Republic of the Philippines NUEVA VIZCAYA STATE UNIVERSITY Bambang, Nueva Vizcayaddddddd A School DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher NVSU STATE UNIVERSITY ARJAY A. LIGSAY Date/Time Grade Level 1 Learning Area MATH Quarter 1 COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION Date: I. OBJECTIVES Content Standards A. Performance Standards B. Learning Competency/O bjectives Write the LC Code for each II. LEARNING RESOURCES A. References Other Learning Materials IV. PROCEDURES A. REVIEWING PREVIOUS LESSON OR PRESENTING THE NEW LESSON 1.Count objects in a given set by ones. 2.Group objects into tens and count them efficiently. 3.Demonstrate understanding of the relationship between ones and tens in counting. The learner is able accurately count objects in a set and groups them by tens. MATH1N-IIIa-1: Counts the number of objects in a given set by ones and tens. K to 12 Curriculum Guide Mathematics Manila paper, PowerPoint presentation, pictures TEACHERS ACTIVITY STUDENTS ACTIVITY “Good morning class!” “Good morning din po sir” “Before we start, we will pray first (Presentation of a video of a prayer) The students followed along properly. “Amen.” (Class checking) Children, raise your right hand when I call your name and say, "Present, sir." “Present sir” Greet the students again and ask "What did we learn in our previous lesson about counting?" The students responded: "We counted one by one." (Introduce the new topic) "Now, we will learn how to count objects more easily by grouping them into tens." The students are listening and asking together: "What is our new topic about?" Before we start our discussion today, may I ask everyone to follow these guidelines for a smooth discussion? 1. Sit properly and do not talk to your seatmate. 2. Look at the board and listen to the teacher. 3. If you want to ask or say something to the teacher, just raise your right hand. 4. Do not make noise while someone is speaking in front. 5. Do not answer the teacher’s questions all at once. If you want to answer, just raise your right hand. The students answered: "Yes, sir." Did you understand, class?" B. ESTABLISHING A PURPOSE FOR THE LESSON (Ask the students) "If we have many things that we want to count, how can we do it more quickly?" “Yes Jem?” The students are thinking. 4o mini "We will use groups of ten." Correct, because tens are groups of ten." "Great job, let's clap for Jemaimah!" (The students clapped their hands together. "Now, I will show you some marbles here." (Show the 12 marbles.) "How many marbles are there? Can we count them one by one?" The students are counting the marbles: " twelve sir." Verry good! "Now, let’s group the marbles into tens." (Teacher arranges the marbles into groups of ten.) The students are looking at the teacher. "How many groups of ten marbles do we have?" “Yes Imelda” “Verry good Imelda!” “Sir just one” "How many marbles are left from the 12 after we grouped them into tens?" Sir, there are two." Correct! The two leftover marbles are 2 ones." "Let's give ourselves a round of applause!" C. PRESENTING EXAMPLE (MOTIVATION) "To help us understand this lesson better, I have some pictures of fruits here. I want you to look at them and figure out how many tens and ones are in each picture. Do you understand the instructions, class?" The students clapped their hands together. “Yes Teacher (Teacher presents a manila paper with pictures of fruits.) "Here are the pictures of the fruits. Let's look at them carefully." "Okay class, in number 1, what fruit do you see?" “That’s grapes sir” Very good” How many grapes do you see here? (There are 14 grapes.") Verry good!” “14 grapes sir” "Now, let's check how many tens and ones are in this picture of grapes." “verry good Bhill!” D. DISCUSSING NEW CONCEPTS AND PRACTICING NEW SKILLS #1 "Now that you know about this topic, we will have an activity." ACTIVITY: Group the objects into sets of ten, count how many groups of ten there are, and then count the leftover objects as ones. 1. 16 apples Tens: ___ Ones: ____ 2. 12 pencils Tens: ___ Ones: ____ 3. 9 marbles Tens: ____ Ones: ____ 4. 10 balloons Tens: ____ Ones: ____ There is 1 group of ten grapes, and 4 grapes left, so there are 4 ones." 5. 11 erasers Tens: ____ Ones: ____ “After 10 minutes, class are you done? "Yes, teacher! We're done!" Okay class, submit your papers. Okay class, do you want to play? GROUP ACTIVITY: Okay class, we’re going to do a fun group activity! Here’s what you will do: 1. I will divide you into small groups of 3 or 4 students. 2. Each group will get 20 to 30 buttons. 3. You will work together to group the objects into sets of 10. 4. After grouping, count how many groups of 10 you have and how many are left (these are your ones). 5. Write down your answer. For example, if you have 2 groups of 10 and 3 objects left, you will write ‘2 tens and 3 ones’. 6. Finally, one person from each group will share your answer with the class. Let’s get started and have fun!" "Alright class, you are now in your groups. Let’s see how everyone did with their counting. Group 1, you have 23 buttons. Can you group them into tens and ones? Group 2, you have 20 buttons. How many sets of ten can you make? Group 3, you have 25 buttons. How many groups of ten will that be, and how many are left? Group 4, you have 28 buttons. Let’s see how many tens and how many ones you have. Take a few minutes to work with your group. When you're done, write your answers down, and we’ll share them with the class." Yes sir! (the students are excited) "Okay, who is ready to share their answers? Let’s start with Group 1. How many tens and ones do you have?" “ Very good group 1 lets give them around of applause! (Group 1) Yes sir,"Teacher, we have 2 tens and 3 ones. We grouped 20 buttons into two tens, and 3 buttons are left." “How about group 2 (everyone are clapping) "Excellent, Group 2!You made 2 tens and no ones because you had exactly 20 buttons. Perfect work!" "Sir, we have 2 tens and 0 ones because we have exactly 20 buttons, so no leftover buttons." Next is group 3 "Our answer is 2 tens and 5 ones. We grouped 20 buttons into two tens, and 5 buttons are left." Good job, Group 3! You grouped 25 buttons into 2 tens and 5 ones. Keep it up!" And last group, group 4 Well done, everyone! You’re all getting the hang of grouping objects into tens and ones!" "We have 2 tens and 8 ones. We grouped 20 buttons into three tens, and 8 buttons are left." Do you have any question class? Excellent question! If we have more than 100 ones, we start grouping them into hundreds. Teacher, what if we have more than So, when we have 100 ones, that becomes 1 100 ones? What do we do then?" hundred. If we have more than 100 ones, we keep grouping them into tens to form new hundreds. We will practice this in our next lesson when we learn about hundreds!" We are excited teacher! Do you have any other question class? None sir "Great job today, class! You’ve done a wonderful job with counting tens and ones. For your assignment, ASSIGNMENT; I want you to practice counting and grouping objects into hundreds, tens, and ones. You’ll have to figure out how many hundreds, tens, and ones are in different numbers." Feel free to ask your parents for help. They can guide you through the steps and help you understand better." Goodbye class see you tomorrow, take care! Goodbye sir