Nomen_____________________________________________ Roma Draw a DETAILED map of Ancient Rome (like an ancient map, like a space map, like a treasure map, like a travel map, etc.) and include the following labels: Tiber River Quirinal Hill Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus Pons Fabricius Caelian Hill Servian Wall Capitoline Hill Palatine Hill Via Appia Aventine hill Viminal Hill Via Ostiensis Esquiline hill Circus Maximus On back of your map, include a close up section of the Forum Romanum. Include in it: rostra curia Sacred Way Temple of Vesta Name_______________________________________ Roma Draw a DETAILED map of Ancient Rome (like an ancient map, like a space map, like a treasure map, like a travel map, etc.) and include the following labels: Tiber River Quirinal Hill Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus Pons Fabricius Caelian Hill Servian Wall Capitoline Hill Palatine Hill Via Appia Aventine hill Viminal Hill Via Ostiensis Esquiline hill Circus Maximus On back of your map, include a close up section of the Forum Romanum. Include in it: rostra curia Sacred Way Temple of Vesta