the weld cools to room temperature. 3.3 The maximum amount of restraint that is applied without the occurrence of weld metal cracking is deemed the index of crack susceptibility for the particular combination of basemetal, filler metal and welding parameters. 4. Significance 4.1 This test is used to examine the susceptibility of deposited weld metal tosolidification or hydrogen cracking. The important variables that can be investigated using this test include the base-metal composition, the filler metal composition, effect of preheating, welding heat input, weld-bead size and shape. The test has been used primarily, though, for investigating theeffects of weld andbasemetal composition on cracking susceptibility. 1.5 Safety Precautions. Safety precautions shall conform to the latest edition of ANSI 249.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, published by the American Welding Society. Note: This standard may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment.The standard does not purport toaddress all of the safety problems associatedwith its use. It is the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices. The user should determine the applicability of any regulatory limitations prior touse. 5. Definitions and Symbols 5.1 The welding terms used in this standard are in accordance with the latest edition of AWS A3.0, Standard Welding Terms and Definitions. Unless otherwise noted, the following designations are used: I = distance fromroot of the saw cut slots to the 2. Applicable Documents specimen centerline 21 = Restraint Index L = length of saw cut slot Reference should be made to the latest edition of the following documents: 80 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.0M:2000 6. Apparatus Usually, the first test weld is deposited in the specimen with the highest level of restraint (no peripheral slots). If this specimen cracks, another specimen that provides less restraint (longer slots) is welded, Sufficient specimens are welded each with a decreasing restraint level until a restraint level is reached at which no weld-metal cracking occurs. This level of restraint (restraint index, 21) is reported as the cracking index ofthat particular combination of material compositions, welding parameters, etc. The crackingindex is the restraint index below which no cracking occurs. Evaluation for the presence of cracks may require the use of metallographic equipmentto section the test weld and prepare the section for metallurgical examination. 7. Specimens 7.1 The specimen configurationis shown in Figure E13. The test weld (a single pass) is deposited in the groove machined along the longitudinal centerline of an 200 mm by 300 mm plate of the material being examined. The weld is begun at one end of the groove and is deposited continuously to the other end of the groove. 8.2 Examination for cracking usually can be done visually as the crack normally appears on the surface of the weld as the weld cools. If specified, the absence of a crack should be verified by using liquid penetrant or magnetic-particle inspection or by sectioning the weld, polishing the section surface, and examining this surface by low-power magnification. Examination for hydrogen cracks should be conducted after aging at ambient temperature for 24 hours. 7.2 The restraint is provided by the mass of the plate surrounding the groove. The level of restraint is controlled by sawing slots along the sides and ends of the plate. So that each specimen of the series will provide a different level of restraint, each specimen will have slots of a different length (L in Figure El3). All slots along the sides of a given specimen will be the same length. The slots on the specimen ends will be shorter than the side slots, but all end slots will be of equal length. 8 3 When the test is used to evaluate susceptibility to hydrogen cracking, a diffusible hydrogen determination shall be performed for each welding process and consumable in accordance with AWS A4.3. The diffusible hydrogen determination shall be performed under the same conditions asthe test weld. 7.3 The level of restraint is inversely proportional to the length of the slots and is expressed numerically as the distance between the ends of the slots (21 in Figure E13). Thus, as the restraint is decreased by longer slots, the cracking index also decreases. The same effectcould be obtained by using plates of decreasing size,but by varying the slot length, the cooling rate of the test weld will remain constant in all specimens of the series. 9. Report 9.1 The test results that typically are reported include: (1) Base metal and filler metal identification (2) Base metal (specimen) thickness (3) Welding parameters (4) Any preheating temperature and postweld heat treatment (5) Weld-bead size and shape (6) Presence and length of any weld-metal cracks at each level of restraint (7) Crack index (8) Method of examination for the presence of cracks (9) Results of diffusible hydrogen tests. 7.4 In a typical series of test specimens, the specimen with the highest restraint will not have any slots. The lengths of the slots of each succeeding specimen of the series will be increased 6 mm or 13 mm to provide decreasing levels of restraint. 8. Procedure 8.1 A series of specimens is welded with each specimen providing a different level of restraint to the test weld, ¡.e., each specimen will have slots of differing length. 9.2 Test data should be recorded on a Test Results Sheet similar to Figure E14. 81 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 38 mm I t- i 25 mm L + I t I~ 300 mm A d 13 mm HOLE r I I RESTRAINT INDEX = 21 SECTION A-A OMIT IN PLATE < 20 mm THICK Figure E13-Lehigh Restraint Test Specimen 82 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 LEHIGH TEST RESULTS Company Name of Jobnest No. Description of Investigation Base Metal Identification Thickness No. Heat Treatment Metal Heat Base Composition: Cu C si Ni V AI N Mn -P S Cr Procedure Welding Process Welding Spec. No. ElectrodeMlire Spec. No. Name Commercial Diameter (incl. Gas Shielding Flow Rate Point) Dew Shielding Current Voltage Polarity Humidity Travel Speed Ambient Heat Input Weld Bead Size and Shape (flat, concave, or convex) Method of Crack Determination Resulting Cracking Index Remarks Tested By Signature Date Figure E14"Suggested Data Sheet for Lehigh Test 83 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services Mo Ti - AWS B4.0M:2000 E5. Varestraint Test 1. Scope 1.1 The varestraint test is used to evaluate base-metal weldability and determine the influence of the welding variables on hot cracking of the base metal. A means is provided for augmenting conventional shrinkage strains to simulate the large shrinkage strainsfound in highly restrained production weldments. 1.2 This standard is applicable to the following: (1) Qualification of materials and welding procedures (2) Manufacturing quality control (3) Research and development 1.3 The use of this test is restricted as follows: (1) This test is used for base metal in the thickness range of 6 mm to 13 mm. A variation of this test, called the mini-varestraint test, is used for base metal in the thickness range of 3 mm to 6 mm. (2)Specialized equipment for testing (see Figure E15) and specimen examination is required. (3) Welding usually is done by the mechanized gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process to minimize variables in the welding parameters and testing results. (4) Specimens are tested under laboratory conditions. Shop floor or field examination of specimens may not be practical. 1.4 The followinginformation shall be furnished: (1) All welding parameters (2) Number of specimens to be tested (3) Orientation of specimens relative to the rolling direction of the base metal, if known (4) Base-metal chemical composition (5) Base-metal thickness (6) Desired weld bead surface geometry (weld bead profile) (7) Specimen surface finish (8) Valueof augmented tangential strain (see 3.1) (optional, depending on the purpose of the test) (9) Magnification to be used in examination for cracks. 1.5 Safety Precautions. Safety precautions shall conform to the latest edition of ANSI 249.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, published by the American Welding Society. Note: This standard may involve hazardousmaterials, operations, and equipment.The standard does not purport toaddress all of the safety problems associatedwith its use. It is the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices. The user should determine the applicability of any regulatory limitations prior touse. COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services 2. Applicable Documents Reference should be made to the latest edition of the following documents: AWS A2.4 Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing, and Nondestructive Examination AWS A3.0 Standard Welding Terms and Definitions The source for these documents is the following: American Welding Society (AWS) 550 N.W. LeJeune Road Miami, FL 33126 3. Summary of Method 3.1 The test is conducted by depositing aweld on a cantilevered specimen beginning at one end of the specimen (Figure E15). When the weld progresses along the centerline of the specimen to a predetermined point (A), the specimen is bent to conform to a curved die (B) as the arc continues to a location (C) near the end of the specimen. A series of decreasing radius dies is used to provide various magnitudes of strain, ¡.e., augmented tangential strain, to the solidifying weld in a corresponding series of test specimens. The strain that results in solidification cracking is an index of the crack susceptibility of the base metal. 3.2 After cooling, the surface of the weld is examined for the presence of cracks. Examination is done at a magnification of 40X to SOX, and the length and location of each crack is noted and recorded. The specimen may be sectioned and polished for a more accurate determination of the presence of cracks. 3.3 A smaller scale test, called the mini-varestraint test, is used to study the hot-crack susceptibility of expensive base metals or more common base metals in sheet thicknesses. This test utilizes a smaller test specimen (25 mm wide x 150 mm long) and correspondingly smaller test equipment. The mini-varestraint test may not be practical for thicker material since its testing apparatus may not have the loading capacity to bend the thicker material. 4. Significance The varestraint test is used for the analytic investigation of the hot-crack sensitivity of weld deposits, the effect of specific alloying elementson this sensitivity and the basic mechanisms of hot cracking. This test combines a direct correlation with actual fabrication behavior, re- S T D - A W S Bq*OM-ENGL 2000 076112b5 0539723 785 AWS B4.OM:2000 The typical range of augmented tangentialstrain is O to 4 percent. The required die radius for a given value of augmented tangential strain can be calculated using the same equation. producibility of results, an ability to differentiate between small differences in test and welding variables, and uses relatively small test plates. 6.5 Die block radiifor the mini-varestraint test are calculated in the same manner as for the varestraint test. The overall sizeof the mini-varestraintdie block may be smaller as the test specimen is smaller. 5. Definitions andSymbols The welding terms used in this standard are in accordance with the latest edition of AWS A3.0, Standard Welding Terms and Definitions. Unless otherwisenoted, the following designationsare used: 7. Specimens A = point of arc progression at which bending force is applied B = a series of decreasing radius die blocks C = location of termination of test weld The Varestraint test specimens are rough sawed and machined to size. The specimen size is 50 mm wide by 300 mm long. The specimen thickness is 6 mm or 13 mm. The mini-varestraint specimen is 25 mm wide by 150 mm long. Typical mini-varestraintspecimen thicknesses are in the range of 3 mm to 6 mm. The specimen surface on which the test weld will bedeposited shouldbe machined in the longitudinal direction to a finish no rougher than 4 micrometers R, unless it is desired to simulate asurface condition used in service. 6. Apparatus 6.1 The equipment required for conducting the varestraint test clamps one end of the flat specimen and provides a method for bending the specimen around afixed curved die during welding. This concept is illustrated in Figure ElS. Curved dies having different radii are used while conducting a seriesof tests with each specimenof the series being bent around a die having a smaller radius than the die used with the previous specimenof the series until the die radius is small enoughto cause cracking. 8. Procedure 8.1 The varestraint specimen is clamped in the test fíx- ture. Auxiliary bending plates, when needed to facilitate bending, are clamped in the fixture with the specimen. The removable die block of the desired radius is fastened in the position shown in Figure E15. The arc is initiated on the centerline of the specimen, approximately50 mm from the specimen’s unclamped end. The bending force (F) is suddenly applied as the center of the arc passes Point A, which is near the point of tangency between the curved surface of the die block and the fixed end of the specimen. The specimenand auxiliary bending plates are bent downward until the specimen conformsto the radius of curvature of the top surface of the die block. The rate of arc travel is constant from its point of initiation to its point of termination in the runoff area at location C. 6.2 Localized bending in the vicinity of the molten weld puddle is avoided by using auxiliary bending plates to force the test specimen to conform to the die contour. These plates are clamped ontothe edges of the specimen and are bent along with the specimen. The plates are made from rolled steel; their size is 13 mm thick by 50 mm wide by 300 mm long. These auxiliary plates are illustrated in Figure E16. Auxiliary plates used with the mini-varestraint test are 6 mm thick. 6.3 The bending force may be applied either hydraulically or pneumatically. Thedesign of the equipment and method for bending dependson the individual equipment builder. 8.2 The bendingload and the shielding gasflow (if used) are maintained for five minutes after termination of the weld pass. The specimen then is removed from the fixture for examination. 6.4 The augmented tangential strain for a given radius of curvature of the die block can be calculated from the following formula: 8.3 The followingtest parameters shall be maintained: e=- [ ( 2 R t t) x100 83.1 Number of Specimens. A minimumof three specimens shall be tested under the same conditions at each selected or required valueof augmented tangential strain. where e = percent augmented tangential strain t = specimenthickness R = die block radius 83.2 Specimen Orientation. The specimen shall be taken from the base metal so that the 300 mm dimension 85 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 is parallel to the final direction of rolling or major working unless the specimen used is a casting or if service conditions in which a different orientationof rolling direction are to be simulated. found on the as-welded surface at the specified magnification (40X, 60X, or 80X) and the location of the cracks (weld metal or HAZ) (5) The welding process and variables. 8.3.3 Weld Geometry. The weld puddle geometry is kept constant when using the maximum crack length - criterion (see 9.3.2) for screening of materials. 9.3 The following criteria can be used to evaluate the test results: 9.3.1 Cracking Threshold.The cracking threshold is the minimum augmented tangential strain required to cause crackingin a particular base metal with a given set of welding variables. This criterion provides a quantitative method for comparing welding procedures. 9. Report 9.1 The as-welded surface near Point A is examined for visual evidence of cracks at a magnification of 40X, 60X or 80X. The locationsof any HAZ or fusion-zone cracks are shown schematically in Figure E17. The length of each crack shall be measured to the nearest 0.02 mm with a low-power microscope (40X, 60X, or 80X) containing a calibrated reticule in the eyepiece. The following data normally are recorded: (1) Length of each crack (subsequently to be totaled) (2) Maximum crack length (3) Location of cracks (weld metal or HAZ) (4)Number of cracks (5) Augmented tangential strain (6) Base metal and filler metal (if used) composition (7) Base-metal thickness (8) Metallurgical and surface conditions (9) Welding variables, including: (a) Welding process (b) Electrode type and size (c) Arc length (d) Gas type and flow (if used) (e) Arc current and voltage (f) Arc travel speed. 9.2 The test results that are reported shall include the following: (1) The base-metal type, composition, thickness and condition (2) The percent augmented tangential strain (3)The total crack length of the three specimens tested under the same conditions that were found on the as-welded surface at the specified magnification (40X, 60X, or 80X)and the location of the cracks (weld metal or HAZ) (4)The maximum crack length of each of the three specimens tested under the same conditions that were 9 3 3 Total Combined Crack Length.The total combined crack length is obtained by adding the lengths of cracks found in the weld metal and in the HAZ of each specimen. The total combined crack length produced in the weld metal and HAZ will give the best quantitative index of the hot-crack sensitivity of the weld metal and HAZ, respectively, for a given welding procedure. This criterion also may be used to examine the effects of welding procedure changes. 9.4 Test data should be recorded on a Test Results Sheet similar to Figure E18. 10. Commentary The technology of the Varestraint test is undergoing further refinement. The test specimen size and geometry, test apparatus, interpretation of results, and understanding of the effect of test variables on cracking susceptibility are being examined in detail. It is expected that significant changes in the test procedure and interpretation of results will occur within the next few years. Two recent articles describing these investigations are included in the Bibliography of this document. The classical aspects of the Varestraint test have been presented herein; the next edition of this document should include changes resulting from current investigations. 86 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services 9.3.2 Maximum Crack Length.The maximum crack length that is measured in a given specimen can be used as a quantitative index for preliminary screening of base metal, filler metal, or both, at comparable levels of augmented tangential strain, provided constant puddle geometry is maintained. This criterion is useful when searching for metals with low crack sensitivity. AWS B4.OM:2000 200 mm I i I O0 WELDING DIRECTION r ”””_ I I 50 mm I I I ”””- O0 ‘ I I ~ TOP VIEW BENDING FORCE \ SIDE VIEW R Figure E15-Varestraint Test Fixture and Specimen 87 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AUXILIARY BENDING PLATES BENDING FORCE AUXILIARY BENDING PLATE rm SPECIMEN 4 I I I I I I I I L4 200 mm R VIEW (B) SIDE VIEW (A) END Figure ElGAuxiliary Bending Plates LOCATION OF WELD PUDDLE AT INSTANT OF APPLICATION OF BENDING FORCE FUSION ZONE CRACK POINT C SOLID-LIQUID INTERFAC EXAMINATIO FOR REMOVED AREA HA2 CRACKS TOP SURFACE OF TEST WELD SHOWING LOCATION OF ARC, WELD PUDDLE, SOLID-LIQUID INTERFACEAT INSTANT OF APPLICATION OF BENDING FORCE AND WELD METAL AND HEAT-AFFECTED ZONE HOT CRACKS. Figure E17-fipical Indications on Top Surface of Test Weld 88 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services VARESTRAINT TEST RESULTS Company Job/Test Description of Investigation Name Sheet of Base Metal Identification: Identification No. Heat Width Thickness Metallurgical Condition Surface Condition Rolling Direction and Treatment Composition: C Ni si Al N Mn Cu V Heat -P S Nb Ca Cr B Filler Metal: Identification Feed Rate Composition: C Ni " Ti Diameter si Mn Mn SI N Nb Al S P Cr B Ca Mo Ti Electrode Type Shielding Gas Shielding Gas Dew Point Welding Process Electrode Diameter Shielding Gas Flow Rate Current Arc Voltage Travel Speed Ambient Temp. Polarity Arc Length Heat Input Ambient Humidity Resuk I 1 t I I Cracking Threshold Maximum Crack Length Total Combined Crack Length Tested By Signature Date Figure EM-Suggested Data Sheet for Varestraint Test 89 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services I ~ S T D - A W S B'4-OM-ENGL 2000 AWS B4.OM:2000 E6. Oblique Y-Groove Test 1. Scope AWS A2.4 Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing, and Nondestructive Examination 1.1 The Oblique Y-groove test (Tekken Test) is a singlepass, restrained groove weld test used to evaluate susceptibility to hydrogen and weld metal solidification cracking of steel weldments. AWS A3.0 Standard Welding Terms and Definitions AWS A4.3 Standard Methods for Determination of the Diffusible Hydrogen Content of Martensitic, Bainitic, and Ferritic Steel Weld Metal Produced by Arc Welding 1.2 This standard is applicable to the following, when specified: (1) Qualification of materials and welding procedures (2) Information, basis for acceptance and manufacturing quality control (3) Research and development The sourcefor these documents is the following: American Welding Society (AWS) 550 N.W. LeJeune Road Miami, FL 33126 1.3 The use of this test is restricted as follows: (1) Base-metal thickness limited to 13 mm or greater. (2) Test results are applicable only to the base-material thickness tested. 1.4 When this standard is used, the following information shall be furnished: (1) Test number (2) Welding procedure specification and procedure qualification record numbers (if applicable) (3) Base-metal identification: specification, heat number, mill test chemistry and heat treatment (4) Base-metal thickness (5) Welding process (6) Filler metal identification, specification and diameter (7) Filler metal preweld conditioning (e.g., baking) (8) Shielding gas identification: type, dew point, and flow rate (9) All welding parameters (1 O) Weld preheat temperature (1 1) Maximum interpass temperature (12) Acceptance criteria, if any 1.5 Safety Precautions. Safety precautions shall conform to the latest edition of ANSI 249.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, published by the American Welding Society. Note: This standard may involve hazardousmaterials, operations, and equipment. The standard does not purport toaddress all of the safety problems associatedwith its use. It is the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices. The user should determine the applicability of any regulatory limitations prior touse. 3.1 The test is performed using a set of three flat plate test assemblies welded under identical conditions. Welds are deposited on each side of the test area to provide restraint. A single test weld is deposited in the restrained, machined groove of each assembly. 3.2 The combination of welding amperage, voltage and travel speed shall be such that the specified heat input range is obtained. 3.3 Each test weld is examined for the presence of hydrogen-assisted cracks, not less than 48 hours after depositing the test weld. Test welds are sectionedas required for internal examination. 3.4 Testing is usually conducted using several test sets welded identically over a range of preheat temperatures so that 100 percent cracking occursat the lowest temperature tested and 0 percent cracking occurs at the highest temperature tested. Resulting data is useful as a comparative measure of the susceptibility of the material to cracking. 4. Significance This test is used as a comparative measure to assess the susceptibility to hydrogen and weld metal solidifícation cracking of steel weldments. 5. Definitions and Symbols 2. Applicable Documents The welding terms used in this section are in accordance with the latest edition of AWS A3.0, Standard Welding Terms andDefinitions. Reference should be made to the latest edition of the following documents: 90 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services 3. Summary of Method AWS B4.OM:2000 fusion and crater fill shall be employed. Following welding, the assembly shall be allowed to cool in still air. It shall be left at ambient temperature for a minimum period of 48 hours before examination for cracks. 6. Apparatus 6.1 A simple fixture is used to hold the test plates so the restraining welds can be deposited. Water-cooled mechanical means are used to section completed test assemblies for internal examination for the presence of cracks. Metallographic equipment is required for polishing, etching, and examining specimens. 8.4 The test weld area shall be examined for surface cracks. If surface cracks are visible, no further examination is required. If cracking is not visible, the weld shall be sectioned and examined microscopically. 8.5 When sectioning is required, the test weld should be sectioned at the one-fourth, one-half, and three-fourth length positions. Water-cooled mechanical means shall be used to section the test welds. Assemblies shallbe securely clamped in such a manner that the cutting process does not contribute to weld root cracking. Sectioned specimens shall be polished, etched and examined at 20X for cracks. 7. Specimens 7.1 Test assembly configuration is shown in Figure E19. All weld joint surfaces shall be machined to 4 micrometers R, minimum. When it is possible to identify the rollingdirection of the material being tested, the parts shouldbe cut and assembled with the rolling direction perpendicular to the weld groove, unlessotherwise specified. 8.6 When the test is used to evaluate susceptibility tohydrogen cracking, a diffusible hydrogen determination shall be performed for each welding process and consumable in accordance with AWS A4.3. The diffusible hydrogen determination shall be performed under the same conditions asthe test weld. 7.2 The test assembly is fabricated by depositing welds on each end of the weld groove to provide the necessary restraint, as shown in Figure E19, Section A-A. Low-hydrogen-type mild steel filler metal is normally used. Welds shall be deposited by a suitable welding process, using a deep penetrating arc and a weave-bead technique to f i l l the joints with a minimum number of weld beads. Care shallbe taken to minimize angular distortion during welding. Weld reinforcement should be approximately 2 mm. Maximum interpass temperature should be in accordance with steel manufacturers recommendations as applicable to the steel type being joined. 9. Report 8.2 Test assemblies shall be uniformly heated in an oven, to a temperature slightlyhigher than the desired preheat temperature. Thetest assembly is removed from the oven and the surface temperature near the bevel area shall be monitored. Welding shall begin when the desired preheat temperature is reached. 9.1 The test results that typically are reported include: (1) Test number (2) Welding procedure specification and procedure qualification record numbers (if applicable) (3) Base metal identification (4) Base metal thickness (5) Filler metal identification ( 6 ) Filler metal diameter (7) Shielding gasidentification (8) All welding parameters necessary to completely define the procedure and heat input (9) Weld preheat temperature (10) Ambient temperature and relative humidity at time of welding (1 1) Maximum interpass temperature allowed during welding of restraining welds (if applicable) (12) Any observation of unusual characteristics of the test specimen, weld profile, section surface or procedure (1 3) Results of Diffusible Hydrogen tests. 8.3 The single-passtest weld shall be deposited as shown in Figure E20. Welding techniques which promote good 9.2 Test data should be recorded on a Test Results Sheet similar to Figure E21. 7.3 Each test assembly shall be dimensionally inspected after coolingto ensure the proper configuration as shown in Figure E19, Section B-B. The groove root opening dimension shall be within tolerance. 7.4 Fabricate a minimum of three test assemblies per set. 8. Procedure 8.1 All welding shall be performed in the flat position @G). 91 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 APPROX 200 mm 4 L RESTRAINING WELDS RESTRAINING WELDS / B 150 mm L B -L I A 60 mm 80 mm - 60 mm - SECTION 6-6 SECTION A-A yL (NOTE 3) (NOTE 4) Notes: 1. Base metal outer edges may be thermally cut (not required to be machined). 2. Joint groove preparation shallbe made by machine cutting. Surfaces should be no rougher than 4 micrometers Ra. It isrecommended that thelay of the surface roughness be oriented parallel with the longitudinalof axis the specimen. 3. Dimension shallbe 3 mm prior to depositing restraining welds. 4. Final dimension shallbe 2 f 0.2mm after restraining welds are deposited. However, contraction caused during anchor welding must 0.3 mm shrinkage. be considered priorto machining and assembly; typically approximately Figure Ele-Oblique Y-Groove Test Assembly 92 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services STD-AWS B4.OH-ENGL 2000 0781rZb5 0519731 A51 AWS W.OM:2000 WELDS 7 I l I APPROXIMATELY 3 mm I I II +- II 4- 75 mm I I APPROXIMATELY I SECTION A-A NOTE: TEST WELD BEAD SHALL EXHIBIT COMPLETE ROOT PENETRATIONAND FUSION. (A) TEST PLATE FOR MECHANIZED WELDING TEST APPROXIMATELY 3 mm I k----~ 4- 75 mm APPROXIMATELY ~~ (B) TEST PLATE FOR MANUAL WELDING Figure E204)blique Y-Groove Test Weld Configuration 93 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.0M:2000 LENGTH (L) 1_ TEST WELD --i (C) SECTIONING OFTEST PLATE Figure E20 (Continued)-Oblique Y-Groove Test WeldConfiguration 94 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS 84.0M:2000 OBLIQUE Y-GROOVE TEST RESULTS Company Name Jobnest No. of Description of Investigation Material Identification ckness Y/N Material Material HeatTreatment Applicable Welding Procedure No. Welding Details Time Lapse-Welding to Testing (hm) Ambient Temp. Determination Hydrogen EXAMINATION surface Assembly No. Inspection Method Section Results (C or NC) No. of Test Assemblies Inspected Inspection Method Total % Cracking Remarks Tested By Signature Date Figure E21”Suggested Data Sheet for Oblique Y-Groove Test 95 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services Results (C or NC) AWS B4.OM:2000 Annex A Bibliography of Weldability Tests (This Annex is not a part of AWS B4.0M:2000, Standard Methods for Mechanical Testing of Welds, but is included for information purposes only.) (3) Karppi, R., Ruusila, J., Saton, K., Toyoda, M., and Vartiainen, K. Note on Standardization of Implant Test. Research Reports 1IW FINLAND: Technical Research Centre of Finland, 1983. IX-1296-83. (4) Wong, R. J. “The effect of weld metal diffusible hydrogen on the cracking susceptibility of HY-80 steel.” Hydrogen Embrittlement: Preventionand Control, ASTM STP 962, L. Raymond, Ed., American Society for Testing and Materials. Philadelphia, pp.274-286, 1988. Controlled Thermal Severity Testing (1) Cottrell, C. L. M. “Controlled thermalseverity cracking test simulates practical welded joints.” Welding Journal 33(6): 257s, 1953. (2) Houldcroft, P.T. “A simple cracking test for use with argon arc welding.” British Welding Journal2(12): 471,1955. (3) Pedder, C., and Hart, P. H. M. “CTS testing procedures: the present position.” The Welding Institute Research Bulletin 16(9): 264-266.1975. (4) British Standards Institution, BS 7363:1990, Methods for Controlled Thermal Severiry(CTS) Test and Bead-On-Plate (BOP)Testfor Weldr, 1990. Lehigh Restraint Test (1) Stout, R. D., Tor, S.S., McGready, L. J., and Doan, G. E. “Quantitative measurement of the cracking tendency in welds.” Welding Journal 25(9): 522s-531s, 1946. (2) Stout, R. D. and Doty, W. D. Weldability of Steel. New York: Welding Research Council, 1987. Cruciform Testing (1) American WeldingSociety. WeldingHandbook, Vol. 2. Miami, Florida: American Welding Society, 1978. (2) Linnert, G. E. WeldingMetallurgy, Carbon and Alloy Steels, Third Edition, Vol. 2, 632-634. Miami: American Welding Society, 1965. (3) Welding Research Council. Weldability of Steels, Ed. Stout and Doty: New York, NY: Welding Research Council. (4) Poteat, L. E. and Warner, W. L. “The cruciform test for plate-cracking susceptibility.”Welding Journal 39(2): 70s, 1960. Varestraint Testing (1) Savage, W. F. and Lundin, C. D. “The varestraint test.” Welding Journal44( 10): 435~-442s,1965. (2) Savage, W. F. and Lundin, C. D. “Application of the varestraint technique to the study of weldability.” Welding Journal45(11): 497+503s, 1966. cracking (3) McKeown, D. ‘Versatile weldmetal tests.” Metal Construction and British Welding Journal 2(8): 351-352, 1980. (4) Lundin, C. D.,Lingenfelter, A. C., Grotke, G. E., Lessmann, G. G., and Matthews, S . J. The varestraint test. Bulletin 280. New York: Welding Research Council, August, 1982. (5) Lin, W. “A model for heat-affected zone liquation cracking.” Welding in the World 30 (9/10): 236-242, 1992. Implant Test (1) Sawhill, J. M. Jr., Dix. A. W. and Savage, W. F. “Modified implant test for studying delayed cracking.” Welding Journal53( 12): 554~-560s, December, 1974. (2) Bryhan, A. J. “The effect of testing procedure on implant test results.” Welding Journal 60(9): 169s-l76s, September, 1981. 97 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services Previous page is blank S T D * A W S B 4 - 0 M - E N G L 2000 = 0784265 0519735 4 T 7 D AWS B4.OM:2000 Welding Research Council United Engineering Center 345 East 47th Street New York, NY 10017 (6) Lin, W., Lippold, J. C., and Baeslack III, W.A. “An evaluation of heat-affected zone liquation cracking susceptibility, Part I: Development of a method for quantification.” Welding Journal72(4): 135s-l53s, 1993. Oblique Y-Groove Testing (1) JIS Z 3158, Japanese Industrial Standards Committee, Method of Y-Groove CrackingTest. (2) Satoh K.,Toyoda M., Ikita K., Nakamura A., and Matsuura T., Prevention of weld crack in HY 80 heavy plates with undermatching electrodes and its application to fabricatingpenstock,July, 1978. (3) Suzuki, H. Cold crackingand its prevention in steel welding, Transactions of the Japan Welding Society, Vol. 9, No. 2, 1978. The American Societyof Mechanical Engineers (ASME) United Engineering Center Three Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 British Standards Institution (BSI) 389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL, England Japanese Industrial Standards Committee Agency of industrial Science and Technology Ministry of International Trade and Industry 1-3-1, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-Ku Tokyo 100, Japan Some of the sources for these documents are the following: American Welding Society (AWS) 550 N.W. LeJeune Road Miami, FL 33126 98 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.OM:2000 Annex B Round Tensile Specimen5:l Gage Length to Diameter Ratio (This Annex is not a part of AWS B4.OM:2000,Standard Methods for Mechanical Testing of Welds, but is included for information purposesonly.) Cautionary Noteson Tensile Specimens: Two tensile specimens descriptions are included in this document, one with a 4:l ratio of gage length to diameter and one with a 5:1 ratio of gage length to diameter. Usersare cautioned that calculated values of elongation for a given material will differ when tested using specimens with different ratiosof gage length to specimen diameter. 99 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services STD-AWS B4.OH-ENGL 078V2b5 0537737 27T 2000 AWS B4.OM:2000 L SPECIMEN 2 SPECIMEN 1 + G 4 LR SPECIMEN 4 SPECIMEN 3 SPECIMEN 5 Dimensions in mm* Nominal Diameter Specimen G. Gage length D. Diameter (Note1) 1 Specimen 2 Specimen Specimen 4 Specimen 3 5 60.0 k 0.1 12.0 f 0.1 50.0 k 0.1 10.0 f 0.1 40.0 k 0.1 8.0 f 0.1 30.0 f 0.1 6.0 2 0.1 10 6 4 4 4 72 142 48 80 16 36 74 24 35 60 130 21 19 16 12 10 60 12 8 - 14 - 9 6 - 13 - 8 5 R. Radius of fillet, min A. Length of reduced section L Overall length, approx B. Length of end section (Note2) C. Diameter of end section E. Length of shoulder and fillet section, approx F. Diameter of shoulder 16 20.0 f 0.1 4.0 f 0.1 Various typesof ends for standard round tension test specimens Figure 1of Annex B-Round Tensile Specimen+S:l Gage Length to Diameter I O0 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services AWS B4.0M:2000 SPECIMEN LOCATION I - J ' "- 1"- Dimensions in mm* Standard Specimen Small-Sue Specimens Proportional Standard to Specimen eter Radius Nominal G. length Gage D. Diameter (Note 10 1) of fillet, A. Length of reduced section, min (Note21 min R. 8 12 50.0f 36.0 0.1 12.5f 0.2 10 57 f1 06..10 9.0f 6 0.5 1 6 f 0.1 4s ~~ ~~ k20 6..10 6 f10 2.1 0 4.0f 0.1 4 * 0.1 5 4 3.0 f 0.1 2 32 19 16 ~~ Standard 12.5 mm round tensiontest specimens with50 mm gage length and examplesof small size specimensproportionalto the standard specimen. *Rounded to the nearest0.5 mm or 0.05 mm. Notes: 1. ,The reduced section may have a gradual taper from the ends toward the center with the ends not 1 percent more than largerin diameter thanthe center (controlling dimension). 2. If desired, the length of the reduced section may be increased to accommodate an extensometer of any convenient gage length. Refof elongation should nevertheless be spaced atthe indicated gage length. erence marks for the measurement 3. The gage length and fillets shall be as shown but the ends may be of any formto fit the holdersof the testing machine in such a way be axial. If the ends are tobe held in wedge grips it is desirable to make the lengthof the grip section great enough that the load shall to 2/3or moreof the length of the grips. to allow the specimen to extend intothe grips a distance equal 4. The gage lengthsam equal to 4 times the nominal diameter for thestandard specimen. The gage lengthsare equal to 5 times the be provided for but unless nominal diameterfor the specimens in this Annex. In some product specifications; other specimens may the 4 to 1 ratio is maintained within dimensional tolerances, the elongation values maybe not comparable with those obtained from based codes use a5 to 1 ratio of gage lengthto diameter ( s e a Annex B). the standard test specimen. Note that most other metric 5. The use of specimens smaller than 8 mm diameter shall be restricted to caseswhen the materialto be tested is of insufficient sire to obtain larger specimens or when all parties agree to their use for acceptance testing. Smaller specimens require suitable equipment and greater skillin both machining and testing. 6. For transverse weld specimens, the weld shall be approximately centered between gage marks. 7. On specimen 5,it is desirable to make the length of the grip section sufficient to allow the specimen to extend into the gripsa distance equalto 2/3or moreof the lengthof the grips. 8. Any standard thread size is permissible that provides for proper alignment and aidsin assuring that the specimenwil break within the reduced section. 9. The useof a fine seriesof thread is recommended for high-strength, brittle materials to avoid fracturein the threaded portion. 10. Surface finish withinthe gage length shallbe no rougher than 2 micrometers R,. Figure 1 of Annex B (Continued)-Round Tensile Specimens"5:l Gage Length to Diameter 101 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services STD-AWS B Q - O M - E N G L 2000 078112b5 0519739 O42 AWS B4.OM:2000 Annex C Guidelines for Preparationof Technical Inquiries for AWS Technical Committees (This Annex is not a part of AWS B4.0M:2000, Standard Methoh for Mechanical Testing of Welds, but is included for information purposesonly.) Cl. Introduction The AWSBoardofDirectorshas adopted a policy whereby all official interpretations of AWS standards will be handled in a formal manner. Under that policy, all interpretations are made by the committee that is responsible for the standard. Official communication concerning an interpretation is through the AWS staff member who works with that committee. Thepolicy requires that all requests for an interpretation be submitted in writing. Such requests will be handled as expeditiously as possible but due to the complexity of the work and the procedures that shall be followed, some interpretations may require considerable time. C2. Procedure All inquiries shall be directed to: involves two or more interrelated provisions. That provision shall be identified in the scope of the inquiry, along with the edition of the standard that contains the provisions or that the inquirer isaddressing. C2.2 Purpose of the Inquiry.The purpose of the inquiry shall be stated in this portion of the inquiry. The purpose can be either to obtain an interpretation of a standard requirement, orto request the revision of a particular provision in the standard. C2.3 Content of the Inquiry. The inquiry should be concise, yet complete, to enable the committee to quickly and fully understand the point of the inquiry. Sketches should be used when appropriate and all paragraphs, figures, and tables (or the Annex), which bear on the inquiry shall be cited. If the point of the inquiry is to obtain a revision of the standard, the inquiry shall provide technical justification for that revision. C2.4 Proposed Reply. The inquirer should, as a proposed reply, state an interpretation of the provision that is the point of the inquiry,or the wording for a proposed revision, if that is whatinquirer seeks. Managing Director, Technical Services American Welding Society 550 N.W. LeJeune Road Miami, FL 33126 All inquiries shall contain the name, address, and affiliation of the inquirer, and theyshall provide enough information for the committee to fully understand the point of concern in the inquiry. Where that point is not clearly defined, the inquiry will be returned for clarification. For efficient handling, all inquiries should be typewritten and should also be in the format used here. C3. Interpretation of Provisions of the Standard Interpretations of provisions of the standard are made by the relevant AWS TechnicalCommittee. Thesecretary of the committee refers all inquiries to the chairman of the particular subcommittee that has jurisdiction over the portion of the standard addressed by the inquiry. The C2.1 Scope. Each inquiry shall address one single provision of the standard, unless the point of the inquiry page COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services Previous 103 is blank STD-AUS “B4.0M-ENGt 2000 078ll2b5 05L9740 Bbll AWS B4.OM:2000 AWS staff members respond to a telephone request for an official interpretation of any AWS standard with the subcommittee reviews the inquiry and the proposed reply to determine what the response to the inquiry should be. Following the subcommittee’s development of the response, the inquiry and the response are presented to the entire committeefor review and approval. Upon approval by the committee, the interpretation will be an official interpretation of the Society, and the secretary will transmit the response to the inquirer and to the Welding Journal for publication. information that such an interpretation can be obtained only through a written request. The Headquarters staff can not provide consulting services. The staff can, however, refer a caller to any ofthose consultants whose names are on file at AWS Headquarters. A6. The AWS Technical Committee The activities of AWS Technical Committees in regard to interpretations, are limited strictly to the Interpretation of provisions of standards prepared by the committee or to consideration of revisions to existing provisions on the basis of new data or technology. Neither the committee nor the staff is in a position to offer interpretive or consulting services on: (1) specific engineeringproblems, or (2) requirements of standards applied to fabricationsoutside the scope of the document or points not specifically covered by the standard. In such cases, the inquirer should seek assistance from a competent engineer experienced in the particular field of interest. A4. Publication of Interpretations All official interpretations will appear in the Welding Journal. A5. Telephone Inquiries Telephone inquiries to AWS Headquarters concerning AWS standards should be limited to questions of a general nature or to matters directly related to the use of the standard. The Board of Directors’ Policy requires that all 104 COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc. Licensed by Information Handling Services