H A J J 5th Pillar of Islam: Pilgrimage to Mecca WHAT IS HAJJ? Hajj is the annual pilgrimage to Mecca that Muslims are expected to make at least once in their lifetime. Literally, Hajj means 'to intend a journey'. ِإ َّن َأَّو َل َبْي ٍت ُو ِض َع ِلل َّن اِس َلَّلِذ ي ِبَب َّك َة ُم َب ا َر ًك ا َو ُه ًدى ِّلْل َع ا َلِم ي َن ِفيِه آ َيا ٌت َبِّي َن ا ٌت َّم َق ا ُم ِإ ْب َر اِه ي َم ۖ َو َم ن َد َخ َلُه َك ا َن آِم ًن اۗ َو ِلَّلِه َع ىَل ال َّن اِس ِح ُّج ا ْل َبْي ِت َم ِن ا ْس َت َط ا َع ِإ َلْي ِه َس ِب ي اًل ۚ َو َم ن َكَف َر َف ِإ َّن َهَّللا َغ ِن ٌّي َع ِن ا ْل َع ا َلِم ي َن Indeed, the first House [of worship] established for mankind was that at Makkah - blessed and a guidance for the worlds.In it are clear signs [such as] the standing place of Abraham. And whoever enters it shall be safe. And [due] to Allah from the people is a pilgrimage to the House - for whoever is able to find thereto a way. But whoever disbelieves - then indeed, Allah is free from need of the worlds. (Al-Imran: 96-97) َأ َّل ْل ْل َة َو ِتُّم وا ا َح َّج َو ا ُع ْم َر ِل ِه And complete the Hajj and 'umrah for Allah (Al-Baqarah: 196) WAJIB REQUIREMENTS FOR HAJJ OBLIGATION Islam Able financially and physically mature Sane Freed0m BENEFITS OF PERFORMING HAJJ Completing the Fifth Pillar of Islam Leaving wealth and family for the pleasure of Allah Patience, under all circumstances Spending wealth for Halal means Lots of praising (zikr and selawat) It is a show of submission and servitude Knowing other Muslims from all around the world Sharing with others (resources, knowledge, money, food etc.) Total forgiveness for past sins COMPULSORY RITES OF HAJJ Declare your intention (niat) at Miqat Wukuf at Arafah Tawaf Hajj around Kaabah (7 rounds) Tertib Tahallul (Shave or cut hair) Sai'e (Mount Safaa and Marwa) 4 Hukum for Perfoming Hajj WAJIB SUNAT MAKHRUH HARAM It is compulsory for Muslims For someone who has When the money used o When the money used to to perform Hajj when they performed hajj before. perform the Holy pilgrimage pay for Hajj expenses have met all the Second timer (or more) Hajj (for the second time or comes from a Haram requirements of Hajj. Other more) troubles other people source. For instance, lottery than that, it is compulsory around them. For example, money, cheating, stealing, for those who have set leaving the family in hunger gambling and bribery. nazar, qadar or had exited due to one's persistence to Although if Hajj is still Islam (murtad) but have perform Hajj multiple times. performed, it will still be converted back to Islam. Also, it is makhruh for accepted. women who goes to Hajj without asking for her husband's permission.