LOYOLA JESUIT COLLEGE, ABUJA ENTRANCE EXAMINATION PAST QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS COMPLETE STUDY PACK From studymaterials.com.ng PAPER1 ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND GENERAL KNOWLEDGE TIME ALLOWED: 1 HOURS GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. You must use a sharp HB Pencil to complete the answersheet 2. The answer sheet has your name, registration number and your particulars already printed on it. Read through and call the attention of the invigilator to anyerror(s) 3. Think carefully before making your choice of answer. When you have chosen the correct answer to the question turn to the appropriate section (English Language/Verbal Aptitude and General Knowledge) of the Answer sheet and look for the number of the question and the letter which agrees with your choice and blacken the circle containing the letter. Use the example shown at the bottom left of the answer sheet as guide to proper shading of the correctanswers. 4. If you wish to change the answer you have shaded previously, first erase it completely before shading the correctanswer. 5. Work fast and as accurate as you can. If you cannot answer any questions, do not spend too much time on it. Go to the nextquestions. 6. Do not ask anybody for explanation to any question during examination except the invigilator. You are advised to keep within the period specified for eachtest. 7. You are reminded once again to use the number under English Language and General Knowledge section for Paper 1 of the answersheet. 8. Read the instructions on the answer sheet before finally starting theexamination. SECTION A. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. PASSAGE. TheuseofinformationandcommunicationTechnology(ICT)haschangedthewaypeopledothingsespeciallyinschools. ICTpresentanentirelynewlearningenvironmenttostudentsbyprovidingmuchinformation,makingleaninginteresting and providing solutions to problems. Many countries now encourage the use of ICT and the mastering its basic skills in their schools in order to enjoy the benefits of ICT. one of the benefits of ICT is that it facilitates the use of multimedia in the teaching of sometopics. The Multimedia allow students to see the picture and hear the sounds of the concepts or topics that are been taught. This makes the understanding of the topics easier and learning to be more interesting. Another benefit of ICT is that it allows for the creation of digital resource like electronic libraries where the students and teachers can access books and other educational materials from different places in the word. Again, the abilities to access books throughICTallowsstudenttoreadmanybooksandbroadentheirknowledgeontopicsofinterest.Theknowledgegained makethestudentssmarterandempowerthemtocontributetothegrowthofthatnationsas future leaders. The effect of ICT to the growth of nations will continue to contribute the prosperity of their people. I have just completed my primary school education and i will like to contribute to the growth of Nigeria in future. Now that I have been informed of some of the benefits of ICT. I will like to continue my education in a school that encourage the use of ICT and focus on academic excellence, discipline and leadership training. This is because being a leader requires intelligence and discipline as well as knowledge in ICT to be able to keep abreast with current realities. The Nigerian Navy Military Schools motto is Discipline, Knowledge and Integrity. The School encourage the use of ICT and takes academic, naval discipline and leadership training seriously.Itsleadershiptraininginvolvesmotivatingandmentoringofstudenttoupholdleadershipqualitieslikehonesty, loyalty, discipline, integrity, courage boldness and care for others in high esteem. Continuing my education in a school like this would adequately prepare me to be a good citizen of Nigeria anda resourceful leader in the future. I will do my best to pass the enhance examination into the School and i promise to be a good ambassador of the School if admitted. 1. According to the passage, how has ICT present an entirely new learning environment tostudents? A. By using science and technology to solveproblems B.By making learning interesting and providing solution toproblems C.By ensuring the prosperity of apeople D. By ensuring moral discipline, knowledge andIntegrity E.By engaging in LeadershipTraining. 2. Why od many countries encourage the use of ICT and the mastering its basicskills? A. In order to make learning interesting and provides solution toproblems B.In order to change the way people dothing C.In order to enjoy the benefit ofICT D. In order to have good leadership System F. In order to prepare students to be good citizen of Nigeria. 3. One of the following is an advantage of the use of multimedia in the teaching of sometopics A. It allows students to understand multinational teaching of some topics. B.It allows students to access books in thetheory C.It allows students to see the picture and hear the sound of what is beentaught. D. It allows students to be Intelligent andrespectful E.It allows students to good ambassador of theirschools 4. According to the passage, give an example of digitalresources? A. ElectronicLibrary B.Education C.Intelligence D. Nigeria Navy MilitarySchool E.Teachers. 5. ICT allows students to read many books and broaden their knowledge on topics of interest. According to the passage, what does the knowledge gained from reading the books do tostudents? A. Makes themwise B.Makes thembrilliant C.Makes themIntelligent D. Makes them speak English languagefluently E.Makes themsmarter. 6. What will the effect of ICT do to the growth of a nation? A. Make the nation to be computerpeople B.Contribute to the growth of food in thenation C.Help the poor people to know how to usecomputer D. Contribute to the prosperity of thepeople E.Make the nation an ICT base in theworld 7. Which of the following best describes the writer of thepassage? A. A brilliant boy who likeICT B.A JSS 1 Student of Nigerian Navy MilitarySchool C.A person who hates leadership training but love ICT somuch D. A person who loves navy and wants to be a disciplined navalofficer E. A person seeking admission into Nigerian Navy Military School so that he can be a good citizen ofNigeria. 8. In what kind of school does the writer wish to continue hiseducation? A. A school that focuses on discipline, knowledge andIntegrity. B.A school that has good teacher, sport complex and beautifulhostels. C.A school that focuses on discipline, knowledge and navalships D. A School that plays with children and give them goodfood E.A School that encourage the use of ICT and focuses on academic excellence discipline and leadership training. 9. What is the motto of Nigeria Navy MilitarySchool? A. Hardwork, Integrity andDiscipline B.ICT Base and NavalStudies C.Integrity, Excellence andHardwork D. Discipline, Knowledge andIntegrity E. Knowledge, Discipline andHardwork. 10. Thewritersaid thathewould dohisbesttopasstheentranceexamination.What did hepromise todoif he gainedadmission? A. To be the best students ofclass B.To be a resourcefulLeader C.To be a good ambassador of theschool D. To be a good Citizen ofNigeria E.To make his parenthappy. SECTION B. from the words or group of words letter A to E, choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the word or words underlined in each sentence. 11. The man whose brother WONthe completion ask me to accompany him to the award nightprogramme. a.lost, 12. b.taken e. gain c. deniedaccessd.introduced e. allowed. c. sluggishness d.mess e. slothfulness A man that is not discipline will not do well in the military, His appointment could BE TERMINATEDat any time a.commence b.end 15. d.loose Nigeria Navy Schools are known for their ODRESSand academicexcellence. a.greediness b.brilliance 14. c.gaveout you need to present your identification card before you can GAIN ACCESSinto the Nigeria NavyBarracks a.employed 13. b.took c.abolish d.ostracize e.disappear. My friend is FAMOUSfor his good character andbrilliance. a.hated b.notorious c. lovedd.known e.kind Choose from the list of words below, the one that is correctly spelt 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. a.Dialogue b.Dialoque c.Dalogue d.Dialouge e. Daloque a.intelligence b.inteligence c.intelligence d. intelegence e.inteligent a. occasionally b. occasionaly c.occassionallyd.ocasionaly d. okasionaly a.successful b.succesful c.successfull d.sucessfu d.succesvul c.tomorrow b.tommorow c.tomorrow d.tomoro e. twomoro Choose from the list of words or group of word labeled A to E that can fill in the gap in each of the following sentences 21. Neithersamuel ...........Abubakar will be allow to go to school with sharpobjects a.and 22. d.together e.nor b.where c.since d.now e. today Abraham,Rebbeca,Ochuko,PirmandChriswereaskedtosharetwentyapply.................... themselves a.between. 24. c.with I have been aspiring to beasailor ............ i was five yearsold a.when 23. b. or b.with c.for d.into e. among for you to attain your goal inlife,you............ to remain focused on yourdreams a. has b. had c.having d.hadn't e. have 25. Adesola understand English languageverywell...........he finds Mathematics difficult tosolve. a.or b.and c.but d.therefore e. since. Choose from the list of words lettered A - E the one which is nearest in meaning as the word underlined in the sentence. 26. You NEGLECTEDyour responsibility that was why you did not obtain your desireresult. a.abandoned b.decorated 27. b.costly c.cheap d.beautiful e. new b.Impossible c.often d.accidental e. weak A ship called Titanic was assessed to be the largest moving ship, however the ship sank when it HITa body of ice a.jumped 30. e. performed. Physical mental and medical fitness are COMPULSORYrequirements for enlistment into NigeriaNavy. a.mandatory 29. d.executed My friend loves fashion so much. He likes putting on EXPENSIVEjewelries a.Fine 28. c.discharged b.floated c.collide d.slugged e. Missing d.clothes e.luxuries Wise people prefers good health toRICHES a.wealth b.shoes c.beauty SECTION C. Each of the following sentence consist of five words Lettered A - E in question number 31-32. One of the words is a general term which describe what the other four words are. EXAMPLE a.Shelf b.Table c.Furniture d.Chair e. Stool The general term is furniture, that is option "C" which describes what the others are, Now answer the following questions. 31. a.Lizard b.Snake c.Alligator d.Reptile e. Crocodile 32. a.Water b.Seas c.Lake d.Streams e.Rivers 33. a.Roar b.Sound c.Hiss d.Tinkle e. Bark From option A - E in question number 34 - 36, Choose the option that has something in common with the given words. 34. PILOT a.House 35. c.Aeroplan d.Car e. Train b.Hanger c.Ship d.Plane e. Park c.Bottle d.Television e.Grass JETTY a.Garage 36. b.Ship FOOTBALLFIELD a.Table b.Shelves In the following pairs of words, an item is missing. Choose from the given options the word that most suitably completes the relationship 37. Cup and water; Pot and....... a.plate 38. d.knife e. kitchen b.nurse c.clinic d.surgery e. laboratory d.areoplan e. truck d.book e. pen Wheels and car, wings and......... a.train 40. c.food Pharmacist and drug; Doctor and........ a.hospital 39. b.spoon b.bus c.ship Teacher and Student, Carpentry and........ a.soil, b,seed c.wood SECTION C 41. What does the eagle in the Nigeria coat of armmeans? a.fertile land 42. b.Strength c.Dignity e.Honor WhichofthefollowingisnotavoluntaryorganizationinNigeria a.boy'sScout b.NigeriaPolice 43. d.Pride c.GirlsGuide d.RedCross, e. Boysbrigade A place where to two river meet iscalled.... a.Island b.Waterfall c.confluence d.Ocean e.Sea 44. What is the name of the current Nigeria SenatePresident? 45. A building where objects of historical, scientific, artistic or cultural interest are stored or exhibited iscalled a.Museum 46. b.Ancienttown c.Laboratory d.Library e.Gallery d.cattle e. cocoa The Niger Delta area in Nigeria is known for its richnessin a.growingmaize b.crudeoil c.gold 47. Which of the following States in Nigeria is located in southern part of thecountry? a.AkwaIbom b.Katsina c.Gombe d.Cameroon e.Abuja 48. A person who plans, designs and reviews the construction of a building iscalled...... A. abuilder b.adesigner c.a reviewer d. an architect e.planner 49. The 2019 African cup of Nations football competition was hosted by Egypt, Which Country won the competition? a.Senegal 50. b.Tunisia c.Nigeria d.Ghana e. Algeria The yearly plan made by an organization or country on how to get and spend money for a particular year is called..... a.Budget b.Timetable c.Nationalplanning d.censure e.Election. LOYOLA JESUIT COLLEGE, ABUJA ENTRANCE EXAMINATION QUESTION PAPERII MATHEMATICS AND QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE TIME ALLOWED: 1 HOUR GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. You must use a sharpHB Pencil to complete the answer sheet. 2. The answer sheet has your name, registration number and you particulars already printed on it. Read through and call the attention of the invigilator to anyerror(s). 3. Thinkcarefullybeforemakingyourchoiceofanswer.Whenyouhavechosenthecorrectanswertothequestion, turn to the appropriate section (Mathematics and Quantitative aptitude) of the answer sheet and look for the numberofthequestionandtheletter,whichagreeswithyourchoiceandblackenthecirclecontainingtheletter. Usetheexampleshownatthebottomleftoftheanswersheetasguidetopropershadingofthecorrectanswers. 4. Ifyouwishtochangetheansweryouhadshadedpreviously,firsteraseitcompletelybeforeshadingthecorrect answer. 5. Work as fast and as accurate as you can. If you cannot answer any questions, do not spend too much time on it. Go to the nextquestion. 6. Do not ask anybody for explanation to any question during examination except the invigilator. You are advised to keep within the period specified eachtest. 7. YouareremindedonceagaintousethenumberundermathematicsandQuantitativeAptitudesectionforpaper 2 of the answersheet. 8. Read the instructions on the answer sheet before finally starting theexamination. 1-17 Missing For Questions No. 1-17, please study the following topics for it Roman Figure, Simplification, Summation, Simple Interest, Chart, Vein diagram 18. How many young sailors scored up to 90% in all threesubjects a.3 b.4 c.8 d.15 e.2 19. How many students scored up to 90% in Mathematics and English Studies a.2 b.3 c.4 d. 6 e.8 20. If 5 student scored less than 90%, how many students wrote the examination? a.35 b.45 c.40 d.30 e.48 Use the diagram below to answer questions 21 and 22. 21. What is the area of the shadedportion? a.8cm2 22. 23. c.36cm2 What is the perimeter of rectangleABCD? a. 30cm b.60cm c.24cm d.60cm2 e.12cm2 d.38cm e. 32cm d.38.5cm2 e.21cm2 Find the area of a circle with diameter of 7cm2 (Take pie =22/7) a.77cm2 24. b.6cm2 b.14cm2 c.7cm2 If it takes 3 boys 15days to clear a portion of land. How many days will it takes 5 boys working at the same rate to clear same portion ofland? a.45 b.30 c.9 d.10 e. 7 25. a.71 What is the value of x in the diagrambelow? b.75 c.69 d.76 e. 102 Use the diagram below to answer questions 26 and 27 26. What is the value of v in the shapebelow a.89, 27. 28. 29. b.99 c.109 d.88 What is the name of the shapeabove? a. Parallelogram b.Triangle c.Rhombus c.105 d. Kite e.Trapezium Find the volume of a rectangle box that is 15cm long 9cm wide and 4cm High a.259cm2 b.520cm2 c.540cm2 d.640cm e.159cm Teacher of Nigerian Navy Primary School, Onne, Port Harcourt started a meeting at 11:34am and ended the meeting at 1:25pm Same day. How long did the meeting last? a. 2hr30min b.1hr52min c.1hr36min d.1hr51min e.2hr10min 30. The perimeter of a lawn is 200m, if the width is 30m, What is the length o f thelawn. a.140m b.120m c.70m d.60m e.50m Use the sample below to answer question 31 to 33 ` 31. a.6 b.16 c.11 d.15 e.30 32. a.5 b.30 c.14 d.38 e.6 33. a.5 b. 16 c.13 d. 4 e. 2 Use the following pattern to answer questions 34 to 37 34. a18 b.27. c.22 d.26 e.24 35. a.30 36. a.0 37. a.28 b.5 c.3 b.1 b.18 d.2 c.3 c.8 e. 1 d.2 d.11 e.4 e. 10 Use the sample below to answer question 38 to 40 38. a.28 b.10 c.30 d.35 e.15 39. a.30 b.83 c.78 d.73 e.34 40. a. 195 b.72 c.39 d.24 e.29 GENERAL SCIENCE 41. 42. 43. Any alloy is formed from the combination of two ormore a. plastics b.metals c.cements d.clothes e.electronics The planting of crops and rearing of animals is knownas a. Animal husbandryb.plantation c.Crop Rotation d.Agriculture One of the following is not a major unit incomputer? a. Input b.Adding c.output d.Processingunit e. Investment e. None of theabove. 44. The pigment in plants that gives plants their green colour is known as a. chlorine b.chloride c.chloroplast d.chloroform e. carbon 45. An instrument used for the measurement of humidity iscalled a. Barometer b. thermometer c. hygrometer d.anemometer e. vane Which of the following foods gives the highest amount ofenergy? a. egg b.beef c.Apple d.Spinach e. Yam 46. 47. One of the following is an example of a chemicalcompound? a. silicon b.Carbon c.Water d.Oxygen e.Hydrogen 48. A medical doctor who specializes in the management and treatment of the brain iscalled? a. Psychologist b.dentist c.optician d. neurologist e.counsellor 49. Which of the following is a good conductor ofheat? a. charcoal b.Aluminum c.Water d.Rubber 50. e. Plastic Theforcewhichtendstoresistorpreventeasymovementofobjectsinasurfaceisknownas...............................force a. Magnetic b. frictional c.atomic d.load e.movement. MATHEMATICS 1. What is the probability of having an odd number in a single toss of a fair die (a)1/6` (b)1/3 (c)½ (d) /3 2 Use the following information for question 2 and 3 The surname of 40 children in a class were arranged in alphabetical order , 16 of the surnames begins with O and 9 of the surnames begins with A. 14 letters of the alphabet do not appear as the first letter of a surname. 2. Whatistheprobabilitythatthesurnameofachildpickedatrandomfromtheclassbegins with either O andA? 5 7 (a) /8 3. 9 (b) /8 14 (c) /16 (d) /25 IfmorethanonesurnamebeginswithaletterbesidesAandO,howmanysurnamesbegin with the letter? (a) 2(b)3 (c)4 (d)6 The table gives the score of a group of students in an English language test. Scores 2 3 4 5 6 7 No of Students 2 4 7 2 3 2 4. If a student is chosen at random from the group, what is the probability that he scored at least 6marks? (a) 3/20 (b) 1/5 (c) ¼ (d) 3/10 5. What is the probability that three customers waiting in a bank will be served in the sequence of their arrival at thebank? (a) 1/6 (b) 1/3 (c) ½ (d) 2/3 6. The probability that Kodjo and Adoga pass an examination are ¾ and 3/5 respectively. Find the probability of both boys failing theexamination. (a) 1/10 (b) 3/10 (c) ½ (d) 2/3 7. The mean of 20 observations in an experiment is 4. If the observed largest value is 23, find the mean of the remainingobservations. (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2.85 (d) 2.60 8. A group of eleven people can speak either English or French or both. Seven can speak EnglishandsixcanspeakFrench.Whatistheprobabilitythatapersonchosenatrandom can speak both English andFrench? (a) 2/11 (b) 4/11 (c) 5/11 (d)11/13 If events X and Y are mutually exclusive, P(X) = 1/3 and P(Y) = 2/5, Use the information to answer questions 9 & 10. 9. P (X n Y)is (a) 0 (b) 2/15 (c) 4/15 (d) 11/15 10. P (X u Y)is (a) 0 (b) 2/15 (c) 4/15 (d) 11/15 11. Aboxcontains2whiteand3blueidenticalmarbles.IftwomarblesarepickedatRandom, one after the other, without replacement, What is the probability of picking two marbles of different colours? (a) 2/3 (b) 3/5 (c) 2/5 (d)7/20 12. Mrs. Jones is expecting a baby. The probability that it will be a boy is ½ and the probability that the baby will have blue eyes is ¼. What is the probability that she will have a blue- eyedboy? (a) 1/8 (b) ¼ (c) 3/8 (d)1/2 13 Convert the speed 90 km per hour of a car to metres per second (a) 1.5ms -1 (b) 2.5 ms -1 (c) 25ms -1 3 (d) 1.5 x 10 ms -1 14 UcheandChidisharedasumofmoneyontheratiom:n.IfChidi’ssharewasN4,200.00, what was Uche’sshare? (a) N4,200n/m (b) N4,200/mn (c) N4,200m/n (d) N4,200/n 15Ahusbandcontributes7%ofhisincomeintoafundandhiswifecontributes4%ofherincome. Ifthehusband earnsN5,500perannum(p.a)andhiswifeearnsN4,000p.a,findthesumoftheir contribution to thefund. (a) N1,045 (b) N605 (c) N545 (d)N490 16 A car is traveling at an average speed of 80kmh -1. Its speed in metres per second(m/s) is (a)13.3m/s (b) 22.2m/s (c) 133.3m/s (d)222.2m/s 17 If the children share N10.50K among themselves in the ratio 6:7:8, How much is the largestshare? (a) N3.00 (b) N3.50(c) N4.00 (d)N4.50 18 Atradermakesalossof15%whensellinganarticle.Findtheratio,selling price:costprice. (a) 3:20(b) 3:17 (c) 17:20(d) 20:23 19 A car travels at xkm per hour for 1 hour at ykm per hour for 2 hours. Find its average speed. (a) -1 2x+2ykmh /3(b) -1 x+ykmh /3 (c) -1 x+2ykmh (d) -1 2x+ykmh /3 20 The ages of three men are in the ratio 3:4:5. If the difference between the ages of the oldest and youngest is 18 years, find the sum of the ages of the threemen. (a) 45years (b) 72years (c) 108 years (d) 216years 21 A bicycle wheel of radius 42cm is rolled over a distance of 66m. How many revolutions does it make? [Takeπ=22/7] (a) 2.5 (b) 5 (c) 25 (d) 50 22 Inabagoforanges,theratioofthegoodonestothebadonesis5:4.Ifthenumberofbad ones in the bag is 36, how many oranges are therealtogether? (a) 81 (b) 72 (c) 54 (d) 45 23 A man is four times as old as his son. The difference between their ages is 36. Find the sum of theirages. (a) 45years` (b) 48years 24 If 4m+3n = 5, find the ratiom:n 4m-3n 3 (a) 7:4 25 If 2x : (x+1) =3:2, what is the value ofx? (a) ½ (b) (b) 4:3 1 (c) (c) (c) 3:4 1½ 60 years (d) (d) 4:7 (d) 3 74years 26 The ratio of the number of men to the number of women in a 20 member committee is 3:1. How many women must be added to the 20 member committee so as to make the ratioof men to women 3:2? (a) 2 (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) 9 27 Threemen,Bedu,BakareandKofisharedN500intheratio3:2:xrespectively.IfBedu’s share is N150, find the value ofx. (a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 6 28 The sides of two cubes are in the ratio 2:5, what is the ratio of theirvolumes? (a) 4:5 (b) 8:15 (c) 6:125 (d) 8:125 29 Lena bought 400 Alpha Company shares at N1.50 each and sold them at N2.05 each. What was hergain? (a) N0.55 (b) N20.00 (c) N220.00 (d) N330.00 30 Amma buys 100 oranges at 20 for C 30.00 and another 200 oranges at 4 for C 10.00. Ifshe sells all her oranges at C3.00 each, what was herprofit? (a) C150.00 (b) C250.00 (c)C500.00 (d)C650.00 31 The price of a litre of petrol is increased from C30.00 to C 39.00. What is the percentage increase in the cost of a litre of petrol? (a) 90% (b) 30% (c) 34% (d) 39% 32 A trader sold a pair of shoes for C 2,800.00 making a loss of 20% on his cost price. Find his loss as a percentage of his sellingprice. (a) 2 16 /3% (b) 2% (c) 25% (d) 75% 33 AnarticleboughtforD5,000.00depreciateby15%ofitsvalueduringthefirstyear.Find its value after ayear. (a) D425.00 (b) D750.00 (c) D4,250.00 (d) D4,985.00 34 A house bought for N100,000 was later auctioned for N80,000, Find the losspercent. (a) 20% (b) 30% (c) 40% (d) 50% 35 The side of a square is increased from 20cm to 21cm. Calculate the percentage increase in itsarea. (a) 2.5% (b) 9.3% (c) 10.0% (d) 10.25% 36 A man bought 2220 mangoes at N5x. He sold each for 3x kobo and made gain of N8. Find the value ofx. (a) 2 (b) 37 (a) A car moves at an average speed of 30kmh-1, how long does it take to cover 200metres? 2.4sec (b) 24sec (c) 144sec (d) 240sec 38 0. A man bought a television set on hire purchase for N25, 000 out of which he paidN10, If he is allowed to pay the balance in eight equal installments, find the value of each installment (a) N1250 (b) 5 (c) N1578 6 (c) (d) N1875 10 (d) N3125 39 If the simple interest on N2, 000 after 9 months is N6, at what rate per annum is the interest charged? (a) 21/4% (b) 4% (c) 5% (d) 6% 40 A student bought 3 notebooks and 1 pen for N35. After misplacing these items, she again bought 2 note books and 2 pens, all of the same type for N30. What is the cost of apen? (a)N5.00 (b)N7.50 (c) N10.00 (d)N15.00 ANSWERS 10) 1) A 2)A 3)B 4)C 5)B 6)A 7)A 8)B 9)A A 20) 11) D12) B 13) C 14) C 15) C 16) B 17) C 18) C 19) CC 30) 21) C 22) A23) C 24) A 25) D26) B 27) C 28) D29) C B 40) 31) B 32) C 33) C 34)A35)D 36) C 37) C 38) C 39) BC ENGLISH LANGUAGE Choose the word nearest to the word in bold 1. After many years of struggle as a trader, he struckgold (a) Became quite rich (b) Won a big contract (c) he became a gold miner (d) becamea goldsmith 2. One significant character of the jet age is that it encourages people to cutcorners (a) Nottofaceallproblems(b)towanttobecomerichquickly(c)towanttoavoidunnecessary hardships (d) forfeit the opportunity of furthereducation. 3. The lady who won the beauty contest had a goodgait (a) Stature (b) figure (c) elegance (d)carriage 4. It would need a high flyer to make a first class degree in theuniversity (a) A smart performer (b) an outright genius (c) an outstanding scholar (d) an unmitigatedswot 5. What you will find in the book is a bird’s eye view of thesubject (a) A detailed account (b) a balanced account (c) a biased treatment (d) a generalsurvey 6. Hers was a chequeredcareer (a) An interesting and successful career (b) a career full of sorrow and tears (c) a bright and memorable career (d) a career full of ups anddowns 7. If experience is anything to go by, this action will prove a political minefield (a) A source of political benefits (a) a way out of political trouble (c) a cause for political joy (d) an invitation to politicalproblems. 8. In my view, the play didn’t comeoff (a) Succeed (b) fail (c) attract applause (d) takeplace 9. When the chips are down, we will know those who have the courage tostand (a) when we get to a crisis point (b) in the final analysis (c) when the blocks are lowered(d) when we get to the end of theroad 10. she said boxing is, in fact her petaversion (a) something she likes very much (b) something she dislikes very much (c) a hobby she loves to pursue (d) one thing she can’tmiss 11. the gateman does his workperfunctorily (a) without commitment (b) with speed (c) mother’s pet (d) father’spet 12. members of the panel were working atcross-purposes (a) harmony (b) in disunity (c) for selfish purposes (d)stretch 13. theyoungmanwhodistributedpoliticalpamphletsoncampuswaspromptly repudiated (a) disowned (b) arrested (c) warned (d)killed 14. Adayi is a die-hardcriminal (a) hard to kill (b) hard to arrest (c) remorseless (d)resentless Fill each gap with most appropriate option from the list following the gap 15. In moments of serious economic hardship, manypeople are to turn to God. (a) Concerned (b) inclined (c) disposed (d)propensed 16. We cannot all wear expensive shoe in situationof (a) Diverent demand and supply (b) uneven wear and tear (c) different purchasing power (d) unpredictable national income 17. The centre –forwardwas consequently the goal was notallowed (a) In an offside position (b) very well positioned (c) brilliant player (d) the captain ofthe team 18. AIDS is disease that kills slowly butsurely (a) Too much a deadly (b) Very deadly a (c) so deadly (d) such deadlya 19. We had a dull eveningbecause (a) Hardly the talk had begun when the lights went off (b) hardly had the talk begun when the light went off (c) the talk had hardly begun when the light had gone out (d) the lights had hardly gone out when the talkbegan 20. Soyinka’s masterful of the atmosphere of his childhood helped to make his book,Ake, an outright success (a) Evocation (b) invocation (c) convocation (d) revocation 21. Studentswillalwaysblametheirteacherswhenexaminationresultsareunfavourable(a) Won’t they (b) wouldn’t they (c) isn’t it (d) cantthey 22. Okonkwo is a stubborn man; he will never his words (a) Chew (b) spit (c) eat (d)bite 23. (a) Kindly me your book because my friend hasmine Borrow / borrowed (b) borrow /rent (c) lend / lent (d)lend/borrowed 24. Three quarters of the church painted by members the previousday (a) Were (b) was (c) is (d)are 25. The young boys have been caught with parts of the stolen machine but admitted stealingit (a) Neither of them has (b) neither of them have (c) none of them has (d) none ofthem have. 26. Watching carefully, I could seethefish (b) crawling (c) diving (d)darting 27. Emeka is now astudent but it took him yearsto (a) Matured/mature (b) mature/mature (c)mature/matured(d)matured/matured 28. The rebels will soon fight back. We havebeeninformed (a) Of/predicament (b) about/ indulgence (c) on/rearmament (d) asfor/advancement 29. Ali was honest and quite as a school boy but too much drinking has now changed his and his tongue (a) Temperature/injured(b)character/tightened innocence/worsened 30. The hospitalwas closed (a) Again/upon (b) off/on (c) down/at (d)up/in 31. The judge withhis son (a) Were (b) shall (c) is (d)are 32. A university teacher isan along thebottom (a) Dotting their (c) temperament/loosened because there were no beds to putpatients travelling to Lagosnow (d) (a) Academic (b) academics (c) academician (d)academia 33. The adventurers ranintomany (a) Dear (b) dears (c) deers (d)deer in theforest 34. The argument between the towneighbous degeneratedinto (a) A free-for all (b) a free for all fight (c) a flee for all (d) a freefight 35. (a) Theclass more girls than boys thissession Comprise of (b) comprises of (c) comprise (d)comprises 36. The touristbought (a) A brown, small, Nigerian earthen pot (b) a small, brown Nigerian earthen pot (c) an earthen, brown, small Nigerian pot (d) a Nigerian small brownearthen 37. I have alreadythe picture on the sitting-roomwall (a) (b) hunged (c) hang (d) hung Hanged 38. Most of us will attendtheconference at Ibadan later thisyear (a) Holding (b) held (c) being held (d) tohold 39. I shall work hard so thatIcan a distinction in English (a) Secure (b) make (c) receive (d)grab 40. The baby was rather than I couldbear (a) Much more troublesome (b) much too troublesome (c) so much troublesome (d) very much troublesome 41. (a) Studentswereforbidden secretsociety From joining (b) in joining (c) to join (d) onjoining 42. Of course, we all saw the culprit and hit the man on the head (a) Approached (b) approaching (c) approach (d)approaches 43. A child that shows mature characteristics at any early age may be described as (a) Preconceived (b) premature (c) ingenuous (d)precocious 44. The company Director showed thecontractora of the proposed office complex(a) Prototype (b) photograph (c) microfilm (d)photocopy 45. you come early to the new house, clean up myflat(a) chance (c) should (d) should incase While (b) by 46. Thisimposing edifice (c) costed (d) cost a fortune to build (a) Had costed (b) havecost 47. (a) They let himgoin to his age Respect (b) regard (c) disregard (d)consideration 48. Some scientists are trying to human beings in their laboratories (a) Imitate (b) replicate (c) implicate (d)fabricate 49. He does not seem to know how to solve theproblem(a) Does nothe (b) does he not (c) does he (d) doesn’the? 50. Thesevillagers (a) to growrice Used (b) are used (c) were used (d)use ANSWERS 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.D 6.D 7.D 8.D 9.D 10.A 11.B 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.C 17.A 18.D 19.A 20. A 21.A 22.C 23.D 24.B 25.B 26.C 27.B 28.C 29.C 30.D 31.C 32.A 33.D 34.A 35.D 36.B 37.D 38.A 39.B 40.A 41.A 42.C 43.D 44.A 45.C 46.D 47D 48.B 49.C 50.A CURRENT AFFAIRS/GENERAL KNOWLEDGE ← The first Secretary general of Common wealth was 1. George Washington (b) Tulma Goldie (c) Arnold Smith (d) JosephGarba ← Lagos became a crown colony in 1. 1862 (b) 1861 (c) 1841 (d)1886 ←The first war 1 was between (a)1911-1914 (b) 1914-1916 (c) 1916-1918 (d) 1914-1918 4. The western and eastern Nigeria became self governedin (a) 1959 (b) 1960 (c) 1957 (d)1956 5. The first head of government of Nigeriawas (a) Yakubu Gowon (b) Aguiyi Ironsi (c) Tafawa Balewa (d) NnamdiAzikiwe 6. The first militant president of Nigeriawas (a) Sanni Abacha (b) Ibrahim Babangida (c) Aguiyi Ironsi (d) YakubuGowon 7. Nigeria became a republic in (a)1963 (b) 1960 (c) 1976 (d)1961 8. The Northern and Southern protectorate was amalgamatedin (a) 1914 (b) 1919 (c) 1921 (d)1900 9. The first Executive presidentwas (a) Nnamdi Azikiwe (b) Olusegun Obansanjo (c) Sheu Shagari (d) GoodluckJonathan 10) The first colonial governor general of Nigeriawas (a) Tulma Goldie (b) James Robertson (c) Huge Clifford (d) Lord Lugard 11) The highest court in Nigeriais (a) Court of Appeal (b) Supreme court (c) Federal High Court (d)Magistrate court 12) ECOWAS wasestablished in and has it administrative headquarterin (a)1967 Lome (b) 1975 Lome (c) 1975 Lagos (d) 1967 Lagos 13. The first general election in Nigeria was heldin (a)1959 (b) 1960 (c) 1963 (d)1999 14. Nigeria practice one of the following system ofgovernment (a) Con-federalism (b) Unitarism (c) Paliamentaism (d)Federalism 15. The last colonial governor general of Nigeriawas (a) James Robertson (b) Jimmy Carter (c) Lord Lugard (d) HugeClifford 16. The first Militam coup de’tat in Nigeria wasin (a)1964 (b) 1966 (c) 1960 (d)1999 17. The establishment of states started in Nigeriaon (a)May 27 1967 (b) Feb. 13 1966 (c) April 8 1960 (d) Oct. 1 1960 18) The Biafra Civil war was between (a) 1967-1968 (b) 1968-1971 (c) 1967-1970 (d) 1970-1975 19. 20. The national youth service corp was established in (a) 1960 (b) 1973 (c) 1980 (d)1997 The Nigeria Police Force belongs to which organ ofgovernment (a) Judiciary (b) Executive (c) Legislative (d) Non f theabove 21. African consist of how manycountries(a) 54 (b) 55 (c) 60 (d)70 22) The Secretary general of OPECis (a) Abdulsaleam Kanuri (b) Abudullahhi El-badri (c) UtuhuKamirideen (d) Philip Effiong 23) The current secretary general of United nationis (a) Ban ki Moon (b) Trugve Lie (c) KoffiAnaan (d) Boustro-BrousteGhali 24 Which of the followingpair of countries consist of the permanent security council ofUN (a) Brazil,Germany,France,USA,China(b)France,China,USSR,USA,Britain(c)France, Britain, Brazil, Newzeland (d) France, Germany, Japan,China 25 InordertoqualifyforthepostofPresidentinNigeriathepersonmustbeandabove (a) 35yr (b) 20 yrs (c) 40 yrs (d)55yrs 26) The name Nigeria coined outof (a) Niger Forest (b) Niger Area (c) Niger River (d) Niger Textures 27) The first Inspector General of the Police Forcewas (a) Teslim Balogun (b) Louis Edet (c) Ademola Adetokunbo (d) Elias Balogon 28 29 The current secretary general or commission chairman of Africa unionis (a) Dlamini Zuma (b) AllasaneQuattara (c) Emeka Anaoku (d) H.Desategn The current president of commission or secretary is ofECOWAS (a) H.Desategn (b) Kadre Desire Quedraogo (c) AllasaneQuattara (d) IkeEkweremalu 30) The headquarter of UN is in (a) New York (b) Washington (c) Geneva (d) Vienna 31 UNO was founded in San Franciscoin (a)1939 (b) 1914 (c) 1945 (d)1950 32 Thefirstmilitarycoup-de’tatinAfricawasin(a)Libya(b)Liberia(c)Egypt(d)Nigeria 33 Nigeria became 36 states under the regimeof (a) Olusegun Obasanjo (b) Sanni Abacha (c) Ibrahim Babagida (d) YakubuGowon 34)The first military head of state was (a) Yakubu Gowon (b) Aguiyi Ironsi (c) Olusegun Obasanjo (d) Ernest Shonekan 35 Oil can be found in one of the following state inNigeria (a) Lagos (b) Anambra (c) Ondo (d)Ekiti 36 Tin is majorly foundin (a) Jos (b) Enugu (c) Kano (d)Imo 37 Oil was first discovered by Shell-BP in Nigeria (a) Oloibiri (b) Idanre (c) Warri (d)Kabba 38 Which of the following may be regarded as a regionalorganization (a) ECOWAS (b) OAU (c) UN (d)OPEC 39 The last military head state of Nigeriawas (a) Abdulsaleem Abubakar (b) Sanni Abacha (c) Olusegun Obasanjo (d) YakubuGowon 40) The name Nigeria was coinedby (a) Flora Shaw (b) Mary Slessor (c) Lord Lugard (d) Juman Goldie 41) The legislature in Nigeria iscalled (a) House of assembly (b) House of lords (c) National Assembly (d) House of Representative 42) The legislature in Britain is referred toas (a) House of common (b) White house (c) Congress (d) Parliament 43 Nigeria changed from pounds to Naira in (a) 1960 (b) 1973 (c) 1959 (d)1963 44) The first Nigeria president to die inofficewas 44 and he diedon Murtala Mohammed Feb 13 1976 (b) Sanni Abacha June 8 1998 (c) Ya’ardua May 5 2010 (d) Aguiyi Ironsi July29 ANSWERS 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.A 9.C 10.D 11.B 12. 13.A 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.B 21.A 22.B 23.A24.B 25.A 26.B 27.B 28.A 29.B 30.A 31.C 32.C 33.B34.B 35.C 36.A 37.A 38.B 39.A 40.A 41.C 42.D 43.B 44.C