AN “ALL HEART, ALL OUT” TRANSFORMATION by Alfonso Miguel B. Sevilla 11-Perez From a quiet kid, Taking risks, Receiving encouragement from others “Coming out of the shell” to a performer under the spotlight! I discovered what my heart truly yearned for — the excitement of being onstage and performing all my heart out. I was talented, YET I lacked confidence 8 7 9 5 6 10 4 1 3 8 7 9 5 6 10 4 1 3 8 9 5 6 10 1 4 2 7 2 2 3 “My identity was hidden in my dark shell.” I had insecurities about myself I lost the motivation to practice I was lost with my identity Glimpses of Light: A GROWING PASSION I discovered my favorite band, The Beatles inspired me to perform in a band I covered a few songs with my classmates for class events Despite this, I was intimidated and scared of being judged even of/by my family, who are musicians. INDAYOG NG ATENISTANG KABATAAN Me! A BIG CHANGE “INDAK” Onsite classes started and I was put into a dilemma, a Science Org, or IndAK, a dance org? dancing was an old passion of mine I wanted to “makisama” with my best friend Yet I was extremely nervous “Could this help me gain more confidence in myself?” My sister strongly encouraged me to join IndAK, so I took the risk and did. MY SELF-ESTEEM IMPROVED THROUGH MULTIPLE BREATHTAKING PERFORMANCES Confidence shot up! Multiple thrilling experiences! ALITAPTAP Class band turned official! From performing in front of our class, to performing in other schools We were able to improve and share our common passion for music BEST FRIENDS My band consists of my best friends, and they give me the confidence to do my best They’re also part of IndAK Each performance felt more special than before “ALL HEART, ALL OUT” IndAK’s motto; to use all your heart and soul to perform and practice your best APPLICATION Apart from improving my confidence, I was able to improve my work ethic as I have applied this dancing principle to other aspects of my life. I’ve learned to take new opportunities and to never take things for granted. LOOKING BACK I still see my old quiet self in me today. Nevertheless, I’ve fulfilled a bit of my potential that my younger self couldn’t even imagine. Self-Discovery A slight push from others Openness to new challenges Hopefully YOU discover what your heart yearns for.