UNIVERSITY OF RAJASTHAN, JAIPUR ROLL.NO.: (PROVISIONALLY ALLOWED) PERMISSION LETTER CUM ADMISSION CARD UG0202 - B.Com. SEMESTER-III EXAM DEC-2024 (Regular) College Name ENROL.NO.: GENDER: 103920 2023 / 177019 FEMALE 394 - KANORIA MAHILA MAHAVIDHYALAYA, JAIPUR NAME AASTHA SHARMA FATHER'S NAME MOHAN CHATURVEDI MOTHER'S NAME SEEMA CHATURVEDI CATEGORY REGULAR FORM No. 22088305 NOTE:-MOBILE PHONE NOT ALLOWED IN THE EXAMINATION HALL Examination Programme for Subject(s) offered a967ca5c-2c5a-47af-af1a-2eb07fd29607 Exam Date Exam Time SEM-I Sem ABS-51T-101 - FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING Subject 29-Jan-2025 11:00 AM TO 02:00 PM SEM-III ABS-63T-201 - COST ACCOUNTING 01-Feb-2025 11:00 AM TO 02:00 PM SEM-III BDM-63T-201 - COMPANY LAW 05-Feb-2025 11:00 AM TO 02:00 PM SEM-III EFM-63T-201 - FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 10-Feb-2025 11:00 AM TO 02:00 PM SEM-III MDC-SOC-63T-101 - Introduction to Sociology 14-Feb-2025 11:00 AM TO 02:00 PM Theory Exam Center 385- SRI SATYA SAI COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, JAIPUR 385- SRI SATYA SAI COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, JAIPUR 385- SRI SATYA SAI COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, JAIPUR 385- SRI SATYA SAI COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, JAIPUR 385- SRI SATYA SAI COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, JAIPUR All details in the admission card is correct Full Signature Of Candidate Signature of Centre Supdt. Dr. Rakesh Rao Controller of Examination Note:1. This admit card is being issued as per the existing details filled earlier by you in the examination form. Later if your entitlement is found against/beyond the scheme of examination, your result will not be declared considering your provisional appearance in examination as null and void. However, if you find any error in your admit card, you are advised to contact the University within 07 days of issue of admit card and get corrected your details as per existing rules and regulations. 2. Candidate is advised to bring his/her Valid ID Card (like Aadhar/Pan Card/Voter ID Card) and College/Department ID Card along with this admit card. 3. No guarantee is given to the candidates regarding the order of question papers. 4. Examination dates may be changed due to unavoidable circumstances. 5. Complaint against question paper(s) if any, should be submitted alongwith Question Paper to the University through the Center Superintendent concerned within a week from the date of examination for the paper concerned, after which no complaint will be entertained. 6. Entry in the examination centre will be closed before 20 minutes of starting of the examination, ensure you reach at the centre in time. 7. Time for Skill Enhancement Courses' Paper (If Applicable) and Value Added Courses' Paper (If Applicable) will be One Hour. 8. Candidate should write only the Serial Number of his/ her Answer book on the map, to be enclosed with the answer book (Wherever Applicable). He/ She should not write Roll Number on the map, otherwise it would be considered as a case of unfair means (U.M. Case). 9. The candidates are advised to regularly visit and for updates. 10. Candidate must ensure that he/ she fulfills the requirements of attendance (minimum 75%) and Continuous Assessment i.e. CA (minimum 40% in each paper), failing which his University examination shall be cancelled. Print Date : 26 Jan 2025, Sunday 2:44 PM