Spring 2025 Instructor: Sehwon Kang E-mail: sekang@sogang.ac.kr Office: MA 715 Office Hours: Mon/Wed/Fri 1 to 3 pm and by appointment Background Assistant Professor at Sogang: Since Spring 2021 Assistant Professor at Tilburg: 2019 – 2021 PhD in USA, B.Eng., B.B.A., M.Sc. in South Korea Teaching interest: OM – Service Operations, Quality Management Research interest: Healthcare and Energy Industries TA: Juhui Yang E-mail: qwert1355@naver.com 2 Class Tuesdays, Thursdays: 13:30-14:45 Matthew Hall #104 Course Objectives Prepare you for the Challenges you will face in your Managerial Careers Understand quality management terms, concepts, components, and principles. Develop and utilize a framework for improving quality. Apply quality management tools to analyze business applications. 3 Textbook/Notes – you are responsible for reading, studying, and ultimately understanding material Lectures Class discussions – reviewing and expanding on material from the lecture Class exercise – in-class learning experiences, small hands-on practice Videos – business world examples of QM concepts and principles 4 Author: Evans and Lindsay Title: Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence (11th edition) Publication: Cengage Learning 5 Individual Assignments (10%) 4~5 Individual Assignments No late submission Exams (40%+45%) Midterm and Final Exam Closed notes/books True/False, multiple-choice, short-essay, problem-solving Assigned seat Class exercise/discussion 6 Attend class on every Tuesday/Thursday Assigned seat FA policy 7 Week Contents Reading 1 Introduction to QM Chapter 1 2 Quality gurus Chapter 2 3 Process improvement and Six Sigma (1) Chapter 9 4 Process improvement and Six Sigma (2) Chapter 9 5 Customer focus Chapter 3 6 Statistical method in Quality Management Chapter 6 7 Process focus Chapter 5 Team Assignment 8 Midterm 9 Workforce focus Chapter 4 10 Lean Chapter 9 11 Statistical Process Control Chapter 8 12 Baldrige Framework & Strategy Focus Chapters 10 & 11 13 Measurement and Knowledge Management Chapter 12 14 Design for Quality and Product Excellence Chapter 7 15 Wrapping up and presentation Due: 6/10 16 Final term (Tentative) 8 “Learning is an Active Process” People Remember less of what they read ……..hear ………see and more of what they say and do 9 Before class Knowledge & Comprehension pre-class quizzes, chapter Evaluate & Synthesize summaries During class Apply & Analyze Apply & Analyze in-class exercise and discussion Knowledge & Comprehension After class Before Class During Class After Class Synthesize & Evaluate – case studies, team project, exam 10 Does everyone learn the same way? Learning Style the personal approach to receiving and processing information, incorporating it and adding it to their existing body of knowledge, and applying problem-solving techniques to other applications. 11 Reflector - Why Theorist - What Pragmatist - How - Activist - What If - • Why is the concept important? Think 50,000 foot level • High-level Concept Map. Big Picture. • Make connections to other material • Dig into the details • Research the concept • Background, History, Theory, Evolution of the Concept • Look for Applications • Identify how to use the concepts in practice. Detailed process maps. • Step-by-step instructions. Protocols. Best practices • Extend concepts to unrelated fields • Study group for shared brainstorming • Think outside the box 12 Why Reflector What If Activist Total Learning What Theorist How Pragmatist 13 After watching a video, please answer the following questions: 1. Should we fire Lucy? 2. Who is at fault here? 14