MSc applied gerontology Practicum Briefing 18 January 2025 AG6202 Practicum in care management (only For senior batch) Practicum Modules ▪ Mandatory for Clinical Practice and Care Management Concentration ▪ Focus on the role and responsibilities of an administrator/provider in managing resident-centred care facilities ▪ Enhance student’s development in knowledge and skills related to gerontological practice in aged care ▪ Course replacement can be requested for those already working in the care field Ag6900 gerontology practicum Practicum Modules ▪ Elective, not compulsory ▪ Engage in projects to gain an understanding of the workings of a specific programme, agency, or institution ▪ Reinforces concepts, theories and principles gained through course work in gerontology while engaging in direct, practical experience PRACTICUM: ag6900 / AG6202 ▪ Practicum Modules ▪ Training is supported by an individualized learning plan developed collaboratively by: ▪ Student, ▪ Site supervisor, and ▪ Faculty supervisor Grading: Pass/Fail Past practicum projects Project Title: Community Partnership - Communities of Care (COC) Project Title: Engaging Male Seniors in Active Ageing activities Project Title: Developing business and service model for Home Personal Care Plus Project Title: Design informative collateral for new patients, caregivers and visitors Project Title: Gaps and Challenges in Gerontology Education and Employment in Singapore: Multiple Stakeholders' Perspectives Practicum requirements 01 Complete two trimesters 02 Acceptance of a Hosting organization 03 Duration: 150 hours (13 weeks) 04 Submission of Written Assignments Practicum SUPERVISORS site Supervisor You will work closely with your site supervisor in formulating your workplan and carrying out your practicum work. Faculty Supervisor Someone you can turn to for advice & guidance as and when required. You will need to keep the faculty supervisor updated on your progress. Practicum Learning Plan: 10% – Faculty Supervisor (Submit in Week 4) Practicum assessment Reflective Journals: 30% - Faculty Supervisor (Keep 03 journals in week 4, 7, 10 and submit them together with the Practicum Report) Practicum Report: 40% - Faculty Supervisor (Submit in the last week of Trimester 3) Evaluation by Site Supervisor: 20% (Mid-Term & Final Evaluation) – MSAG Admin to follow up Practicum LEARNING PLAN LEARNING OBJECTIVES Specific, Attainable, and Realistic Tasks/activities To accomplish the objectives TaRGET DATE By when to accomplish the objectives & tasks/activities Learning Objectives – “What do I want to learn?” Example: “Study the eldercare landscape to understand the current and emerging needs, challenges, unmet needs and aspirations of older people” Tasks/Activities - "What will I do to learn the objectives?” Target Date – “When should I accomplish them?” Sample format of the Practicum Learning Plan, please click here Submit to faculty supervisor by Saturday, 29 March 2025 REFLECTIVE JOURNAL 3 journals (2-3 pages for each journal); to be included as part of the Practicum Report Document your thoughts on the mission of the hosting organization Identify issues, challenges, and positive aspects in your practicum worksite/organization Note insights that occurred to you during the day/week Apply a gerontological theory or concept to your observations PRACTICUM REPORT The report should cover the following contents: i. Project Overview ii. Practicum Organisation Overview – describe what the organisation does and the people you work with iii. Practicum Experience Overview - describe what you did during your practicum, the key lessons you drew from the experience iv. 03 Reflective Journals Other materials to include, but not limited to [from the practicum project deliverable(s)]: ▪ Presentation slides ▪ Grant proposal ▪ Training manual ▪ Feasibility study report ▪ Survey results Note: Include as Annexes Submit to faculty supervisor by Wednesday, 28 May 2025 EVALUATION BY SITE SUPERVISOR Mid-Term evaluation At Week 7 ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Final evaluation At Week 13; after completing the deliverable(s) for the Site Supervisor The deliverables (stated in the excel spreadsheet) are usually provided by the organisation The format of the deliverables could be revised/refined after discussion between the student & the site supervisor (after the practicum commences) Students are to complete and submit the deliverables to the site supervisor before Tuesday, 27 May 2025 MSAG Admin will liaise with the Site Supervisor for the evaluation. MISCELLANEOUS Bear the cost of items incurred in relation to the practicum project e.g. ART test kit, printing & materials cost, transport cost • Take initiative to schedule meetings at regular intervals with Site Supervisor, whenever possible • Schedule at least two meetings with Faculty Supervisor, one at the start of the practicum and the other at mid-term (Week 6-7) ▪ Submit your application & deposit CV here Indicate your first three choices by Monday, 20 January 2025 Practicum ENROLMENT Tip: Organisations do take into consideration the students’ choices in their selection process ▪ Register for the practicum module during course registration period from 3 to 5 February 2025 ▪ Some organisations might want to have an interview ▪ Get yourself ready for interview between 24 January to 10 February 2025 Practicum ENROLMENT ▪ You will be notified of the outcome around Week 13 (from 17 Feb 2025 onwards) ▪ If unsuccessful (for the 3 choices indicated), you may consider other available projects or replace it with another module (during Add/Drop period) Practicum OPPORTUNITIES ORGANIZATION TITLE DESCRIPTION LOCATION PLACEMENT COURSE Both SCCs and AACs play important roles in mitigating Singapore's ageing population. The SCCs provide Maintenance and Dementia Day Care, Community Rehab and Centre-Based Nursing services, while AACs provide "ABC+2S", which are Active Ageing Programmes, Befriending and Buddying, Care Information & Transiting along Referral, Social Connector for social and lifestyle interventions and Community All Saints the continuum of Screening - the latter two are Healthier SG initiatives. Silver All Saints Home (ASH) care: How can we Lifestyle All Saints Home has 2 centres with both SCC and AAC functions. Collectively, bridge Senior Clubs @ they are known as AACs (Care). Care Centre Yishun Central (SCC) and Active However, SCC services are very distinct from AACs'. SCC services are chargeable and Yishun Ageing Centre and administered on a referral basis, while AACs function as drop-in centres Fern Grove (AAC) service without the need for referrals. Seniors can just drop by and participate in a (ASH's AAC models together series of active ageing programmes. Care in to serve seniors This study seeks to understand how community care organisations like ASH can Yishun) better apply the continnum of care into its daily work, so as to right-site seniors to appropriate areas of care and support and eventually, facilitate national ageingin-place efforts with the eventual aim of reducing institutionalisation into nursing homes. 01 AG6900 Practicum OPPORTUNITIES ORGANIZATION All Saints Home (ASH) TITLE DESCRIPTION LOCATION Seniors we serve today are more educated and digitally literate. This dictates our programme strategy as well, A different breed All Saints where we cannot organise usual, run-off-the-mill of seniors: Writing Silver Lifestyle programmes, as our seniors live in purchased HDB 4-room an SOP manual on Clubs @ flats and above. creating Yishun Central sustainable and and Yishun As such, this study looks into creating an SOP manual that innovative active Fern Grove guides our staff in creating sustainable and innovative ageing (ASH's AAC active ageing programmes that keep seniors interested and programmes Care in Yishun) motivated to participate on. It should have clear flowcharts or step-by-step guides that make it easy for staff to follow. PLACEMENT COURSE 01 AG6900 PRACTICUM OPPORTUNITIES ORGANIZATION NTUC Health TITLE Perceptions of Singaporeans aged 60 and above on Active Ageing Centre DESCRIPTION LOCATION PLACEMENT COURSE Islandwide 02 AG6900 This project requires the student to explore the perceptions of Singaporeans aged 60 and above on AAC and analyze i) how their perception is formed and ii) how these perceptions influence their decision to join an AAC near their house. PRACTICUM OPPORTUNITIES ORGANIZATION TITLE DESCRIPTION NTUC Health Encouraging Volunteerism among Seniors This project requires the student to come up with innovative ideas to encourage volunteerism among seniors. The ideas need to be practical for the staff to implement within their centre. LOCATION Region specific PLACEMENT COURSE 02 AG6900 PRACTICUM OPPORTUNITIES ORGANIZATION TITLE DESCRIPTION LOCATION Conduct Programme Survey (questionnaire will be provided) to find out if seniors have benefited from the All locations Active Ageing Centre – programme. Opportunities to interact with seniors over (move around Lions Befrienders Programme Evaluation practicum period. Questionnaire could range from based on simple question on whether seniors benefited from the cluster) programme to self efficacy questions. PLACEMENT COURSE 02 AG6900 PRACTICUM OPPORTUNITIES ORGANIZATION TITLE DESCRIPTION LOCATION Plan and Conduct Reminiscence Activities for a small All locations Active Ageing Centre – group of participants with toolkit provided by LB (move around Lions Befrienders Programme Planning (Sponsored by Oldyssey Life or other toolkit available based on (Reminiscence) at time of practicum). cluster) PLACEMENT 02 COURSE AG6900 PRACTICUM OPPORTUNITIES ORGANIZATION TITLE DESCRIPTION LOCATION Conduct knowledge and explaining the health All locations Active Ageing Centre condition (3 highs) to the seniors. Setting health care (move around Lions Befrienders Programme Planning goals and introducing suitable activities that the based on (Health) seniors can participate at the Active Ageing Centres'. cluster) PLACEMENT COURSE 02 AG6900 PRACTICUM OPPORTUNITIES ORGANIZATION Hort Therapeutics Pte Ltd TITLE Sunshine and Serenity: Improving senior well-being through therapeutic horticulture DESCRIPTION LOCATION Any. Candidate can As Singapore's population ages, there is increasing work offsite; interest in salutogenic approaches to health, and to may find psychosocial interventions for age-related occasionally illnesses. This project seeks to find a space for be required to therapeutic horticulture within the broader health attend and community care landscape, making a viable therapeutic business case for Hortherapeutics. horticulture sessions at clients' sites. PLACEMENT COURSE 01 AG6900 PRACTICUM OPPORTUNITIES ORGANIZATION TITLE Needs assessment for male seniors in Loving Heart Multi- Jurong East region under Service Centre Active Ageing Centre's (AAC's) Project Men's Club DESCRIPTION LOCATION Loving Heart Multi-Service Centre (210 Loving Heart AAC will launch a Men's Club in FY2025. We Jurong East are hoping for students to come onboard to design, Street 21) develop, and administer the needs assessment and collect data to understand the views of male seniors for Loving Heart future planning. Active Ageing Centre (318A Jurong East) PLACEMENT COURSE 01 AG6900 PRACTICUM OPPORTUNITIES ORGANIZATION St Luke's Eldercare TITLE DESCRIPTION Evaluation of the current outreach and engagement strategies employed by our active ageing centres, Community Outreach and followed by the development of recommendations to improve and enhance these strategies. The aim is to Engagement better outreach and engage the seniors in the community. LOCATION PLACEMENT COURSE Across multiple AACs 02 AG6900 PRACTICUM OPPORTUNITIES ORGANIZATION TITLE DESCRIPTION LOCATION PLACEMENT COURSE 02 AG6900 To design and implement survey and interview process to consolidate resident insights and develop a summary report for recommendations and actionable suggestions to enhance their lives in the nursing home. NTUC Health (Nursing Homes) To advocate person-directed care, where it takes into account not just the residents’ physical recovery and needs, but also their psychosocial Voices of Experience needs. This involves getting insights into each resident’s regular daily routine (from pre-admission), personality, dietary preferences, previous - Designing Surveys occupations, hobbies, faith, and things that may evoke emotional That Matter responses. This project provides a platform for residents to voice their thoughts and helps foster collaboration between the nursing home and university students. It has the potential to significantly enhance the residents’ quality of life while promoting social responsibility and real-world learning for the students. NTUC Health Nursing Home (Geylang East) PRACTICUM OPPORTUNITIES ORGANIZATION NTUC Health (Nursing Homes) TITLE DESCRIPTION To develop and implement structured system for managing resident feedback which is resident-led, establish cadence and monitoring resolution Voices of Empowerment Supercharging the Strengthen the REC to become the driving force of Resident Executive advocacy, ensuring residents' voices are heard loud Committee (REC) and clear, & Improve the system through which residents do so. LOCATION NTUC Health Nursing Home (Geylang East) PLACEMENT COURSE 02 AG6900 PRACTICUM OPPORTUNITIES ORGANIZATION NTUC Health (Nursing Homes) TITLE DESCRIPTION LOCATION NTUC Health Artful Aging To investigate the impact of art on older adults in care Nursing Home Timeless Expression institutions and create a structured, evidence-based (Geylang East) of Creativity arts program for nursing home residents. PLACEMENT COURSE 1 AG6900 PRACTICUM OPPORTUNITIES ORGANIZATION TITLE DESCRIPTION To design a system for gainful occupations within the seniors' living environment NTUC Health (Nursing Homes) Homebound Hustle Purposeful Living at Provide opportunities for residents who find fulfilment Home in work to continue engaging in occupational roles within the nursing home as a form of therapy and recreation. LOCATION NTUC Health Nursing Home (Geylang East) PLACEMENT COURSE 01 AG6900 PRACTICUM OPPORTUNITIES ORGANIZATION TITLE DESCRIPTION LOCATION To support and drive 6-session groupwork based on Narrative Therapy designed for elders/ seniors for -building their strengths and abilities, NTUC Health NTUC Health Kopi Talk @ Geylang -recognising their values and beliefs, Nursing Home (Geylang East) East -identifying their bucket list, (Nursing Homes) -thinking about a good death, -planning for future preferred personal health and care, -leaving special memories for their loved ones PLACEMENT COURSE 02 AG6900 PRACTICUM OPPORTUNITIES ORGANIZATION TITLE DESCRIPTION To research and develop a silver entrepreneurship program for residents in the nursing home. NTUC Health (Nursing Homes) Silver Entrepreneurship - Entrepreneurship serves as a catalyst for interest Small Business, Big and excitement, allowing nursing home residents to Difference earn "Earn and Shop" coupons while combating apathy — particularly among those who may not be drawn to other social activities. LOCATION NTUC Health Nursing Home (Geylang East) PLACEMENT COURSE 01 AG6900 PRACTICUM OPPORTUNITIES ORGANIZATION NTUC Health (Nursing Homes) TITLE DESCRIPTION LOCATION Haze room is an essential feature in every NH and the purpose of the haze room is to provide filtered air to the enclosed room when severe haze occurs. However NTUC Health the current room design in JSNH has garnered many Nursing Home Use of Haze room feedback from relatives. This practicum would require (Jurong Spring) the student to understand the rationale of Haze room, review the design and provide recommendation for improving the Haze room during non-hazy period. PLACEMENT COURSE 01 AG6900 PRACTICUM OPPORTUNITIES ORGANIZATION NTUC Health (Nursing Homes) TITLE DESCRIPTION LOCATION The well-being of care staff is important. Student in this practicum could review and recommend suitable NTUC Health Well-being of care tools for measuring staff well-being,e.g caregiver Nursing Home staff stress, burnout etc, and to conduct a baseline survey (Jurong Spring) for the staff in NH. PLACEMENT COURSE 01 AG6900 PRACTICUM OPPORTUNITIES ORGANIZATION TITLE DESCRIPTION Starting a structured To investigate the impact of identified nurse led NTUC Health activity program for activities for nursing home residents. and create a (Nursing Homes) residents structured program for nursing home residents. LOCATION PLACEMENT COURSE NTUC Health Nursing Home (Pasir Ris) 01 AG6900 PRACTICUM OPPORTUNITIES ORGANIZATION NTUC Health (Nursing Homes) TITLE DESCRIPTION LOCATION Students will engage with residents to identify their preferences and needs through interviews and surveys. Using the collected insights, students will design a tailored activity program that ensures Resident-Centered meaningful engagement for residents while NTUC Health Activity Program considering their physical and cognitive abilities. The Nursing Home Development project will include planning, trial implementation, and (Jurong West) obtaining feedback to refine the program. Students will focus on creating a sustainable activity model that minimizes the load on staff while leveraging volunteers effectively. PLACEMENT COURSE 02 AG6900 PRACTICUM OPPORTUNITIES ORGANIZATION Dementia Singapore Ltd TITLE DESCRIPTION LOCATION There is an increasing number of people with mild dementia and cognitive impairment living in the community. Cognitive impairment may cause them to struggle with instrumental activities of daily living and ADLs, or some may stop performing purposeful and meaningful activities, diminishing their quality of life Assistive Technology and hastening the disease process. re-ablement programme 20 Bendemeer The project aims to research, compile, and present for early cognitive Road assistive devices relevant to the mild stage of impairment. dementia and mild cognitive impairment to enable them to live meaningfully in the community. Dementia Singapore wants to pilot Assistive Technology to reenable them to live dignified lives by preserving their independence for as long as possible amid their declining cognitive abilities. PLACEMENT COURSE 01 AG6900 PRACTICUM OPPORTUNITIES ORGANIZATION TITLE DESCRIPTION LOCATION PLACEMENT COURSE 01 AG6900 Firstly, a dementia diagnosis could trigger psychological distress (e.g., depression and anxiety) in some persons living with dementia (PLWDs), especially those in the early stages. Other PLWDs might also experience grieve and distress over the progressive loss of their abilities. Psychotherapy, such as counselling, plays a crucial role in helping these PLWDs to accept their diagnosis, adjust and cope with the condition, and prepare for the future. Dementia Singapore Ltd Psychological services 20 Bendemeer for persons with Secondly, while Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is essential in Road future care planning, many individuals in Singapore have not dementia completed one, including PLWDs. This could result in suboptimal care for PLWDs in the future. Thus, Dementia Singapore aims to pilot two new psychological services for persons with dementia, mainly mental capacity assessment and counselling. Conducting a needs analysis is benefical to identify the barriers and facilitators in implementing these services in the local context. THANK YOU Questions?