P5.4 Corrected Classified Statement of Financial Position (LO 1, 2) Kishwaukee Ltd. Statement of Financial Position December 31 2022 Assets Non-current assest Investments Cash in bank 70,000.00 Treasury notes, at cost and fair value 138,000.00 208,000.00 Property, plant, equipment Land 950,000.00 Buildings 1,640,000.00 Less: Accumulated depreciation 410,000.00 1,230,000.00 Total property, plant, equipment 2,180,000.00 Total non-current assets 2,388,000.00 Current assets Cash (on hand) 175,900.00 Inventory 312,100.00 Accounts receivable 170,000.00 Total current assets 658,000.00 Total assets £3,046,000.00 Equity and Liabilities Equity Share capital 1,150,000.00 Retained earnings 738,000.00 Less: treasury shares (50,000) 87,000.00 Equity attributsble to owners Non-controlling interest 1,801,000.00 570,000.00 Total equity £2,371,000.00 Non-current liabilities Notes payable 500,000.00 Total non-current liabilities 500,000.00 Current Liabilities Notes payable-current installment 100,000.00 Income tax payable 75,000.00 Total current liabilities 175,000.00 Total liabilities 675,000.00 Total equity and liabilities £3,046,000.00 P5.5 Statement of Financial Position Adjustment and Preparation (LO 1, 2) Sargent Corp. Statement of Financial Positions For the Year Ended December 31, 2022 Assets Non-current assest Investments Investment in share capital 270,000.00 Bond sinking fund 250,000.00 Land held for speculation 40,000.00 Land held for future use 270,000.00 830,000.00 Property, plant, equipment Land 500,000.00 Buildings 1,040,000.00 Less: Accumulated depreciation 360,000.00 Equipment 450,000.00 Less: Accumulated equipment 180,000.00 Total property, plant, equipment Intangible assets 680,000.00 270,000.00 1,450,000.00 Franchise 165,000.00 Goodwill 100,000.00 Total non-current assets 265,000.00 2,545,000.00 Current assets Cash 150,000.00 Inventory 180,000.00 Accounts receivable 170,000.00 Less: Allowance for doubtful accounts 10,000.00 Trading securities 160,000.00 80,000.00 Total current assets 570,000.00 Total assets £3,115,000.00 Equity and Liabilities Equity Share capital 450,000.00 Ordinary sales par value 100,000.00 Share premium-ordinary 900,000.00 Retained earnings 320,000.00 Total equity £1,770,000.00 Non-current liabilities Notes payable 120,000.00 7% bonds payable 960,000.00 Total non-current liabilities 1,080,000.00 Current Liabilities Notes payable-current installment 80,000.00 Accounts payable 140,000.00 Income tax payable 40,000.00 Unearned revenue 5,000.00 Total current liabilities Total liabilities Total equity and liabilities 265,000.00 1,345,000.00 £3,115,000.00 P5.7 Preparation of a Statement of Cash Flows and Statement of Financial Position (LO 1, 2, 3) a. Luo Inc. Statement of Cash Flows For the Year Ended December 31, 2022 Cash flows from operating activities Net income ¥35,000 Adjustment to reconcile Net Income to Net Cash Depreciation Expense ¥12,000 Loss on sale of investment 5,000.00 Increase in accounts payable 10,000.00 Increase in accounts receivable -20,800.00 Net cash provided by operating activities 6,200.00 41,200.00 Cash flows from investing activities Sales of investments 27,000.00 Purchase of lands -38,000.00 Net cash used by investing activities -11,000.00 Cash flows from financing activities Issuance of ordinary shares 27,000.00 Payment of cash dividends -10,000.00 Net cash provided by financing activities 20,000.00 Net increase in cash 50,200.00 Cash at the beginning of the year 20,000.00 Cash at the end of the year ¥70,200 b. Luo Inc. Statement of Financial Position December 31, 2022 Assets Equity and Liabilities Plant assets (net) 69,000 (1. Share capital-ordinary 130,000 (4. Land 108,000 (2. Retained earnings 48200 (5. Accounts receivable 42,000 Bonds payable 71000 (3. Cash 70,200 Accounts payable 40,000 ¥289,200 ¥289,200 1. 81,000 - 12,000 2. 40,000 + 38,000 + 30,000 3. 41,000 + 30,000 4. 100,000 + 30,000 5. 23,200 + 35,000 - 10,000 c. Free Cash Flow Analysis Net cash provided by operating activities ¥41,200 Less: Purchase of Land (38,000.00) Dividends (10,000.00) Free Cash Flow Analysis -¥6,800 Net Cash Provided by Cash debt coverage = Operating Activities/ Average Liabilities 1.18 = 41,200/ 35,000 d. Statement of financial position and statement of cash flows as a guide on what steps to make to maintain the company’s performance. It reflects on the past and current performance of the company so the user has a better understanding of the liquidity and financial flexibility of the company. CA 5.5 Presentation of Property, Plant, and Equipment (LO 1, 2, 4) a. The ethical issues involved are putting the depreciation on which would show the age of the PPE. He tries not to incorporate necessary information which means his honesty and integrity are to be questioned. b. He should have disclosed the accumulated depreciation to show the entirety of the situation. He may provide the information in a note disclosure.