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Philippine Science & Technology: HNRDA & AmBisyon 2040

Science Technology and Society (STS)
Section: CEA_CE_2B
1. Geraldine D. Escabarte
2. Aimie Rose E. Alsom
3. John Rhey Tapal
Answer the following questions:
1. What are the main goals of the Harmonized National Research and Development
Agenda (HNRDA) 2023-2028, and how do these goals aim to advance science
and technology in the Philippines?
The Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda (HNRDA) 20222028 is a strategic framework developed by the Department of Science and
Technology (DOST) to align science, technology, and innovation efforts with the
Philippines' socio-economic development goals. It serves as the foundation for all
government research programs and initiatives, ensuring that advances in science
result in real social and economic benefits for the Filipino people.
The agenda prioritizes key areas such as food security, climate change adaptation,
health innovation, sustainable energy, inclusive economic growth, disaster risk
reduction, and advanced technology development across vital sectors, including
agriculture, health, industry, and the environment.
The HNRDA seeks to make the Philippines a knowledge-based, innovation-driven
nation by supporting research and development that promotes innovation. It is
closely aligned with both national and global development goals, ensuring that
research is not conducted solely for academic purposes but as a catalyst for realworld development. Through various programs and projects, the agenda seeks to
enhance livelihoods, advance technology, and contribute to a more equitable
society, where poverty is significantly reduced, and every Filipino has access to a
higher standard of living.
2. The Philippine government has encountered several challenges and barriers in the
growth of science and technology such as the lack of funding and resources, brain
drain, bureaucratic red tape, underdeveloped research culture and the alignment
of priorities.
To address these challenges, what measures did the Philippine government
The Philippine government has implemented several measures to address
challenges in the growth of science and technology, To support these efforts,
increased funding and infrastructure development have been prioritized through
initiatives like the Science for Change Program (S4CP), launched by the
Department of Science and Technology (DOST). This program aims to accelerate
science, technology, and innovation (STI) in the country, with projects such as the
Niche Centers in the Regions for R&D (NICER), which establish research hubs
across different regions to address local needs.
Legislative support and policy reforms have also been introduced to strengthen the
innovation ecosystem. The Philippine Innovation Act (Republic Act No. 11293)
created the National Innovation Council (NIC) to develop long-term innovation
strategies and established the Innovation Fund to support enterprises in
developing innovative solutions.
To address brain drain, the Balik Scientist Act (Republic Act No. 11035) provides
incentives and support for Filipino scientists abroad to return home. Additionally,
the Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act
(Republic Act No. 11032) streamlines bureaucratic processes, reducing red tape
and fostering a more conducive environment for research and innovation.
The government has also expanded science and technology scholarship
programs to cultivate a larger pool of researchers and innovators. Furthermore,
technopreneurship courses have been integrated into engineering and science
curricula, promoting innovation and the commercialization of research.
Collaborative efforts have also been encouraged through programs like the
Collaborative Research and Development to Leverage Philippine Economy
(CRADLE), which fosters partnerships between academia and industry to solve
real-world challenges through research. A
3. What are the goals in the Philippine AmBisyon natin for 2040?
AmBisyon Natin 2040 is the Philippines' long-term vision, launched by the National
Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) in 2016, reflecting the aspirations
of Filipinos for a stable, comfortable, and secure life by 2040. It envisions a
prosperous, middle-class society where every Filipino enjoys economic stability,
quality employment, and access to essential services. It aims to achieve highincome status, sustain economic growth, and eradicate poverty. It also prioritizes
inclusive education, universal healthcare, environmental sustainability, modern
infrastructure, good governance, and the preservation of strong family values.
By fostering innovation, resilience, and civic engagement, the government, private
sector, and civil society work together to drive inclusive growth and sustainable
development, ensuring a brighter and more equitable future for all Filipinos.