• . Geotechnical Engineering Soil Water Relationship Chapter2 Lecture 08 Badal SIR • TOPICS TOBE COVERED • Q11. (a) A san1ple of dry soil (Gs=2.68) weighing 125 gn1s is n1ixed / with water to form 1 litre� soil suspension. Determine the unit weight of soil suspension in gm/cc in1n1ediately after preparation. (b) / In the above problem 10cc of suspension was removed from a depth of 20 cn1 after 2.5 n1ins from the starting. Dry \Veight of sample was found to be 0.398 gins. Detern1ine single point on grain size distribution curve for this observation. Take viscosity of water as_jtl = 8.365 n1illipoise • • • •