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Heat Transfer in Insulated Steam Pipes: Assignment

a) A 250mm steam main, 225metres long is covered with 50mm of high temperature
insulation (k = 0.095W/m K) and 40 mm of low temperature insulation (k = 0.065W/m K).
The inner and outer surface temperatures as measured are 400°C and 50°C respectively.
Calculate :
The total heat loss per hour.
The total heat loss per m2 of outer surface.
The heat loss per m2 of pipe surface.
The temperature between the two layers of insulation.
Neglect heat conduction through pipe material
b) A steam pipe of 160 mm inside diameter and 170 mm outside diameter (k = 58 W/m K) is
covered with first layer of insulating material of 30 mm thickness (k = 0.17 W/m K) and
second layer of insulating material of 50 mm thickness (k = 0.093 W/m K). The temperature
of steam passing through the pipe is 300°C and ambient air temperature surrounding the
pipe is 30°C. Taking inner and outer heat transfer co-efficients 30 and 5.8 W/m2 K
respectively, find the heat lost per metre length of pipe.