IPEKA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL - Junior High BSD Academic Year 2024/2025 Semester 2 Names : ______________________________________ Student No. : ________ Grade/Class : 8/___ Subject : Mathematics Type : Continual Assessment (40%) Day/Date : 25 Feb - 5 Mar 2025 Unit/Title : 4/Shape and Space Duration : 7 x 30 minutes Assessment : Project: Transformations in Tessellation Title of Assessment : Transformations in Tessellation Basic Competence : Demonstrate knowledge, skills and understanding in transformation geometry. Description : Students create their own tessellation-inspired designs using four geometric transformations (translation, reflection, rotation, enlargement). Instructions ● You will work in pairs. ● Draw a shape on a Cartesian plane and use the four types of transformations to create a tessellation. ● You may research to find inspiration for the pattern. ● After completing the design, you will describe the transformations applied to the shape from beginning to end. Timeline ● Meeting 1 (30 minutes) : Project explanation ● Meeting 2 (30 minutes) : Research and draft making ● Meeting 3-6 (120 minutes) : Creating tessellation ● Meeting 6 ● Meeting 7 (30 minutes) : Submission (Tuesday, 4 March) : Writing description of transformations Wednesday, March 5 (8.1, 8.3, 8.4) Thursday, March 6 (8.2) Continual Assessment (40%) - 2nd Semester - Grade 8 Page 1 of 5 Rubric of Assessment Category Creativity and Originality Neatness and Clarity Precision Clarity of Explanation Use of Mathematical Terminology 4 3 2 1 The pattern is unique and imaginative, applying all four types of transformation. The pattern applies the four types of transformation, but may resemble existing designs. The pattern applies 2–3 types of transformation and includes common motifs with minimal personal touch. The pattern only applies 1 type of transformation and the design closely mimics existing patterns. Demonstrates exceptional attention to detail, paper is clean, lines are drawn clearly and the color of the pattern is vibrant. Shows good attention to detail, paper is mostly clean (errors or smudges have no major impact on the image) and most lines are drawn clearly . Limited attention to detail; several areas may appear rushed or unfinished and shapes may be confusing or poorly defined. Lacks attention to detail; many areas appear sloppy or incomplete and the design is unclear and difficult to interpret; All transformations are applied accurately, resulting in precise shapes and patterns that align perfectly with geometric principles. Most transformations are applied accurately; minor errors in alignment or shape may be present. Some transformations are applied correctly, but several shapes are misaligned or inaccurately represented. Transformations are poorly applied; shapes are significantly misaligned or inaccurately represented. Complete explanations of all transformations include: ● translation : vector notation ● reflection: mirror line ● enlargement: scale factor and enlargement center ● rotation: angle, direction, rotation center. 1 or 2 items are missing from the explanation. 3 - 4 items are missing from the explanation. More than 4 items are missing from the explanation. Correctly uses appropriate mathematical terminology throughout the explanation. Uses some mathematical terminology correctly; minor errors present. Limited use of mathematical terminology; several errors present. Little to no use of mathematical terminology; terminology used is incorrect. Total Continual Assessment (40%) - 2nd Semester - Grade 8 /20 Page 2 of 5 TESSELLATION DESIGN Continual Assessment (40%) - 2nd Semester - Grade 8 Page 3 of 5 Transformation Descriptions Continual Assessment (40%) - 2nd Semester - Grade 8 Page 4 of 5 Transformation Descriptions Continual Assessment (40%) - 2nd Semester - Grade 8 Page 5 of 5