1 ALL STREAM GATE Crash Course-2023 General Aptitude Directions 1. 2. 3. 4. and D walk one and a half length of the side clockwise and anti-clockwise respectively. Which one of the following statements is true? Suresh starts walking straight towards east. After walking 95 meters, he turns to the left and walks 45 meters. Again, he turns to left walks a distance of 60 meters, again he turns to left and walks a distance of 45 meters. In which direction is he as compared from the starting point? (a) North East (b) East (c) West (d) South West After walking 6 km, I turned right and covered a distance of 2 km, then turned left and covered a distance of 10 km. In the end, I was moving towards the North. From which direction did I start my journey? (a) North (b) South (c) East (d) West A man walks 30 meters towards south. Then turning to his right he walks 30 meters. Then turning to his left he walks 20 m. Again turning to his left he walks 30 meters. How far is he from his starting position? (a) 30 m (b) 40 m (c) 50 m (d) 60m A, B, C and D are standing on four corners of a square piece of plot as shown in the given figure. A DPP-18 (a) A is at midpoint between B and C and D at the corner originally occupied by A (b) A and D are both at the midpoint between C and D (c) A and D are both at the midpoint between B and C (d) None of these 5. One day John left home and cycled 10 km southwards, turned right and cycled 5 km and turned right and cycled 10 km and turned left and cycled 10 km. How many kms will he have to travel to reach his home straight? (a) 12km (b) 2√2km (c) 20 m (d) 15km 2 Answer Key 1. 2. 3. (b) (a) (c) 4. 5. (c) (d) For more questions, kindly visit the library section: Link for app: https://physicswallah.live/tabs/tabs/library-tab For more questions, kindly visit the library section: Link for web: https://links.physicswallah.live/vyJw Any issue with DPP, please report by clicking here- https://forms.gle/t2SzQVvQcs638c4r5 PW Mobile APP: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=xyz.penpencil.physicswala For PW Website: https://www.physicswallah.live/contact-us