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Manifest Your Dream Life: English Learning Podcast Transcript

Podcast Series: English on the Go!
Slogan: Learn anywhere, speak everywhere
Email: imbrian1287channel@gmail.com
Podcast Episode : Why Not MANIFEST Your Dream Life Now?
Link Video
Level: Intermediate
Host Brian: Hello, everyone! Welcome back to English on the Go, where we help you learn English in
a fun and practical way. Learning English opens doors to new opportunities, whether in your career,
personal life, or even in manifesting your dreams!
Host Brian: Today, we’re diving into an exciting topic: Why Not MANIFEST Your Dream Life Now?
We’ll explore the idea of manifestation—what it means, how it works, and why so many people
believe it can transform their lives.
Host Brian: By the end of this episode, you’ll not only gain insights into this fascinating concept but
also pick up useful English expressions and phrases to describe your goals, aspirations, and journey
toward success. Let’s get started!
Host Brian: So, what is manifestation? It’s the practice of turning your thoughts into reality through
belief, focus, and action.
Host Brian: It’s not about magic—it’s about mindset. Successful manifestation involves setting
clear goals, visualizing the outcomes you want, and taking actionable steps to make those
outcomes a reality.
Host Brian: This concept has gained massive popularity in self-development circles, and for a good
reason: it encourages people to dream big and overcome self-doubt.
Host Brian: In today’s episode, we’ll unpack the steps involved in manifestation and see how people
from different walks of life apply it to create meaningful changes.
Host Brian: Before we jump into today’s conversation, let’s take a moment to think about something
important: What does your dream life really look like? We all have big dreams, but how do we turn
them into reality?
Host Brian: Today, we’re talking about manifestation—the idea that you can create your dream life
by focusing on your goals and taking action.
Host Brian: Now, I want you to think about a few things before we dive into the conversation:
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Podcast Series: English on the Go!
Slogan: Learn anywhere, speak everywhere
Email: imbrian1287channel@gmail.com
1. What does your dream life look like? What are the things you would like to achieve or
2. Do you believe that simply believing in yourself can change your life? Why or why not?
3. There’s a big difference between wishful thinking and setting real goals. How would you
explain that difference?
Host Brian: Take a moment to reflect on these questions. You might just find that your answers help
you understand manifestation better as we go along.
Host Brian: Now, let’s join Sarah and Jason as they discuss the concept of manifestation. Sarah has
been practicing it for a while, while Jason remains skeptical.
Host Brian: This conversation shows how they challenge each other’s perspectives, ultimately
leading to a deeper understanding of what manifestation really means.
Jason, I’ve been thinking about our last conversation. You seemed a bit doubtful about
manifestation. Have you ever tried it, or is it just something you don’t believe in?
I mean, I’ve heard about it. People talk about manifesting their dreams all the time. But honestly, it
sounds like just wishful thinking to me. You can’t just think your problems away, right?
I get where you’re coming from, but manifestation isn’t just about wishing for things to happen. It’s
about getting clear on what you really want, setting goals, and taking action. The idea is to align your
thoughts with your actions so that you start seeing opportunities that you might otherwise miss.
Okay, but isn’t that just common sense? I mean, if I want something, I have to work for it, right?
Manifestation sounds like a shortcut to me.
I wouldn’t call it a shortcut. It’s more about mindset. Think about it like this: When you’re focused on
your goals, your brain starts to look for ways to make them happen. It’s like you’re training your mind
to notice the opportunities around you. But you still have to put in the effort.
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Podcast Series: English on the Go!
Slogan: Learn anywhere, speak everywhere
Email: imbrian1287channel@gmail.com
Hmm, I’m not sure. You’re saying that just by thinking positively, things will magically fall into place?
It’s not about magic, Jason. It’s about shifting your energy and mindset. When you focus on positive
outcomes, it gives you the confidence to take the steps necessary to make those outcomes real.
Think about it like this: If you keep telling yourself that something is impossible, you’ll never try. But if
you believe that you can achieve it, you’ll take the action steps needed to make it happen.
I see your point, but I still think a lot of it comes down to luck. Some people just get lucky, right?
Luck definitely plays a role, but manifestation is about putting yourself in the right place at the right
time. It’s about doing the work and staying open to the possibilities. For example, when I started my
business, I visualized what I wanted every day, and I took small steps toward it. I didn’t wait for luck
to find me—I created my own opportunities.
So, it’s more like preparation meeting opportunity, rather than waiting for something to happen?
Exactly! Manifestation is about preparing yourself mentally and emotionally for success. When you
put in the work, and you truly believe in your potential, things start to line up in ways you might not
expect. It’s about trusting the process and having the patience to see it through.
I can see that now. It’s about being proactive and keeping a positive attitude, rather than just hoping
things will magically happen. But, what about setbacks? What if things don’t go as planned?
Setbacks happen to everyone. Manifestation isn’t about avoiding failure—it’s about how you
respond to it. When things don’t go your way, it’s a chance to learn, adjust, and keep going.
Remember, manifestation is a journey, not a quick fix. The key is to stay focused on your goals and
keep pushing forward, even when things get tough.
That actually makes sense. Maybe I’ve been too focused on the end result and not enough on the
journey itself.
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Podcast Series: English on the Go!
Slogan: Learn anywhere, speak everywhere
Email: imbrian1287channel@gmail.com
Exactly! It’s about progress, not perfection. Every step you take is a step closer to where you want to
be. And sometimes, the journey teaches you more than the destination.
You’ve definitely given me something to think about. Maybe I should give it a try. I’ll start small—just
writing down my goals and seeing how it goes.
That’s a great start! It’s all about taking the first step. And remember, manifestation is more than just
thinking. It’s about believing in yourself, staying committed, and doing the work.
Alright, Sarah. I’ll give it a shot. Let’s see where it takes me. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with
Anytime, Jason! I’m excited to see where this takes you. Just remember—keep your mind open and
stay positive. Things might start shifting in ways you never imagined!
Host Brian: Alright, now that we’ve heard Sarah and Jason dive into manifestation, let’s take a closer
look at some of the key words and phrases they used.
Host Brian: Understanding these terms can help you not only grasp the concept of manifestation
better but also expand your vocabulary for everyday conversations. So, let's break it down in a way
that feels more natural.
1. Manifestation
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: The act of bringing something into reality by focusing on it and taking intentional steps.
Example: Sarah believes in the power of manifestation—she visualizes her goals every day..
Brian: When Sarah talks about manifestation, she’s referring to the process of making things happen
by focusing on them and taking action. It's a key idea in this episode.
2. Wishful thinking
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: The act of hoping for something without any real plan or effort to make it happen.
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Podcast Series: English on the Go!
Slogan: Learn anywhere, speak everywhere
Email: imbrian1287channel@gmail.com
Example: Jason thought manifestation was just wishful thinking, expecting things to magically
Brian: Jason was a bit skeptical, thinking it was just wishful thinking. But, as Sarah pointed out, it's
more than that!
3. Align
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: To bring into a proper or desired position.
Example: Sarah explained that manifestation is about aligning your thoughts with your actions.
Brian: Sarah emphasizes that you need to align your actions with your goals. It’s about making sure
everything in your life supports what you want to achieve.
4. Shift
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: To change or move from one place to another, especially in attitude or perspective.
Example: Sarah believes that to manifest success, you need to shift your mindset.
Brian: When Sarah talks about a shift in mindset, she’s suggesting you change how you think about
yourself and your goals.
5. Positive outcomes
Part of Speech: Noun Phrase
Meaning: Results that are good or beneficial.
Example: Sarah says focusing on positive outcomes helps you stay motivated.
Brian: It’s all about focusing on those positive outcomes. It helps keep you motivated, right? If you're
thinking about success, you're more likely to act in ways that lead to it.
6. Concede
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: To admit that something is true after initially denying or resisting it.
Example: During their conversation, Jason had to concede that positive thinking can help in
achieving goals.
Brian: At the end of the conversation, even Jason had to concede that there’s some truth to positive
thinking, even if it’s not all about luck.
7. Preparation meeting opportunity
Part of Speech: Idiomatic Expression
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Podcast Series: English on the Go!
Slogan: Learn anywhere, speak everywhere
Email: imbrian1287channel@gmail.com
Meaning: Being ready for success when the right moment comes along.
Example: Sarah explained that preparation meeting opportunity is how manifestation works in real
Brian: Sarah makes an important point here: preparation meeting opportunity. When you're
prepared, you'll be in the right position to take advantage of opportunities when they come your way.
8. Shift your energy
Part of Speech: Phrase
Meaning: To change your emotional or mental focus.
Example: Sarah told Jason that shifting your energy to a positive mindset can open up new
Brian: When you shift your energy, you’re really changing how you approach everything. It’s not just
about thinking positive—it’s about changing your attitude.
9. Focused on goals
Part of Speech: Phrase
Meaning: Directing attention or efforts toward achieving specific objectives.
Example: By staying focused on goals, you make sure every action leads to success.
Brian: Focused on goals means you’re committed. You're not just dreaming, you’re taking steps to
make those dreams a reality.
10. Setbacks
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: Challenges or obstacles that slow progress.
Example: Even when facing setbacks, Sarah says you can still manifest your dreams if you stay
Host Brian: And, of course, setbacks are part of the process. No one gets everything right all the
time, but the key is to keep going despite them.
Host Brian: Before we move on to the quiz, I recommend that you listen to the conversation one
more time.
Host Brian: This will give you a chance to focus on the vocabulary and phrases we’ve just
discussed. Try to spot the key words we highlighted earlier and see how they were used in the
context of the conversation.
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Podcast Series: English on the Go!
Slogan: Learn anywhere, speak everywhere
Email: imbrian1287channel@gmail.com
Host Brian: It’s a great way to reinforce your learning and improve your understanding. Once you're
ready, we'll jump into the quiz to check how much you’ve absorbed! Ready? Let’s go!
Host Brian: Now that we've explored the vocabulary and key ideas from today's conversation, it's
time to check how much you've learned.
Host Brian: I'll ask you three questions based on the discussion, so take your time and think
Host Brian: Remember, the answers will be revealed at the end of the episode, so stay tuned!
Question 1:
What does manifestation refer to in the context of today’s conversation?
a) The process of making something happen by focusing on it and taking action.
b) The act of hoping for something without taking any steps.
c) The belief that everything happens by chance.
d) The ability to dream without setting goals.
Question 2:
Which of the following is an example of wishful thinking as mentioned by Jason?
a) Making a detailed plan for your future.
b) Expecting good things to happen without any effort.
c) Taking practical steps toward your goals.
d) Focusing on positive outcomes only.
Question 3:
What does Sarah mean by “preparation meeting opportunity”?
a) Being ready and prepared when opportunities come your way.
b) Waiting for opportunities to come on their own.
c) Preparing a speech to impress others.
d) Preparing for failure just in case things don’t go as planned.
Host Brian: Alright, those were your quiz questions! Think about your answers, and we’ll go over
them together at the end of the episode.
Host Brian: Make sure you listen closely so you can check if you got them all right!
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Podcast Series: English on the Go!
Slogan: Learn anywhere, speak everywhere
Email: imbrian1287channel@gmail.com
Host Brian: We’ve covered a lot today about manifesting your dream life and the power of positive
thinking. Now, I want you to think about how these ideas apply to your own life.
Host Brian: Here are a few questions to reflect on after listening to the episode. Take some time to
think about them, and feel free to pause if you want to write down your thoughts.
Question 1:
What are some goals or dreams you’ve been hesitant to go after? How could changing your mindset
help you move toward them?
Hint: Think about any fears or doubts that might be holding you back, and how you could overcome
Question 2:
Have you ever experienced a situation where you were ready for an opportunity and it came at the
right time? How did preparation help you?
Hint: Reflect on times when you’ve been successful—was it because you were prepared, or did the
opportunity catch you by surprise?
Question 3:
In what ways can you shift your energy to a more positive mindset? What is one small step you can
take today to start manifesting your dreams?
Hint: It could be something simple, like changing a negative thought or focusing on gratitude.
Host Brian: Great job listening today! Before we wrap up, let’s go over the answers to the quiz:
Quiz Answer 1:
Manifestation refers to a) the process of making something happen by focusing on it and taking
Quiz Answer 2:
Wishful thinking is b) expecting good things to happen without any effort.
Quiz Answer 3:
“Preparation meeting opportunity” means a) being ready and prepared when opportunities come
your way.
8 of 20
Podcast Series: English on the Go!
Slogan: Learn anywhere, speak everywhere
Email: imbrian1287channel@gmail.com
Host Brian: How did you do? I hope you got all the answers right, but even if you didn’t, remember—
it’s all part of the learning process. Don’t forget, we’ve also created a free PDF with today’s
vocabulary and key phrases to help you review everything we've talked about. It’s available for
download, so make sure to grab it!
Host Brian: Thanks so much for tuning in today! Keep working on manifesting your dreams, and
remember: learning English can help you open up more opportunities to achieve those goals.
Host Brian: Don’t forget to subscribe to English on the Go so you can continue learning and
improving your English skills with us. We’ve got plenty of exciting episodes coming up, so stay tuned!
Host Brian: And as always, remember the podcast’s slogan: “Learn anywhere, speak
everywhere!” Until next time, this is Brian, signing off. Keep dreaming big!
Part of
Example Sentence
The process of bringing
Sarah believes in the power
Creation, realization,
something into
of manifestation—she
reality by focusing
visualizes her goals
on it and taking
every day.
Wishful thinking
The act of hoping for
Jason thought
something without
manifestation was just
any real plan or
wishful thinking,
effort to make it
expecting things to
magically happen.
To bring into a proper or
desired position.
Sarah explained that
manifestation is about
Daydreaming, fantasy,
pipe dream
Match, coordinate,
aligning your thoughts
with your actions.
To change or move from
Sarah believes that to
one place to
manifest success, you
another, especially
need to shift your
in attitude or
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Change, alter, adjust
Podcast Series: English on the Go!
Slogan: Learn anywhere, speak everywhere
Email: imbrian1287channel@gmail.com
Noun Phrase
Results that are good or
Sarah says focusing on
positive outcomes helps
Good results, success,
favorable results
you stay motivated.
To admit that
During their conversation,
something is true
Jason had to concede
after initially denying
that positive thinking
or resisting it.
can help in achieving
Admit, acknowledge,
Being ready for success
Sarah explained that
Being ready,
when the right
preparation meeting
readiness, being in
moment comes
opportunity is how
the right place at
manifestation works in
the right time
real life.
Shift your energy
To change your
Sarah told Jason that
Change your mindset,
emotional or mental
shifting your energy to a
change your
positive mindset can
attitude, focus
open up new
Focused on
Directing attention or
By staying focused on
efforts toward
goals, you make sure
achieving specific
every action leads to
Challenges or
Even when facing setbacks,
obstacles that slow
Sarah says you can still
manifest your dreams if
you stay committed.
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Difficulties, obstacles,
Podcast Series: English on the Go!
Slogan: Learn anywhere, speak everywhere
Email: imbrian1287channel@gmail.com
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English On The Go! |
Podcast Series: English on the Go!
Slogan: Learn anywhere, speak everywhere
Email: imbrian1287channel@gmail.com
EXERCISE 1: Fill in the Blanks
Instruction: Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with the appropriate words
Sarah: Jason, I’ve been thinking about our last conversation. You seemed a bit (1)______ about
manifestation. Have you ever tried it, or is it just something you don’t believe in?
Jason: I mean, I’ve heard about it. People talk about manifesting their (2)______ all the time. But
honestly, it sounds like just wishful thinking to me. You can’t just think your problems away, right?
Sarah: I get where you’re coming from, but manifestation isn’t just about wishing for things to
(3)______ . It’s about getting clear on what you really want, setting goals, and taking action. The idea
is to align your thoughts with your actions so that you start seeing opportunities that you might
otherwise miss.
Jason: Okay, but isn’t that just common (4)______ ? I mean, if I want something, I have to work for it,
right? Manifestation sounds like a shortcut to me.
Sarah: I wouldn’t call it a shortcut. It’s more about (5)______ . Think about it like this: When you’re
focused on your goals, your brain starts to look for ways to make them happen. It’s like you’re
training your mind to notice the opportunities around you. But you still have to put in the effort.
Jason: Hmm, I’m not sure. You’re saying that just by thinking (6)______ , things will magically fall into
Sarah: It’s not about magic, Jason. It’s about shifting your energy and mindset. When you focus on
(7)______ outcomes, it gives you the confidence to take the steps necessary to make those
outcomes real. Think about it like this: If you keep telling yourself that something is impossible,
you’ll never try. But if you believe that you can achieve it, you’ll take the action steps needed to make
it happen.
Jason: I see your point, but I still think a lot of it comes down to (8)______ . Some people just get
lucky, right?
Sarah: Luck definitely plays a role, but manifestation is about putting yourself in the right place at
the right time. It’s about doing the work and staying open to the possibilities. For example, when I
started my (9)______ , I visualized what I wanted every day, and I took small steps toward it. I didn’t
wait for luck to find me—I created my own opportunities.
Jason: So, it’s more like preparation meeting opportunity, rather than waiting for something to
(10)______ ?
12 of 20
Podcast Series: English on the Go!
Slogan: Learn anywhere, speak everywhere
Email: imbrian1287channel@gmail.com
Sarah: Exactly! Manifestation is about preparing yourself mentally and (11)______ for success.
When you put in the work, and you truly believe in your potential, things start to line up in ways you
might not expect. It’s about trusting the process and having the patience to see it through.
Jason: I can see that now. It’s about being proactive and keeping a (12)______ attitude, rather than
just hoping things will magically happen. But, what about setbacks? What if things don’t go as
Sarah: Setbacks happen to everyone. Manifestation isn’t about avoiding (13)______ —it’s about how
you respond to it. When things don’t go your way, it’s a chance to learn, adjust, and keep going.
Remember, manifestation is a journey, not a quick fix. The key is to stay focused on your goals and
keep pushing forward, even when things get tough.
Jason: That actually makes sense. Maybe I’ve been too focused on the end result and not enough
on the (14)______ itself.
Sarah: Exactly! It’s about (15)______ , not perfection. Every step you take is a step closer to where
you want to be. And sometimes, the journey teaches you more than the destination.
Jason: You’ve definitely given me something to think about. Maybe I should give it a try. I’ll start
small—just writing down my (16)______ and seeing how it goes.
Sarah: That’s a great start! It’s all about taking the first step. And remember, manifestation is more
than just thinking. It’s about believing in yourself, staying (17)______ , and doing the work.
Jason: Alright, Sarah. I’ll give it a shot. Let’s see where it takes me. Thanks for sharing your thoughts
with me!
Sarah: Anytime, Jason! I’m excited to see where this takes you. Just remember—keep your mind
open and stay (18)______ . Things might start shifting in ways you never imagined!
EXERCISE 2: True, False, Not Given
Instruction: Read each statement carefully and mark it as True, False, or Not Given based on the
1. Jason has never heard about manifestation before talking to Sarah.
2. Sarah believes that manifestation involves visualizing goals without taking action.
3. Jason thinks that manifestation can work as long as you focus on positive outcomes.
4. Sarah says that manifestation guarantees success in every situation.
13 of 20
Podcast Series: English on the Go!
Slogan: Learn anywhere, speak everywhere
Email: imbrian1287channel@gmail.com
5. Jason initially thinks manifestation is just common sense.
6. Sarah started her business by using manifestation techniques.
7. Jason argues that setbacks make manifestation ineffective.
8. Sarah believes that setbacks are opportunities to learn and grow.
9. Jason decides to give manifestation a try by meditating daily.
10. Both Sarah and Jason agree that success is entirely dependent on luck.
EXERCISE 3: Multiple Choice Questions
Instruction: Choose the correct answer for each question based on the information from the
1. What does Jason initially think manifestation is?
A. A proactive approach
B. Wishful thinking
C. A guaranteed success formula
D. A magical process
2. According to Sarah, what is the main idea of manifestation?
A. Avoiding failure
B. Depending on luck
C. Aligning thoughts and actions
D. Focusing only on positive outcomes
3. What example does Sarah give to explain manifestation?
A. Her experience starting a business
B. A story she read in a book
C. Jason’s previous achievements
D. A motivational speech
4. How does Sarah describe setbacks in relation to manifestation?
A. As a sign to give up
B. As opportunities to adjust and learn
14 of 20
Podcast Series: English on the Go!
Slogan: Learn anywhere, speak everywhere
Email: imbrian1287channel@gmail.com
C. As proof that manifestation doesn’t work
D. As irrelevant to the process
5. What does Jason admit by the end of the conversation?
A. He still doesn’t believe in manifestation
B. He’s too focused on perfection
C. He needs to write down his goals and try it
D. He prefers working independently
6. What mindset does Sarah emphasize as important in manifestation?
A. Expecting everything to go perfectly
B. Avoiding all risks
C. Trusting the process and staying committed
D. Relying on others to guide you
7. Why does Sarah mention "preparation meeting opportunity"?
A. To explain that luck is unnecessary
B. To show that manifestation involves effort
C. To argue that success is purely accidental
D. To highlight Jason’s work ethic
8. What is Jason’s main concern about manifestation?
A. It relies too much on teamwork
B. It’s too complicated to understand
C. It sounds like a shortcut
D. It requires constant effort
9. How does Sarah address Jason’s skepticism?
A. By providing examples from her life
B. By dismissing his arguments
C. By admitting that manifestation doesn’t always work
D. By agreeing that success is mostly luck
10. What step does Jason decide to take toward manifestation?
A. Meditating every morning
B. Writing down his goals
15 of 20
Podcast Series: English on the Go!
Slogan: Learn anywhere, speak everywhere
Email: imbrian1287channel@gmail.com
C. Discussing it with other people
D. Practicing visualization techniques
EXERCISE 4: Matching Information
Instruction: Match each phrase to the correct point made by the speakers (Sarah or Jason) in the
Manifestation involves aligning thoughts and actions.
Luck plays a significant role in success.
Setbacks are opportunities to learn and grow.
Manifestation sounds like wishful thinking.
Starting a business with manifestation techniques.
Success depends on preparation meeting opportunity.
Focusing on positive outcomes can boost confidence.
Manifestation is just common sense.
Writing down goals is a good way to start.
Manifestation sounds like a shortcut.
EXERCISE 5: Sentence Rearrangement
Instruction: Rearrange the jumbled sentences to form coherent statements related to the
1. opportunities | to | notice | trains | your | Manifestation | around | mind.
2. clear | is | about | Manifestation | getting | on | what | you | want.
3. avoiding | about | failure | isn't | manifestation.
4. yourself | mentally | prepare | Manifestation | and | emotionally | helps | success.
5. comes | success | preparation | opportunity | meeting.
6. positive | for | change | your | energy | shift | new | possibilities.
7. not | more | journey | the | about | the | Manifestation | destination.
16 of 20
Podcast Series: English on the Go!
Slogan: Learn anywhere, speak everywhere
Email: imbrian1287channel@gmail.com
8. setbacks | chance | are | learn | to | a.
9. into | Manifestation | is | action | putting | goals | and | taking.
10. can | achieve | belief | goals | taking | leads | action.
EXERCISE 6: Choose the Correct Word
Instruction: Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the options provided.
1. Manifestation is about aligning your _______ with your actions.
a) energy
b) dreams
c) thoughts
2. Jason initially dismissed manifestation as just _______ thinking.
a) deliberate
b) wishful
c) positive
3. Sarah emphasized the importance of _______ on your goals to notice opportunities.
a) aligning
b) focusing
c) conceding
4. According to Sarah, setbacks are an opportunity to _______ and adjust.
a) concede
b) learn
c) avoid
5. Jason admitted that manifestation isn’t about luck but about being _______.
a) negative
b) proactive
c) passive
6. Sarah said that manifestation involves visualizing positive _______.
a) outcomes
b) shifts
c) setbacks
17 of 20
Podcast Series: English on the Go!
Slogan: Learn anywhere, speak everywhere
Email: imbrian1287channel@gmail.com
7. Jason agreed that manifestation is about preparation meeting _______.
a) energy
b) opportunity
c) results
8. Sarah believes that by shifting your _______, you can open up new possibilities.
a) focus
b) energy
c) thoughts
9. Staying _______ on goals is essential for success, according to Sarah.
a) conceded
b) focused
c) shifted
10. Sarah told Jason that manifestation is not about avoiding _______.
a) setbacks
b) outcomes
c) preparation
EXERCISE 7: Sentence Reordering
Instruction: Put the sentences in the correct order to recreate a summary of the conversation.
1. Manifestation is about aligning thoughts with actions and focusing on goals.
2. Jason starts by dismissing manifestation as wishful thinking.
3. Sarah explains that it’s not magic but about shifting energy and mindset.
4. Jason admits he’s focused too much on the result instead of the journey.
5. Sarah emphasizes the importance of visualizing positive outcomes daily.
6. Jason concedes that manifestation involves preparation meeting opportunity.
7. Sarah explains how setbacks are part of the process and a chance to learn.
8. Jason agrees to give manifestation a try by writing down his goals.
9. Sarah encourages Jason to stay committed and trust the process.
10. The conversation ends with Jason expressing curiosity about the results.
18 of 20
Podcast Series: English on the Go!
Slogan: Learn anywhere, speak everywhere
Email: imbrian1287channel@gmail.com
EXERCISE 8: Opinion Writing
Instruction: Based on the conversation, write a brief paragraph (3-5 sentences) sharing your own
opinion on the topic. Support your response with reasons.
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Podcast Series: English on the Go!
Slogan: Learn anywhere, speak everywhere
Email: imbrian1287channel@gmail.com
Please find the answer key in the link in below or by scanning the QR code.
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