Unified English Braille Chart Aroga TECHNOLOGIES ALPHABET AND NUMBERS PUNCTUATION SIGNS OF OPERATION AND COMPARISON comma , f et plus + period . t abcdefghij t eu minus apostrophe ‘ k l m n o p q r s t ev multiplication x colon : t klm nopqrst ew multiplication dot u v x y z w uu dash _ et division ÷ uvxyz w euu long dash — greater than > exclamation mark ! ct INDICATORS t cv less than < hyphen u y Numeric equals = Capital question mark ? ez v letter u semicolon ; CURRENCY AND t MEASUREMENT uu word www ellipsis ... cent ¢ u uu passage wt forward slash / cf dollar $ u u capital terminator wu backward slash \ cs cz euro € Grade 1 opening outer British Pound £ v quotation mark “ cp symbol z feet ‘ closing outer z zz word w quotation mark ” zz inches “ zzz passage opening inner Grade 1 terminator uv SPECIAL SYMBOLS quotation mark ‘ zk Typeform closing inner wz percent % uz quotation mark ’ xp italic symbol jj degree ° xp italic word ww angle xz italic passage wy hashtag # GROUPING PUNCTUATION xx italic terminator cv ampersand & opening round ev parenthesis ( df copyright © tp bold symbol round tp bold word dq trademark ™ en closing parenthesis ) superscript tz bold passage z opening square indicator wv bold terminator bracket [ tx subscript v closing square indicator wn bracket ] wp underline symbol ww bullet opening curly wp underline word wv bracket { tu @ sign @ wz underline passage closing curly asterisk * wn et underline terminator bracket } wx dot locator for mention opening angle w q c v script symbol cp bracket < cp script word angle cn closing bracket > cz script passage cx script terminator 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 a b c d e f g h i j ALPHABETIC WORDSIGNS b c d e f g h j k l m n p q r s t u v w x y z but can do every from go have just knowledge like more not people quite rather so that us very will it you as STRONG CONTRACTIONS (Part and Whole Word) q q q q q and for of the with STRONG WORDSIGNS z y y y q n child shall this which out still STRONG GROUPSIGNS q q y y y y v v v w t y ch sh th wh ou st gh ed er ow ar ing LOWER GROUPSIGNS b l h t q l h w w t ea bb cc FINAL-LETTER GROUPSIGNS eg eg eg eg ek ev eq eq en ev ev er eq et ex ew ey wg wg ance wq sion wq less wq ount day ever father here know lord mother name one part question right some time ound tg ence tg ong tp ful tq tion tq ness tq ment ty ity under work young ff gg be con dis en in LOWER WORDSIGNS l w q v t t INITIAL-LETTER CONTRACTIONS be enough were his in was eq ez ey ez eq wz ww wq wy wq wc wh wm ws ww wq there character through where ought upon those whose cannot had many spirit world their ab abv ac acr af afn afw ag agst alm alr al alth alt alw bec bef beh bel ben bes bet bey bl brl chn concv concvg cd dcv dcvg dcl dclg ei fst fr gd grt about above according across after afternoon afterward again against almost already also although altogether always because before behind below beneath beside between beyond blind braille children conceive conceiving could deceive deceiving declare declaring either first friend good great herf hm hmf imm xs xf lr ll mch mst myf nec nei onef ourvs pd percv percvg perh qk rcv rcvg rjc rjcg sd shd sch themvs thyf td tgr tm tn wd yr yrf yrvs herself him himself immediate its itself letter little much must myself necessary neither oneself ourselves paid perceive perceiving perhaps quick receive receiving rejoice rejoicing said should such themselves thyself today together tomorrow tonight would your yourself yourselves Retired Contractions (not used in UEB) word these SHORTFORM WORDS t ble uq ation uy ally w dd u com t to zt into t by o’c o’clock brought to you by Aroga TECHNOLOGIES Visit our online store at www.aroga.com © Aroga Technologies 2014