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SAT Prep 2025: Reading Comprehension Practice

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Individual elephants and Arctic herbivores such as caribou tend to
have fixed geographic ranges throughout their lifetimes. which had
prompted some researchers to speculate that the Arctic woolly
mammoth, an extinct elephantid, might have exhibited similar
behavior. Mammoth tusks grew in sequential layers, incorporating
ingested minerals and organics and so each ivory stratum reflects the
ratio of strontium isotopes (87Sr/86Sr) in the local environment;
thus, the sequence of strata shows where the animal roamed during
life. Recent analysis of the strontium ratios in the strata of one Arctic
woolly mammoth tusk in relation to the geographic distribution of
strontium ratios in the environment shows the animal's range begin
to expand as it reached sexual maturity, only to contract again in is
final 1.5 years.
Which choice best describes the function of the underlined
statement in the text as a whole?
A) It describes a similarity in the behavior of certain animals in order
to show why a method described later in the text did not reveal
whether another animal also showed that behavior
B) It discusses a characteristic shared by certain animals in order to
explain why researchers raised a possibility that turned out not to be
supported by data describes ater in the text
C) It introduces a trait shared by certain animals in order to
contextualize a hypothesis about the origin of that trait that is
advanced later in the text.
D) It illustrates a pattern of behavior among certain animals in order
to present a theory about exceptions to that pattern that is weakened
by a finding described later in the text.
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To address the susceptibility of materials used in components of
high-performance machinery, such as aircraft engines, to creep
(deformation that is induced by persistent mechanical stress and that
often occurs at elevated temperatures), materials researchers
have developed silicon carbide (SiC) fibers for producing aerospace
composites. Testing the thermomechanical properties of several
commercially available SiC fibers, Ramakrishna T. Bhatt et al. round
that in comparison with two polymer-derived Sic abers, a nitrogen
treated SiC fiber exhibited a lower minimum creep rate, a measure of
the rate at which a stress-exposed material deforms at a constant
temperature and uniaxial load. The finding suggests that___.
Which choice most logically completes the text?
A) unlike the two polymer-derived SiC fibers, the nitrogen-treated
SiC fiber can substantially inhibit creep, provided that temperatures
and loads are consistent
B) aerospace composites containing the nitrogen-treated SiC fiber
may have the ability to withstand mechanical stress for a longer
period of time than can aerospace composites containing either of
the two polymer-derived SiC fibers.
C) the two polymer-derived SiC fibers likely hold similar potential for
reducing the creep resistance of materials exposed to stress and
elevated temperatures, thus prolonging the life span of aerospace
D) composites based on the two polymer-derived SiC fibers have
chemical properties that may improve the mechanical and thermal
stability of aerospace equipment to a greater extent than do
composites based on the nitrogen-treated SiC fiber.
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Text 1
When the 50-second-long film Arrival of the Train-which depicts
what its title says, a train pulling into a station-was first shown
publicly in 1896, spectators, naive to the new medium of film and
seeing a train appearing to come directly at them, leaped from their
seats and fled the room. This moment marks a major cultural shift: a
new way of representing and seeing the world had arrived with that
train, and nothing would ever be the same.
Text 2
The fact that there is no contemporary evidence that the first
audience of Arrival of the Train was alarmed has not stopped the
story from becoming canonical, even among film historians. But that
phenomenon itself is highly revealing. Our belief that the coming of
film was transformative is so strong that we invented and keep
retelling a founding myth that divides cultural history into a (naïve)
"before* and (sophisticated) "after."
Based on the texts, the author of Text 2 would most likely agree with
which statement about the description of the first showing of Arrival
of the Train in Text 1?
A) It is not based on evidence and reflects film historians' belief that
they are more sophisticated than today's audiences.
B) It expresses a view about the transformative nature of film that
film historians tend to regard as naïve.
C) It is more motivated by a perception of the significance of the
invention of film than by facts.
D) It reflects a misconception that is widely believed because it
captures early film audiences sense that the new medium was
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The morphological novelty of echinoderms-marine invertebrates
with radial symmetry, usually starlike, around a central pointimpedes comparisons with most other animals, in which bilateral
symmetry on an anterior-posterior (head to tail) axis through a trunk
is typical. Particularly puzzling are sea stars, thought to have evolved
a headless layout from a known bilateral origin. Applying genomic
knowledge of Saccoglossus kowalevskii acorn worms (close relatives
of sea stars, and thus expected to have similar markers for
corresponding anatomical regions) to the body patterning genes of
Patria miniata sea stars, Laurent Formery et al. observed activity only
in anterior genes across P. miniata's entire body and some posterior
genes limited to the edges, suggesting that___.
Which choice most logically completes the text?
A) despite the greater prevalence of anterior genes in sea stars'
genetic makeup, posterior genes active at the body's perimeter are
primarily responsible for the starlike layout that distinguishes sea
stars' radial symmetry from that of other echinoderms.
B) contrary to the belief that they evolved from early ancestors with
the bilateral form typical of many other animals, sea stars instead
originated with an atypical body layout that was neither bilaterally
nor radially symmetrical.
C) although the two species are closely related, there is only minimal
correspondence in the genetic markers for head, tail, and trunk
region development in P. miniata sea stars and S. kowalevskii
acorn worms.
D) rather than undergoing changes resulting in the eventual
elimination of a head region in their radial body plan, as previously
assumed, sea stars' morphology evolved to completely lack a
trunk and consist primarily of a head region.
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The Mars Science Laboratory's Curiosity rover landed on Mars on
August 5, 2012. In order for the mission to land successfully, NASA's
aerospace engineers ___ a complex sequence of maneuvers that
facilitated a decrease in the speed of the descending rover so that it
could be safely lowered to the planet's surface.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise
word or phrase?
A) pondered
B) collaborated
C) hindered
D) choreographed
During the winter of 1858, a 34-year-old French acrobat Charles
Blondin traveled to Niagara Falls with the ambition to become the
first person to cross the falls on a 1,300-foot tightrope suspended
above the churning waters below. Blondin had always worked
without a net, confidently asserting that preparing for disaster only
made one more likely to occur, but journalists and gamblers alike
doubted the potential success of such a seemingly brazen act
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise
word or phrase?
A) hubris
B) insolence
C) shrewdness
D) joviality
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Lady Katherine Grey was a Tudor noblewoman and the younger
sister of Lady Jane Grey, who briefly reigned as Queen of England.
Despite her own claim to the throne and her royal bloodline, Lady
Katherine's life was marked by tragedy and ___. Because she
married without the Queen's permission, Lady Katherine faced
harsh punishments, including imprisonment in the Tower of
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise
word or phrase?
A) passivity
B) rancor
C) inanity
D) acumen
The following text is adapted from George Eliot’s 1857 short story
“The Sad Fortunes of the Rev. Amos Barton.” The Countess Czerlaski
is a newcomer to the town of Milby.
I am by no means sure that if the good people of Milby had known
the truth about the Countess Czerlaski, they would not have been
considerably disappointed to find that it was very far from being as
bad as they imagined. Nice distinctions are troublesome. It is so
much easier to make up your mind that your neighbor is good for
nothing, than to enter into all the circumstances that would oblige
you to modify that opinion.
Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?
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A) To offer commentary on a human foible that may account for
why the people of Milby view the Countess Czerlaski as they do.
B) To speculate on the circumstances under which the unfavorable
opinion of the Countess Czerlaski that is held by the people of Milby
could be improved.
C) To explain why the people of Milby are somewhat correct to
reproach the Countess Czerlaski for her misdeeds.
D) To engage the reader's compassion for both the Countess
Czerlaski and the people of Milby by detailing their different
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Text 1
Scholarship today overrepresents formal experimentation, such as
William Carlos Williams’s use of minimalistic, image-based
structures, well bevond the degree to which it actually influenced
US poetry during the modernist period (roughly 1900-1945).
Meanwhile, the work of Countee Cullen, who relied on conventional
poetic forms associated with previous literary periods, attracts
woefully little attention from scholars of modernism.
Text 2
Distant reading, or computer-assisted quantitative analysis of
massive collections of digitized texts, can reveal stylistic elements
that have heretofore escaped notice, despite being shared by
numerous texts from the modernist period. For too long, scholars
have focused on experimental versus conventional poetic forms,
inhibiting inquiry into other points of stylistic correspondence
among poems that would enrich our understanding of the
modernist canon.
Based on the texts, how would the author of Text 2 most likely
regard the emphasis that Text 1 places on poetic form during the
modernist period?
A) As having the effect of forestalling consideration of the full
stylistic dimensions of poetry written in the period
B) As overestimating the impact that poetic form, whether
experimental or conventional, has on the reading experience
C) As being founded on a misconception about modernist poetry
that has been called into question by distant reading
D) As complementing the study of other stylistic features that
distinguish the modernist period
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Text 1
Scholarship today overrepresents experimentally fragmented
narrative structures, such as that of jean Toomer’s Cane, beyond the
degree to which they actually influenced fiction in the United States
during the modernist period (roughly 1900-1945). Meanwhile, Ellen
Glasgow’s Barren Ground, whose coherent, linear narrative
structure recalls the fiction of previous centuries, attracts woefully
little attention from scholars of modernism.
Text 2
Distant reading, or computer-assisted quantitative analysis of
massive collections of digitized texts, can reveal stylistic elements
that have heretofore escaped notice, despite being shared by
numerous texts from the modernist period. For too long. scholars
have focused on narrative fragmentation versus coherence,
inhibiting inquiry into other points of stylistic correspondence
among works that would enrich our understanding of the modernist
Based on the texts, both the author of Text 1 and the author of Text
2 would most likely agree with which statement about scholarship
on the modernist period in the United States?
A) At present, it only partially captures the stylistic dimensions of
the fiction written in the period
B) Its primary methods for analyzing fiction written in the period
are growing obsolete as computer technology advances.
C) Instead of engaging in unproductive debates, it should work to
rehabilitate the reputations of neglected modernist works.
D) It must widen its focus to include aspects of modernist fiction
beyond style, a productive but overrepresented site of inquiry.
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Text 1
Scholarship today overrepresents experimentally fragmented
narrative structures, such as that of Flann O’Brien’s At Swim-TwoBirds, beyond the degree to which they actually influenced fiction in
Britain and Ireland during the modernist period (roughly 19001945). Meanwhile, John Galsworthy’s The Forsyte Saga, whose
coherent, linear narrative structure recalls the fiction of previous
centuries, attracts woefully little attention from scholars of
Text 2
Distant reading, or computer-assisted quantitative analysis of
massive collections of digitized texts, can reveal stylistic elements
that have heretofore escaped notice, despite being shared by
numerous texts from the modernist period. For too long, scholars
have focused on narrative fragmentation versus coherence,
inhibiting inquiry into other points of stylistic correspondence
among works that would enrich our understanding of the modernist
Based on the texts. both the author of Text 1 and the author of Text
2 would most likely agree with which statement about scholarship
on works from the modernist period in Britain and Ireland?
A) Without a major shift in focus, the vision that it presents of
fiction written in the period will continue to be unnecessarily
B) It must widen its focus to include aspects of modernist fiction
beyond style, a productive but overrepresented site of inquiry.
C) Its primary methods for analyzing fiction written in the period
are growing obsolete as computer technology advances.
D) Instead of engaging in unproductive debates, it should work to
rehabilitate the reputations of neglected modernist works.
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The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse is a 2001 novel
by Ojibwe writer Louise Erdrich. It explores how historical events
affect families on a reservation in rural North Dakota. The Last
Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse is typical of Erdrich's
work. Her writing usually focuses on portrayals of everyday life in
Ojibwe communities. Yet some of her novels have fantastical plots
and take place outside Ojibwe communities. For example, her 1991
novel The Crown of Columbus is essentially adventure fiction, and
the thrilling events in its plot are set largely on a Caribbean island.
Which choice best describes the function of the underlined
sentence in the text as a whole?
A) It recommends that readers avoid a particular novel by Erdrich.
B) It lists the many similarities between two novels by Erdrich.
C) It offers an example of a novel that differs from most of Erdrich’s
D) It discusses what inspired Erdrich to write one of her novels.
Some ethicists hold that the moral goodness of an individual’s
actions depends solely on whether the actions themselves are good,
irrespective of the context in which they are carried out.
Philosopher L. Sebastian Purcell has shown that surviving works of
Aztec (Nahua) philosophy express a very different view. Purcell
reveals that these works posit an ethical system in which an
individual's actions are judged in light of how well they accord with
the individual's role in society and how well they contribute to the
community. To the extent that these works are representative of
Aztec thought, Purcell's analysis suggests that___
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Which choice most logically completes the text?
A) the Aztecs would have disputed the idea that the morality of an
individual's actions can be assessed by appealing to standards of
behavior that are independent of the individual’s social
B) the Aztecs would not have accepted the notion that the morality
of an individual's actions can be fairly evaluated by people who do
not live in the same society as that individual.
C) actions by members of Aztec society who contributed a great
deal to their community could be judged as morally good even if
those actions were inconsistent with behaviors the Aztecs regarded
as good in all contexts.
D) similar actions performed by people in different social roles in
Aztec society would have been regarded as morally equivalent
unless those actions led to different outcomes for the community.
Archaeologists and historians used to believe that the Maya
civilization during its Classic period (roughly 250-900) lacked
agricultural marketplaces. One reason for this belief was that these
scholars misunderstood the ecology of the regions the Maya
inhabited. Marketplaces typically emerge because different
individuals or groups want to trade resources they control for
resources they don't control. Scholars seriously underestimated
the ecological diversity of the Maya landscape and thus assumed
Which choice most logically completes the text?
A) marketplaces likely would not have attracted many traders from
outside the regions controlled by the Maya.
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B) farming practices would have been largely the same throughout
Maya lands even if the crops people produced varied significantly.
C) marketplaces would not have enabled Maya people to acquire
many products different from those they already produced.
D) farmers would trade agricultural products only if they had
already produced enough to meet their own needs.
Arthurian legends (tales related to the character of King Arthur)
derive from many sources, such as Preiddeu Annwn, composed
around 900, and Perceval, the Story of the Grail from around 1181.
Sir Thomas Malory’s 15th-century text Le Morte d’Arthur was
an attempt to compile these stories into a coherent narrative. Many
of Malory's sources derive from Geoffrey of Monmouth’s History of
the Kings of Britain, written in the 1130s. While neither History nor
any works that predate it mention Arthur's famous Round Table at
which his knights assembled, Le Morte d'Arthur does, suggesting
Which choice most logically completes the text?
A) Geoffrey of Monmouth's accounts of Arthurian legends in
History are more similar overall in content to the accounts in
Perceval, the Story of the Grail than they are to the account in Le
Morte d'Arthur.
B) Malory encountered the Round Table in a version that Geoffrey
of Monmouth was not familiar with when writing his History.
C) Le Morte d’Arthur is more historically accurate than History,
because Perceval, the Story of the Grail had not been written when
Geoffrey of Monmouth was writing his work.
D) When a version of an Arthurian legends contradicted the version
in History, Malory preferred to include Geoffrey of Monmouth's
version in Le Morte d’Arthur.
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Ships in the British Royal Navy during the Napoleonic Wars (18031815) were ranked based on military strengh. The system considered
the number of a ship’s cannons and decks. “First-rate” was the
highest ranking, and “sixth-rate” was the lowest ranking, followed
by unranked ships. The size of a ship's crew was based on this
ranking: first-rate ships had between 850 and 875 crewmen, while
lower-ranked ships had fewer. Two of the ships in the British Royal
Navy from this period were the Boyne (98 cannons and three decks)
and the Britannia (120 cannons and three decks). Of these two, only
the Britannia was ranked a first-rate ship. It can theretore be
concluded that___.
Which choice most logically completes the text?
A) some chine with three decks had a crew of fewer than 850
B) the Britannia needed a crew larger than 875 people in order to
operate efficiently.
C) the Boyne had a larger crew than the Britannia.
D) all ships with at least 98 cannons had a crew of at least 850
Our channel
In a 2018 study. Deepak Jaiswal and Rishi Kant found that
consumers’ knowledge of environmental issues had 1 no effect on
the likelihood that the consumers would purchase environmentally
friendly products. Since this study was based on fewer than 400
young adults in India, however, doubts have been raised about how
reliable and representative the findings are. To better understand
the issue, Wencan Zhuang and colleagues analyzed the results of 54
studies of eco-friendly consumer behavior, such as a 2018 study
from Indonesia that included 916 participants and a 2018 study from
India with 202 participants. Taking all 54 studies together, Zhuang
and colleagues found a significant positive effect of environmental
knowledge on eco-friendly purchasing decisions, suggesting
Which choice most logically completes the text?
A) a sample size of 202 may be sufficient to make reliable
conclusions about the relationship between knowledge of
environmental issues and purchasing decisions.
B) concerns about the broad applicability of Jaiswal and Kant’s
conclusion were justified.
C) the number of participants in Jaiswal and Kant’s study was far
below the number of participants in most studies of purchasing
D) Jaiswal and Kant’s methodology was more precise than the
methodology used in the 2018 study from Indonesia.
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Some fuel additives contain cerium oxide nanoparticles (CeO2-NPs),
which can leach into waterways and soils via wastewater. In a 2015
study, Maël Garaud and colleagues found that Ce02-NPs can
accumulate in the bodies of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha).
While bioaccumulation of manufactured nanoparticles may be
inherently worrisome, it has been hypothesized that CeO2-NP
bioaccumulation in invertebrate like D. polymorpha could serve a
valuable proxy role, observing the need for manufacturers to
conduct costly and intrusive sampling of vertebrate species such as
rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), commonly used in regulatory
compliance testing for manipulative bioaccumulation, as
environmental protection laws currently require.
Which finding, if true, would most directly weaken the hypothesis
presented in the text?
A) When D. polymorpha and O. mykiss are exposed to similar levels
of Ce02-NPs, concentrations of CeO2-NPs in animals of both
species show little variation from individual to individual.
B) The rate of CeO2-NP uptake in D. polymorpha differs from the
rate of Ce02-NP uptake in O. mykiss in a way that is not yet well
understood by researchers.
C) D. polymorpha has been shown to accumulate several other types
of manufactured nanoparticles in addition to Ce02-NPs, whereas
O. mykiss has been shown to accumulate only
D) Compared with O. mykiss, D. polymorpho can accumulate
detectable Ce02-NP concentrations with significantly fewer negative
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Arthurian legends (tales related to the character of King Arthur)
derive from many sources, such as Englynion y Beddau, composed
between the 9th and 10th centuries, and Sir Gawain and the Green
Knight from the 1300s. One of the most significant sources, Geoffrey
of Monmouth’s History of the Kings of Britain, was written in Latin in
the 1130s; some material from it was later adapted by the Norman
poet Wace into the Roman de Brut in 1155. But while no source before
1155 includes references to the famous Round Table at which Arthur’s
knights assembled, both the Roman de Brut and Sir Thomas Malory’s
15th-century compilation of Arthurian legends, Le Morte d’Arthur, do.
It can therefore be inferred that___.
Which choice most logically completes the text?
A) Malory did not use Englynion y Beddau as a source for
information he presented about the Round Table.
B) Geoffrey of Monmouth’s accounts of Arthurian legends in his
History are more similar overall in content to the accounts in Sir
Gawain and the Green Knight than they are to the accounts in Roman
de Brut
C) Geoffrey of Monmouth was unaware of stories of the Round
Table when composing his History, though historians know
that works containing such stories were available to him.
D) Le Morte d’Arthur is more historically accurate than History,
because Sir Gawain and the Green Knight had not been written
when Geoffrey of Monmouth was writing his work.
Our channel
The following text is adapted from George Eliot’s 1857 short story
“The Sad Fortunes of the Rev. Amos Barton.” The Countess Czerlaski
is a newcomer to the town of Milby.
I am by no means sure that if the good people of Milby had known
the truth about the Countess Czerlaski, they would not have been
considerably disappointed to find that it was very far from being as
bad as they imagined. Nice distinctions are troublesome. It is so
much easier to make up your mind that your neighbour is good for
nothing, than to enter into all the circumstances that would oblige
you to modify that opinion.
Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?
A) To offer commentary on a human foible that may account for why
the people of Milby view the Countess Czerlaski as they do.
B) To speculate on the circumstances under which the unfavorable
opinion of the Countess Czerlaski that is held by the people of Milby
could be improved.
C) To explain why the people of Milby are somewhat correct to
reproach the Countess Czerlaski for her misdeeds.
D) To engage the reader's compassion for both the Countess
Czerlaski and the people of Milby by detailing their different
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While attending school in New York City in the 1980s, Okwui Enwezor
encountered few works by African artists in exhibitions, despite New
York’s reputation as one of the best places to view contemporary art
from around the world. According to an arts journalist, later in his
career as a renowned curator and art historian, Enwezor sought to
remedy this deficiency, not by focusing solely on modern African
artists, but by showing how their work fits into the larger context of
global modern art and art history.
Which finding, if true, would most directly support the journalist's
A) As curator of the Haus der Kunst in Munich, Germany, Enwezor
organized a retrospective of Ghanaian sculptor El Anatsui's work
entitled El Anatsui: Triumphant Scale, one of the largest art
exhibitions devoted to a Black artist in Europe's history.
B) In the exhibition Postwar: Art Between the Pacific and the Atlantic,
1945-1965, Enwezor and cocurator Katy Siegel brought works by
African artists such as Malangatana Ngwenya together with pieces by
major figures from other countries, like US artist Andy Warhol and
Mexico's David Siqueiros.
C) Enwezor's work as curator of the 2001 exhibition The Short
Century: Independence and Liberation Movements in Africa, 1945-1994
showed how African movements for independence from European
colonial powers following the Second World War profoundly
influenced work by African artists of the period, such as Kamala
Ibrahim Ishaq and Thomas Mukarobgwa.
D) Enwezor organized the exhibition In/sight: African Photographers,
1940 to the Present not to emphasize a particular aesthetic trend but to
demonstrate the broad range of ways in which African artists have
approached the medium of photography.
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The many editions of James Jovce’s 1922 novel Ulvsses are not
textually identical. and scholars debate which versions reflect
Joyces authorial intent. One no longer widely read edition is the
1984 “critical and synoptic edition” edited by Hans Walter Gabler,
which followed French and German editorial theories rather than
editorial traditions of the United States and United Kingdom and
which was later found to have introduced errors due to Gabler’s
choice to consult facsimile manuscripts rather than using only
originals. However, few Joyce scholars worldwide had expertise in
such textul issues, and most of those who did worked on the edition
with Gabler. So. it is unsurorising that initia scholarly reviews of the
1984 edition were mostly___.
Which choice most logically completes the text?
A) positive, since Ulysses is a novel in English and the 1984 edition
would therefore be more widely reviewed in United States and
United Kingdom publications than in French and German
B) negative, since an scholar with expertise in editorial theories of
the United States and United kingdom as well as French and
German editonal theones most likelv worked with Gabler on the
1984 edition and would therefore not review it.
C) negative. since those Jovce scholars with the necessary expertise
to write a review of the 1984 editior would be aware that lacsimile
manuscripts cannot be produced with a high enough tidelity to the
original to ensure that relying on them will not introduce editorial
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D) positive. since scholars who reviewed the 1984 edition were
unaffiliated with its production and were mostlv either Jovce
specialists who were largely untamiliar with editorial theories and
practices or specialists in such theories and practices who were
insufficiently familiar with Joyce.
It is by no means ___ to recognize the influence of Dutch painter
Hieronymus Bosch on Ali Banisadr’s paintings indeed, Banisadr
himself cites Bosch as an inspiration. However, some scholars have
suggested that the ancient Mesopotamian poem Epic of Gilgamesh
may have had a far greater impact on Banisadr’s work.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise
word or phrase?
A) substantial
B) satisfying
C) unimportant
D) appropriate
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Text 1
In separate studies, Lingbo Meng and colleagues and Xinhua He and
colleagues examined whether plants transfer nutrients to one
another using a common mycorrhizal network (CMN)-a lattice of
fungal strands in the soil. Meng and colleagues excluded all
pathways other than the CMN by using barriers to keep the plants’
root systems separate while allowing mycorrhizal strands througha crucial step He and colleagues’ study did not take.
Text 2
Meng and colleagues took the necessary precaution of separating
the plants’ root systems (thereby excluding root-to-root
transmission). However, any barrier used must allow the thread-like
hyphae of a CMN to pass through, and this permeability would also
allow liquids through. Thus, the researchers’ experimental
design cannot ensure that any nutrient transfer observed can be
attributed to a CMN and not to some other pathway.
Based on the texts, the author of Text 1 and the author of Text 2
would most likely give the same answer to which question?
A) Did He and colleagues’ study effectively exclude any nutrient
pathway other than a CMN?
B) Are the barriers used in Meng and colleagues’ study sufficient to
ensure that nutrie transfer could only occur via a CMN?
C) Is there an available barrier material that can block roots and
liquids while allowing fungal strands through?
D) Do plants that transfer nutrients through a root-to-root
pathway also transm nutrients via a CMN?
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Almost all works of fiction contain references to the progression of
time, including the time of day when events in a story take place. In
a 2020 study, Allen Kim, Charuta Pethe, and Steven Skiena claim
that an observable pattern in such references reflects a shift in
human behavior prompted by the spread of electric lighting in the
late nineteenth century. The researchers drew this conclusion from
an analysis of more than 50,000 novels spanning many centuries
and cultures, using software to recognize and tally both specific
time references-that is, clock phrases, such as 7 a.m. or 2:30 p.m. and implied ones, such as mentions of meals typically associated
with a particular time of day.
Which finding from the study, if true, would most directly support
the researchers’ conclusion?
A) Novels published after the year 1800 include the clock phrase 10
a.m. less often than novels published before the year 1800 do
B) Novels published after 1880 contain significantly more
references to activities occurring after 10 p.m. than do novels from
earlier periods.
C) Among novels published in the nineteenth century, implied time
references become steadily more common than clock phrases as
publication dates approach 1900.
D) The time references of noon (12 p.m.) and midnight (12 a.m.) are
used with roughly the same trequency in the novels
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To understand how temperature change affects microorganismmediated cycling of soil nutrients in alpine ecosystems, Cva
Kastovska et al. collected plant-soil cores in the Tatra Mountains at
elevations around 2,100 meters and iansplanted them to elevations
of 1,700- 1,400 meters, where the mean air temperature was
warmer by 2°C. Microorganismmediated nutrient cycling was
accelerated in the transplanted cores: crucially, microorganism
comununity composition was unchanged, allowing Kastovska et al.
to attribute the acceleration to temperature-induced increases in
microarganism activity.
It can most reasonably be inferred from the text that the finding
about the microorganism community composition was important
for which reason?
A) It provided preliminary evidence that microorganism-mediated
nutrient cycling was accelerated m the transplanted cores.
B) It suggested that temperature-induced changes in
microorganism acuity may be occurring at increasingly high
C) it ruled out a potential alternative explanation for the
acceleration in microorganism-meciated nutrient cycling
D) it clarified that microorganism activity levels in the plant-soil
cores varied depending on which microorganisms comprised the
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In 2018 study, Deepak Jaiswal and Rashi Kant found that consumers'
knowledge of environmental issues had no effect on the likelihood
that the consumers would purchase environmentally friendly
products. Since this study was based on fewer than 400 young
adults in India, however, doubts have been raised about how
reliable and representative the findings are. To better understand
the issue, Wencan Zhuang and colleagues analyzed the results of 54
studies of eco friendly consumer behavior, such as a 2018 study
fram Indonesia that included 916 participants and a 2018 study from
India with 202 participants. Taking all 54 studies together, Zhuang
and colleagues found a significant positive effect of environmental
knowledge on eco-friendly purchasing decisions, suggesting
Which choice most logically completes the text?
A) A sample size of 202 may be sufficient to make reliable
conclusions about the relationship between knowledge of
environmental issues and purchasing decisions.
B) concerns about the broad appheability of Jaiswal and Kant's
conclusion were justified.
C) the number of participants in Jaiswal and Kant's study was far
below the number of participants in most studies of purchasing
D) Jaiswal and Kant's methodology was more precise than the
methodology used in the 2018 study from Indonesia.
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Quasars - such as APM 08279+5255, located in the Lynx
constellation - are extremely luminous galactic nuclei powered by
supermassive black holes, some of which are known to have
developed within the first billion years of the formation of the
universe Based on simulations they conducted, astrophysicists
Daniel Whalen, Muhammad Latif, and colleagues concluded that
these early quasars developed partly as a result of rare
convergences of gases in space without the need for ultraviolet
backgrounds or other extreme and implausible environmental
conditions that models of the early universe have included to
account for the presence of these quasars, if this conclusion is
correct, it suggests that___.
Which choice most logically completes the text?
A) future models of the early universe may not need to include
conditions that explain carly quasars since those quasars may not
have actually existed at the time
B) it may be possible to develop models of the early universe that
rest on more credible assumptions than previous models have.
C) factors that previous models of the early universe assumed were
necessary for the formation of quasars may have actually been
consequences o the formation ol quasars.
D) previous models of the early universe may have
underemphasized the importance of ultraviolet backgrounds to
quasar formation
Our channel
The population of the coral Lophelia pertusa declined significantly
around 9,000 years ago in the Alboran Sea and around 11,000 years
ago near the Mauritanian coast. Using the ratio of manganese to
calcium. which inverselv correlates with ocean oxygenation levels,
marine scientist Rodrigo da Costa Portilho-Ramos and colleagues
evaluated whether oxygenation played a role in the declines of
L. pertusa. The researchers concluded that oxygenation may have
been important in the Alboran Sea but not near the Mauritanian
coast, since___.
Which choice most effectively uses data from the graph to complete
the statement?
A) a substantial increase in oxygenation in the Alboran Sea
corresponded with the local decline in L. pertusa, but the opposite
relationship between oxygenation and L. pertusa was found near
the Mauritanian coast.
Our channel
B) L. pertusa declined in the Alboran Sea during a period of
substantial local decline in oxygenation, but L. pertusa declined near
the Mauritanian coast during a period of little local change in
C) oxygenation in the Alboran Sea was higher before the decline in
L. pertusa than after the decline, whereas oxygenation near the
Mauritanian coast was relativelv low both before and after the
decline in L. pertusa.
D) oxygenation in the Alboran Sea tended to be substantially higher
than oxygenation near the Mauritanian coast during the period
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When designing a stairway, an architect can use the riser-tread
formula 2h + d = 25, where h is the riser height, in inches, and d is
the tread depth, in inches. For any given stairway, the riser heights
are the same and the tread depths are the same for all steps in that
stairway. The number of steps in a stairway is the number of its
risers. For example, there are 5 steps in the stairway in the figure
above. The total rise of a stairway is the sum of the riser heights as
shown in the figure. REFERANCE TO 31-32 questions
Some building codes require that, for indoor stairways, the tread
depth must be at least 9 inches and the riser height must be at least
5 inches. According to the riser-tread formula, which of the
following inequalities represents the set of all possible values for the
riser height that meets this code requirement?
A) 0 ≤ h ≤ 5
B) h ≥ 5
C) 5 ≤ h ≤ 8
D) 8 ≤ h ≤ 16
Our channel
An architect wants to use the riser-tread formula to design a
stairway with a total rise of 9 feet, a riser height between 7 and 8
inches, and an odd number of steps. With the architect’s
constraints, which of the following must be the tread depth, in
inches, of the stairway? (1 foot = 12 inches)
A) 7.2
B) 9.5
C) 10.6
D) 15
A rectangle is inscribed in a circle, such that each vertex of the
rectangle lies on the circumference of the circle. The diagonal of
the rectangle is twice the length of the shortest side of the
rectangle. The area of the rectangle is 1089 3 square units. What is
the length, in units, of the diameter of the circle?
Answer Preview:
The function fis defined by
f(x) = 2x 2 - 8x + 5. The graph
of y = f(x-h) is shown in the
xy-plane below.
What is the value of h?
Our channel
In the right triangle ABC above, which of
the following must be true?
I. sinx° = b/c
II. cos(90-x)° = b/c
III. sin(90-x)° = b/c
A) I only
B) II only
C) I and II only
D) I and IlI only
The graph of the equation y = -x2 + 40x - 256 is shown. Which of the
following equivalent forms of the equation shows the maximum
value of y as a constant or coefficient?
A) y = -(x - 8)(x - 32)
B) y = -(x - 20) 2 + 144
C) y = -x(x - 40) - 256
D) y = -x 2 + 8(5x - 32)
Our channel
For the exponential function f, the value of f(1) is k, where k is a
constant. Which of the following equivalent forms of the function f
shows the value of k as the coefficient or the base?
A) f(x) = 50(1.6) x+1
B) f(x) = 80(1.6)x
C) f(x) = 128(1.6)
D) f(x) = 204.8(1.6) x-2
Which of the following expressions has a factor of x + 2b, where b is
a positive integer constant?
A) 3x 2 + 7x + 14b
B) 3x 2+ 28x + 14b
C) 3x 2 + 42x + 14b
D) 3x2 + 49x + 14b
A 3,000-piece rectangular jigsaw puzzle has 216 edge pieces, and
the rest are inside pieces. The equation 48r + 216 = 3000 describes
this situation, where r represents the number of rows that contain
inside pieces. Which of the following is the best interpretation of
48r in this context?
A) There are 48r total pieces.
B) There are 48r pieces in each row.
C) There are 48r edge pieces.
D) There are 48r inside pieces.
Our channel
In the standard (x, y) coordinate plane, if the x-coordinate of each
point on a line is 5 more than half the y-coordinate, what is the
slope of the line?
A) -5
B) -1/2
C) 1/2
D) 2
E) 5
In triangles LMN and RST, angles L and R each have measure 60°,
LN = 10, and RT = 30. Which additional piece of information is
sufficient to prove that triangle LMN is similar to triangle RST?
A) MN = 7 and ST = 7
B) MN = 7 and ST = 21
C) The measures of angles M and S are 70° and 60°, respectively.
D) The measures of angles M and T are 70° and 50°, respectively.
Which of the following expressions is equivalent to
(sin 24°)(cos 66°) + (cos 24°)(sin 66°)?
A) 2(cos 66°)(sin 24°)
B) 2(cos 66°) + 2(cos 24°)
C) (cos 66°) + (cos 24°)
D) (cos 66°) + (sin 24°)
Our channel
The angles shown above are acute and sin(a°) = cos(b°). If a = 4k - 22
and b = 6k - 13, what is the value of k?
A) 4.5
B) 5.5
C) 12.5
D) 21.5
A café manager found that when cups of tea were sold for $1.00, a
teal of 50 cups of tea were sold each day. For every $0.10 increase
in the price of a cup of tea, 1 less cup of tea was sold each day.
Which equation models the total amount collected S, in dollars,
from tea sales each day, where x is the number of $0.10 price
A) S = (1 + x)(50 - x)
B) S = (1 + x)(50 + x)
C) S = (1 + 0.1x)(50 - x)
D) S = (1 + x)(50 + x)
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Text 1
In separate studies, Lingbo Meng and colleagues and Xinhua He and
colleagues examined whether plants transfer nutrients to one
another using a common mycorrhizal network (CMN)-a lattice of
fungal strands in the soil. Meng and colleagues excluded all
pathways other than the CMN by using barriers to keep the plants’
root systems separate while allowing mycorrhizal strands througha crucial step He and colleagues’ study did not take.
Text 2
Meng and colleagues took the necessary precaution of separating
the plants’ root systems (thereby excluding root-to-root
transmission). However, any barrier used must allow the thread-like
hyphae of a CMN to pass through, and this permeability would also
allow liquids through. Thus, the researchers’ experimental
design cannot ensure that any nutrient transfer observed can be
attributed to a CMN and not to some other pathway.
Based on the texts, the author of Text 1 and the author of Text 2
would most likely give the same answer to which question?
A) Did He and colleagues’ study effectively exclude any nutrient
pathway other than a CMN?
B) Are the barriers used in Meng and colleagues’ study sufficient to
ensure that nutrie transfer could only occur via a CMN?
C) Is there an available barrier material that can block roots and
liquids while allowing fungal strands through?
D) Do plants that transfer nutrients through a root-to-root
pathway also transm nutrients via a CMN?
Our channel
The histogram summarizes the total distance people traveled to
visit a city for a convention. If the average distance traveled for
anyone who traveled 50 miles or more is 57.82 miles, approximately
what is the greatest possible mean distance traveled by all who
attended the convention?
Answer Preview:
A quadratic equation intercepts the x-axis at two different points,
(j, 0) and (k, 0), where k > j. The distance between the x-intercepts
is equal to the shortest distance from the x-axis to the vertex, and
the vertex is in the first quadrant. Which of the following represents
the quadratic equation?
A) y = ___ (x - j)(x - k)
B) y = ___ (x - j)(x - k)
C) y = ___ (x - j)(x - k)
Our channel
y = ___ (x - j)(x - k)
Line A, y = ax + b, and line B, y = cx + d, where a, b, c, and d are
constants and b > d, intersect in the first quadrant of the
xy-coordinate plane at the point (j, k). A triangle is formed from the
y-intercepts of the lines and the point of intersection, and the base
is formed by the distance between the y-intercepts of the lines. If
the base and height of the triangle are equal, what is the difference
between the slope of line B and the slope of line A?
Answer Preview:
Data set X
Data set Y
Data sets X and Y are summarized in the tables shown, where a, b,
and c are positive, consecutive integers and a < b < c. Which
statement comparing the means of the data sets is true?
A) The mean of data set X is ____ less than the mean of data set Y.
B) The mean of data set X is ____ greater than the mean of data
set Y.
C) The mean of data set Y is 100 times the mean of data set X.
D) The means of the two data sets are equal.
Our channel
In the figure above, line p is
parallel to line g. Which of the
following must be true?
I. m <2 = m <9
II. m 2 + m 4 = 180
III. m 4 + m 8 = m 5
A) I only
B) I and II only
C) I and IlI only
D) I, Il, and III
The function z is defined by the equation shown:
z(w) = (0.829)
The value of z(w) decreases by p% when the value of w increases to 7. Which of
the following is closest to the value of p?
-16(5x - 3) + 4(5x - 2)
The given expression can be rewritten as
a x 2+ _
b x+ _
c where a, b,
_______________ ?
and c are constants. What is the value of _(a+b+c)(a-b+c)
Our channel
For the exponential function f, the table below shows several values
of x and their corresponding values of f(x), where a is a constant
greater than 1. If k is a constant and f(k) = a 29+k , what is the value of
The function z is defined by the equation shown:
z(w) = (0.829)
The value of z(w) decreases by p% when the value of w increases to 7. Which of
the following is closest to the value of p?
For the given equation,
8rx + 40sx + 200r = 0
r and s are constants such than r < 0, s > 0, r/s > k. What is the least value of k
that ensures the equation has two real solutions?
Find the minimum distance between the functions y = x + 4 and y = 2x. Write
your answer in decimal form.
Our channel
A scientist initially estimates that there are 90,000 termites in a
colony. 12 days later, the scientist estimates 270,000 termites are in
the same colony. Assuming exponential growth, the formula
T = A(2) rd
gives the number of termites in the colony, where A and r are
constants and T is the number of termites in the colony d days after
the initial measurement. What is the value of r?
A right rectangular prism has a base area of 28p square centimeters (cm ). The
length of the base of the rectangular prism is 12 cm, and the height of the
rectangular prism is 4 cm. Which expression represents the surface area, in cm,
of the right rectangular prism?
A) 512p/3
B) 224р/3 + 96
C) 56p + 192
D) 560p + 96
ABCDEF and A 1B1C 1D1E1F1, are two regular hexagons sharing the same center. A
is on segment AB such that AA1: A 1B = 2 : 3. Find the ratio of the area of hexagon
A 1B 1C 1D1E 1F 1 to the area of hexagon ABCDEF.
Note: The Cosine Theorem (Law of Cosines) states that for any triangle with
sides a, b, and c, and the angle y opposite side c:
c 2 = a2 + b2 - 2ab*cos(y)
Our channel
A fruit orchard has 8 rows of apple trees and 4 rows of orange trees.
Each row of apple trees has 15 trees that are healthy and 6 trees
that are unhealthy. Each row of orange trees has 10 trees that are
healthy and 2 trees that are unhealthy.
The probability of selecting an apple tree, given that the tree is
unhealthy, is equal to w. The probability of selecting an unhealthy
tree, given that the tree is an orange tree, is equal to z. By what
percent is w greater than z?
In triangle DEF, angle F is a right angle, point Q lies on DE, point J lies on EF,
and QJ is parallel to DF. If the length of EF is 45 units, the length of FJ is 24
units, and the area of triangle DEF is 630 square units, what is the perimeter of
quadrilateral QJFD, in units?
At a depth of x meters below the surface, the estimated total pressure P1, in
millibars, a submarine experiences is given by P 1 = 1,013x + 12,000. After the
submarine descends a certain depth, k, it descends h additional meters. The
estimated total pressure P2, in millibars, the submarine experiences after
descending k additional meters is given by P2 = 1,013h + 721,100. Which of the
following is the best interpretation of 721,100 in this context?
A) The estimated total pressure in millibars the submarine experienced after
the submarine began to descend k additional meters.
B) The estimated increase in millibars the submarine experienced at a depth of
h meters.
C) The estimated total pressure in millibars the submarine experienced when
the submarine began to descend h additional meters.
D) The estimated increase in millibars the submarine experienced for each
increase in depth by h meters.
Our channel
If x ≥ -13 represents all solutions to the inequality ax - 75 ≤ 42,
where a is a constant, what is the greatest possible value of a?
The quadratic function g models the depth, in meters, below the surface of the
water of a seal t minutes after the seal entered the water during a dive. The
function estimates that the seal reached its maximum depth of 302.4 meters 6
minutes after it entered the water and then reached the surface of the water 12
minutes after it entered the water. Based on the function, what was the
estimated depth, to the nearest meter, of the seal 10 minutes after it entered
the water?
The area of a rectangular region is increasing at a rate of 250 square feet per
hour. Which of the following is closest to this rate in square meters per
minute? (Use 1 meter = 3.28 feet.)
A) 0.39
B) 1.27
C) 13.67
D) 23.24
The given equation is
f(x) = a * b
For the given function, a and b are constants. When a increases by 1 unit, f(x)
increases by 30%. If f(2) = 25.35, what is the value of a + b?
A) 16.3
B) 24.5
C) 9.6
D) 8.4
Our channel
If x ≥ -13 represents all solutions to the inequality ax - 75 ≤ 42,
where a is a constant, what is the greatest possible value of a?
Data set A: 10, 13, 25, 30, 42
Data set B: 42, 45, 57, 62, x
The given data sets A and B consist of 5 numbers. If the standard deviation of
data set A is more than the standard deviation of B, which of the following could
be a value of x?
I. 55
II. 70
III. 82
A) only I
B) l and I
C) I, Il and III
D) II, III only
For a poll, an organizer randomly selected 21 professors from a certain liberal
arts program at a university. These professors were asked whether they were
interested in using a new textbook for their classes, and 14 of them responded
What is the largest group to which the results of the poll can be generalized?
A) The 14 professors who responded "Yes"
B) All liberal arts professors at the university
C) All professors in the program
D) All professors at the university
Our channel
The function k is defined by
k(s) = s + 110
If k(53p) = p 2, where p is a constant, what is the value of p?
A computer program models the population of a certain insect in an
environment where the insect has no natural predators. According to the
model, the estimated total mass of the population of insects at the end of every
5-week period is 158% greater than the estimated total mass of the population
of insects at the end of the previous 5-week period. The estimated total mass of
the population of insects at the end of 15 weeks is 627.7 grams. Which equation
best represents this model, where M is the estimated total mass, in grams, of
the population of insects at the end of t weeks?
A) M = 538.92(1.58)
B) M = 457.66(2.58)
C) M = 159.14(1.58)
D) M = 36.55(2.58)
For a poll, an organizer randomly selected 21 professors from a certain liberal
arts program at a university. These professors were asked whether they were
interested in using a new textbook for their classes, and 14 of them responded
What is the largest group to which the results of the poll can be generalized?
A) The 14 professors who responded "Yes"
B) All liberal arts professors at the university
C) All professors in the program
D) All professors at the university
Our channel
If n and k are numbers greater than 1 and
n5 = k2
for what value of a is
n2a +1 = k ?
A researcher investigated two species of mites: a predator and its prey. At the
start of a week, there was an equal number of the two species. At the end of the
week, the number of prey had increased by 1,700% of the number of prey at the
start of the week, and the number of predators had increased by 280% of the
number of predators at the start of the week. The number of prey at the end of
the week was p% greater than the number of predators at the end of the week.
What is the value of p?
For 100 neurons, the table summarizes the distribution of classification and cell
body diameter:
less 20
more 30
One of these neurons will be selected at random. What is the probability of
selecting a neuron with a cell body diameter that is less than or equal to 30
micrometers, given that it is not classified as a motor neuron?
Our channel
In triangle ABC and triangle DEF, AB and DE are each equal to 5
centimeters, and angles A and D each have measure 35°. Which
additional piece of information is sufficient to prove that triangle
ABC is congruent to triangle DEF?
A) The lengths of sides BC and EF are equal.
B) The lengths of sides AC and DF are equal.
C) The measures of angles B and C are equal.
D) No additional information is necessary to prove that the two
triangles are congruent.
P(t) = 260(1.728)
The function P models the population, in thousands, of a certain city t years
after 2006. According to the model, the population is predicted to increase by
20% every n months. What is the value of a?
A) 2/3
B) 12
C) 1/4
D) 1/2
An environmental scientist is investigating the volatility of 175 organic
compounds by finding the boiling point of each compound. The mean boiling
point of all 175 compounds is 167 degrees Celsius. The scientist classifies each of
these compounds as either semivolatile or volatile. Of the 175 compounds, 50
compounds were classified as semivolatile, and these 50 compounds have
a mean boiling point of 327 degrees Celsius. The remaining 125 compounds
were classified as volatile. What is the mean boiling point, in degrees Celsius, of
the 125 compounds classified as volatile compounds?
Our channel
Data set F consists of 55 integers, where the value of each integer is
between 150 and 260. Data set G consists of the same 55 integers in
F as well as the integers 10. Which of the following must be less for
data set G than for data set F?
I. The mean
II. The median
A) I only
B) II only
C) I and II
D) Neither I nor II
Note: Figure not drawn to scale
In the figure, LQ intersects MP at point R, and LM is parallel to PQ. The lengths
of MR, LR, and RP are 9, 10, and 19, respectively. What is the length of LQ?
A) 280/19
B) 190/9
C) 271/9
D) 280/9
Our channel
The scatterplot shows the relationship between two variables, x and
y, for the data set P. A line of best fit for the data is also shown.
Data set Q is created by adding 540-units to the value of a for each
data point from the data set P. Which of the following could be an
equation of a line of best fit for the data set Q?
A) -3 + (35/1301)x
B) 9 + (1/131)x
C) 18 + (1/131)x
D) 26 + (35/1301)x
A digital marketing agency has three groups of clients. The first group consists
of 8 clients who are charged a monthly fee of at least $170 but no more than
$190. The second group consists of 11 clients who are charged a monthly fee of
at least $200 but no more than $230. The third group consists of 21 clients who
are charged a monthly fee of at least $240 but no more than $300. If a new
client who is charged a monthly fee of $260 is added to the third group, what
will be the effect on the mean monthly fee charged by the agency?
A) The mean will increase.
B) The mean will decrease.
C) The mean will remain the same.
D) There is not enough information to determine how the mean will change.
Our channel
Jaqueline spent $150 for supplies and gas to start a lawn-mowing
service. She charges $25 for each lawn she mows. In the first week,
Jaqueline made $50 after the cost of supplies and gas was deducted.
Which equation represents this situation, where x is the number of
lawns Jaqueline mowed during the first week?
A) 25x - 150 = 50
B) 50 - 25x = 150
C) 150 - 25x = 50
D) 25x + 50 = 150
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