Here is a comprehensive list of Risk Management Tools & Techniques as per PMI (PMBOK Guide) in a structured tabular format: PMI Risk Management Tools & Techniques Tool/Technique Definition Example Evaluates Strengths, A power plant project identifies Weakness: Weaknesses, SWOT Analysis Opportunities, and reliance on a single Threats to identify supplier for transformers, project risks. which is a risk. Examines assumptions Assuming "No regulatory Assumption & and constraints to changes will occur" could Constraint determine their impact be a risk if new safety laws Analysis on risks. emerge. Using a checklist of past Uses historical data GIS installations, a team and pre-defined identifies recurring cable Checklist Analysis checklists to identify termination failures as a risks. risk. Gathers insights from Consulting a GIS manufacturer to evaluate Expert Judgment industry experts to assess risks. risks of bushing failure. Identifies underlying causes of risks using A switchgear breakdown Root Cause methods like 5 Whys traced to poor insulation Analysis (RCA) or Ishikawa material through RCA. Diagrams. Experts individually rank Uses anonymous the probability of expert consensus to transformer failures; results Delphi Technique assess risks. are aggregated for consensus. In a GIS installation Uses probability project, Monte Carlo distributions to simulation predicts 80% Monte Carlo simulate multiple Simulation probability of project project outcomes. completion within 6 months. Graphically represents A diagram shows how relationships between Influence Diagram supplier delays impact risks, decisions, and project cost overruns. outcomes. Applicable Process Stages Identify Risks Identify Risks, Perform Risk Analysis Identify Risks All Risk Management Processes Identify Risks, Monitor Risks Identify Risks, Perform Risk Analysis Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis Perform Risk Analysis Tool/Technique Definition Applicable Process Stages A project team evaluates Perform Risk "Build vs. Buy" decisions Analysis, Plan for GIS components with Risk Responses respective risks and costs. Identifying "causes of Ishikawa equipment failure" in a (Fishbone) Identify Risks GIS substation. Diagram A supply chain delay (high impact, medium Prioritizes risks based Perform probability) gets higher Risk Probability on their likelihood and Qualitative Risk priority than minor & Impact Matrix potential impact. Analysis component defects (low impact, high probability). Measures the impact of Analyzing how exchange Perform Sensitivity different risk variables rate fluctuations affect the Quantitative Analysis on project objectives. project budget. Risk Analysis Deductive method to Identifying primary cause Perform Risk Fault Tree identify root causes of of a GIS arc flash event. Analysis (FTA) Analysis system failures. Evaluates failure Analyzing HV bushings for Perform Risk Failure Modes modes, their severity, possible failure modes in a Analysis, Plan and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and corrective actions. 132kV GIS. Risk Responses Determines how much A project adds a 15% cost buffer (time/cost) is Contingency Plan Risk reserve for potential Reserve Analysis needed to manage Responses transformer price hikes. risks. If primary vendor fails, a Establishes alternative secondary vendor Plan Risk Fallback Planning action plans if risk agreement is preResponses response fails. negotiated. Reviews risk A project review reveals management risk response delays, Risk Audits Monitor Risks effectiveness and prompting corrective identifies process gaps. actions. Periodically reA power project reviews risk register quarterly to Monitor Risks Risk Reassessment evaluates identified risks and new risks. capture evolving risks. Assesses if Checking if the allocated Monitor Risks, contingency reserves $200K risk buffer is Reserve Analysis Plan Risk are sufficient for risk adequate for unexpected Responses response. GIS component failures. Documents identified All Risk A new risk entry for Risk Register risks, their responses, Management Updates "delayed approval of and status. Processes Decision Tree Analysis Models different risk scenarios and their expected outcomes using a tree diagram. Identifies multiple causes of risks in a structured way. Example Tool/Technique Definition Example Applicable Process Stages permits" is added to the risk register. Key Takeaways: Qualitative Analysis Tools: SWOT Analysis, Checklist Analysis, Delphi Technique, Risk Matrix. Quantitative Analysis Tools: Monte Carlo Simulation, Sensitivity Analysis, Decision Tree, Influence Diagram. Failure & Root Cause Analysis: FTA, Ishikawa Diagram, RCA, FMEA. Monitoring & Response Planning: Contingency Planning, Reserve Analysis, Risk Audits. Would you like further details or real-world examples on any of these? 😊 Here's a comparison of risk management tools & techniques based on PMI (Project Management Institute) standards from the PMBOK Guide: Tool/Technique Definition Example Applicable Process Stages A project budget was set at Compares actual $1M, but actual costs are Monitor Risks project performance Variance $1.2M, showing a cost (Control Risk against the baseline to Analysis variance of +200K (Cost Process) identify deviations. Performance Index = 0.83). A construction project Examines project experiences increasing delay performance over Monitor Risks, trends (e.g., 2-day delay in Trend Analysis time to predict future Plan Risk Month 1, 4-day delay in outcomes based on Responses Month 2), indicating a risk of historical data. missed deadlines. A top-down A power system failure deductive technique Identify Risks, occurs → The root cause is that identifies root Perform traced through FTA, revealing Fault Tree causes of potential Qualitative & that a circuit breaker Analysis (FTA) system failures using Quantitative malfunctioned due to a logical tree Risk Analysis insulation failure. structure. Assesses the impact In a power plant project, Perform of individual risk sensitivity analysis reveals Quantitative Sensitivity factors on project that a 5% increase in fuel Risk Analysis, Analysis objectives by varying cost results in a 10% increase Plan Risk one variable at a time. in operational expenses, Responses Tool/Technique Definition Example Applicable Process Stages making fuel cost a critical risk factor. Key Insights: Variance & Trend Analysis focus on project performance monitoring. Fault Tree Analysis is a qualitative risk assessment technique used for root cause identification. Sensitivity Analysis is a quantitative risk assessment technique used to prioritize risks by measuring their impact. Would you like me to expand on any of these techniques with more detailed methodologies?