1990 BECE SCIENCE SECTION A OBJECTIVE TEST 45 minutes 1. Which of the following is a liquid? A. Iron B. Mercury C. Brass D. Gold E. Aluminium 2. The space occupied by matter is its A. area B. length C. radius D. width E. volume 3. Which of the following processes could be used to obtain water from a salt solution? A. Filtration B. Decantation C. Evaporation D. Distillation E. Sedimentation 4. The portion of air which is used in burning is A. nitrogen B. water vapour C. oxygen D. carbon dioxide E. inert gas 5. Brine is a saturated solution of A. sodium chloride and carbon dioxide B. calcium carbonate and water C. sodium chloride and water D. calcium carbonate and kerosene E. magnesium and water 6. The chemical symbol for iron is A. I B. K C. Fe D. Au E. Cl 7. A torchlight derives its energy from A. petrol B. kerosene C. a magnet D. gas oil E. a dry cell 8. A substance which cannot be broken down into simpler substances is called A. a molecule B. a compound C. an element D. a mixture E. an atom 9. What type of energy is lost when sweat evaporates from the body? A. light energy B. mechanical energy C. chemical energy D. Heat energy E. Electrical energy 10. The process by which steam is changed into liquid is called A. evaporation B. condensation C. filtration D. melting E. sublimation 11. Which of the following is not true about frictional force?It A. increases motion B. opposes motion C. damages machines D. produces heat E. decreases efficiency of machines 12. The instrument used in measuring the speed of wind is called: A. Thermometer B. Wind Vane C. Photometer D. Anemometer E. Hygrometer 13. The force which comes into operation when a ball rolls on the ground is: A. gravitational force B. frictional force C. magnetic force D. electrostatic force E. Force due to tension 14. Which of the following is true about a first class lever? A. The load is between the effort and the pivot B. The pivot is between the effort and the load C. The effort is between the pivot and the load D. The load is on the pivot E. There is no pivot 15. In which of the following situations is work not done? When a A. truck moves B. wheelbarrow is pushed C. fruit falls from a tree D. football is kicked E. book lies on a table 16. Which of these structures regulate the amount of light that enters the eye? A. Retina B. Cornea C. Pupil D. Choroid E. Lens 17. All of the following are herbivores except A. sheep B. dog C. goat D. grasscutter E. rabbit 18. The brain and the spinal cord are part of the A. digestive system B. circulatory system C. respiratory system D. nervous system E. excretory system 19. Which of the following is used by green plants for respiration? A. Carbon dioxide B. Oxygen C. Light D. Water E. Chlorophyll 20. A fish dies shortly after being removed from water. This is because it A. cannot swim B.is streamlined C.is hot on land D. has scales E. cannot respire 21. Which of the following habitats are you likely to find a tadpole? A. Bush B. Seashore C. Pond D. Deep well E. Vegetable garden 22. Which of these is not a characteristic of all living things? A. Transpiration B. Growth C. Reproduction D. Feeding E. Respiration 23. Plants with thorns are not usually eaten by animals. The thorns therefore A. assist the plants to grow B. make the plant strong C. render the plant poisonous D. protect the plant E. make the plant unattractive 24. Which of the following soils is likely to be found in a water logged area? A. Sand B. Clay C. Gravel D. Black soil E. loam 25. Which of the following soil organisms improve soil fertility? A. Ant-lion B. Red ant C. Millipede D. Snail E. Earthworm 26. Which of the following is cultivated on plantation basis? A. Okro B. Tomato C. Rubber D. Cassava E. Maize 27. The shape of a child’s nose may resemble that of the mother due to A. heredity B. similarity C. reflection D. familiarity E. attraction 28. All the following plants reproduce sexually except A. coconut B. sweet potato C. pawpaw D. apple E. pear 29. Which of the following is not a mammal? A. Whale B. Bat C. Cat D. Hen E. Mouse 30. Plants lose water through a process called A. photosynthesis B. fertilization C. transpiration D. respiration E. evaporation 31. Fertilized ovules develop into A. fruits B. cotyledon C. plumule D. testa E. seeds 32. In mammals, sperms are produced in the A. testis B. ureter C. penis D. urethra E. ovary 33. Starch is digested and absorbed into the blood as A. soluble starch B. water C. glucose D. fat E. sucrose 34. Which of the following organs are connected by the ureter? A. Liver and kidney B. Kidney and bladder C. Bladder and heart D. Intestines and anus E. Lungs and bladder 35. A patient who coughs and spits out blood may be suffering from A. asthma B. pneumonia C. measles D. tuberculosis E. influenza 36. All of the following promote Primary Health except A. keeping the surroundings clean B. effective disposal of waste C. personal hygiene D. balanced diet E. bleaching the skin 37. The personnel who see to it that individuals who do not maintain hygienic surroundings are taken to court is the A. police B. lawyer C. sanitary inspector D. court clerk E. prison officer 38. Which of the following statements is not true about the wet season A. Bush fires are common B. Tree and weeds grow fast C. Small animals increase in number D. The weather is generally cool E. Food is in abundance 39. A mirror is used to direct the sun’s rays onto the classroom wall by A. radiation B. reflection C. conduction D. revolution E. convection 40. The sun and the planets form the A. universe B. atmosphere C. milky way D. constellation E. solar system