Uploaded by Salma Elgabry

The Lost Treasure of Maplewood: A Short Play Script

"The Lost Treasure of Maplewood"
Emma: A curious and brave girl.
Jake: Emma’s best friend, who loves solving puzzles.
Mr. Thompson: The wise old librarian.
Captain Flint: A ghostly pirate (friendly).
Scene 1: The Library
(Emma and Jake are sitting at a table in the library, looking at an old map.)
Emma: (excited) Jake, look at this! This map was inside the old book we found. It says,
“The Lost Treasure of Maplewood.”
Jake: (leaning closer) Wow! Do you think it’s real? Maybe it’s just a story.
Emma: (determined) Only one way to find out. Let’s follow the clues!
(Mr. Thompson walks over, holding a stack of books.)
Mr. Thompson: (smiling) What have you two found there? Ah, the Maplewood map!
Many have tried to find the treasure, but no one has succeeded.
Jake: (curious) Do you think it’s still out there, Mr. Thompson?
Mr. Thompson: (mysterious) The treasure is real, but only those with courage and
cleverness can find it. Are you up for the challenge?
Emma and Jake: (together) Yes!
Scene 2: The Forest
(Emma and Jake are in the forest, following the map. They hear a rustling sound.)
Jake: (nervous) Did you hear that?
Emma: (brave) It’s probably just the wind. Let’s keep going.
(Suddenly, Captain Flint’s ghost appears.)
Captain Flint: (booming voice) Who dares to seek my treasure?
Jake: (startled) It’s a ghost!
Emma: (calm) We’re not afraid. We’re here to solve the mystery.
Captain Flint: (smiling) Brave and clever, just like the map said. Answer this riddle, and
the treasure is yours: “I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but
I come alive with the wind. What am I?”
Jake: (thinking) Hmm… Is it an echo?
Captain Flint: (laughing) Correct! The treasure is yours.
(Captain Flint disappears, and a chest appears.)
Emma: (excited) We did it!
Scene 3: Back at the Library
(Emma and Jake show Mr. Thompson the treasure chest.)
Mr. Thompson: (proud) Well done! You’ve proven that courage and cleverness can
solve any mystery.
Emma: (smiling) And we couldn’t have done it without teamwork.
Jake: (grinning) And a little help from a ghost!
(They all laugh as the curtain falls.)
Comprehension Questions
1. Literal Questions (to check understanding of the text):
What did Emma and Jake find inside the old book?
Who is Captain Flint?
What was the riddle Captain Flint asked?
2. Inferential Questions (to encourage deeper thinking):
Why do you think Mr. Thompson said only those with courage and
cleverness could find the treasure?
How did Emma and Jake show teamwork in the story?
What does the riddle tell us about Captain Flint’s character?
3. Evaluative Questions (to encourage personal response):
Do you think Emma and Jake were brave? Why or why not?
If you were in the story, what would you have done differently?
What lesson do you think the play is trying to teach?
4. Language and Vocabulary Questions:
Find a word in the script that means “feeling or showing curiosity.”
What does the word “mysterious” mean? Can you use it in a sentence?
Why do you think the author used the word “booming” to describe
Captain Flint’s voice?