Appointing governors in Algeria while maintaining the Islamic splendor of .the Ottoman state The ruling system was Syrian at its peak .Individualism at its base The lack of influence of the Turks in the eastern Beylik .Nyasha Beygah for Beykat The rule was limited to the Turkish age or Karamala .The father was Ottoman and the mother was Algerian Elements of strength and weakness ## Elements of strength ### Longing and reliance on scholars Control and the spread of security and stability Centralization of rule The sovereignty of justice and the application of the law .The light of military authority in administrative decisions Elements of weakness ### Excluding Algerians from important positions Privileges granted to loyal tribes .Army intervention in government The struggle for power between the sea captains and the Janissary army The social, cultural and economic field that the social conditions ## .The population of Algeria at the end of the Ottoman era reached About 3.5 million people and several factors contributed to the formation of )a new social pattern (a tribal society mixed with different ethnicities Urban residents: They are the city dwellers, most of them are Turks, Aldlsibins, Karagullas, Ashraf Al-Amma and foreign subjects of the People of the Covenant of Jews and Christians) They are the class that controls power and influence as well as trade and are centered in the coastal .honesty and the great thoughts Bedouin residents: They are the countryside, most of them are the inhabitants of Algeria and they are the indigenous people who practice .agriculture and herding Mukhran tribes: They are tribes surrounding the ruling authority and form a .link between the Bedouin population and the ruling Ottoman authority :B - Cultural peace The Ottomans did not care much about science and culture in Algeria, and despite this, the cultural and scientific movement witnessed a great .prosperity thanks to the scientific schools, schools, corners and mosques Among the most important cultural institutions that spread during the Ottoman era were the mosques and the times from which income was lost to the Two Holy Mosques, Jerusalem and the immigrants in Andalusia. The most important centers of science were Mazouna, Constantine and .Tlemcen Education was limited to religious sciences and the Algerians Abu Ras al-Nasir ya Abd al-Rahman al-Fulun and Hamdan bin Othman Khoja were the most prominent scholars. As for the arts, they were architecture, .painting and Andalusian music Economic conditions ## Agriculture: Natural conditions and the way of owning the arani and the number of the marts controlled it until Algeria became one of the Mediterranean countries in the production of grains, including vegetables .and fruits .Algeria was the main supporter of Europe Industry: It knew prosperity and diversity such as the textile industry, leather, pottery, and copper, but each craft had a secretary and a special .market Trade: It was characterized by vitality and activity, especially foreign trade as a result of the strategic geographical location of Algeria, and this strong fleet and the expectation of Algeria's trade relations with Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean: Africa and the Moors of French companies and the .Jewish community As for internal trade, it was represented in the weekly markets and commercial caravans that were available in all parts of the country.