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ECE 320 Homework 3: Circuit Analysis Problems

ECE 320
Spring 2025
Homework 3
Due Date: Feb. 17, 2025.
Problem 1. (10 points)
In the circuit below, find the power absorbed by the resistor R4 and the power delivered by the
current source.
Problem 2. (15 points)
Use mesh analysis to find the voltage gain Gv = v2/vs in the circuit below.
Problem 3. (15 points)
Use the Principle of Superposition to determine the current i through R3. Assume VS1 = VS2 =
450 V, R1 = 7Ω R2 = 5Ω, R3 = 10Ω R4 = R5 = 1Ω
Problem 4. (15 points)
Apply two source transformations and current division in the circuit below to find I2. Let R1 =
12Ω, R2 = 6Ω, R3 = 10Ω, V1 = 4V, V2 = 1V.
Problem 5. (15 points)
Apply source transformations to find the voltage, V, across the current source.
Problem 6. (15 points)
Find the Thévenin equivalent network seen by R and use the result to compute the current iR.
Assume Vo = 10V, Io = 5A, R1 = 2Ω, R2 = 2Ω, R3 = 4Ω and R = 3Ω.
Problem 7. (15 points)
Find Vo in the network below using Thevenin’s equivalent method.