19091104661 Sa H vv an y U 72 ni 17 STAT 330 Mathematical Statistics Lecture 6 Oct 17 24NAT 10.21 AD 11 00am TEETH 52 I 3.7 Probability Review 2 1 heel TUTDYER Prof EAMEDEE FEVEHEIFFE 1 FEEDER A ITF a Midtermreview ahh 1 1 Probability Model Sa H vv an y U 72 ni 17 1.2 Properties of probability function P 1 3 Independence Us Mutually Exclusive 1 4 Conditional Probability 2 Uni variate Random Variable Review 2.1 v2.4 2 1 Definition Classification 2.2 Cumulative Distribution Function 2.3 Probability Function 2 4 Expectation CDF pf pmf pdf Variance 2.5 Moment Generating Function MGF 3 I 3.7 RADYR Chap3423 19091104661 Lect Lec 4 Part I Probability Review 1 1 Probability Model all possible Sample space s outcomesfiomatrindom an outcome or a set Event A B Probability function p A satisfying O E PLA E I a experiment i.e subsetof S of outcomes 45442 A 12,4 6 A Y A ES Sa H vv an y U 72 ni 17 b Pls If Al Az C then ES are mutually exclusive Ai nAj 0 PIEAi ÉPCAi T probability model Mt 3 ERGEN 1 2 Properties of probability function P A PA I PA P AUB P A I PS PLO 0 PCA PCB PCC PCANB pcanc p Bnc PLAn BAC P B PLANB PCAUBUC If A EB thenPLA s PCB C PlanB pa Bi s 0 E M BB piaBiB5 IFPI Ppf plan B e DeMorgan's Law ATB A n B KEEEtta I FETE e g FABRE AUBuc An Bnc 1.3 Independence vs Mutually Exclusive Independence A and B are independent if Mutually Exclusive A and B are mutually independence i PA A O AND UE f PB FEEFREIGHT P ARB exclusive if PLANB mutually exclusive 0 A B independent rt B mutuallyexclusive independent 19091104661 PCAPCB o BATHE ME A B KAI mutuallyexclusive PCA o or p B o ortop o Exercise 1 Given 3 events A B and C We know PLA pC P B 0.4 0.5 If A I o3 B C are mutually independent try to find Plan B ni 10 PCFn BAE PL A U B UC I PLAUBUC plates pineifeng.gg pya pass peg pianist PLAPCB P E 0.7 0.6 0.5 I 2 PLANBAT Sa H vv an y U 72 ni 17 A B Cmutuallyindependent IÉBECE A B A B A HB PLANB p B PCANB P B PCAPCB PCB CI pCAD PLBI PCA If B C andA C are independent while A B are mutuallyexclusive 2 find PC E V BUC i PCEu Bud PCA 2 pcan B MYtpcanbnd PCEIEMIIE.mg PIE Pip ig Taped p pin ubuy pcave Boo P End pogB pgqfffEpfftpancr.ua I PCA PCAnBUC IPSEEBLY Anc I P A plan c 3 If A B andA C are independent while B C are mutuallyexclusive Bnc 0 BT s PLA nEBU find EI pCA n IB UE pl A n PLA Bye PLANS Pingry 19091104661 P A 0.3 PCA o3 1 4 Conditional Probability Definition A and B are events defined on S PCA B Product Rule PLANB Independence A B PCA B PCB if PCA E PLANE PCA PLANB É Plan Bi PLA or PCB A PLANB Bin Bj p PLANB I Bi S EX PLANB PLA PCB PCA B pA PCB KEF ttiiE5bbik IELAIBi.pe AIB PA Sa H vv an y U 72 ni 17 pA P Ap or pCBIA 19091104661 pB PCB 0 Exercise 2 84122247covid 19HEALYSEEK TELLABNER KRIEFEFFETERIFFE MAMA 13171467 2254 95 TEENEFINALETA I 1 AFFINITY 99 1 t's 1 1 HI 99 1 Sa H vv an y U 72 ni 17 ÉÉ Plea 1 999 x 5 98 PLBR n ITIS PIPE n Hm P BA 7FED PIT FI PC1317 FB pt BI t 5 98 x 1 2 ARETE TERETEFIERY P THE 1312 x 99 BEAL Ania ANDFIFA ETR EEE PCFIFABR p BA PCPR FB PCH P B12 1 98 98 1 19091104661 5 997 IT HEHEtFEEL4744BEYELEAR 8412ITEM 309E H54Egenertmath mÉÉÉactsc 742 stat 812 cs 4thfarm Exercise 3 ZR BI IT JimT544KEEPHER C An FEEDMY17BAKIA 5KYETtoBe I 5424 EFFECTBYEBYEgeneralmath Sa H vv an y U 72 ni 17 E a IETFgeneralmathMy17ESTEEM 1 3 E 5 HEHE generalmath 17EFREM P LEKTA T GM I I 4 HE A 4213EYEYEH E E I E Io 4 5 5 x 19091104661 PLIKAGM l E É E 3 57 Y i 54 Part I Uni variate Random Variable Review Classification 2 1 Definition Definition A random variable is a function from S to R P X x is defined for all x EIR Continuous Discrete countable Classification St interval Sa H vv an y U 72 ni 17 2 2 Cumulative Distribution Function Definition Fix i P xx for alexei non decreasing ii ftp.Fcxs 0 e.g Fix Fix fi nFix7 right 9ETAHHiii Properties continuous 9 Effy o to net timafix Fia TEAM A function t.TT AnLE34E4FEx valid CDF cont continuous cont its riv right discrete r v Ftp left Gien DENETITLE rightside rightcont x 19091104661 Exercise 4 Verify if Fix 10 20 x so THE If x 4 o 0 a t i Fix Fix 1 Sa H vv an y U 72 ni 17 A cts r v has CDF as follow Fox Find all consttsCLed Pa continuous riv Flo Ci e 7 1 Fu Cz Cz e props IIIs IMF x C cottage Enemy 0 x I a i non decreasing right continuous continuous y Exercise 5 valid CDF hefty Fix 30 is É Cz l i Cz i l Cz 1 e 03 1 19091104661 t i 4 1 X o c e Ie x a Cu C Cz Cz e t Xz I Exercise 6 Suppose X is a r v with CDF Xe I O F yea zig X 21 i I Find PC E XE FL E FIE PC ECXEI 2 to 2 I I ttft3 3 Sa H vv an y U 72 ni 17 8 4 d find peat PLY 4 PIXEL PLX H FCF Lim FIX FL FLI O jumpbyaFK 3 Find PIX 1 and PIX 1 PLX 1 FL D PIX 1 FLD 4 Find P 2 43 P Z X 5 3 Pete x so YI Fix GI Fix 713 24 3 1 É I F 2 I 0 I 0 I PY D p Yeo pg F IO FL D PIX D 21 12.4ft I 19091104661 4 PLA 1 2.3 Probability Function fix Definition Pix x X discrete pmf X continuous pdf Fix P I o k plz pyffi fix 70 e.g fix ke x ii Eat1 7 1 orInfix dx 191742 EEpft mfxkp.tk properties e g tix fix LEx A co Tx fix Ig A o Exeter m Intinious any H function t.tt B4LFai.iiFEj Fxvalidpf Hamma Function Tik If Figg's Sa H vv an y U 72 ni 17 x A iii so a T1 fixed 2 PCE JI 1 b T K CK D TIK D integration dx 513 K I It cK 2 egg egg CK 1 gammafunction th THEN by parts HEHEHE CODEÉFÉÉ EhrCDF Fipf a discrete fix P Xx pyx Fix b continuous fix FIER FIFER l ox P Xcx Fix limpet It I I fast fi CDF a discrete FIX P XEN EEP Kt it It b continuous Fix P Xe x EEPpf IF 19091104661 Éfit fatso 2 Exercise 7 fix c x2 e x o ex find value of c x Also find CDF of X x2 e dx Jc c i Ix XE O 2 x e dx C 713 FIX fix o FIX P IX ex c 2 1 i c t LIE dt o C 2 P YEE Sa H vv an y U 72 ni 17 l 0 It fit L L It e tdt III e tdtfudv uv th.dr fud u e tdztdt.ve du e t IT Eet tafféttdt If x'e zffte tdttdtu t.de du dt V e e t ÉEXéYzl té4 fÉtdt E x'e 2 Get l e t ze Xt axe Xyz IE x to no o Fox LE IEEE É e 0 0 19091104661 73 12 2 Fix t X 0 2 1 2.4 Expectation Variance Effigy Definition Expectation Notes t X discrete dx fix IF X continuous A ftp.onfygxitEgghenEllxt i it i L Sa H vv an y U 72 ni 17 I gix fix dx m enemy Definition Van X EX Variance property EL X END Var X EX VartaxPgffar 19091104661 t x continuous E x Ex We have pdf for X Exercise 8 Find E X Varix EX S If fix Lec2 Pl X Biff a xadx dx Bel tnx I p.ae 5x Bdx.i.p p.ae ftp.xtmt p 2B Ip o at B B I as 1 to Exata BYE Sa H vv an y U 72 ni 17 B 2B 2 ixa By p 1 Varix Ey IIIs 1 I dx tnx xad atxatil only existswhenp t p z PT B dxpya.enxtIse p ti p z 2P Ddx 5x p i op Do x Pt affect p ft p 2B Hi o at Ptl x B varix ELIEL 270 x x Bal c at FI II JI 19091104661 sp a pay rapt p z Exercise 9 Let X Bin in p fix EC D I p CI p fix X X o I i i n Éx n ftp.xittp x II Eatm l Sa H vv an y U 72 ni 17 I try to find ELD I iii In x p cap iii n x É attilio É II p lips z p cap n n É up my pI cap n x let y x i i x ytl n yet n y I Ch D y ch D y an Eilislpinift pt I up I up pfI t 19091104661 Practice I X Var X find Var X Bin chip ELX EX E Lx E XIX I X EEXCH ELD E X EI XIX 1 É Xt xcx i H p cap MY I p is p Sa H vv an y U 72 ni 17 FIND Ida 2 In x P cap ex Is at It n in 1 let y x É II p non 1 E3 ny p't non 1 É http Atp np tap nip np np n.cn i yt2 p't up n'p npoi p 19091104661 t Lp x n in 1 p Var x n t p ctp 2 non op n p cap n x n x i pin as y pf ztixs Exercise 10 I T Ect 0 I I Van 2 I FEELY 95 5 fix ELY 3 Var 2 1 t 1 Sa H vv an y U 72 ni 17 PIX fly and my mom tfX.tze xdx I 712 I Jtx e x dx fi EL max X 5 discrete x i Let Y Max X 5 2 find E x Nco X 5 discrete giggle Sty fly dy x fix dx 5 PIX 5 It continuous 5 f 15 5 I 5 te 1 4 Var X Édx 5 ELA Var X E X EIN YE Ix teddy If I 173 i Varix i Vortex 11 dx X e I I 2 I 4 Varix 3 19091104661 x.zetdx byparts 2 5 MomentGeneratingFunction Notes tTHEN EERIEETIMGFTITI BYFIVE IN I Mo EsteMii't Properties ii iii iii E X to d ME leo MY o E x2 M 10 M MY o Sa H vv an y U 72 ni 17 L É BENI TY VarX o ECetY Transformation of MGF Y ax b Myit Eleggy 19091104661 laxtbs E et ebtMxcat ate th h 19091104661 Sa H vv an y U 72 ni 17 19091104661 Sa H vv an y U 72 ni 17 19091104661 Sa H vv an y U 72 ni 17 19091104661 Sa H vv an y U 72 ni 17