Understanding Light With Mrs. Jones or Mrs. J Agenda Names….Help me! Please me a name tent to help me learn your names faster Who are you?? • Time to be silly! • Without saying a word…act out something that tells me who you are or about something you like. • Ex: If you like dancing What do you know about light? • Share your thoughts with the person next to you, give them at least 3 things you know about light. • Be ready to share with the What is light?? Properties of Light • Light – a form of energy that travels in waves and allows us to see • Reflection –the bouncing back of light when it hits a surface • Refraction – the bending of light as it passes from one material to another • Absorption – when light is taken How light travels • Light travels in straight lines • It can travel through a vacuum Reflection • Definition: Light bouncing off surfaces • What happens to light when it hits a mirror? Refraction • Definition: Light bending when it enters a different medium • Why does a straw look bent in water? Refraction vs Reflection Summary • Light travels in straight lines, can reflect and refract, and is part of the electromagnetic spectrum • How does understanding light help us in our daily lives? Pinhole Camera • We are going to create a simple camera using a light – tight box • Follow the instructions so we can build the Pin hole camera Pinhole Camera • 1.制作外盒:剪出一张长方形的黑色卡片纸,尺寸约为 20 厘米 x 10 厘米。将这张纸折叠成 4 部分,形成一个两端开放的盒子。 确保所有边缘都用胶带或胶水牢固地粘住,以防止任何光线进入。 2.制作内盒:再剪一张黑色卡片,比第一个盒子略小,大约 19 厘米 x 9 厘米。这件作品将紧贴在外盒内,起到不透光内腔的作 用。 3.制作针孔:在外盒的一侧,用尖锐的工具在外面的黑纸上粘上, 打一个直径约 0.2-3 毫米的小孔。这将用作光圈。 4.安装探测器:在小盒子的一端创建一个边界(见下图)。然后 将一张半透明的纸固定在边界上(见图)。这张纸将充当检测器, 捕获通过针孔进入的光线可见的图像。 Light Reading Answers Vocabulary Matching Answer Key 1.Light - B. A form of energy that allows us to see. 2.Reflection - D. The process of light bouncing off a surface. 3.Refraction - C. The bending of light as it passes through a medium. 4.Lens - A. A curved piece of glass that bends light. 5.Luminous - G. Objects that produce their own light. 6.Non-luminous - H. Objects that do not produce their own light but reflect light. 7.Prism - J. A transparent object that can change light direction. 8.Color Spectrum - E. The range of colors produced when light is split. 1. What is the difference between luminous and non-luminous objects? •发光物体产生自身的光(例如,太阳、星星、灯泡),而非发光物体本身不 产生光;它们反射来自发光源的光(例如,月亮、行星、书本)。 2. Describe how a prism can create a color spectrum. •当白光通过棱镜时,它会弯曲并分裂成一个颜色光谱,包括红色、橙色、黄 色、绿色、蓝色、靛蓝和紫色(ROYGBIV)。 3. How does the position of the light source affect the size of a shadow? •影子的大小会根据光源的距离和角度而变化;靠近的光源会产生更大的影子 ,而远处的光源会产生更小的影子。 4. Why is light important for plants? •光对光合作用至关重要,光合作用是植物将光能转化为化学能的过程,使 它们能够生长并产生氧气。 5. Explain the process of reflection using a mirror as an example. •反射发生在光线碰到光滑表面时,例如镜子,并反弹回我们的眼睛,使我 们能够看到自己的倒影。 6. How does light transfer energy in our environment? •光通过植物中的光合作用和阳光的辐射加热地球来转移能量,这影响天气 模式和气候条件。