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English Language Practice Test for Probationary Officers

English Language Set-1
Probationary Officers 2024-25: Pre-Examination Training for SC/ST/OBC/Religious
Minority Community Candidates
Directions (1-6): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
The first study, which looked at over 20,000 healthy Italian adults, found that participants who consumed the highest number of ultraprocessed foods had an increased risk of dying prematurely from any cause. The second study, which looked at over 50,000 US
male health professionals, found high consumption of ultra-processed foods was associated with a greater risk of colon cancer.
What's most interesting about these studies is that the health risks from eating a diet high in ultra-processed foods remained even
after they had accounted for the poor nutritional quality of their diets. This suggests that other factors contribute to the harm caused
by ultra-processed foods. It also implies that getting the right nutrients elsewhere in the diet may not be enough to cancel out the risk
of disease from consuming ultra-processed foods. Similarly, attempts by the food industry to improve the nutritional value of ultraprocessed foods by adding a few more vitamins may be side-stepping a more fundamental problem with these foods.
The Italian study found that inflammatory markers such as a higher white blood cell count - were higher in groups that ate the most
ultra- processed foods. Our bodies may trigger an inflammatory response for any number of reasons - for example, if we catch a cold
or get cut. The body responds by sending signals to our immune cells (such as white blood cells) to attack any invading pathogens.
Usually, our inflammatory response resolves quite quickly, but some people may develop chronic inflammation throughout their
bodies. This can cause tissue damage and is involved in many chronic diseases - such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. Many
studies have found that poor diets can increase inflammation in the body and that this is linked to a higher risk of chronic diseases.
Given that signs of inflammation were seen in participants of the Italian study who ate the most ultra-processed foods, this could
suggest that inflammation may contribute to why ultra-processed foods increase disease risk. Some food additives common in ultraprocessed foods (such as emulsifiers and artificial sweeteners) also increase inflammation in the gut by causing changes to the gut
micro biome.
Q.1. According to the passage, which of the following can connect the second and third paragraphs of the passage?
A. The addition of vitamins leads to the same effects as the addition of additives in ultra-processed foods.
B. There are certain evaluating norms to be carefully observed during an examination.
C. The effects of additives in ultra- processed food can be evaluated by a health study.
D. The immune system of a person is reduced by the intake of more processed foods.
E. Italians are well known for their ability to conduct health studies.
English Language Set-1
Probationary Officers 2024-25: Pre-Examination Training for SC/ST/OBC/Religious
Minority Community Candidates
Q.2.According to the passage, which of the following statements is/are true?
All early deaths of people can be precisely attributed to ultra-processed foods.
People were not able to give up on their habit of consuming ultra-processed foods.
Cancer and cardiovascular diseases are the only health hazards due to ultra-processed foods.
A. Only I
B. Only II
C. Only I and III
D. Only I and II
E. All I, II and III
Q.3.Which of the following statements can be concluded from the fourth paragraph?
I. Inflammations inside our bodies can lead us to have poor dietary patterns.
II. The additives in ultra-processed foods have the capability to alter the nature of our digestive system.
III. Chronic inflammation can lead to cell and muscle damage.
A. Only I
B. Only II
C. Only I and II
D. Only II and III
E. Only I and III
Q.4.According to the passage, which of the following statements is/are the response/s of our immune system?
I. To fight against the damage caused by alcohol intake.
II. To respond to the disorder or irregularities inside our body.
III. To alert the white blood cells in case of any unwanted entry by foreign bodies.
English Language Set-1
Probationary Officers 2024-25: Pre-Examination Training for SC/ST/OBC/Religious
Minority Community Candidates
A. Only I and II
B. Only I and III
C. Only II and III
D. All I, II and III
E. Only III
Q.5.According to the passage, which of the following statements denote/s the cumulative result of the study conducted on Italian
A. The study found that almost 80% of the participants were consuming ultra- processed foods.
B. Only overconsumption of ultra-processed foods can lead to colon cancer.
C. Only the participants who took in more processed foods were at risk of dying earlier.
D. Ultra-processed foods invariantly increased the number of white blood cells.
E. None of the above is the result of the study.
Q.6.Which of the following is the antonym of the word 'chronic' that is highlighted in the passage?
A. Acute
B. Prolong
C. Extend
D. Halt
E. Persistent
English Language Set-1
Probationary Officers 2024-25: Pre-Examination Training for SC/ST/OBC/Religious
Minority Community Candidates
Directions (7-11): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if
any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is 'No error', the answer is (E).
(Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)
Q.7. Riots, however did not cease (A)/ to depress him (B)/ and make him to (C)/ turn to non-violence (D)/ No error. (E)
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
Q.8.He paid no heed (A)/ to the charges levied against him (B)/ and proceeded to behave (C)/ in the same way. (D)/ No error (E)
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
Q.9.There is no denying the fact (A)/ that he is one (B)/ of the best (C)/ player who have ever lived. (D)/ No error (E)
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
Q.10.Despite her craving (A)/ for hot food and soft drinks, (B)/ Sushila abstained with (C)/ them for a long duration. (D)/ No error (E)
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
English Language Set-1
Probationary Officers 2024-25: Pre-Examination Training for SC/ST/OBC/Religious
Minority Community Candidates
Q.11. On my request (A)/ Lalit introduced me (B)/ to his friend (C)/ who is singer and a scientist. (D)/ No error (E)
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
Directions (12-17) In each of the following questions given below there are three blanks, each blank indicates that
something has been omitted. Choose the set of words for each blank which best fit to complete the sentence
Q.12.The -------------- closure of schools due to the COVID- 19 pandemic in India may -------- a loss of over $400 billion in the
country's future --------A. longing, reason, conduct
B. commit, utter, policy
C. approach, request, endeavours
D. prolonged, cause, earnings
E. established, demand, appointments
Q.13.Organizations -------- to reach ----------- and often look to ---------- best practices of peer organizations to do so.
A. aspire, perfection, emulate
B. consider, faults, evident
C. regulate, rejections, conquer
D. articulate, highlights, reduce
E. induce, optimism, forgo
English Language Set-1
Probationary Officers 2024-25: Pre-Examination Training for SC/ST/OBC/Religious
Minority Community Candidates
Q.14. The programme named Innovate in India (i3) will ----------- an investment of USD 250 million with USD 125 million as a loan
from World Bank. It aspires to create an -------------- ecosystem to promote entrepreneurship and ----------- manufacturing in the
A. observe, authorizing, inherited.
B. witness, enabling, indigenous
C. assert, empowering, original
D. advocate, engaging, intrinsic
E. imply, ordering, ingrained
Q.15. The Income-Tax Act cannot make Aadhaar compulsory when the Aadhaar Act claims --------- is voluntary. The court accepted
the government's argument that linking of Aadhaar and PAN would help ------- black money and tax evasion without any ---------evidence to back its contention.
A. acceptance, annihilate, experiment
B. enlistment, vacate, provisional
C. enrolment, eradicate, empirical
D. accession, finish, possible
E. induction, inhibit, virtual
Q.16.Nobody's information is secure in an era of big ----------. A recent report carried by tech news website Gizmodo revealed ------------of how 62 per cent of the population of the USA was -----------"accidently" by a marketing company.
A. data, details, exposed
B. facts, particulars, revealed
C. memorandums, schedule, solved
D. knowledge, components, drafted
E. contrivance, elements, defined
English Language Set-1
Probationary Officers 2024-25: Pre-Examination Training for SC/ST/OBC/Religious
Minority Community Candidates
Q.17.GST will make India a common market with common tax rates and procedures and remove economic ----------. GST is largely
technology driven and will reduce the human --------- to a great extent. GST is expected to ---------- ease of doing business in India.
A. limits, league, update
B. hurdles, link, purify
C. block, blend, look up.
D. margin, bond, promote
E. barriers, interface, improve
Directions (18-22.) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any,
will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is 'No error', the answer is (E). (Ignore
errors of punctuation, if any.)
Q.18.(A) Group Discussion and Personal Interviews/ (B) will hold in all important centres / (C) across the country / (D) depending on
the need. / (E) No error
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
Q.19. (A) The marketing programme focuses / (B) on the challenges any management faces / (C) in developing and implementing /
(D) a successful marketing programme. / (E) No error
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
English Language Set-1
Probationary Officers 2024-25: Pre-Examination Training for SC/ST/OBC/Religious
Minority Community Candidates
Q.20.(A) As I kept a strict watch/(B) with my way of living /(C) I could see that /(D) it was necessary to economize. (E) No error.
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
Q.21. (A) We strongly believe in motivating the students / (B) and give them the opportunities / (C) to explore their potential / (D) and
understand the importance of team work. / (E) No error
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
Q.22. (A) While a history book/ (B) or autobiography is a work/(C) of non-fiction, a book like / (D)Harry Potter is a work of fictional/
(E) No error
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
English Language Set-1
Probationary Officers 2024-25: Pre-Examination Training for SC/ST/OBC/Religious
Minority Community Candidates
Directions (23- 25) In the following question, a sentence is given with three words marked as (A), (B) and (C). Among the
options choose the correct order of words that is required to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct. If
no change is required, mark 'No correction required' as the answer.
Q.23. Once it was everyone's washing (A) new thing, but it turns out that oscillating (B) your face with an favourite (C) brush is not
a good idea.
E. No correction required
Q.24.The companies that have attempted (A) people back have support (B) to brought (C) those employees with new perks.
E. No correction required
Q.25.By analysing residues on ancient (A) pots, researchers show the fresh (B) direct evidence of dairy product processing, thus
throwing earliest (C) light on the rural economy of the civilisation.
E. No correction required
English Language Set-1
Probationary Officers 2024-25: Pre-Examination Training for SC/ST/OBC/Religious
Minority Community Candidates
Directions (26-30): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it:About 240 million years ago, a massive marine reptile swallowed another, slightly less massive reptile and died shortly thereafter.
The larger creature - a dolphin-like reptile known as an ichthyosaur then fossilized with the smaller animal - in its belly.
The two reptiles remained locked in stone until 2010, when scientists in south- western China began excavating the fossil. Now, the
scientists say that much of what we thought we knew about life and death in the prehistoric ocean could be upended by this sea
monster turducken. (For the uninitiated: A turducken is a culinary oddity made by cooking a deboned chicken that is inside a
deboned duck that is inside a deboned turkey.)
In the unique fossil, the smaller creature in the ichthyosaur's belly was a thalattosaur, an ancient marine reptile with a long, skinny
body that looked more like a lizard than a fish. When Ryosuke Motani, a palaeontologist at the University of California, Davis,
realized there was a nearly complete torso from a 13-foot-long thalattosaur bulging from inside the 16-foot-long ichthyosaur's
stomach, he knew his team was onto something ground-breaking. A study -------- (A) --------- the fossil was published in the journal
Ichthyosaurs breathed air and gave birth to live young. While some species grew to lengths that approached the vastness of a blue
whale, early ichthyosaurs like the Guizhou ichthyosaurus that Motani examined were smaller, perhaps 13 to 19 feet in length.
These ancient swimmers are thought to have preyed on slippery, squid-like cephalopods, using mouths full of dull, grabby teeth to
snatch their meals out of the water. In fact, none of the aquatic animals alive during this time were thought to have tackled large
prey; that sort of apex sea monster was not believed to have evolved until later.
But according to Motani, the newly described fossil suggests that early ichthyosaurs were among the Mesozoic era's first "mega
predators," or large animals that prey on other large animals. "They were feeding on animals bigger than humans," he says.
Piecing together an event that took place hundreds of millions of years ago comes with several challenges. For starters, Motani and
his team needed to prove that the ichthyosaur actually ate the thalattosaur, rather than the smaller marine reptile simply fossilizing
on top of the ichthyosaur by sheer happenstance.
English Language Set-1
Probationary Officers 2024-25: Pre-Examination Training for SC/ST/OBC/Religious
Minority Community Candidates
"Thankfully, in this case, there's a way to tell," he says. The ichthyosaur's rib cage wraps on top of the prey animal, indicating the
thalattosaur was in fact a meal. But what kind of meal is another important question. The ichthyosaur might have scavenged the
carcass of a thalattosaur that died by other means.
Inside the ichthyosaur, however, Motani and his colleagues found what they believe are two long, intact sections of thalattosaur
vertebrae. These fossilized bones suggest the spine was still held together by connective tissues and was not ingested piecemeal
as a mushy, rotten mess.
Q.26.Which of the following is true about thalattosaur as mentioned in the given passage?
A. It is a creature smaller than ichthyosaur.
B. It is a marine reptile.
C. It has a long, skinny body that looks like that of a lizard.
D. It is an ancient creature that does not exist in present time.
E. All of these.
Q.27.According to the passage, what happened after the massive reptile swallowed smaller reptile?
A. The smaller creature was fossilized outside the larger creature.
B. The larger creature died due to a collision with iceberg.
C. The larger creature died shortly and fossilized with the smaller reptile in its belly. C
D. It died by the poison released by smaller reptile.
E. None of these
Q.28.Which of the following word is synonymous to 'upended' as mentioned in the passage?
A. Appreciated
B. Desired
C .Exhausted
D. Diminished
E. Overturned
English Language Set-1
Probationary Officers 2024-25: Pre-Examination Training for SC/ST/OBC/Religious
Minority Community Candidates
Q.29.What did the scientists think about after the discovery of the fossil as per the given passage?
A. It will reiterate the earlier opinions about life and death in the prehistoric ocean.
B. It will change what we knew about life and death in the prehistoric ocean.
C. It will make the facts related to prehistoric ocean more complex.
D. It will not be of much importance in terms of scientific research.
E. None of these
Q.30.Which of the following will fit in the blank A in the given passage?
A. Demonstrating
B. Describing
C. Simulating
D. Befuddling
E. Believing
Q.31.According to the passage, what is suggested by the newly described fossil?
A. Early ichthyosaurs were among the Mesozoic era's first large animals that prey on other large animals.
B. Early ichthyosaurs are among the first large animals that prey on small animals.
C. Early thalattosaur are among the first predators of the prehistoric era.
D. Ichthyosaurs are the largest animals of Mesozoic era.
E. All of these.
Q.32.According to the passage, what is the proof that thalattosaur was swallowed by ichthyosaur?
A. The ribcage of ichthyosaur wraps on top of the thalattosaur.
B. The ribcage of thalattosaur wraps on top of the ichthyosaur.
C. Scientists proved that through modern scientific technology.
D. Scientists used the method of simulation to reach to the conclusion.
E. All of these.
English Language Set-1
Probationary Officers 2024-25: Pre-Examination Training for SC/ST/OBC/Religious
Minority Community Candidates
Q.33.Which of the following is antonymous to the word 'intact' mentioned in the passage?
A. Active
B. Safe
C. Modern
D. Reviewed
E. Damaged
Q.34. Choose the antonym for the given words in bold from the given options.
A. Fabricate
B. Unforgiving
C. Wavering
D. Perennial
E. None of the above
Q.35. Choose the synonym for the given words in bold from the given options.
A. Mollify
B. Vigilance
C. Pamper
D. Destitute
E. None of the above
English Language Set-1
Probationary Officers 2024-25: Pre-Examination Training for SC/ST/OBC/Religious
Minority Community Candidates
Directions (36-40): In each of the questions given below four words are given in bold. These words may or may not be in
their correct position. Following each sentence four sequences are provided. Select the sequence of the words which will
make the given sentence contextually meaningful. If the words are correct at their current position, then choose option (e)
as your answer.
36. Ex-England dismissals(A) Kevin Pietersen said the way ex-India captain Sunil Gavaskar celebrated(B) in the commentary box
after SRH pacer Umran Malik's five-wicket haul was more exciting (C) than the captain(D).
E. No rearrangement required
37. Uttar Pradesh unauthorised (A) said it has government (B) 10,900 illegal and religious(C) loudspeakers from removed(D)
places across the state on Wednesday.
E. No rearrangement required
38. Delhi government is planning (A) to complex (B) a world-class factory develop (C) at Jhandewalan, Deputy (D) CM Manish
Sisodia said on Wednesday.
E. No rearrangement required
English Language Set-1
Probationary Officers 2024-25: Pre-Examination Training for SC/ST/OBC/Religious
Minority Community Candidates
39. Gujarat Titans (GT) fast (A) bowler Lockie Ferguson on Wednesday bowled (B) the most expensive(C) 20th over in an IPL 2022
match after conceding (D) 25 runs against SRH.
E. No rearrangement required
40. Finland and Sweden must be operations (A) of Russian spy vigilant (B) and cyber-attacks as they bid(C) NATO membership
consider (D), Nordic countries; intelligence chiefs said on Wednesday.
E. No rearrangement required
English Language Set-1
Probationary Officers 2024-25: Pre-Examination Training for SC/ST/OBC/Religious
Minority Community Candidates
1: C. The second paragraph of the passage concisely talks about the effects of ultra-processed foods, in addition, mentions the
effect of added vitamins into foods to balance out the deficiency. The third paragraph of the passage talks about the parameters,
analysis and result of the health study that was conducted on Italian adults. Among the given options, the statement that can aptly
connect the second and third paragraphs is option (c) 'The effects of the additives in ultra- processed food can be evaluated by a
health study', which includes the information from both paragraphs and acts as an appropriate link. Option (a) talks about the effect
of added vitamins alone. Option (b) talks about the norms that are considered during the health study. This option talks only about
the third passage and it does not ideally link the paragraphs. Option (d) talks about 'immune system' which is totally out of context.
Option (e) talks about the characteristic of Italians, and this is also a contextually irrelevant statement. Hence, the correct answer is
option (c).
2: B. According to the first paragraph, though ultra- processed foods pose the risk of premature deaths among people who
consume them, it cannot be generalised that ultra-processed food is the precise reason for all premature deaths. According to the
first sentence of the second paragraph, it can be concluded that people who knew that ultra-processed food is unhealthy and poor
in nutrition are not able to surrender their consumption of processed foods. According to the first few sentences of the fourth
paragraph, though cardiovascular disease and colon cancer are mentioned as the effect of processed food, they cannot be limited
to only those diseases. Therefore, the statement that is true according to the passage is Il alone.
Hence, the correct answer is option (B).
3: D. According to the first few sentences of the fourth paragraph, it can be inferred that chronic inflammation can lead to prolonged
damage of tissues and can even lead to critical diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. So, III is correct.
Similarly, from the last sentence of the passage, it can be inferred that the additives such as emulsifiers have the capacity to affect
the essential microorganisms in our gut. So, II is correct.
From the second sentence of the fourth paragraph, it can be inferred that poor diet patterns can lead to increased internal inflammation
in our bodies. So, clearly, statement I is incorrect since the opposite is true. Accordingly, the correctly concluded statements from the
fourth paragraph are II and III. Hence, the correct answer is option (d).
4: C. According to the third paragraph of the passage, the immune system has the following responses to fight against the
pathogens that make an illegal entry into the body and to alert the immune cells to counterattack any irregularities inside our body.
Accordingly, statement I is not a response of the immune system.
Hence, the correct answer is option (C).
5: C. According to the first sentence of the first paragraph, it can clearly be identified that during the study, the participants who
mostly consumed ultra-processed foods alone are identified to be at risk of premature death. Accordingly, the correct sentence is
English Language Set-1
Probationary Officers 2024-25: Pre-Examination Training for SC/ST/OBC/Religious
Minority Community Candidates
mentioned in option (C) 'Only the participants who took in more processed foods were at the risk of dying earlier'. Hence, the
correct answer is option (C).
6: A. Acute- Severe but of short duration.
Prolong- Extend the duration of.
Extend- Cause to last longer.
Halt- Bring or come to an abrupt stop.
Persistent- To continue to exist or occur over a prolonged period.
The meaning of the word 'chronic' is '(of an illness) persists for a long time or constantly recurs'. Among the given options, the word
that is opposite in meaning to the word 'chronic' is option (A) 'acute'.
Hence the correct answer is option (A)
7: C. 'to' will not be used because the structure of the sentence should be 'Subject + make + object + first form of verb (i.e. Turn)' is
Ex. I made him laugh. (Active)
He was made to laugh. (Passive)
8: B. Charges are 'levelled' against a person, not 'levied'.
9: D. 'Player' should be replaced by 'players'
The noun following the phrase "one of the" is always a plural noun, whereas use of verbs as singular or plural will entirely depend
upon the subject of the statement, i.e. singular verb for singular subject and plural verb for plural subject.
10: C. Incorrect preposition is used. We abstain 'from' something.
11: D. The same friend is both a singer and a scientist. So it should be 'who is a singer and scientist'.
12: D. Prolonged means continuing for a long time.
Cause means a thing or person that makes something happen.
Earnings means the money that a person earns by working.
13: A. Aspire means to have a strong desire to have or do something.
Perfection means the state of being perfect or without fault.
Emulate means to try to do something as well as, or better than, somebody.
14: B. Witness means see (an event, typically a crime or accident) happen.
Enabling means allowing to happen.
Indigenous means originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.
15: C. Enrolment means the action of enrolling or being enrolled.
Eradicate means destroy completely; put an end to.
English Language Set-1
Probationary Officers 2024-25: Pre-Examination Training for SC/ST/OBC/Religious
Minority Community Candidates
Empirical means based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.
Annihilate means destroy utterly; obliterate.
16: A. Exposed means reveal the true, objectionable nature of (someone or something). Memorandum means a note recording
something for future use.
Contrivance means the use of skill to create or bring about something, especially with a consequent effect of artificiality.
17: E. Barrier means a circumstance or obstacle that keeps people or things apart or prevents communication or progress.
Interface means a point where two systems, subjects, organizations, etc. meet and interact.
18: B. Replace 'will hold' with 'will be held'
19: E. No correction required.
20: B. Use 'on' or 'over' in place of 'with'.
21: B. Replace 'give' with 'giving'
22: D. Replace 'fictional' with 'fiction'
23: C. As the word preceding the third spot is 'an' the word should start with the sound of a vowel. Out of the given words only
'oscillating' fits the criteria. The first word is to be filled by an adjective to qualify the noun 'thing' and out of the remaining words only
'favourite' is an adjective. Thus, the first spot is to be filled by 'favourite'. Hence, (C) is correct.
24: D. 'Support' cannot be used in the first or second spot because of the presence of 'have' (past participle form of verb is used
after 'have'). Thus, 'support' will be come in third spot. 'Attempted' cannot be used in the first spot as 'attempted' is to followed by 'to
+ verb' or 'verb'. Thus, 'attempted' will come in second spot. The sentence is trying to say that the companies are attempting to give
support to those employees that have been brought back. Hence, (D) is correct.
25: A. The third spot is to be filled by 'fresh' because out of the given adjectives only 'fresh' can used with light. The second spot
cannot be filled by 'ancient' as direct evidence cannot be described by 'ancient". Thus, 'ancient' will be used in first spot. Hence, (A)
is correct.
26: E. Option A, B, C and D are all correct as per the first sentence of the third paragraph of the given passage. Hence the answer
is option E.
27: C. Option (C) is correct as per the first two sentences of the given passage. Hence, the answer is option C
28: E. The word 'upended' means 'set or turned on its end or upside down'. 'Overturned' which means 'to reverse or cancel
something previously decided' is synonymous to 'upended'. 'Appreciated' means 'recognized the full worth of', 'desired' means
'strongly wished for or intended', 'exhausted' means 'very tired' and 'diminished' means 'made smaller or less'. Hence, the answer is
option (E).
29: B. Option (B) is correct as per the second sentence the second paragraph of the given passage. The answer is option (B)
English Language Set-1
Probationary Officers 2024-25: Pre-Examination Training for SC/ST/OBC/Religious
Minority Community Candidates
30: B. The given blank will take the word 'describing' which means 'giving a detailed account in words of' as the study must explain
about the fossil discovered by the team of scientists. 'Demonstrating'(means 'giving a practical exhibition and explanation of'),
'simulating'(means 'imitating the appearance or character of '), 'befuddling'(means 'making someone unable to think clearly'), and
'believing' do not fit in the given blank contextually. Hence, the answer is option (B).
31: A. Option (A) is correct as per the first sentence fifth paragraph of the given passage. Hence, the answer is option (A).
32: A. Option a) is correct as per the second sentence the seventh paragraph of the given passage. Hence, the answer is option
33: A. The word 'intact' means 'not damaged or impaired in any way; complete'. 'Damaged' means 'harmed or spoiled' is opposite
in meaning to 'intact'. Hence, the answer is option (E).
34: C. Wavering- becoming weaker, faltering
Fabricate – invent or concoct (something), typically with deceitful intent
Perennial: lasting or existing for a long or infinite time; enduring or continually recurring
Unforgiving- not willing to forgive or excuse people’s faults
35: A. Mollify: appease the anger or anxiety of someone
Pamper: indulge with every attention, comfort and kindness
Vigilance: the action or state of keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties
Destitute: without the basic necessities of life
36: A. The correct sequence is DBCA.
The sentence, hence, formed is: Ex-England captain(D) Kevin Pietersen said the way ex-India captain Sunil Gavaskar celebrated(B)
in the commentary box after SRH pacer Umran Malik's five-wicket haul was more exciting(C) than the dismissals(A).
37: C. The correct sequence is BDAC.
The sentence, hence, formed is: Uttar Pradesh government (B) said it has removed (D) 10,900 illegal and unauthorised (A)
loudspeakers from religious (C) places across the state on Wednesday.
38: B. The correct sequence is ACBD.
The sentence, hence, formed is: Delhi government is planning (A) to develop (C) a world-factory complex (B) at Jhandewalan, Deputy
(D) CM Manish Sisodia said on Wednesday.
39: E. The words are correct at their current position and the sentence is already contextually meaningful.
40: D. The correct sequence is BADC.
The sentence, hence, formed is: Finland and Sweden must be vigilant (B) of Russian spy operations (A) and cyber-attacks as they
consider (D) NATO membership bid (C), Nordic countries; intelligence chiefs said on Wednesday.
English Language Set-1
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