Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . . . Biostatistics 602 - Statistical Inference Lecture 11 Evaluation of Point Estimators Hyun Min Kang February 14th, 2013 . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 1 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Some News • Homework 3 is posted. • Due is Tuesday, February 26th. . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 2 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Some News • Homework 3 is posted. • Due is Tuesday, February 26th. • Next Thursday (Feb 21) is the midterm day. • We will start sharply at 1:10pm. • It would be better to solve homework 3 yourself to get prepared. • The exam is closed book, covering all the material from Lecture 1 to 12. • Last year’s midterm is posted on the web page. . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 2 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Last Lecture 1. What is a maximum likelihood estimator (MLE)? . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 3 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Last Lecture 1. What is a maximum likelihood estimator (MLE)? 2. How can you find an MLE? . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 3 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Last Lecture 1. What is a maximum likelihood estimator (MLE)? 2. How can you find an MLE? 3. Does an ML estimate always fall into a valid parameter space? . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 3 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Last Lecture 1. What is a maximum likelihood estimator (MLE)? 2. How can you find an MLE? 3. Does an ML estimate always fall into a valid parameter space? 4. If you know MLE of θ, can you also know MLE of τ (θ)? . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 3 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Recap - Maximum Likelihood Estimator . Definition . • For a given sample point x = (x1 , · · · , xn ), • let θ̂(x) be the value such that • L(θ|x) attains its maximum. • More formally, L(θ̂(x)|x) ≥ L(θ|x) ∀θ ∈ Ω where θ̂(x) ∈ Ω. • θ̂(x) is called the maximum likelihood estimate of θ based on data x, . • and θ̂(X) is the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of θ. . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 4 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Recap - Invariance Property of MLE . Question . If . θ̂ is the MLE of θ, what is the MLE of τ (θ)? . Example . i.i.d. X1 , · · · , Xn ∼ Bernoulli(p) where 0 < p < 1. . 1. What is the MLE of p? 2. What is the MLE of odds, defined by η = p/(1 − p)? . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 5 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . p Getting MLE of η = 1−p from p̂ ∑ ∗ L (η|x) = η xi (1 + η)n • From MLE of p̂, we know L∗ (η|x) is maximized when p = η/(1 + η) = p̂. • Equivalently, L∗ (η|x) is maximized when η = p̂/(1 − p̂) = τ (p̂), because τ is a one-to-one function. • Therefore η̂ = τ (p̂). . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 6 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Invariance Property of MLE . Fact . Denote the MLE of θ by θ̂. If τ (θ) is an one-to-one function of θ, then MLE of τ (θ) is τ (θ̂). . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 7 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Invariance Property of MLE . Fact . Denote the MLE of θ by θ̂. If τ (θ) is an one-to-one function of θ, then MLE of τ (θ) is τ (θ̂). . . Proof . The likelihood function in terms of τ (θ) = η is L∗ (τ (θ)|x) = n ∏ fX (xi |θ) i=1 . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 7 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Invariance Property of MLE . Fact . Denote the MLE of θ by θ̂. If τ (θ) is an one-to-one function of θ, then MLE of τ (θ) is τ (θ̂). . . Proof . The likelihood function in terms of τ (θ) = η is L∗ (τ (θ)|x) = n ∏ i=1 fX (xi |θ) = n ∏ f(xi |τ −1 (η)) i=1 . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 7 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Invariance Property of MLE . Fact . Denote the MLE of θ by θ̂. If τ (θ) is an one-to-one function of θ, then MLE of τ (θ) is τ (θ̂). . . Proof . The likelihood function in terms of τ (θ) = η is L∗ (τ (θ)|x) = n ∏ fX (xi |θ) = i=1 = L(τ n ∏ f(xi |τ −1 (η)) i=1 −1 (η)|x) . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 7 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Invariance Property of MLE . Fact . Denote the MLE of θ by θ̂. If τ (θ) is an one-to-one function of θ, then MLE of τ (θ) is τ (θ̂). . . Proof . The likelihood function in terms of τ (θ) = η is L∗ (τ (θ)|x) = n ∏ fX (xi |θ) = i=1 = L(τ n ∏ f(xi |τ −1 (η)) i=1 −1 (η)|x) We know this function is maximized when τ −1 (η) = θ̂, or equivalently, .when η = τ (θ̂). . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 7 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Invariance Property of MLE . Fact . Denote the MLE of θ by θ̂. If τ (θ) is an one-to-one function of θ, then MLE of τ (θ) is τ (θ̂). . . Proof . The likelihood function in terms of τ (θ) = η is L∗ (τ (θ)|x) = n ∏ fX (xi |θ) = i=1 = L(τ n ∏ f(xi |τ −1 (η)) i=1 −1 (η)|x) We know this function is maximized when τ −1 (η) = θ̂, or equivalently, .when η = τ (θ̂). Therefore, MLE of η = τ (θ) is τ (θ̂). . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 7 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Induced Likelihood Function . Definition . • Let L(θ|x) be the likelihood function for a given data x1 , · · · , xn , . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 8 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Induced Likelihood Function . Definition . • Let L(θ|x) be the likelihood function for a given data x1 , · · · , xn , • and let η = τ (θ) be a (possibly not a one-to-one) function of θ. . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 8 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Induced Likelihood Function . Definition . • Let L(θ|x) be the likelihood function for a given data x1 , · · · , xn , • and let η = τ (θ) be a (possibly not a one-to-one) function of θ. We define the induced likelihood function L∗ by L∗ (η|x) = sup θ∈τ −1 (η) L(θ|x) where τ −1 (η) = {θ : τ (θ) = η, θ ∈ Ω}. . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 8 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Induced Likelihood Function . Definition . • Let L(θ|x) be the likelihood function for a given data x1 , · · · , xn , • and let η = τ (θ) be a (possibly not a one-to-one) function of θ. We define the induced likelihood function L∗ by L∗ (η|x) = sup θ∈τ −1 (η) L(θ|x) where τ −1 (η) = {θ : τ (θ) = η, θ ∈ Ω}. . • The value of η that maximize L∗ (η|x) is called the MLE of η = τ (θ). . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 8 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Invariance Property of MLE . Theorem 7.2.10 . If θ is the MLE of θ̂, then the MLE of η = τ (θ) is τ (θ̂), where τ (θ) is any .function of θ. . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 9 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Invariance Property of MLE . Theorem 7.2.10 . If θ is the MLE of θ̂, then the MLE of η = τ (θ) is τ (θ̂), where τ (θ) is any .function of θ. . Proof - Using Induced Likelihood Function . L∗ (η̂|x) = sup L∗ (η|x) η . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 9 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Invariance Property of MLE . Theorem 7.2.10 . If θ is the MLE of θ̂, then the MLE of η = τ (θ) is τ (θ̂), where τ (θ) is any .function of θ. . Proof - Using Induced Likelihood Function . L∗ (η̂|x) = sup L∗ (η|x) = sup η η sup θ∈τ −1 (η) L(θ|x) . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 9 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Invariance Property of MLE . Theorem 7.2.10 . If θ is the MLE of θ̂, then the MLE of η = τ (θ) is τ (θ̂), where τ (θ) is any .function of θ. . Proof - Using Induced Likelihood Function . L∗ (η̂|x) = sup L∗ (η|x) = sup η η sup θ∈τ −1 (η) L(θ|x) = sup L(θ|x) θ . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 9 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Invariance Property of MLE . Theorem 7.2.10 . If θ is the MLE of θ̂, then the MLE of η = τ (θ) is τ (θ̂), where τ (θ) is any .function of θ. . Proof - Using Induced Likelihood Function . L∗ (η̂|x) = sup L∗ (η|x) = sup η η sup θ∈τ −1 (η) L(θ|x) = sup L(θ|x) = L(θ̂|x) θ . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 9 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Invariance Property of MLE . Theorem 7.2.10 . If θ is the MLE of θ̂, then the MLE of η = τ (θ) is τ (θ̂), where τ (θ) is any .function of θ. . Proof - Using Induced Likelihood Function . L∗ (η̂|x) = sup L∗ (η|x) = sup η η sup θ∈τ −1 (η) L(θ|x) = sup L(θ|x) = L(θ̂|x) θ L(θ̂|x) = sup L(θ|x) θ∈τ −1 (τ (θ̂)) . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 9 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Invariance Property of MLE . Theorem 7.2.10 . If θ is the MLE of θ̂, then the MLE of η = τ (θ) is τ (θ̂), where τ (θ) is any .function of θ. . Proof - Using Induced Likelihood Function . L∗ (η̂|x) = sup L∗ (η|x) = sup η η sup θ∈τ −1 (η) L(θ|x) = sup L(θ|x) = L(θ̂|x) θ L(θ̂|x) = sup L(θ|x) = L∗ [τ (θ̂)|x] θ∈τ −1 (τ (θ̂)) . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 9 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Invariance Property of MLE . Theorem 7.2.10 . If θ is the MLE of θ̂, then the MLE of η = τ (θ) is τ (θ̂), where τ (θ) is any .function of θ. . Proof - Using Induced Likelihood Function . L∗ (η̂|x) = sup L∗ (η|x) = sup η η sup θ∈τ −1 (η) L(θ|x) = sup L(θ|x) = L(θ̂|x) θ L(θ̂|x) = sup L(θ|x) = L∗ [τ (θ̂)|x] θ∈τ −1 (τ (θ̂)) Hence, L∗ (η̂|x) = L∗ [τ (θ̂)|x] and τ (θ̂) is the MLE of τ (θ). . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 9 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Properties of MLE 1. Optimal in some sense : We will study this later . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 10 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Properties of MLE 1. Optimal in some sense : We will study this later 2. By definition, MLE will always fall into the range of the parameter space. . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 10 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Properties of MLE 1. Optimal in some sense : We will study this later 2. By definition, MLE will always fall into the range of the parameter space. 3. Not always easy to obtain; may be hard to find the global maximum. . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 10 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Properties of MLE 1. Optimal in some sense : We will study this later 2. By definition, MLE will always fall into the range of the parameter space. 3. Not always easy to obtain; may be hard to find the global maximum. 4. Heavily depends on the underlying distributional assumptions (i.e. not robust). . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 10 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Method of Evaluating Estimators . Definition : Unbiasedness . Suppose θ̂ is an estimator for θ, then the bias of θ is defined as Bias(θ) = E(θ̂) − θ . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 11 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Method of Evaluating Estimators . Definition : Unbiasedness . Suppose θ̂ is an estimator for θ, then the bias of θ is defined as Bias(θ) = E(θ̂) − θ If . the bias is equal to 0, then θ̂ is an unbiased estimator for θ. . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 11 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Method of Evaluating Estimators . Definition : Unbiasedness . Suppose θ̂ is an estimator for θ, then the bias of θ is defined as Bias(θ) = E(θ̂) − θ If . the bias is equal to 0, then θ̂ is an unbiased estimator for θ. . Example . X1 , · · · ∑ , Xn are iid samples from a distribution with mean µ. Let X = n1 ni=1 Xi is an estimator of µ. . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 11 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Method of Evaluating Estimators . Definition : Unbiasedness . Suppose θ̂ is an estimator for θ, then the bias of θ is defined as Bias(θ) = E(θ̂) − θ If . the bias is equal to 0, then θ̂ is an unbiased estimator for θ. . Example . X1 , · · · ∑ , Xn are iid samples from a distribution with mean µ. Let X = n1 ni=1 Xi is an estimator of µ. The bias is Bias(µ) = E(X) − µ . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 11 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Method of Evaluating Estimators . Definition : Unbiasedness . Suppose θ̂ is an estimator for θ, then the bias of θ is defined as Bias(θ) = E(θ̂) − θ If . the bias is equal to 0, then θ̂ is an unbiased estimator for θ. . Example . X1 , · · · ∑ , Xn are iid samples from a distribution with mean µ. Let X = n1 ni=1 Xi is an estimator of µ. The bias is Bias(µ) = E(X) − µ ( n ) 1∑ = E Xi − µ n i=1 . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 11 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Method of Evaluating Estimators . Definition : Unbiasedness . Suppose θ̂ is an estimator for θ, then the bias of θ is defined as Bias(θ) = E(θ̂) − θ If . the bias is equal to 0, then θ̂ is an unbiased estimator for θ. . Example . X1 , · · · ∑ , Xn are iid samples from a distribution with mean µ. Let X = n1 ni=1 Xi is an estimator of µ. The bias is Bias(µ) = E(X) − µ ( n ) 1∑ = E Xi − µ n i=1 . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 11 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Method of Evaluating Estimators . Definition : Unbiasedness . Suppose θ̂ is an estimator for θ, then the bias of θ is defined as Bias(θ) = E(θ̂) − θ If . the bias is equal to 0, then θ̂ is an unbiased estimator for θ. . Example . X1 , · · · ∑ , Xn are iid samples from a distribution with mean µ. Let X = n1 ni=1 Xi is an estimator of µ. The bias is Bias(µ) = E(X) − µ ( n ) n 1∑ 1∑ = E Xi − µ = E (Xi ) − µ n n i=1 i=1 . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 11 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Method of Evaluating Estimators . Definition : Unbiasedness . Suppose θ̂ is an estimator for θ, then the bias of θ is defined as Bias(θ) = E(θ̂) − θ If . the bias is equal to 0, then θ̂ is an unbiased estimator for θ. . Example . X1 , · · · ∑ , Xn are iid samples from a distribution with mean µ. Let X = n1 ni=1 Xi is an estimator of µ. The bias is Bias(µ) = E(X) − µ ( n ) n 1∑ 1∑ = E Xi − µ = E (Xi ) − µ = µ − µ = 0 n n i=1 i=1 . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 11 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Method of Evaluating Estimators . Definition : Unbiasedness . Suppose θ̂ is an estimator for θ, then the bias of θ is defined as Bias(θ) = E(θ̂) − θ If . the bias is equal to 0, then θ̂ is an unbiased estimator for θ. . Example . X1 , · · · ∑ , Xn are iid samples from a distribution with mean µ. Let X = n1 ni=1 Xi is an estimator of µ. The bias is Bias(µ) = E(X) − µ ( n ) n 1∑ 1∑ = E Xi − µ = E (Xi ) − µ = µ − µ = 0 n n i=1 i=1 Therefore X is an unbiased estimator for µ. . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 11 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . How important is unbiased? . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 12 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . How important is unbiased? • θ̂1 (blue) is unbiased but has a chance to be very far away from θ = 0. • θ̂2 (red) is biased but more likely to be closer to the true θ than θ̂1 . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 12 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Mean Squared Error . Definition . Mean Squared Error (MSE) of an estimator θ̂ is defined as MSE(θ̂) = E[(θ̂ − θ)]2 . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 13 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Mean Squared Error . Definition . Mean Squared Error (MSE) of an estimator θ̂ is defined as MSE(θ̂) = E[(θ̂ − θ)]2 . . Property of MSE . MSE(θ̂) = E[(θ̂ − Eθ̂ + Eθ̂ − θ)]2 . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 13 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Mean Squared Error . Definition . Mean Squared Error (MSE) of an estimator θ̂ is defined as MSE(θ̂) = E[(θ̂ − θ)]2 . . Property of MSE . MSE(θ̂) = E[(θ̂ − Eθ̂ + Eθ̂ − θ)]2 = E[(θ̂ − Eθ̂)2 ] + E[(Eθ̂ − θ)2 ] + 2E[(θ̂ − Eθ̂)]E[(Eθ̂ − θ)] . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 13 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Mean Squared Error . Definition . Mean Squared Error (MSE) of an estimator θ̂ is defined as MSE(θ̂) = E[(θ̂ − θ)]2 . . Property of MSE . MSE(θ̂) = E[(θ̂ − Eθ̂ + Eθ̂ − θ)]2 = E[(θ̂ − Eθ̂)2 ] + E[(Eθ̂ − θ)2 ] + 2E[(θ̂ − Eθ̂)]E[(Eθ̂ − θ)] = E[(θ̂ − Eθ̂)2 ] + (Eθ̂ − θ)2 + 2(Eθ̂ − Eθ̂)E[(Eθ̂ − θ)] . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 13 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Mean Squared Error . Definition . Mean Squared Error (MSE) of an estimator θ̂ is defined as MSE(θ̂) = E[(θ̂ − θ)]2 . . Property of MSE . MSE(θ̂) = E[(θ̂ − Eθ̂ + Eθ̂ − θ)]2 = E[(θ̂ − Eθ̂)2 ] + E[(Eθ̂ − θ)2 ] + 2E[(θ̂ − Eθ̂)]E[(Eθ̂ − θ)] = E[(θ̂ − Eθ̂)2 ] + (Eθ̂ − θ)2 + 2(Eθ̂ − Eθ̂)E[(Eθ̂ − θ)] . = Var(θ̂) + Bias2 (θ) . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 13 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Example i.i.d. • X1 , · · · , Xn ∼ N (µ, 1) • µ1 = 1, µ2 = X. . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 14 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Example i.i.d. • X1 , · · · , Xn ∼ N (µ, 1) • µ1 = 1, µ2 = X. MSE(µ̂1 ) = E(µ̂1 − µ)2 = (1 − µ)2 . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 14 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Example i.i.d. • X1 , · · · , Xn ∼ N (µ, 1) • µ1 = 1, µ2 = X. MSE(µ̂1 ) = E(µ̂1 − µ)2 = (1 − µ)2 MSE(µ̂2 ) = E(X − µ)2 = Var(X) = . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . 1 n . . . February 14th, 2013 . 14 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Example i.i.d. • X1 , · · · , Xn ∼ N (µ, 1) • µ1 = 1, µ2 = X. MSE(µ̂1 ) = E(µ̂1 − µ)2 = (1 − µ)2 MSE(µ̂2 ) = E(X − µ)2 = Var(X) = 1 n • Suppose that the true µ = 1, then MSE(µ1 ) = 0 < MSE(µ2 ), and no estimator can beat µ1 in terms of MSE when true µ = 1. . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 14 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Example i.i.d. • X1 , · · · , Xn ∼ N (µ, 1) • µ1 = 1, µ2 = X. MSE(µ̂1 ) = E(µ̂1 − µ)2 = (1 − µ)2 MSE(µ̂2 ) = E(X − µ)2 = Var(X) = 1 n • Suppose that the true µ = 1, then MSE(µ1 ) = 0 < MSE(µ2 ), and no estimator can beat µ1 in terms of MSE when true µ = 1. • Therefore, we cannot find an estimator that is uniformly the best in terms of MSE across all θ ∈ Ω among all estimators . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 14 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Example i.i.d. • X1 , · · · , Xn ∼ N (µ, 1) • µ1 = 1, µ2 = X. MSE(µ̂1 ) = E(µ̂1 − µ)2 = (1 − µ)2 MSE(µ̂2 ) = E(X − µ)2 = Var(X) = 1 n • Suppose that the true µ = 1, then MSE(µ1 ) = 0 < MSE(µ2 ), and no estimator can beat µ1 in terms of MSE when true µ = 1. • Therefore, we cannot find an estimator that is uniformly the best in terms of MSE across all θ ∈ Ω among all estimators • Restrict the class of estimators, and find the ”best” estimator within the small class. . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 14 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Uniformly Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimator . Definition . ∗ W (X) is the best unbiased estimator, or uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator (UMVUE) of τ (θ) if, . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 15 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Uniformly Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimator . Definition . ∗ W (X) is the best unbiased estimator, or uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator (UMVUE) of τ (θ) if, 1. E[W∗ (X)|θ] = τ (θ) for all θ (unbiased) . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 15 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Uniformly Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimator . Definition . ∗ W (X) is the best unbiased estimator, or uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator (UMVUE) of τ (θ) if, 1. 2. . E[W∗ (X)|θ] = τ (θ) for all θ (unbiased) and Var[W∗ (X)|θ] ≤ Var[W(X)|θ] for all θ, where W is any other unbiased estimator of τ (θ) (minimum variance). . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 15 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Uniformly Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimator . Definition . ∗ W (X) is the best unbiased estimator, or uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator (UMVUE) of τ (θ) if, 1. 2. . E[W∗ (X)|θ] = τ (θ) for all θ (unbiased) and Var[W∗ (X)|θ] ≤ Var[W(X)|θ] for all θ, where W is any other unbiased estimator of τ (θ) (minimum variance). . How to find the Best Unbiased Estimator . • Find the lower bound of variances of any unbiased estimator of τ (θ), say B(θ). . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 15 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Uniformly Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimator . Definition . ∗ W (X) is the best unbiased estimator, or uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator (UMVUE) of τ (θ) if, 1. 2. . E[W∗ (X)|θ] = τ (θ) for all θ (unbiased) and Var[W∗ (X)|θ] ≤ Var[W(X)|θ] for all θ, where W is any other unbiased estimator of τ (θ) (minimum variance). . How to find the Best Unbiased Estimator . • Find the lower bound of variances of any unbiased estimator of τ (θ), say B(θ). • If W∗ is an unbiased estimator of τ (θ) and satisfies . Var[W∗ (X)|θ] = B(θ), then W∗ is the best unbiased estimator. . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 15 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Cramer-Rao inequality . Theorem 7.3.9 : Cramer-Rao Theorem . Let X1 , · · · , Xn be a sample with joint pdf/pmf of fX (x|θ). Suppose W(X) is an estimator satisfying . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 16 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Cramer-Rao inequality . Theorem 7.3.9 : Cramer-Rao Theorem . Let X1 , · · · , Xn be a sample with joint pdf/pmf of fX (x|θ). Suppose W(X) is an estimator satisfying 1. E[W(X)|θ] = τ (θ), ∀θ ∈ Ω. . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 16 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Cramer-Rao inequality . Theorem 7.3.9 : Cramer-Rao Theorem . Let X1 , · · · , Xn be a sample with joint pdf/pmf of fX (x|θ). Suppose W(X) is an estimator satisfying 1. E[W(X)|θ] = τ (θ), ∀θ ∈ Ω. 2. Var[W(X)|θ] < ∞. . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 16 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Cramer-Rao inequality . Theorem 7.3.9 : Cramer-Rao Theorem . Let X1 , · · · , Xn be a sample with joint pdf/pmf of fX (x|θ). Suppose W(X) is an estimator satisfying 1. E[W(X)|θ] = τ (θ), ∀θ ∈ Ω. 2. Var[W(X)|θ] < ∞. For h(x) = 1 and h(x) = W(x), if the differentiation and integrations are interchangeable, i.e. . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 16 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Cramer-Rao inequality . Theorem 7.3.9 : Cramer-Rao Theorem . Let X1 , · · · , Xn be a sample with joint pdf/pmf of fX (x|θ). Suppose W(X) is an estimator satisfying 1. E[W(X)|θ] = τ (θ), ∀θ ∈ Ω. 2. Var[W(X)|θ] < ∞. For h(x) = 1 and h(x) = W(x), if the differentiation and integrations are interchangeable, i.e. ∫ ∫ ∂ d d h(x) fX (x|θ)dx h(x)fX (x|θ)dx = E[h(x)|θ] = dθ dθ x∈X ∂θ x∈X . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 16 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Cramer-Rao inequality . Theorem 7.3.9 : Cramer-Rao Theorem . Let X1 , · · · , Xn be a sample with joint pdf/pmf of fX (x|θ). Suppose W(X) is an estimator satisfying 1. E[W(X)|θ] = τ (θ), ∀θ ∈ Ω. 2. Var[W(X)|θ] < ∞. For h(x) = 1 and h(x) = W(x), if the differentiation and integrations are interchangeable, i.e. ∫ ∫ ∂ d d h(x) fX (x|θ)dx h(x)fX (x|θ)dx = E[h(x)|θ] = dθ dθ x∈X ∂θ x∈X Then, a lower bound of Var[W(X)|θ] is Var[W(X)] ≥ . [τ ′ (θ)]2 ] ∂ E { ∂θ log fX (x|θ)}2 [ . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 16 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Cramer-Rao Theorem (1/4) By Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, [Cov(X, Y)]2 ≤ Var(X)Var(Y) . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 17 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Cramer-Rao Theorem (1/4) By Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, [Cov(X, Y)]2 ≤ Var(X)Var(Y) Replacing X and Y, [ ]2 [ ] ∂ ∂ Cov{W(X), log fX (X|θ)} ≤ Var[W(X)]Var log fX (X|θ) ∂θ ∂θ . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 17 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Cramer-Rao Theorem (1/4) By Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, [Cov(X, Y)]2 ≤ Var(X)Var(Y) Replacing X and Y, [ ]2 [ ] ∂ ∂ Cov{W(X), log fX (X|θ)} ≤ Var[W(X)]Var log fX (X|θ) ∂θ ∂θ ]2 [ ∂ Cov{W(X), ∂θ log fX (X|θ)} ] [∂ Var[W(X)] ≥ Var ∂θ log fX (X|θ) . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 17 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Cramer-Rao Theorem (1/4) By Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, [Cov(X, Y)]2 ≤ Var(X)Var(Y) Replacing X and Y, [ ]2 [ ] ∂ ∂ Cov{W(X), log fX (X|θ)} ≤ Var[W(X)]Var log fX (X|θ) ∂θ ∂θ ]2 [ ∂ Cov{W(X), ∂θ log fX (X|θ)} ] [∂ Var[W(X)] ≥ Var ∂θ log fX (X|θ) Using Var(X) = EX2 − (EX)2 , [{ [ ] }2 ] [ ]2 ∂ ∂ ∂ Var log fX (X|θ) = E log fX (X|θ) −E log fX (X|θ) ∂θ ∂θ ∂θ . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 17 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Cramer-Rao Theorem (2/4) [ ] ] [ ∫ ∂ ∂ E log fX (X|θ) = log fX (x|θ) fX (x|θ)dx ∂θ x∈X ∂θ . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 18 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Cramer-Rao Theorem (2/4) [ ] ] [ ∫ ∂ ∂ E log fX (X|θ) = log fX (x|θ) fX (x|θ)dx ∂θ x∈X ∂θ ∫ ∂ ∂θ fX (x|θ) = fX (x|θ)dx x∈X fX (x|θ) . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 18 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Cramer-Rao Theorem (2/4) [ ] ] [ ∫ ∂ ∂ E log fX (X|θ) = log fX (x|θ) fX (x|θ)dx ∂θ x∈X ∂θ ∫ ∂ ∂θ fX (x|θ) = f (x|θ)dx f (x|θ) X ∫x∈X X ∂ = fX (x|θ)dx x∈X ∂θ . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 18 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Cramer-Rao Theorem (2/4) [ ] ] [ ∫ ∂ ∂ E log fX (X|θ) = log fX (x|θ) fX (x|θ)dx ∂θ x∈X ∂θ ∫ ∂ ∂θ fX (x|θ) = f (x|θ)dx f (x|θ) X ∫x∈X X ∂ = fX (x|θ)dx x∈X ∂θ ∫ d = f (x|θ)dx (by assumption) dθ x∈X X . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 18 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Cramer-Rao Theorem (2/4) [ ] ] [ ∫ ∂ ∂ E log fX (X|θ) = log fX (x|θ) fX (x|θ)dx ∂θ x∈X ∂θ ∫ ∂ ∂θ fX (x|θ) = f (x|θ)dx f (x|θ) X ∫x∈X X ∂ = fX (x|θ)dx x∈X ∂θ ∫ d = f (x|θ)dx (by assumption) dθ x∈X X d = 1=0 dθ . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 18 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Cramer-Rao Theorem (2/4) [ ] ] [ ∫ ∂ ∂ E log fX (X|θ) = log fX (x|θ) fX (x|θ)dx ∂θ x∈X ∂θ ∫ ∂ ∂θ fX (x|θ) = f (x|θ)dx f (x|θ) X ∫x∈X X ∂ = fX (x|θ)dx x∈X ∂θ ∫ d = f (x|θ)dx (by assumption) dθ x∈X X d = 1=0 dθ[ [ ] { }2 ] ∂ ∂ Var log fX (X|θ) = E log fX (X|θ) ∂θ ∂θ . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 18 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Cramer-Rao Theorem (3/4) [ ] ∂ Cov W(X), log fX (X|θ) ∂θ . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 19 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Cramer-Rao Theorem (3/4) [ ] ∂ Cov W(X), log fX (X|θ) ∂θ [ ] [ ] ∂ ∂ = E W(X) · log fX (X|θ) − E [W(X)] E log fX (X|θ) ∂θ ∂θ . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 19 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Cramer-Rao Theorem (3/4) [ ] ∂ Cov W(X), log fX (X|θ) ∂θ [ ] [ ] ∂ ∂ = E W(X) · log fX (X|θ) − E [W(X)] E log fX (X|θ) ∂θ ∂θ [ ] ∂ = E W(X) · log fX (X|θ) ∂θ . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 19 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Cramer-Rao Theorem (3/4) [ ] ∂ Cov W(X), log fX (X|θ) ∂θ [ ] [ ] ∂ ∂ = E W(X) · log fX (X|θ) − E [W(X)] E log fX (X|θ) ∂θ ∂θ [ ] ∫ ∂ ∂ = E W(X) · log fX (X|θ) = W(x) log fX (x|θ)f(x|θ)dx ∂θ ∂θ x∈X . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 19 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Cramer-Rao Theorem (3/4) [ ] ∂ Cov W(X), log fX (X|θ) ∂θ [ ] [ ] ∂ ∂ = E W(X) · log fX (X|θ) − E [W(X)] E log fX (X|θ) ∂θ ∂θ [ ] ∫ ∂ ∂ = E W(X) · log fX (X|θ) = W(x) log fX (x|θ)f(x|θ)dx ∂θ ∂θ x∈X ∫ ∂ f (x|θ) W(x) ∂θ X = f(x|θ)dx f(x|θ) x∈X . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 19 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Cramer-Rao Theorem (3/4) [ ] ∂ Cov W(X), log fX (X|θ) ∂θ [ ] [ ] ∂ ∂ = E W(X) · log fX (X|θ) − E [W(X)] E log fX (X|θ) ∂θ ∂θ [ ] ∫ ∂ ∂ = E W(X) · log fX (X|θ) = W(x) log fX (x|θ)f(x|θ)dx ∂θ ∂θ x∈X ∫ ∫ ∂ f (x|θ) ∂ W(x) ∂θ X W(x) fX (x|θ) = f(x|θ)dx = f(x|θ) ∂θ x∈X x∈X . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 19 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Cramer-Rao Theorem (3/4) [ = = = = ] ∂ Cov W(X), log fX (X|θ) ∂θ [ ] [ ] ∂ ∂ E W(X) · log fX (X|θ) − E [W(X)] E log fX (X|θ) ∂θ ∂θ [ ] ∫ ∂ ∂ E W(X) · log fX (X|θ) = W(x) log fX (x|θ)f(x|θ)dx ∂θ ∂θ x∈X ∫ ∫ ∂ f (x|θ) ∂ W(x) ∂θ X W(x) fX (x|θ) f(x|θ)dx = f(x|θ) ∂θ x∈X x∈X ∫ d W(x)fX (x|θ) (by assumption) dθ x∈X . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 19 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Cramer-Rao Theorem (3/4) [ = = = = = ] ∂ Cov W(X), log fX (X|θ) ∂θ [ ] [ ] ∂ ∂ E W(X) · log fX (X|θ) − E [W(X)] E log fX (X|θ) ∂θ ∂θ [ ] ∫ ∂ ∂ E W(X) · log fX (X|θ) = W(x) log fX (x|θ)f(x|θ)dx ∂θ ∂θ x∈X ∫ ∫ ∂ f (x|θ) ∂ W(x) ∂θ X W(x) fX (x|θ) f(x|θ)dx = f(x|θ) ∂θ x∈X x∈X ∫ d W(x)fX (x|θ) (by assumption) dθ x∈X d d E [W(X)] = τ (θ) = τ ′ (θ) dθ dθ . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 19 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Cramer-Rao Theorem (4/4) From the previous results [{ ] }2 ] ∂ ∂ Var log fX (X|θ) = E log fX (X|θ) ∂θ ∂θ [ . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 20 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Cramer-Rao Theorem (4/4) From the previous results [{ ] }2 ] ∂ ∂ Var log fX (X|θ) = E log fX (X|θ) ∂θ ∂θ [ ] ∂ Cov W(X), log fX (X|θ) = τ ′ (θ) ∂θ [ Therefore, Cramer-Rao lower bound is Var[W(X)] ≥ [ ]2 ∂ Cov{W(X), ∂θ log fX (X|θ)} [∂ ] Var ∂θ log fX (X|θ) . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 20 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Cramer-Rao Theorem (4/4) From the previous results [{ ] }2 ] ∂ ∂ Var log fX (X|θ) = E log fX (X|θ) ∂θ ∂θ [ ] ∂ Cov W(X), log fX (X|θ) = τ ′ (θ) ∂θ [ Therefore, Cramer-Rao lower bound is Var[W(X)] ≥ = [ ]2 ∂ Cov{W(X), ∂θ log fX (X|θ)} [∂ ] Var ∂θ log fX (X|θ) [τ ′ (θ)]2 ] ∂ E { ∂θ log fX (X|θ)}2 [ . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 20 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Cramer-Rao bound in iid case . Corollary 7.3.10 . If X1 , · · · , Xn are iid samples from pdf/pmf fX (x|θ), and the assumptions in the above Cramer-Rao theorem hold, then the lower-bound of Var[W(X)|θ] becomes . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 21 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Cramer-Rao bound in iid case . Corollary 7.3.10 . If X1 , · · · , Xn are iid samples from pdf/pmf fX (x|θ), and the assumptions in the above Cramer-Rao theorem hold, then the lower-bound of Var[W(X)|θ] becomes [τ ′ (θ)]2 [ ∂ ] Var[W(X)] ≥ 2 nE { log f (X|θ)} X ∂θ . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 21 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Cramer-Rao bound in iid case . Corollary 7.3.10 . If X1 , · · · , Xn are iid samples from pdf/pmf fX (x|θ), and the assumptions in the above Cramer-Rao theorem hold, then the lower-bound of Var[W(X)|θ] becomes [τ ′ (θ)]2 [ ∂ ] Var[W(X)] ≥ 2 nE { log f (X|θ)} X ∂θ . . Proof . We need to[show [{ { that }2 ] }2 ] ∂ ∂ E log fX (X|θ) = nE log fX (X|θ) ∂θ ∂θ . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 21 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Corollary 7.3.10 [{ E ∂ log fX (X|θ) ∂θ }2 ] { }2 n ∏ ∂ = E log fX (Xi |θ) ∂θ i=1 . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 22 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Corollary 7.3.10 [{ E ∂ log fX (X|θ) ∂θ }2 ] { }2 n ∏ ∂ = E log fX (Xi |θ) ∂θ i=1 { }2 n ∑ ∂ = E log fX (Xi |θ) ∂θ i=1 . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 22 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Corollary 7.3.10 [{ E ∂ log fX (X|θ) ∂θ }2 ] { }2 n ∏ ∂ = E log fX (Xi |θ) ∂θ i=1 { }2 n ∑ ∂ = E log fX (Xi |θ) ∂θ i=1 { }2 n ∑ ∂ = E log fX (Xi |θ) ∂θ i=1 . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 22 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Corollary 7.3.10 [{ E ∂ log fX (X|θ) ∂θ }2 ] = = = = { }2 n ∏ ∂ E log fX (Xi |θ) ∂θ i=1 { }2 n ∑ ∂ E log fX (Xi |θ) ∂θ i=1 { }2 n ∑ ∂ E log fX (Xi |θ) ∂θ i=1 [∑ { }2 n ∂ E + i=1 ∂θ log fX (Xi |θ) ] ∑ ∂ ∂ log f (X |θ) log f (X |θ) i j X X i̸=j ∂θ ∂θ . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 22 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Corollary 7.3.10 Because X1 , · · · , Xn are independent, ∑ ∂ ∂ E log fX (Xi |θ) log fX (Xj |θ) ∂θ ∂θ i̸=j ] [ ] [ ∑ ∂ ∂ = log fX (Xi |θ) E log fX (Xj |θ) = 0 E ∂θ ∂θ i̸=j . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 23 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Corollary 7.3.10 Because X1 , · · · , Xn are independent, ∑ ∂ ∂ E log fX (Xi |θ) log fX (Xj |θ) ∂θ ∂θ i̸=j ] [ ] [ ∑ ∂ ∂ = log fX (Xi |θ) E log fX (Xj |θ) = 0 E ∂θ ∂θ i̸=j [{ E [ n { }2 ] }2 ] ∑ ∂ ∂ log fX (X|θ) = E log fX (Xi |θ) ∂θ ∂θ i=1 . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 23 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Corollary 7.3.10 Because X1 , · · · , Xn are independent, ∑ ∂ ∂ E log fX (Xi |θ) log fX (Xj |θ) ∂θ ∂θ i̸=j ] [ ] [ ∑ ∂ ∂ = log fX (Xi |θ) E log fX (Xj |θ) = 0 E ∂θ ∂θ i̸=j [{ E [ n { }2 ] }2 ] ∑ ∂ ∂ log fX (X|θ) = E log fX (Xi |θ) ∂θ ∂θ i=1 [{ }2 ] n ∑ ∂ log fX (Xi |θ) = E ∂θ i=1 . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 23 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Proving Corollary 7.3.10 Because X1 , · · · , Xn are independent, ∑ ∂ ∂ E log fX (Xi |θ) log fX (Xj |θ) ∂θ ∂θ i̸=j ] [ ] [ ∑ ∂ ∂ = log fX (Xi |θ) E log fX (Xj |θ) = 0 E ∂θ ∂θ i̸=j [{ E [ n { }2 ] }2 ] ∑ ∂ ∂ log fX (X|θ) = E log fX (Xi |θ) ∂θ ∂θ i=1 [{ }2 ] n ∑ ∂ log fX (Xi |θ) = E ∂θ i=1 [{ }2 ] ∂ = nE log fX (X|θ) ∂θ . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 23 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Remark from Corollary 7.3.10 In iid case, Cramer-Rao lower bound for an unbiased estimator of θ is . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 24 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Remark from Corollary 7.3.10 In iid case, Cramer-Rao lower bound for an unbiased estimator of θ is Var[W(X)] ≥ 1 [ ∂ ] nE { ∂θ log fX (X|θ)}2 . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 24 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Remark from Corollary 7.3.10 In iid case, Cramer-Rao lower bound for an unbiased estimator of θ is Var[W(X)] ≥ 1 [ ∂ ] nE { ∂θ log fX (X|θ)}2 Because τ (θ) = θ and τ ′ (θ) = 1. . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 24 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Score Function . Definition: Score or Score Function for X . i.i.d. X1 , · · · , Xn ∼ fX (x|θ) . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 25 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Score Function . Definition: Score or Score Function for X . i.i.d. X1 , · · · , Xn ∼ fX (x|θ) ∂ S(X|θ) = log fX (X|θ) ∂θ . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 25 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Score Function . Definition: Score or Score Function for X . i.i.d. X1 , · · · , Xn ∼ fX (x|θ) ∂ S(X|θ) = log fX (X|θ) ∂θ E [S(X|θ)] = 0 . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 25 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Score Function . Definition: Score or Score Function for X . i.i.d. X1 , · · · , Xn ∼ fX (x|θ) ∂ S(X|θ) = log fX (X|θ) ∂θ E [S(X|θ)] = 0 ∂ Sn (X|θ) = log fX (X|θ) ∂θ . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 25 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Fisher Information Number . Definition: Fisher Information Number . [{ }2 ] [ ] ∂ I(θ) = E log fX (X|θ) = E S2 (X|θ) ∂θ . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 26 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Fisher Information Number . Definition: Fisher Information Number . [{ }2 ] [ ] ∂ I(θ) = E log fX (X|θ) = E S2 (X|θ) ∂θ [{ }2 ] ∂ In (θ) = E log fX (X|θ) ∂θ . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 26 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Fisher Information Number . Definition: Fisher Information Number . [{ }2 ] [ ] ∂ I(θ) = E log fX (X|θ) = E S2 (X|θ) ∂θ [{ }2 ] ∂ In (θ) = E log fX (X|θ) ∂θ [{ }2 ] ∂ = nE log fX (X|θ) = nI(θ) ∂θ . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 26 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Fisher Information Number . Definition: Fisher Information Number . [{ }2 ] [ ] ∂ I(θ) = E log fX (X|θ) = E S2 (X|θ) ∂θ [{ }2 ] ∂ In (θ) = E log fX (X|θ) ∂θ [{ }2 ] ∂ = nE log fX (X|θ) = nI(θ) ∂θ The bigger the information number, the more information we have about θ, . the smaller bound on the variance of unbiased estimates. . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 26 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Simplified Fisher Information . Lemma 7.3.11 . If fX (x|θ) satisfies the∫ two interchangeability ∫ conditions ∂ d fX (x|θ)dx = fX (x|θ)dx dθ x∈X x∈X ∂θ . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 27 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Simplified Fisher Information . Lemma 7.3.11 . If fX (x|θ) satisfies the∫ two interchangeability ∫ conditions ∂ d fX (x|θ)dx = fX (x|θ)dx dθ x∈X x∈X ∂θ ∫ ∫ d ∂ ∂2 fX (x|θ)dx = f (x|θ)dx 2 X dθ x∈X ∂θ x∈X ∂θ . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 27 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Simplified Fisher Information . Lemma 7.3.11 . If fX (x|θ) satisfies the∫ two interchangeability ∫ conditions ∂ d fX (x|θ)dx = fX (x|θ)dx dθ x∈X x∈X ∂θ ∫ ∫ d ∂ ∂2 fX (x|θ)dx = f (x|θ)dx 2 X dθ x∈X ∂θ x∈X ∂θ which are true for then [{exponential family, ] }2 ] [ 2 ∂ ∂ log fX (X|θ) I(θ) = E log fX (X|θ) = −E ∂θ ∂θ2 . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 27 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Example - Poisson Distribution i.i.d. • X1 , · · · , Xn ∼ Poisson(λ) • λ1 = X • λ2 = s2X • E[λ1 ] = E(X) = λ. . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 28 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Example - Poisson Distribution i.i.d. • X1 , · · · , Xn ∼ Poisson(λ) • λ1 = X • λ2 = s2X • E[λ1 ] = E(X) = λ. −1 Cramer-Rao lower bound is I−1 n (λ) = [nI(λ)] . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 28 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Example - Poisson Distribution i.i.d. • X1 , · · · , Xn ∼ Poisson(λ) • λ1 = X • λ2 = s2X • E[λ1 ] = E(X) = λ. −1 Cramer-Rao lower bound is I−1 n (λ) = [nI(λ)] . [{ }2 ] [ 2 ] ∂ ∂ I(λ) = E log fX (X|λ) = −E log fX (X|λ) ∂λ ∂λ2 . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 28 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Example - Poisson Distribution i.i.d. • X1 , · · · , Xn ∼ Poisson(λ) • λ1 = X • λ2 = s2X • E[λ1 ] = E(X) = λ. −1 Cramer-Rao lower bound is I−1 n (λ) = [nI(λ)] . [{ }2 ] [ 2 ] ∂ ∂ I(λ) = E log fX (X|λ) = −E log fX (X|λ) ∂λ ∂λ2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 e−λ λX ∂ ∂ log (−λ + X log λ − log X!) = −E = −E ∂λ2 X! ∂λ2 . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 28 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Example - Poisson Distribution i.i.d. • X1 , · · · , Xn ∼ Poisson(λ) • λ1 = X • λ2 = s2X • E[λ1 ] = E(X) = λ. −1 Cramer-Rao lower bound is I−1 n (λ) = [nI(λ)] . [{ }2 ] [ 2 ] ∂ ∂ I(λ) = E log fX (X|λ) = −E log fX (X|λ) ∂λ ∂λ2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 e−λ λX ∂ ∂ log (−λ + X log λ − log X!) = −E = −E ∂λ2 X! ∂λ2 [ ] X 1 1 = E 2 = 2 E(X) = λ λ λ . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 28 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Example - Poisson Distribution (cont’d) Therefore, the Cramer-Rao lower bound is Var[W(X)] ≥ 1 λ = nI(λ) n where W is any unbiased estimator. . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 29 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Example - Poisson Distribution (cont’d) Therefore, the Cramer-Rao lower bound is Var[W(X)] ≥ 1 λ = nI(λ) n where W is any unbiased estimator. Var(λ̂1 ) = Var(X) = λ Var(X) = n n . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 29 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Example - Poisson Distribution (cont’d) Therefore, the Cramer-Rao lower bound is Var[W(X)] ≥ 1 λ = nI(λ) n where W is any unbiased estimator. Var(λ̂1 ) = Var(X) = λ Var(X) = n n Therefore, λ1 = X is the best unbiased estimator of λ. Var(λ̂2 ) > λ n (details is omitted), so λ̂2 is not the best unbiased estimator. . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 29 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . With and without Lemma 7.3.11 . With Lemma 7.3.11 . [ 2 ] [ 2 ] ∂ 1 ∂ I(λ) = −E ∂λ 2 log fX (X|λ) = −E ∂λ2 (−λ + X log λ − log X!) = λ . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 30 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . With and without Lemma 7.3.11 . With Lemma 7.3.11 . [ 2 ] [ 2 ] ∂ 1 ∂ I(λ) = −E ∂λ 2 log fX (X|λ) = −E ∂λ2 (−λ + X log λ − log X!) = λ . . Without Lemma 7.3.11 . [{ [{ }2 ] }2 ] ∂ ∂ I(λ) = E log fX (X|λ) =E (−λ + X log λ − log X!) ∂λ ∂λ . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 30 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . With and without Lemma 7.3.11 . With Lemma 7.3.11 . [ 2 ] [ 2 ] ∂ 1 ∂ I(λ) = −E ∂λ 2 log fX (X|λ) = −E ∂λ2 (−λ + X log λ − log X!) = λ . . Without Lemma 7.3.11 . [{ [{ }2 ] }2 ] ∂ ∂ I(λ) = E log fX (X|λ) =E (−λ + X log λ − log X!) ∂λ ∂λ [{ ] } ] [ E(X) E(X2 ) X 2 X X2 = E −1 + =E 1−2 + 2 =1−2 + λ λ λ λ λ2 . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 30 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . With and without Lemma 7.3.11 . With Lemma 7.3.11 . [ 2 ] [ 2 ] ∂ 1 ∂ I(λ) = −E ∂λ 2 log fX (X|λ) = −E ∂λ2 (−λ + X log λ − log X!) = λ . . Without Lemma 7.3.11 . [{ [{ }2 ] }2 ] ∂ ∂ I(λ) = E log fX (X|λ) =E (−λ + X log λ − log X!) ∂λ ∂λ [{ ] } ] [ E(X) E(X2 ) X 2 X X2 = E −1 + =E 1−2 + 2 =1−2 + λ λ λ λ λ2 . = 1−2 λ λ + λ2 1 E(X) Var(X) + [E(X)]2 = 1 − 2 = + + 2 2 λ λ λ λ λ . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 30 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Example - Normal Distribution i.i.d. • X1 , · · · , Xn ∼ N (µ, σ 2 ), where σ 2 is known. . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 31 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Example - Normal Distribution i.i.d. • X1 , · · · , Xn ∼ N (µ, σ 2 ), where σ 2 is known. • The Cramer-Rao bound for µ is [nI(µ)]−1 . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 31 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Example - Normal Distribution i.i.d. • X1 , · · · , Xn ∼ N (µ, σ 2 ), where σ 2 is known. • The Cramer-Rao bound for µ is [nI(µ)]−1 . [ ] ∂2 I(µ) = −E log fX (X|µ) ∂µ2 . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 31 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Example - Normal Distribution i.i.d. • X1 , · · · , Xn ∼ N (µ, σ 2 ), where σ 2 is known. • The Cramer-Rao bound for µ is [nI(µ)]−1 . [ ] ∂2 I(µ) = −E log fX (X|µ) ∂µ2 [ 2 { ( )}] ∂ 1 (X − µ)2 = −E log √ exp − ∂µ2 2σ 2 2πσ 2 . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 31 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Example - Normal Distribution i.i.d. • X1 , · · · , Xn ∼ N (µ, σ 2 ), where σ 2 is known. • The Cramer-Rao bound for µ is [nI(µ)]−1 . [ ] ∂2 I(µ) = −E log fX (X|µ) ∂µ2 [ 2 { ( )}] ∂ 1 (X − µ)2 = −E log √ exp − ∂µ2 2σ 2 2πσ 2 [ 2 { }] ∂ 1 (X − µ)2 2 = −E − log(2πσ ) − ∂µ2 2 2σ 2 . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 31 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Example - Normal Distribution i.i.d. • X1 , · · · , Xn ∼ N (µ, σ 2 ), where σ 2 is known. • The Cramer-Rao bound for µ is [nI(µ)]−1 . [ I(µ) = = = = ] ∂2 −E log fX (X|µ) ∂µ2 [ 2 { ( )}] ∂ 1 (X − µ)2 −E log √ exp − ∂µ2 2σ 2 2πσ 2 [ 2 { }] ∂ 1 (X − µ)2 2 −E − log(2πσ ) − ∂µ2 2 2σ 2 { }] [ 1 ∂ 2(X − µ) = 2 −E 2 ∂µ 2σ σ . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 31 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Applying Lemma 7.3.11 . Question . .When can we interchange the order of differentiation and integration? . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 32 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Applying Lemma 7.3.11 . Question . .When can we interchange the order of differentiation and integration? . Answer . • For exponential family, always yes. . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 32 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Applying Lemma 7.3.11 . Question . .When can we interchange the order of differentiation and integration? . Answer . • For exponential family, always yes. • Not always yes for non-exponential family. Will have to check the . individual case. . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 32 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Applying Lemma 7.3.11 . Question . .When can we interchange the order of differentiation and integration? . Answer . • For exponential family, always yes. • Not always yes for non-exponential family. Will have to check the . individual case. . Example . i.i.d. X1 , · · · , Xn ∼ Uniform(0, θ) . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 32 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Applying Lemma 7.3.11 . Question . .When can we interchange the order of differentiation and integration? . Answer . • For exponential family, always yes. • Not always yes for non-exponential family. Will have to check the . individual case. . Example . i.i.d. X1 , · · · , Xn ∼ Uniform(0, θ) ∫ θ ∫ θ d ∂ h(x)fX (x|θ)dx ̸= h(x) fX (x|θ)dx dθ 0 ∂θ 0 . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 32 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Summary . Today . • Invariance Property • Mean Squared Error • Unbiased Estimator . • Cramer-Rao inequality . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 33 / 33 Recap ..... MLE .... Evaluation ..... Cramer-Rao ................. Summary . Summary . Today . • Invariance Property • Mean Squared Error • Unbiased Estimator . • Cramer-Rao inequality . Next Lecture . • More on Cramer-Rao inequality . . Hyun Min Kang Biostatistics 602 - Lecture 11 . . . . February 14th, 2013 . 33 / 33