Unit Test November 2023 Class 4T Syllabus Mathematics: Multiplication Division Fraction Types of fraction Ordering and comparing of fraction Addition and subtraction of fraction Science: Human Body Organs Health and Well-being (Keeping Healthy) Health, medicine and disease Life Processes Skeleton Communicable and non-Communicable Disease English: Oxford International Primary English 4: Unit 6 (Families of the World) Oxford Reading Treasure + Unit 7 (All Together!) Level 4: When My Bike Flies (When My Bike Flies, The Heron and the Crab) Use of Apostrophe 6 types of Adverbs All types of prepositions Determiners (Articles, quantifiers and demonstratives) Urdu: تفهیم اسم معرفه نکره اسم ضمیر واحد جمع اسم اصفت مکالمه نویسی خط نویسی ISL: Dianat Dari, Sadgi Computing: Learn Chp 2 Power point interface Learn all the icons and their working Also learn Let’s review at the end of the chapter SST: Weather and Climate Weather Instruments Natural Disasters Population and Census