1. Bo‘sh joylarni to‘ldiring (Fill in the blanks) Quyidagi jumlalarga mos so‘z va predlogni qo‘ying. 1. He finally _______ university and started his career. (graduate from) 2. She apologized _______ her mistake. (apologize for) 3. This project is _______ real-life events. (base on) 4. We need to _______ climate change. (prevent from) 5. I always _______ my best friend when I need help. (depend on) 6. She _______ her teacher for being late. (apologize to) 7. He is _______ playing the piano. (famous for) 8. I need to _______ a new job immediately. (apply for) 9. Can you _______ me that book? (borrow from) 10. This issue _______ his past experience. (refer to) 2. Sinonimini toping (Find the synonym) Quyidagi fe’llarga yaqin ma’nodagi boshqa so‘zni yozing. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Look at → ________ Depend on → ________ Suffer from → ________ Speak to → ________ Pay for → ________ 3. To‘g‘ri yoki noto‘g‘ri? (True or False) Quyidagi jumlalar to‘g‘ri yoki noto‘g‘riligini aniqlang. Agar noto‘g‘ri bo‘lsa, uni to‘g‘rilang. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. "I apologize to my friend for my mistake." ✅ / ❌ "She arrived at Paris yesterday." ✅ / ❌ "They succeed on their exams." ✅ / ❌ "We depend at technology a lot." ✅ / ❌ "He paid for the coffee." ✅ / ❌ 4. So‘zlarni to‘g‘ri joylashtiring (Rearrange the words) So‘zlarni to‘g‘ri tartibda joylashtirib, to‘g‘ri jumlani yozing. 1. apologized / she / being late / for ➡ ________ 2. depend / on / weather / plans / our ➡ ________ 3. he / university / from / graduated ➡ ________ 4. the / for / waiting / bus / I am ➡ ________ 5. his / the manager / he / to / problem / talked ➡ ________ 5. So‘zni toping (Find the missing word) Quyidagi jumlalarni to‘ldirish uchun tegishli fe’lni yozing. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. She _______ her friend on winning the race. (________ on) This company _______ the latest technology. (________ on) We _______ the museum early in the morning. (________ at) Many people _______ coffee before work. (________ for) He _______ his parents' advice. (________ to)